Exercises and trainings. Mindfulness exercises - or how not to miss the most important Exercises for concentration while driving

Hello, dear readers of the blog Let's start with success!

I recently discovered one feature, when I relax and stop paying attention to various little things, I often miss very important points. I came to the conclusion - you need to train your mindfulness!

Have you ever asked yourself why you need to develop mindfulness? At any age, this will give you a huge advantage. You will begin to understand people better and see those little things that others do not notice. This will allow you to make better decisions and conduct a deep psychological analysis.

Learn techniques to increase attention to the limit - read on!

Developed involuntary attention will help you quickly navigate in an unfamiliar situation and avoid dangers. Before learning mindfulness exercises, it is very helpful to understand it well.

Attention is also different. We learn to distinguish.

  1. Involuntary attention is activated when something strange or unusual happens. With the sudden appearance of a certain stimulus. Man does not aim to remember it. Everything happens by itself. It can also be called the attention of the subconscious, and it largely depends on one's own attitudes. A sharply running animal or an unusual situation can leave a mark in your memory for a long time.
  2. Arbitrary attention is turned on by a person independently, at his own will. It is clearly tied to the action of the second signaling system. This type of attention is turned on consciously and requires more effort. People resort to it when they need to remember or study something.

Why is there so much we can't see?

Let's look at a number of properties that directly affect attention. All of them together will give that property of the mind, which we understand both mindfulness and inattention. This applies to both adults and children. One has only to take into account that in babies, especially in the first year of life, the second signaling system is still underdeveloped.

Those actions that are given to adults easily, for children can be almost impossible. Let's take a simple example. If a child holds a toy and is offered a second toy, most likely, he will simply immediately throw the first one and forget about it.

  • Volume. It is due to the qualities of man, laid down by nature. It can and should be developed and improved with the help of special exercises.
  • Sustainability- This is a characteristic that determines the amount of time that a person can focus on one task and not be distracted.
  • Distributability is the number of operations that a person can do at the same time.
  • switchability. This is the ability to switch very quickly between completely different tasks. So that it seems that many things are being done at the same time. The secret is lightning-fast switchability. For example, students can listen to a lesson, take notes and communicate with each other in parallel.
    The driver drives a car, watches the road, and even can talk on the phone at the same time, although this is not welcome, of course. A young mother can cook, watch TV and entertain her baby at the same time.

People who are engaged in creative work are often quite absent-minded in everyday life. No wonder. How can you focus on everyday trifles if your mind is hard at work with new ideas?

Let us dwell separately on the features of the memory of older people. It is no secret that with age it can deteriorate significantly and there are a number of physiological reasons for this. But, if you engage in constant training from youth, it is quite possible to avoid the loss of clarity and clarity of consciousness in old age.

Bad memory is a lack of attention. Remember this, and in your hands will be the key that will help you solve this problem.

The four most effective exercises for developing involuntary attention.

Exercise 1. Walk. We notice something unusual.

Follow a familiar route in a special way. Notice those things and objects that you previously saw only in passing. Look at the trees and plants in the flower beds.

Pay attention to the maximum number of minor details. On what kind of paint the fences are painted, count the number of hatches on your route and how many turns you need to go through, whether the edges on the curbs are painted and how high they are.

This exercise trains observation and memory.

Exercise 2. Other conditions.

  • Place objects that you have seen, for example, in the light in the twilight.
  • Observe how you feel as you transition. How do you feel when you switch from pleasant music to terrible cacophony? Take a contrast shower and watch your eyes switch from one object to another.
  • Experiment with the degree of the stimulus. Transition from pastel colors to very bright colors.
  • What do you feel when a very loud sound breaks into silence? Run a section of the path with all your might and stop. Feel how the heart begins to calm down and the blood flows more slowly through the veins.

Exercise 3. The sphere of interests of other people.

Notice what other people are interested in, what they pay attention to, and how they see the world. You will realize that you see only a small part of the world, the rest just slips away.

Exercise 4. Journey into the past.

Go back to any situation in the past. Try to remember as many details as possible. Your feelings and emotions at that moment.

Seven simple exercises for the development of voluntary attention.

To achieve the result of training you need:

  1. To form a psychological attitude - a high degree of readiness for action.
  2. It is necessary to bring the process to automatism. This happens in three stages. It starts with getting to know the action and mastering the elements. Then the elements are combined into a whole. This is followed by repeated repetition until the result.

Exercise 1

On a blank sheet of paper, start drawing a line with a pencil. Drive it slowly and slowly. Focus on it completely. Did you notice that you were distracted? Draw a peak and continue. A good result is when there is not a single peak in 3 minutes.

Exercise 2

Name the colors of the words as you read. It seems very simple, but without practice it is difficult to do. Test yourself. It is the color of the word, not its spelling.

