Connected speech of preschoolers. Coherent speech is the main achievement in the speech development of preschoolers Types of coherent speech in preschoolers table

Mastering the native language, the development of speech is one of the most important

acquisitions of a child in preschool childhood and is considered in modern preschool education as a general basis for the upbringing and communication of children.

The problem of speech development of preschool children today is veryrelevant, because the percentage of preschoolers with various speech disorders remains consistently high.

    Mastering the native language is one of the important acquisitions of the child in preschool childhood.

    In modern preschool education, speech is considered as one of the foundations of the upbringing and education of children.

    Speech is a tool for the development of higher departments of the psyche.

    The development of speech is associated with the formation of both the personality as a whole and in all basic mental processes.

    Teaching preschoolers their native language should be one of the main tasks in preparing children for school.

    Connected speech - a semantic detailed statement, a presentation of a certain content, which is carried out logically, consistently and accurately, grammatically correct and figuratively, providing communication and mutual understanding.

Tasks of the development of coherent speech.

    Formation of elementary ideas about the structure of the text (beginning, middle and end);

    Learning to connect sentences in different ways of communication;

    Development of the ability to reveal the topic and the main idea of ​​the statement.

    Learning to build statements of various types - descriptions, narratives, reasoning; bringing to the awareness of the content and structural features of a descriptive, including artistic text; compiling narrative texts (fairy tales, stories, stories) in compliance with the logic of presentation and the use of means of artistic expression;

    Training in drawing up reasoning with selection to prove strong arguments and precise definitions;

    The use for statements of various types of corresponding models (schemes), reflecting the sequence of presentation of the text.

Connected speech functions

The main function of connected speech - communicative. Includesestablishing connections with othersand defining and regulating norms of behavior in society.

It is carried out in twobasic forms - dialogue and monologue. Each of these forms has its own characteristics that determine the nature of the methodology for their formation.

Depending on the function, four types of monologues are distinguished: description, narration, reasoning and contamination (mixed texts).

At preschool age, predominantly contaminated statements are observed, in which elements of all types can be used with a predominance of one of them. The teacher should know well the features of each type of texts.

Description is a characteristic of an object. The description highlights a general thesis that names the object, then comes the characteristic of essential and secondary features, qualities, actions. The description ends with a final phrase expressing an evaluative attitude towards the subject.

Narratives e is a connected story about some events. Its basis is a story that unfolds over time. The narration serves to tell about developing actions and states (narration about facts, events, about state and mood, about experiences).

Reasoning - it is a logical presentation of the material in the form of a proof. The reasoning contains an explanation of a fact, a certain point of view is argued, causal relationships and relationships are revealed.

retelling - meaningful reproduction of a literary text in oral speech. This is a complex activity in which the child's thinking, memory and imagination are actively involved. To master the retelling, a number of skills are needed, which children are taught specifically: listen to the work, understand its main content, memorize the sequence of presentation, speech turns of the author's text, meaningfully and coherently convey the text.

Story - this is an independent detailed presentation by the child of a certain content.

The leading forms are:

    Educational situations

    planned and organized by the educator at any time during the day;

    Lasts from 3-5 to 10 minutes;

    Involves a small subgroup of children;

    Several situations with one didactic tool;

    Repetition of one situation with different subgroups of children;

Can be real-practical and playful

    Special classes

    A lesson is a final form of work on a particular topic or section.

    In the lesson, the main speech task is solved.

    Classes for the development of speech can be cognitive-speech or complex speech.

    The choice of the type of lesson is carried out by the educator, focusing on the characteristics of the tasks, the content of the lesson and the capabilities of the children.

    Communication situations

The development of speech in the process of organizing regime moments includes:

    telling children what they will do now (for example, dress) - commenting on the actions of children;

    an offer to one of the pupils to tell about what he is doing (here the commenting speech of the child is formed);

    an invitation to the child to independently tell how he will fulfill this or that regime moment;

    the use of an artistic word (rhymes, short poems) to discuss sensitive moments.

Consider methodsdevelopment of coherent speech:

    Organized activity

    Cooperative activity

Organized activities include:


Looking at the picture

Based on a series of plot pictures

From personal experience

creative storytelling

On a given topic

    By poem

    According to a fairy tale

    By tongue twister

    Writing a descriptive story

Memorizing poems

Cooperative activity


Role-playing game

speech games

Individual work

Integration of activities



Drama games

Drama games




Display of illustrations, paintings, object

Modeling (schemes, mnemonics)


Reading literary works

Speech exercises

speech sample



Repeated pronunciation

Assessment of children's speech




Verbal errands


surprise moment

game character

Speech games, didactic with speech content, role-playing, theatrical

Emotionality of the teacher







Consider what age-related changes in the speech of children.

First junior group

    Accompany with speech gaming and everyday activities.

    Answer simple questions.

    Repeat simple phrases.

Second junior group

    Answer a variety of adult questions regarding the immediate environment.

    Use all parts of speech, simple uncommon sentences with the same members.

    Listen and understand the question asked, answer it clearly.

    Share your experiences with peers and adults.

    In games, take on a role, briefly interact with a peer.

    At the request of an adult, act out small excerpts from familiar fairy tales

middle group

    Tell about the content of the plot picture.

    Participate in a conversation that is understandable to the audience, answer questions and ask them.