Exercise 3

Exercise 4

Let the alternation of inhalations and exhalations become the center of your universe for 3-5 minutes. Watch the process. Concentrate on your breath.

Exercise 5

In this simple task, all you have to do is find a man's head among the coffee beans. And note the time in which you completed the task.

Up to 3 seconds. The right hemisphere is well developed. Up to 1 minute is good. 1-3 minutes says that you definitely need to work on yourself.

Exercise 6

Put a clock next to you when watching TV. Watch the second hand for exactly 3 minutes. Do not be distructed. If you don't succeed the first time, practice! This exercise should work well for both the child and the adult.

Exercise 7

This exercise can be done at any age. Focus and connect the dots with the same numbers with eyes.

Exercise 8

You need to find the numbers from 1 to 35 in the picture as quickly as possible.

In the esoteric world, there is such a thing as signs. They allow attentive and observant people to receive clues from the universe. When you learn to follow the changes in the surrounding space, certain incidents will disrupt the normal course of things.

You will pay special close attention to them and be surprised. It is precisely this feeling - surprise, that is the identification and main sign of the sign.

For this, I hasten to take my leave, Sergey Menkov was with you, until we meet again!

Learning to drive a car has always been a difficult task for every person. Today, the situation on the road is quite difficult, in any settlement there is a huge number of cars. This complicates the training of driving skills, because the classes are held in a tense environment. Even the most self-confident future drivers find it difficult to overcome the fear of driving a car and set themselves up for safe and consistent learning.

The first advice that all experts give to novice drivers is quite simple: do not drive a car before driving school. It is better to start learning for the first time with a professional instructor who knows how to teach any person to properly manage all the important functions of a car. There are a huge number of myths in society that interfere with learning to drive.

The most common driving myths

We call these folk beliefs myths because they are actually true for some people. There are novice drivers who are not helped by any persuasion and methods of motivation, they simply cannot calm down and focus on the driving process. But a large proportion of these myths are unfounded.

Because of prejudice and the stories of well-meaning "friends," we often do rash things. There is an opinion that it is better to learn driving with a relative or friend even before you go to a driving school. Remember that driving without documents can get you a hefty fine, and the safety of you and your teacher will be at a minimum level. The most common myths are:

  • You need to learn driving on your own - in a driving school you can only hone your skills. Remember: you can only learn to drive in a specially equipped car and with a medical certificate.
  • It is generally impossible to learn to drive for the hours allocated in a driving school. If you believe this statement, then you doubt that all drivers on the road have learned to drive this way.
  • It is impossible to pass the exam on your own, especially the practical part. According to unofficial statistics, only 5% of applicants for the rights offer a bribe, and only 30% of them succeed in this endeavor.
  • No driver can drive a lifetime without an accident. It depends on what you call an accident. If we are talking about serious damage to the car, then this is not true. Only 10% of drivers get into serious accidents of various types.

The system of signs and markings is a special conspiracy of the police, because they cannot be read at the same time as driving. This is also not true, because most experienced drivers read all the signs in a split second.

It is these false statements that often become the main reasons why a person cannot completely relax, get rid of the fear of driving a car. The tense state does not allow to absorb knowledge and practical skills in the classroom at a driving school. When you keep doing something wrong in the fifth hour of driving, it really starts to seem like all the myths have a reasonable basis.

Don't be afraid if something doesn't work the first time. No professional driver started his experience with masterful driving. He gained all his skills through his own trial and error.

Why can fear of the road be dangerous?

If you talk to an ordinary driver who operates his vehicle on city and country roads, you will find out that in fact every day you have to deal with stressful situations. These are impudent actions of surrounding drivers, animals suddenly appearing on the road or careless and inattentive pedestrians. A driver without fear of driving simply reacts in time to such situations, without bringing them to disastrous consequences.

If the owner of the car has a terrible fear of the road, he expects such situations to arise, but is completely unprepared to solve them. The first reaction is to close your eyes and hope that this is all happening in a nightmare. The dangers of fear are very great:

  • surprisingly, a person with an incredible fear of the road gets into unpleasant and difficult situations much more often than a self-confident driver;
  • you will never enjoy driving or buying a new car if you are afraid of the road;
  • fear often becomes the main cause of chaotic thoughtless actions when driving a car.

Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of such emotions already from the first trip behind the wheel in a driving school. You can be calm for the safety of your life, because there is a brake pedal under the instructor's feet. So hone your driving skills calmly, without worrying about your own safety.

How to deal with the fear of driving in real life?

If it is relatively easy to deal with fears when driving a training car, then getting rid of the feeling of danger when driving on your own is much more difficult. It requires self-discipline and the ability to set yourself up for positive waves. It is especially difficult to do such work for residents of the metropolis.