    Describe an object or picture.

    Retell the most expressive and dynamic passages from fairy tales.

    In games, take the initiative and suggest new roles and activities.

    Enrich the plot, conduct role-playing dialogues.

    Act out simple passages from familiar literary works.

    With the help of adults, repeat patterns of toy description.

senior preschool age

    Reasonably and kindly evaluate the answer, the statement of a peer, participate in the conversation.

    Compose stories based on a plot picture, a set of pictures with a sequence of developing action;

    Connectedly, expressively, consistently, without significant omissions, retell small literary works.

    Use monologue and dialogic form of speech.

    Compose stories and events from personal experience, come up with your own endings for fairy tales.

    Compose short stories of a creative nature on a topic proposed by the teacher.

    Express your point of view, agree or disagree with the response of a friend.

Consider the requirements for dialogic speech

    Early age - understanding the speech of others and the use of active speech of children as a means of communication

    Junior preschool - age to express their requests in words, to answer questions clearly

    ask questions about the immediate environment (Who? What? Where? What is he doing? Why?)

    Middle preschool age - engage in communication with adults and peers, answer questions and ask them

    talk about your observations, experiences

    Senior preschool age - participate in a general conversation, listen carefully to the interlocutor

    formulate and ask questions

    formation of a culture of communication

“The word of the educator, not warmed by the warmth of his conviction, will have no power”

    The work on the development of coherent speech is laborious and almost always falls entirely on the shoulders of teachers. The teacher has a great influence on the speech of children. The teacher must educate his speech.

    In this regard, there are requirements for the speech of teachers



    Clarity (comprehensibility to others)

    Logic (sequential presentation of thought)

    pithiness (good meaning of the subject being spoken of)


True image of the surrounding reality, selection of words and phrases that are most appropriate for this content)

"Preparation for public speaking as an adult should start at an early age."

E.I. Tikheeva

GBDOU "Kindergarten No. 91 of the combined type"

Report - presentation on the topic:

"Forms of work on the development of coherent speech of preschool children"

Prepared by:

Educator of the 1st category

Kulik E.I

The concept and types of connected speech. Form development

The development of coherent speech of preschoolers

1. Characteristics of the qualities of coherent speech.

2. Types of coherent speech (dialogue, monologue).

3. Age features of the development of forms of coherent speech in preschoolers. Features of situational and contextual speech.

1. The concept of "coherent speech" is used in the method of speech development in several meanings. Connected speech as a set of speech skills necessary for communication and mutual understanding, represent a semantic detailed statement. Coherent speech is also called one of the complex qualities, characterized by a number of features. The criteria for speech connectivity for preschoolers were developed by O.S. Ushakova.

These include:

Logical sequence (the ability to independently start and finish the presentation, move from one part to another without repetition);

Grammatically and phonetically correct;

Accuracy (selection of words and phrases in accordance with the text or thoughts);

Expressiveness (wealth of language means).

The coherence of speech reflects the coherence of thoughts, it manifests the logic of thinking, the ability to realize the surrounding reality. The development of coherent speech is closely related to the improvement of mental processes: perception (the ability to observe, notice the features of the surrounding world), memory (preservation of images), thinking (mental operations of comparison, generalization) and attention to the form and content of the statement. It is in the process of development of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age that verbal-logical thinking begins to form.

Coherent speech is the highest achievement of the speech development of preschool children. This is the result of the formation of all aspects of the development of speech: the development of a dictionary, the formation of the grammatical structure of speech, the education of a sound culture of speech.

An important role in the development of coherent speech is also played by the acquaintance of children with fiction. A literary work is an example of a coherent statement for preschoolers, according to which children first learn to retell, and then compose texts on their own.

Thus, all the tasks of developing the speech of preschool children find their completion in the development of coherent speech, which is organized according to the laws of logic and grammatically and is a single whole, has completeness, independence and is divided into parts interconnected.

Senior preschool age is a sensitive period for the beginning of the development of coherent speech, which contributes to the formation of the intellectual functions of speech (reasoning, explaining, thinking about the plan of expression, searching for ways to express thoughts, etc.). The development of coherent speech, the ability to tell is necessary to prepare for schooling, since oral connected speech is the basis for teaching children writing.

2. The main types of coherent speech include dialogue and monologue.

Dialogic speech is considered by scientists as the primary form of linguistic communication, which is based on the exchange of statements. It is characterized by such forms as a question, answer, comment, addition, explanation, distribution, objection, formulas of speech etiquette.

monologue speech- this is a detailed type of speech, it is distinguished by arbitrariness and organization. A monologue is a complete statement in the form of a text, united by a semantic, grammatical connection.

Comparing dialogue and monologue on various grounds and characteristics, a number of differences can be identified. Comparative characteristics of the types of connected speech are presented in table 2.

Table 2 - Comparative characteristics of the types of connected speech

Types of connected speech Dialogue Monologue
Communication style Communication of 2 or more people, accompanied by a spontaneous reaction determined by the situation One-sided nature of statements, not designed for an immediate reaction, but characterized by a deliberate impact on listeners
Structure Incomplete sentences, phonetic abbreviations, unusual word formations, violation of syntactic norms Full detailed sentences, more complex and common sentences, structural parts are clearly distinguished (beginning, main part, end)
Target Ask, answer, get an answer, encourage action, agree on joint activities Report facts, argue opinions, provide evidence, formulate conclusions
Literary norms Colloquial speech is often used, dialects, jargon, professional slang are acceptable Conscious use of literary norms, explanation of special terms and words
expressiveness Uneven pace, voice power, increased emotionality, pronounced intonations, facial expressions, gestures are actively used Moderate pace, deliberate intonation, expressive facial expressions and gestures emphasize the meaning of words

The development of coherent speech of preschool children goes from dialogue to monologue. Dialogue is of paramount importance for the child in the sociologization of personality. With the correct teaching of dialogic speech at a younger preschool age, the child develops an important ability to follow the logic of his narration, it is then that the birth and development of monologue speech occurs.

Investigating the problem of the ontogeny of dialogue and monologue, the Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget discovered and analyzed the phenomenon egocentric speech. He described it as "speech for oneself" and called it a sign of the immaturity of children's thinking. Since the child accompanies his actions with such speech, Piaget concluded that the development of speech proceeds from a monologue (ego) to a dialogue (socialized speech). Piaget's opponent in the study of the ontogeny of children's speech was L.S. Vygotsky. He proved during the experiment that the child's egocentric speech is a temporary phenomenon and is also noticeable in the group of the child's peers.

Dialogic speech develops in children in the process of communicating with adults and in a group of peers. Monologue speech involves the ability to selectively use the most suitable language means for a given statement and therefore requires special training.

3. When analyzing the age characteristics of coherent speech in preschool children, it is necessary to consider the ratio of situational and contextual speech. These two types of speech were separated by S.Ya. Rubinstein, depending on the nature of the connection with the objective external plan and with the situation of communication.

situational speech characteristic of young children. Its content is understandable to others only if they are familiar with the situation about which the child speaks. Such speech is incoherent, it is devoid of semantic integrity. Initially, the situational speech of the child reflects the immediate reality, the situation in which the child is. This colloquial speech is directed at the interlocutor and expresses a request, desire, question, that is, the situational form corresponds to the main content and purpose.

But as the content and functions of speech change in the course of development, the child in the process of learning masters contextual speech- speech that can be understood in a certain context of communication. When a child develops contextual speech, it does not replace situational speech. A child, like an adult, uses one or the other, depending on the content of the message, on the nature of communication. They switch to contextual speech when a coherent presentation of a topic that goes beyond the situation is required.

There are four stages in the development of coherent speech of children.

Stage I - preparatory (first year of life). It is characterized by the maturation of the speech centers of the cerebral cortex, the improvement of the functions of the speech organs, the development of speech hearing and the articulatory apparatus.

Stage II - the development of speech understanding (the second year of life). First, the child correlates the word with an emotional experience, and with an object, and with an action, and with the place where the object is located and with the situation associated with it. Then there is a differentiation of the meaning of the word and the consolidation of the connection between the sound and visual image. By the age of two, communication between an adult and a child is based on understanding speech. The child understands well the speech addressed to him at the everyday level, knows the names of many objects, follows simple and two-stage instructions, and is active in verbal communication. Often in communication, children use facial expressions, gestures, movements and various onomatopoeia. The so-called autonomous speech is formed, which serves as a preparatory stage in the development of independent speech. Autonomous speech is made up of sound-imitation words, with which the child replaces literary words that are difficult to pronounce (bi-bi, lala, kitty, tu-tu).

Stage III - the development of phrasal speech. This is the beginning stage of the development of the dialogue. By the end of the second year of life, speech becomes the main means of communication. Dialogue with children is most often carried out in a question-answer form. Children learn to answer simple questions: Who is this? What? Which? Where? Where? What is he doing? First one word, then a phrase of 2-3 words. Dialogues with children are short in time, often situational, associated with a specific object, toy. Gradually, the child learns to answer generalized questions when there is no direct indication of the subject: What do you want? What will you play? What book to read? In the process of dialogue, children form the function of expressing their thoughts and elementary interaction with the interlocutor. Children also use phrasal speech in joint games, commenting on their game actions (feed the doll, garage for the car) or when communicating with peers (let's build together).

Stage IV - transition to monologue speech. The first form of monologue that appears in children is a speech-message. It arises in the process of a detailed answer to any question in 2-3 phrases. At the same time, the child often uses the demonstrative pronouns “this”, “there”, replacing nouns and adjectives with them, there are errors in the sound and grammatical design of speech. According to O.S. Usha-kova, the construction of sentences in 90% of cases follows the “subject-predicate” scheme. The first monologues of children are most often associated with a specific situation.

The development of monologue speech in senior preschool age is a powerful reserve of their mental development. Teaching children to compose stories of various types is the leading direction in the development of speech and in the context of preparing children for schooling.

Children of the sixth year of life can retell a familiar literary text in accordance with the author's words, compose their story based on a sample. The level of storytelling in many indicators (meaningfulness, verbal design, grammatical correctness and accuracy) is noticeably increasing. The types of connections between sentences, within sentences and between words become more diverse. In the stories of children, smoothness appears, there are fewer stops, pauses, and hesitation. However, children do not always convey the structure of stories correctly. Compiling stories with a complex plot causes particular difficulties for children. In order to coherently talk about something, you need to clearly present the object of the story (object, event), analyze, select the main facts, establish causal and temporal relationships between objects and phenomena. Therefore, the content, consistency, consistency of monologue speech is closely related to the intellectual development of children.