There are some practical tips to help you cope with the overwhelming fear of driving:

  • reduce the speed of movement - do not think about how other participants in the stream will treat you;
  • choose the most comfortable modes and travel routes for you;
  • forget about the rush - it is a fast car ride that makes the imagination imagine the possible outcomes of an accident;
  • try to find those moments that you like in driving a car and concentrate only on them.

Often such a set of tools even helps to fall in love with driving. Communicate more with experienced drivers, ask about how they got rid of their fears. Many will tell you that they were born with stunt skills, but this is not true, as every driver is forced to overcome their fears associated with the road and danger.

Fear of the road and rash actions often lead to such situations:


Summing up

Getting rid of fears and prejudices is necessary not only in driving a car, but also in other areas of life. Fear and insecurity can be the main causes of problems that are created from scratch. How many ridiculous accidents and unpleasant situations do we see every day? To avoid becoming a participant in such events, develop confidence behind the wheel.

We appeal to experienced drivers who read our blog to give advice based on your real experience and help novice motorists get rid of driving fears.

85% of accidents occur due to the fact that the driver did not notice the danger in time. Very often the reason for this is the shortcomings associated with vision, attention, memory, eye.

Vision exercises

It is known that prolonged concentration of attention on closely spaced objects contributes to the deterioration of visual acuity. Therefore, try to shift your gaze to distant objects more often. Look up, down, to the sides, "draw" with your eyes various objects on the table, sky, etc. The representation of luminous objects and darkness improves the light sensitivity of the eyes. However, this exercise is contraindicated in glaucoma. To train the tone of the eye muscles, you can practice the presentation of large and small objects.

Attention training

Sit in front of a mirror. Sit straight, without tension. Breathing is even. Look in the mirror at the point between your eyebrows. Look only at her, without blinking or straining the muscles of your face. Drive away any thought that arises, and again return your attention to the point. If you feel the urge to blink, rest by looking into the distance. The longer you manage to keep your attention on the point, the better.

Once you've mastered this exercise, make it harder. After focusing on a point for a long time, you will notice that the image of the face in the mirror will begin to “blur”. Close your eyes and mentally reproduce various traffic situations and your driving actions in them. Imagine yourself sitting behind the wheel and as clearly as possible the entire sequence of your actions and changes in the situation in connection with them.

Thus, you improve not only the quality of attention, but also form skills. Moreover, these can be both the simplest skills, such as starting off, accelerating, etc., and complex ones, such as actions in critical situations, for example, when a car skids.

Another version of the first exercise. Place a stick vertically on your palm and, balancing it, look intently at its upper end. This exercise is especially useful for those who are distracted.

Training of observation and memory

Exercise 1. Choose an object near you as an object. Take a minute to highlight its various features. Then, with your eyes closed, visualize it in detail. Set different goals. For example, highlight the features of an object related to shape, color, characterizing its practical usefulness, etc.

Exercise 2. Select several objects and, switching your attention, try to remember the signs that characterize each of them. Find connections between these features. Close your eyes and reproduce these objects and their signs.

Exercise 3. Reproduce in figurative form various traffic situations, for example, an unregulated intersection, a turn in the road, etc. For each of them, remember the corresponding paragraphs of the Rules of the road.

Exercise 4. Describe from memory the facial features of a person you know.

Exercise 5. Try to memorize several nearby objects at a glance, and then describe their location, shape, color, etc. from memory.

Exercise 6. Try to see well the thrown and falling object and then describe it from memory.

Exercise 7. Look around the room, remember what is in it. Close your eyes and recreate what you saw in detail.

Eye training

Exercise 1. You are walking down the street, a pedestrian is meeting you. Guess where you will meet him. Check your estimate and correct any inaccuracies. The same when driving in a car in relation to an oncoming car.

Exercise 2. You are walking down the street, in front of you is a fixed object, for example, a tree. Guess how many seconds it will take you to reach it, moving at the same speed. Check the accuracy of your estimate and correct the error. The same when driving in a car in relation to the car in front.

Exercise 3. You are walking down the street. A pedestrian is approaching you from the side. Guess where you will meet him if you go in the same direction. Check the accuracy of your estimate and correct the error.

Exercise 4. Being in a moving car, try to determine its speed without looking at the speedometer. Then check if your estimate is correct.

I've been thinking about being careful on the road recently. The factor is necessary enough for safe driving. However, mindfulness by nature is one thing, and mindfulness behind the wheel is quite another. Here's what I came up with in the process of reasoning.

It is probably logical to start with the definition of the word mindfulness, or rather what I mean by this concept. The meaning is this: attentiveness behind the wheel makes it possible to prevent the current situation in time, or simply prevent it.