1. Starzhinskaya, N.S. Teaching children to tell / N.S. Starzhinskaya, D.M. Dubinina, E.S. Belko. – Minsk. : "Aduction i vykhavanne", 2003. - 144 p.

2. Ushakova O.S. The development of speech of preschoolers / O.S. Ushakov. - M. : Publishing House of the Institute of Psychotherapy, 2001. - 240 p.

Self-confidence, purposefulness, finding one's place in society - all this is directly related to the development of speech, the ability to correctly and clearly express one's thoughts. Coherent speech is a combination of fragments denoting one specific topic and carrying a single semantic load.

At birth, the child has the makings of speech. The main task of adults and teachers is to develop them correctly. After all, the formed coherent speech of the child is the key to the future successful development of the individual. What does this concept mean? Coherent speech is the ability to formulate and express your thoughts.

Types of speech

There are two main types of connected speech:

  • Monologic.
  • Dialogic.

The first requires great communication skills. It depends on how correctly a thought is expressed, how others will understand it. The narrator needs a good memory, the correct use of speech turns, developed logical thinking, so that the narration sounds consistent and clear.

In dialogue, complex verbal turns are usually not used. Speech does not have a clear logical sequence. The direction of the conversation can change arbitrarily and in any direction.

Speech Skills Bookmark

The formation of coherent speech occurs in several stages.

Stage 1 - preparatory, from 0 to 1 year. At this stage, the baby gets acquainted with the sounds. In his first weeks, he simply listens to adult speech, while a passive set of sounds is formed in him, the first screams are made by him. Later, babbling appears, which consists of randomly uttered sounds.

In the same period, the child is shown objects and called the sounds that characterize them. For example: clock - tick-tock, water - drip-cap. Later, the baby reacts to the name of the object and looks for it with his eyes. By the end of the first year, the baby pronounces individual syllables.

Stage 2 - pre-school, from one to three. First, the child pronounces simple words denoting both the object and the action. For example, the word “give” the baby denotes both the object, and his desires, and the request, and therefore only close people understand him. After a certain period, simple sentences appear, the child begins to more accurately express his thoughts. By the age of three, prepositions are used in speech. The coordination of cases and gender begins.

Stage 3 - preschool, from 3 to 7 years. This is a period of more conscious formation of personality. Closer to the age of 7, the speech apparatus is formed, the sounds are clear, correct. The child begins to competently build sentences, he already has and constantly replenishes his vocabulary.

4th stage - school, from 7 to 17 years. The main feature of the development of speech at this stage in comparison with the previous one is its conscious assimilation. Children master and learn the grammatical rules for constructing statements. The leading role in this belongs to

These stages do not have strict, clear boundaries. Each of them smoothly flows into the next.

The development of coherent speech of preschoolers

After the beginning of going to the kindergarten, the child's environment changes and with it - the form of speech. Since up to 3 years the baby is constantly close to people close to him, all communication is based on his requests to adults. There is dialogic adults ask questions, and the child answers. Later, the baby has a desire to tell about something, to convey his feelings after the walk, and not only close people can already be listeners. So the monologue form of speech begins to be laid.

All speech is connected. However, the forms of connection with development change. The coherent speech presented by the child is the ability to tell in such a way that what is heard becomes understandable on the basis of its own content.

Components of speech

Speech can be divided into two components: situational and contextual. When expressing his thoughts or describing a situation, a person should build a monologue so that the listener understands what the conversation is about. Children, on the other hand, are initially unable to describe the situation without specifying specific actions. It is difficult for an adult, listening to a story, to understand what the conversation is about without knowing the situation. Thus, situational coherent speech of preschoolers is formed first. At the same time, the presence of the contextual component cannot be completely excluded, since such moments of speech are always interconnected.

Contextual speech

Having mastered the situational component, the child begins to master the contextual one. At first, children are saturated with the pronouns "he", "she", "they". At the same time, it is not clear to whom exactly they refer. To characterize objects, the concept of “such” is used and is actively supplemented with gestures: hands show which one it is, for example, large, small. The peculiarity of such speech is that it expresses more than it expresses.

Gradually, the child begins to build a speech context. This becomes noticeable when a large number of pronouns disappear from the conversation and are replaced by nouns. Coherent speech is determined by the logic of a person’s thoughts.

One cannot master coherence and yet lack logic. After all, speech is directly dependent on thoughts. Coherent speech is the sequence and logicality of thoughts expressed aloud and combined into grammatically correct sentences.

From the conversation of the child, it is clear how developed his logic is and what kind of vocabulary is present. With a lack of words, even a logically well-formed thought will cause difficulties in speaking out loud. Therefore, speech should be developed in a complex: logic, memory, a rich vocabulary. Everything must be in harmony.

The main types of formation of coherent speech

The development of coherent speech in children occurs using various methods. The main ones are:

  • Development of dialogue skills.
  • Retelling.
  • Story by pictures.
  • Writing descriptive stories.

The first type of conversation that a child masters - Children are taught:

  • Listen and understand adult speech.
  • Communicate with other children.
  • Build a dialogue by answering questions.
  • Repeat words, phrases after the teacher.

Children aged 4-7 years are taught simple forms of building a monologue.

Retelling requires attentiveness and perseverance from the child. To begin with, preparation for retelling takes place, then the teacher reads the text, and after that the children answer questions related to the material read. A retelling plan is drawn up, then the teacher reads the story again, and the retelling begins. The younger children do almost everything together with the teacher. Older children develop their own retelling plan. Thus, they support the connection between logic and speech.

Pictures - a tool for the development of connectivity

Coherent speech is taught with the help of pictures. The story from the pictures facilitates the usual independent retelling. Since the course of the story is shown in the drawings, it is not necessary to memorize everything. For younger preschool age, piece-by-piece pictures with objects depicted on them are used. Children, answering the teacher's questions, describe the image.

From the age of 4, a child is taught to compose a story from a picture. This requires the following preparation:

  • Examining the picture.
  • Answers to the teacher's questions.
  • The teacher's story.
  • Children's story.

During the story, the educator suggests key words. It controls the correct direction of speech. By the age of 5, children are taught to make a plan and talk about it. At 6-7 years old, the child is able to focus on the background of the picture, describe the landscape, and details that are insignificant at first glance. Telling from the picture, the child, relying on the image, must tell what happened before the events shown and what can happen after.

The teacher, with his questions, outlines a storyline that goes beyond the boundaries of the picture. When telling a child, it is necessary to follow the correct grammatical construction of the sentence, for a sufficient vocabulary.

Particular attention should be paid to stories based on landscape pictures. Since it requires the ability to use words in a figurative sense, make comparisons, use synonyms and antonyms.


Of great importance in the development of coherent speech of preschoolers is the ability to describe a specific object, situation, season.

At a younger preschool age, children are taught to make a story-description based on a toy. The teacher asks questions and guides the narrator. The main reference words for the description are considered: the size of the toy, material, color. The older the child becomes, the more independent he speaks. They begin to conduct a comparative description of objects and living objects, two different objects. Teach children to find common characteristics and opposites. Plot stories are compiled, with the inclusion of the described objects in them.

Also, children at senior preschool age tell stories from personal experience, describe the situations that happen to them, the content of the cartoons they watch.

Coherent speech technique - mnemonics

The technique is based on the use of pictures. All stories, poems are encoded with pictures, according to which the story is then conducted. The methodology is based on the fact that children at preschool age rely more on visual memory than on auditory. Training takes place with the help of mnemonic tracks, mnemonic tables and model diagrams.

The symbols that encode words are as close as possible to the speech material. For example, when talking about domestic animals, a house is drawn next to the depicted animals, and a forest for wild animals.

Learning goes from simple to complex. Children consider mnemonic squares, later - mnemonic tracks with depicted symbols, the meaning of which they know. The work is carried out in stages:

  • Table study.
  • Encoding of information, transformation of the presented material from symbols into images.
  • Retelling.

With the help of mnemonics, the assimilation of speech in children proceeds intuitively. At the same time, they have a good vocabulary and the ability to coherently conduct a monologue.

Levels of speech connectivity

After applying various methods in practice in their work, educators check the level of coherent speech in children. If some of its development is at a lower level, other methods are applied to them, which, when working with such children, will be more effective.

Connected speech of preschoolers is divided into three levels:

  • High level - the child has a large vocabulary, grammatically and logically builds sentences. Can retell a story, describe, compare objects. At the same time, his speech is consistent, interesting in content.
  • Average level - the child builds interesting sentences, has high literacy. Difficulties arise when building a story according to a given storyline, here he can make mistakes, but with the comments of adults he is able to correct them on his own.
  • Low level - the child has difficulty in building a story along storylines. His speech is inconsistent and illogical, semantic errors are made due to the difficulties in building connections. Present


The formation of a coherent speech of children is a continuous process of teaching by the educator using various methods and game forms. As a result, the child begins to coherently and grammatically correctly express his thoughts, conduct a monologue, and use literary techniques.

    Characteristics of the qualities of connected speech.

    Types of coherent speech (dialogue, monologue).

    Age features of the development of forms of coherent speech in preschoolers. Features of situational and contextual speech.

1. The concept of "coherent speech" is used in the method of speech development in several meanings. Connected speech as a set of speech skills necessary for communication and mutual understanding, is a semantic detailed statement. Coherent speech is also called one of the complex qualities, characterized by a number of features. The criteria for speech connectivity for preschoolers were developed by O.S. Ushakova. These include:

Logical sequence (the ability to independently start and finish the presentation, move from one part to another without repetition);

Grammar and phonetic correctness;

Accuracy (selection of words and phrases in accordance with the text or thoughts);

Expressiveness (wealth of language means).

The coherence of speech reflects the coherence of thoughts, it manifests the logic of thinking, the ability to realize the surrounding reality. The development of coherent speech is closely related to the improvement of mental processes: perception (the ability to observe, notice the features of the surrounding world), memory (preservation of images), thinking (mental operations of comparison, generalization) and attention to the form and content of the statement. It is in the process of development of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age that verbal-logical thinking begins to form.

Coherent speech is the highest achievement of the speech development of preschool children. This is the result of the development of all aspects of speech: vocabulary, grammatical structure, sound culture.