Where to start learning mindfulness

The first thing to do is to start driving at the right speed, which is completely adequate for both your reaction and the current situation. I am not the traffic police to tell you that you need to drive according to the rules, observing the speed limit. I sometimes exceed. But at the same time, the excess of the excess is different. Speed ​​limit signs give me information that there are some factors on the next section of the road that oblige me to slow down. It can be either a school, or a rather winding road, on which only 100-200 meters of the canvas are visible ahead. This may be too close the location of private houses to the road. In the end, there may be a broken road or gravel road ahead and it is simply dangerous to go faster than it should be. Yes, a lot. And my duty, as a driver, is to understand what to fear in this area. Of course, it makes no sense to fly at a speed of 100 km / h where there is a limit of 40 km / h. If it is not clear why there is a sign, we simply reduce the speed to the required one and enjoy a smooth ride. If the danger ahead is read 100% correctly, we drive at such a speed that we can react in time and avoid any consequences. By the way, sometimes it happens that the allowed speed is quite absurd, and it is dangerous to move with it. For example, a highway with its own 90 km / h, a stop on which there are many summer residents who drive from the summer cottage along the road.

The next point is the ability to quickly read information, whatever it may be. We look in the rear-view mirror, which means that the viewing time should be minimal, because while we are assessing the situation from behind, it is changing in front, and it will take some more time to adapt to new conditions. The faster we can receive information, the less time we spend looking away. This includes looking at the rear mirror, studying the situation on the intersecting main road, assessing road signs, getting speed information on the dashboard and many other things that we are forced to look away.

Next, it is worth mentioning the ability to anticipate situations, and the faster we do this, the cheaper it will cost us to ride. For example, a car overtakes us in a stream, while moving at a speed much higher than ours. There are two lanes, we are on the right, a car is driving on the left, which will force the overtaking person immediately in front of us to change lanes. Moreover, the distance between us and the car in the left lane is not great, which means there is a possibility that the overtaking one will cut us off. Therefore, it makes sense to slow down in advance, while increasing the distance with the car in the left lane and significantly reduce the likelihood of undercutting. In order to be able to read such situations, it is quite useful to watch, on the same YouTube, videos about accidents and “drivers”.

The next thing to consider is the obstacles that hide pedestrians and other roads from our view. If we see a large garbage can on the side of the road, and the road is located not far from the school, or in the private sector, there is a high probability that someone may jump out from behind the tank.

The presence of people and animals near the road automatically increases the risk of an accident involving the latter. Especially if the pedestrian is drunk. Animals also often do not understand that the machines are large and deadly and calmly change their trajectory. Well, it’s not even worth talking about kids on bicycles and mopedists.

In general, our mindfulness consists of:

  • adequate speed
  • minimum distraction time from the road ahead
  • ability to anticipate situations

Of course, I didn’t write everything, and it’s hard to even call it a part, but it will do as a basis for reflection. If you have your own opinion or addition, write in the comments. Let's discuss.

Improving the ability to concentrate.
The ability to concentrate is the most important skill of any driver. In the process of driving, many circumstances, facts and nuances can arise that distract the driver's attention (accidents on the road, children in the back seat, etc.). Therefore, the driver must be able not to be distracted from driving by extraneous stimuli and constantly monitor the situation on the road. Consider a few exercises that will help significantly improve the ability to concentrate. Exercise 1. Sit comfortably in front of a mirror and relax. Make sure that your breathing is even, calm and measured. Focus your eyes in the mirror on a point between your eyebrows and look only at that point without blinking. The muscles of the face at this time should be relaxed. Drive away all thoughts that arise immediately: all attention should be concentrated only on the point at which you are looking. If you have an irresistible urge to blink, take a break by looking into the distance. The effectiveness of the exercise is determined by how long you manage to keep your eyes on the selected point. Exercise 2. Let's complicate the previous exercise a little. After focusing attention for a long time on the selected point, you will notice that the reflection of the face in the mirror blurs a little. Close your eyes and try to mentally simulate certain traffic situations and your behavior in them. Imagine yourself behind the wheel and clearly outline every action you will take to get out of a difficult traffic situation without hassle (or at least keep it to a minimum). This exercise allows not only to increase the ability to concentrate, but also to consolidate or form useful driving skills and behavior in an unfavorable traffic situation. You should start modeling situations with simple skills: making a turn at an intersection, starting to move, changing lanes, etc. Gradually complicate imaginary situations, bringing them in your mind to critical ones (car skidding on a slippery road, a sudden obstacle, etc.). Exercise 3. This exercise is especially useful for distracted people. Take a stick, put it in the palm of your hand in an upright position and balance it. In this case, you can only look at the upper end of the stick. With regular training, you will feel the result in a short time.

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