An important role in the development of coherent speech is also played by the acquaintance of children with fiction. A literary work is an example of a coherent statement for preschoolers, according to which children first learn to retell, and then compose texts on their own.

Thus, all the tasks of developing the speech of preschool children find their completion in the development of coherent speech, which is organized according to the laws of logic and grammar and is a single whole, has completeness, independence and is divided into parts interconnected.

Senior preschool age is a sensitive period for the development of coherent speech, which contributes to the formation of the intellectual functions of speech (reasoning, explaining, thinking about the plan of expression, searching for ways to express thoughts, etc.). The development of the ability to tell is necessary to prepare for schooling, since oral connected speech is the basis for teaching children written speech.

2. The main types of coherent speech include dialogue and monologue.

Dialogic speech is considered by scientists as the primary form of linguistic communication, which is based on the exchange of statements. It is characterized by such forms as a question, answer, comment, addition, explanation, distribution, objection, formulas of speech etiquette.

monologue speech- This is a detailed type of speech, which is distinguished by arbitrariness and organization. A monologue is a complete statement in the form of a text, united by a semantic, grammatical connection.

Comparing dialogue and monologue according to various signs and characteristics, a number of differences can be identified:


Communication style

Communication between two or more people is accompanied by a spontaneous reaction determined by the situation

One-sided nature of statements, not designed for an immediate reaction, but characterized by a deliberate impact on listeners


Incomplete sentences, phonetic abbreviations, unusual word formations, violation of syntactic norms

Full detailed sentences, more complex and common sentences, structural parts are clearly distinguished (beginning, main part, end)

Ask, answer, get an answer, encourage action, agree on joint activities

Report facts, argue opinions, provide evidence, formulate conclusions

Literary norms

Colloquial speech is often used, dialects, jargon, professional slang are acceptable

Conscious use of literary norms, explanation of special terms and words


Moderate pace, deliberate intonation, expressive facial expressions and gestures emphasize the meaning of words

The development of coherent speech of preschool children goes from dialogue to monologue. Dialogue is of paramount importance for the child in the sociologization of personality. With the correct teaching of dialogic speech at a younger preschool age, the child develops an important ability to follow the logic of his narration, it is then that the birth and development of monologue speech occurs.

Investigating the problem of the ontogeny of dialogue and monologue, the Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget discovered and analyzed the phenomenon egocentric speech. He described it as "speech for oneself" and called it a sign of the immaturity of children's thinking. Since the child accompanies his actions with such speech, Piaget concluded that the development of speech proceeds from a monologue (ego) to a dialogue (socialized speech). Piaget's opponent in the study of the ontogeny of children's speech was L.S. Vygotsky. He proved during the experiment that the child's egocentric speech is a temporary phenomenon.

Dialogic speech develops in children in the process of communicating with adults and in a group of peers. Monologue speech involves the ability to selectively use the most suitable language means for a given statement and therefore requires special training.

3. When analyzing the age characteristics of coherent speech in preschool children, it is necessary to consider the ratio of situational and contextual speech. These two types of speech were identified by S.Ya. Rubinstein, depending on the nature of the connection with the objective external plan, the situation of communication.

situational speech characteristic of young children. Its content is understandable to others only if they are familiar with the situation about which the child speaks. Such speech is incoherent, it is devoid of semantic integrity. Initially, the situational speech of the child reflects the immediate reality, the situation in which the child is. This colloquial speech is directed at the interlocutor and expresses a request, desire, question, that is, the situational form corresponds to the main content and purpose.

But as the content and function of speech change, the child in the process of learning masters contextual speech, which can be understood in a certain context of communication. When a child develops contextual speech, it does not replace situational speech. A child, like an adult, uses one or the other, depending on the content and nature of communication. They switch to contextual speech when a coherent presentation of a topic that goes beyond the situation is required.

There are four stages in the development of coherent speech of children.

Stage I - preparatory (first year of life). It is characterized by the maturation of the speech centers of the cerebral cortex, the improvement of the functions of the speech organs, the development of speech hearing and the articulatory apparatus.

Stage II - the development of speech understanding (the second year of life). First, the child correlates the word with an emotional experience, and with an object, and with an action, and with the place where the object is located, and with the situation associated with it. Then there is a differentiation of the meaning of the word and the consolidation of the connection between the sound and visual image. By the age of two, communication between an adult and a child is based on understanding speech. The child understands well the speech addressed to him at the everyday level, knows the names of many objects, follows simple and two-stage instructions, and is active in verbal communication. Often in communication, children use facial expressions, gestures, movements and various onomatopoeia. The so-called autonomous speech is formed, which serves as a preparatory stage in the development of independent speech. Autonomous speech is made up of onomatopoeic words, with which the child replaces literary words that are difficult to pronounce (bi-bi, lala, kitty, tu-tu).

Stage III - the development of phrasal speech. This is the beginning stage of the development of the dialogue. By the end of the second year of life, speech becomes the main means of communication. Dialogue with children is most often carried out in a question-answer form. Children learn to answer simple questions: who is this? What? Which? Where? Where? What is he doing? First with one word, then with a phrase of 2-3 words. Dialogues with children are short in time, often situational, associated with a specific object, toy. Gradually, the child learns to answer generalized questions when there is no direct indication of the subject: what do you want? What will you play? What book to read? In the process of dialogue, children form the function of expressing their thoughts and elementary interaction with the interlocutor. Children also use phrasal speech in joint games, commenting on their game actions (feed the doll; garage for the car) or communicating with peers (let's build together).

Stage IV - transition to monologue speech. The first form of monologue that appears in children is a speech-message. It arises in the process of a detailed answer to any question in 2-3 phrases. At the same time, the child often uses the demonstrative pronouns “this”, “there”, replacing nouns and adjectives with them, there are errors in the sound and grammatical design of speech. According to O.S. Ushakova, the construction of sentences in 90% of cases follows the “subject-predicate” scheme. The first monologues of children are most often associated with a specific situation.

The development of monologue speech in senior preschool age is a powerful reserve of their mental development. Teaching children to compose stories of various types is the leading direction in the development of speech and in the context of preparing children for schooling.

Children of the sixth year of life can retell a familiar literary text in accordance with the author's words, compose their story based on a sample. The level of storytelling in many indicators (meaningfulness, verbal design, grammatical correctness and accuracy) is noticeably increasing. The types of connections between sentences, within sentences and between words become more diverse. In the stories of children, smoothness appears, there are fewer stops, pauses, and hesitation. However, children do not always convey the structure of stories correctly. Compiling stories with a complex plot causes particular difficulties for children. In order to coherently talk about something, you need to clearly present the object of the story (object, event), analyze, select the main facts, establish causal and temporal relationships between objects and phenomena. Therefore, the content, consistency, consistency of monologue speech is closely related to the intellectual development of children.


    Starzhinskaya, N.S. Teaching children to tell / N.S. Starzhinskaya, D.M. Dubinina, E.S. Belko. - Minsk: Adukatsia i vykhavanne, 2003. - 144 p.

2. Ushakova O.S. The development of speech of preschoolers / O.S. Ushakov. – M.: Publishing House of Institute of Psychotherapy, 2001. – 240 p.

The ability to correctly express your thoughts is required in many areas of life. It is laid down in childhood, classes in the development of speech play a significant role in this.

What is connected speech of preschoolers?

The general concept implies the ability to make a single semantic and structural statement. It consists of complete segments connected by one theme.

If we say what connected speech is in preschoolers, the definition becomes broader. It also includes the phonetic side of the language, phonemic perception, grammar, and the practical application of knowledge. The statements of preschoolers are small in volume, but the structure and meaning must be present in them.

Reading fiction teaches you to speak beautifully and correctly

From birth, a baby needs contact with loved ones, which is a prerequisite for the development of speech. Children imitate adults and try to master and understand linguistic phenomena, which reflects a creative approach. Children themselves try to create words, speech turns, focusing on samples.

The purpose of the development of speech of preschoolers is to master the norms of the language. Educators help children fully communicate, use all varieties and types of statements. The family also has a great influence on the development of the speech of preschoolers. Self-education of mothers and fathers, their close contact with caregivers help to acquire the necessary skills for the baby.

Types of connected speech in preschoolers

The main types of speech are monologue and dialogue. Dialogic speech is considered the primary form of communication, which involves the exchange of statements and the establishment of relationships with others.

Dialogue in a role-playing game

A monologic utterance is a complete text, united by a semantic and grammatical connection. Used to communicate facts, inform one's point of view and argue.

The development of coherent speech in preschool children goes from dialogue to monologue. Under the guidance of the educator, the ability to follow the logic of statements is formed, which is the first step towards the development of monologue speech.

Dialogue skills are formed in the process of communicating with other people. Monologue speech is more difficult than dialogic speech, this needs to be learned.

Monologue speech in preschoolers

In the methodological materials of preschool education, the types of monologue that are taught to pupils are determined. Narrative on a specific topic and retelling of the finished text are used most often. Children talk about objects, pictures, share their experiences.

There is also such a variety as creative storytelling. While working out the retelling, they use a sample story and its analysis. Graduates are taught to draw up a text plan, which helps to structure the statement.

Important! The classification by types of speech is often used: narration, description, reasoning. Monologue speech in preschool children involves an understanding of the topics and boundaries of the statement, the selection of material and its arrangement in the desired sequence. Learning to monologue begins at the age of three.

As we think, so we speak

Speech reflects the logic of thinking, the degree of development of memory, perception. Language is directly related to mental and mental development. Language skills should be so developed that the baby can quickly create syntactic constructions in his mind, have a large vocabulary.

Scientific conference of linguists

The basic skills of using language means should be formed by the time of entering the school. In this case, there will be no problems with the assimilation of the school curriculum.

How to assess the level of development of coherent speech?

The quality of speech development is determined by preschool teachers or by the parents themselves. The examination is limited in time and should not exceed 15 minutes. Before completing tasks, you need to establish emotional contact, set up the baby for work.

Tasks are given with and without visual aids. For viewing take familiar toys. If we are talking about isolated words, then their meaning should be clear to the pupils. Visualization is used more when examining preschoolers aged 3–5 years; when examining six-year-olds, the exact wording of tasks is important.

In most methods, a scoring is used. The correct answer - 3 points, the answer with inaccuracies - 2, the misunderstanding of the task - 1. After the survey, the points are calculated separately in each category. For example, out of 12 questions, the pupil received 3 points for 8 questions, 2 for 4. If 2/3 of the answers were rated with three points, as in this case, this is high quality. If 2/3 or more by 2 points - average, by 1 point - low.

Important! Correct answers should be accepted. If the child answered incorrectly, you need to say the correct answer, mark the task as incomplete in the statement.

Tasks for the development of speech of preschoolers in a preschool educational institution

GEF DO involves mastering speech as a means of communication and culture. Education aimed at the assimilation of language generalizations, understanding of elementary linguistic phenomena, will arouse interest, provide creative manifestations, a tendency to self-development.

Talk about vegetables

Problems are posed taking into account age characteristics. Younger preschoolers develop initiative speech. She assumes that the baby will talk about what he sees, what feelings of emotion an object or phenomenon evokes in him. An adult should support the pupil's desire for dialogue.

In working with four-year-old students, much attention is paid to the monologue. The kid should be able to build a description of a toy, picture, phenomenon from 3 - 4 sentences.

Older preschoolers improve their skills. During the course you will need:

  • support the student's desire to speak;
  • develop the ability to plan;
  • continue to develop the ability to describe a toy, a picture;
  • develop the ability to write stories from personal experience;
  • participate in the discussion;
  • formulate questions;
  • supplement, correct, generalize the answers of classmates;
  • develop the ability to reason.

TRIZ technology

Educators use various technologies: developing, socially adaptive, student-oriented, visual modeling, TRIZ. Plans for the course preparation of educators provide for the development of new approaches to the development of language activities.

Formation of coherent speech in preschool children

The formation of language skills is carried out in games, conversations, specially organized situations. Adults create conditions for successful interaction. Preschoolers with OHP, in addition to regular activities, work with a speech therapist.

The development of speech of preschool children in the picture

Paintings develop the ability to observe and create. Kids are happy to share their experiences. You need to start with well-known objects, gradually moving to plot pictures.

  • the picture should not distort reality;
  • the content should be age-appropriate;
  • viewing continues as long as children have interest;
  • the image should be well lit, exposed against the light;
  • use a pointer while narrating.

Important! A series of pictures united by one plot helps to tell a story. In order not to use handouts, educators can use presentations made up of plot pictures.

Pupils should have access to didactic materials: albums, boxes with pictures on the topic of the week.

Formation of coherent speech by inventing and fantasizing

Preschoolers enjoy listening to stories. And if you try to come up with a fabulous story yourself? This technique helps to realize in three roles: the author, the narrator and the listener. In pedagogy, the term fairy tale therapy appeared. Coming up with a fairy tale, the kid gets rid of fears, increases self-esteem.

The game "Fairytale with continuation" implies the continuation of already known fairy tales. Adding theatrical elements will make the game more interesting, emotional.

Use of finger theater for "Fairy tales with continuation"

In the preparatory group, verbal fantasizing of the musical composition is used. Children sometimes just dream to the music, talk about the associations that have arisen. Children's imagination knows no bounds.

Teaching preschoolers to retell

Finished works intended for retelling in kindergarten act as exemplary texts. There is already a plot invented by the author, composition, language means. Even with this in mind, teaching retelling begins after the age of five. Texts must meet the requirements:

  • availability of content;
  • clear composition;
  • simple language;
  • small volume.

In the first lessons, they offer to retell familiar tales, a little later they move on to unfamiliar texts. The teacher helps the children in case of difficulties. Joint retelling is widely used at this stage.

Important! The storyline of the work can be restored through the use of mnemonic tables. Gradually, a card file of read works is accumulated. Children can use it in role-playing games.

The influence of text retelling on the formation of coherent speech

The presentation of the listened text is the best tool in the development of connected speech in preschoolers. Retelling the work, they learn how to build sentences, learn the logic of the statement. They use the author's vocabulary and try to replace a number of words and expressions with synonyms.

In the course of retelling, pronunciation is improved, acquaintance with the expressive means of the language, the intonational design of sentences takes place. The formation of the ability to express one's thoughts determines the success of schooling, affects socialization.

Games for the development of speech

The game is the most favorite pastime for preschoolers. By playing, they better learn different skills and abilities.

"Imagine you..."

Games include thematic communication in pairs.

Game progress:

  1. Two participants are selected by counting.
  2. The facilitator assigns roles using the phrase: “Imagine you are a seller”, “Imagine you are a buyer”.
  3. There must be a dialogue between the two actors.

"What's First, What's Later"

The game contributes to the ability to compose a short story, following the sequence of actions. At the stage of acquaintance with the game, it is carried out using pictures. When the children learn the rules, the pictures can be discarded.

Game progress:

  • Option 1. Children are shown pictures depicting 2 - 3 actions. The child must compose a story, correctly arranging the sequence of actions.
  • Option 2. The facilitator lists the actions performed by the hero and makes a mistake in the sequence. Children should name where the mistake was made.


Children really like this game, it allows you to dream.

Game progress:

The facilitator sets the topic, the children complete the sentence:

  • "If I were a teacher..."
  • “If all the flowers on Earth disappeared…”
  • “If birds could not fly…”

In order for speech in preschoolers to reach a high degree of development, it is necessary to enrich the language and subject environment. Visibility, a variety of techniques and methods, the use of acquired skills in sensitive moments will lead to the planned result.

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