Acne remedy at home. How to get rid of acne on the face: a quick treatment at home. Causes of the disease

Acne is an inflammatory skin disease that occurs due to a violation of the nervous and neuroendocrine regulation of the functions of the sebaceous glands. Manifested by rashes on the face, upper chest or back. Currently, various methods of treatment of this disease are used. The choice of a particular method depends on the cause of the disruption of the sebaceous glands.

Causes of the disease

Initially, the main cause of acne was considered hormonal disorders (due to menstruation, puberty, hormonal disruptions). Acne is provoked by hormones such as testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone, dihydrotestosterone.

Currently, there are a number of other factors leading to the onset of the disease:

  • The genetic predisposition of the organism.
  • Hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands.
  • Acne mite (demodecosis), pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Accumulation of a large number of dead skin cells.
  • Skin lesions that are accompanied by inflammation.
  • Exposure to high doses of lithium, chlorine, iodine, bromine.
  • Use of anabolic steroids.
  • Blockage of the duct of the sebaceous glands.
  • Polycystic ovaries in women.

Cleanse your face properly. The main rule - be sure to wash your face in the morning and in the evening. In the morning, the face needs to remove dead cells after nighttime skin regeneration, in the evening it needs to be cleansed of dust, sebum, and toxin from smoky air. Use facial cleansers that are suitable for your skin type. Use tamanu oil for a gentle evening cleanse. It is this oil that is recommended for the treatment of acne, since it has a high antibacterial effect. Rinse your face with cool water.

Use scrubs and masks against acne. Scrubs help remove the top layer of dead cells, and special masks help narrow pores, moisturize the skin, have an antibacterial effect, and regulate sebum secretion. These procedures make the skin velvety and smooth.

Follow a carbohydrate-free diet with a predominance of protein foods. In the treatment of the disease, it is recommended to limit the intake of carbohydrates, as they lead to an increase in the synthesis of fatty acids. You should give up sweets of various kinds, flour products (bread, pasta, bakery products), potatoes, meat, mushrooms. Avoid fatty, hot, salty and spicy foods.

Other helpful tips:

  • Try not to be nervous and avoid stressful situations. Stress does not directly affect the appearance of acne, but it provokes a change in hormonal levels, which can provoke or exacerbate the disease.
  • Limit your exposure to the sun, do not plan vacations in countries with a humid climate. Ultraviolet rays in small amounts disinfect the skin, but their long exposure increases acne. High air humidity promotes the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • Do not resort to independent mechanical cleansing of the face. Squeezing out pustules (purulent vesicles) leads to the formation of a new inflammation, the skin around the wound is broken, which contributes to blockage of neighboring pores and intensification of the disease. At home, you will not be able to ensure sterility in the process of removing pustules, which will lead to additional reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms. Mechanical cleaning is possible only in specialized salons.

Folk remedies for acne

Consider folk ways that will help get rid of acne:

  • Garlic mask: Pass a clove of garlic through a garlic press, apply the resulting slurry to the pustules. Hold for 15 minutes and rinse with water.
  • Baking soda and rye bran mask: Mix a cup of ground rye bran with two teaspoons of baking soda. You get a lot of masks, so set aside a tablespoon of the mixture, and put the rest in the refrigerator until the next use. Dilute the remaining mixture with warm water and apply on face for 15 minutes.
  • Lotion of soda with sugar: dilute a spoonful of sugar and soda with warm boiled water. Wipe the affected areas with lotion. Rinse your face with water.
  • Potato Mask: Grate a fresh potato and apply the gruel on your face. Leave for 10 minutes.
  • Lemon juice and peanut butter mask: Mix a spoonful of lemon juice and oil in a 1:1 ratio. Apply to the affected areas of the skin.
  • Mustard and Turmeric Mask: Mix 1 tablespoon of mustard, 2 tablespoons of turmeric, 3-4 drops of lemon juice and dilute a little with warm water. Apply directly to pustules. Wash off with cool water.

Pharmaceutical treatments for acne

Pharmaceutical remedies that will help achieve the disappearance of acne:

  • Antibiotics. They are prescribed for severe disease.
  • Hormonal drugs and oral contraceptives (for women). They are used in case of acne due to hormonal disorders.
  • Salicylic acid - has an antibacterial and antiseptic effect. Wipe directly on acne areas, avoiding healthy skin. For convenience, use a cotton swab.
  • Benzoyl peroxide - has a disinfecting and keratolytic effect, promotes the destruction of anaerobic microorganisms in pustules. Apply a thin layer to acne affected areas.
  • Aspirin is an anti-inflammatory drug. Crush the tablet and add some water. Apply the gruel to the pustules. Don't rinse.
  • Therapeutic ointments, creams, lotions, gels against acne. These products have an anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect, help to cope with the external manifestations of acne, reduce facial pores and reduce sebum secretion.

laser therapy

Acne treatment with laser therapy is a modern, painless and fast way to get rid of acne. The laser beam acts on the skin from a distance. There is no direct contact with the skin, which ensures the absolute sterility of the method. Acne areas are exposed to short-term flashes of light in the ultraviolet or infrared range. The laser is used to treat all types of acne at any stage. As a result of laser therapy, the work of the sebaceous glands is normalized, pores are narrowed, blockage of pores and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms are eliminated, the skin relief is smoothed.

Violation of the secretory function of the sebaceous glands, which subsequently leads to the appearance of acne, can be caused by a number of different diseases and changes in the body. You should not make such diagnoses on your own, a competent specialist will determine the degree of the disease, prescribe the necessary tests, visually assess the condition of the skin and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

How to get rid of acne with the help of medications, cosmetic procedures and at home.

Acne, pimples, rashes and skin lesions of a different nature are a problem not only for teenagers, but also for many adults. All skin problems can be combined into one big group - acne.
Lesions are manifested as black dots and pustules. In addition, it looks unsightly, can also cause serious problems and indicates diseases inside the body.

Rashes are on the back, chest, but more often on the face. The main reason for the occurrence is increased oiliness of the skin. However, malnutrition, adverse environmental factors, genetics, hormonal disorders affect no less.

Whatever the reason for the development and whatever type of rash occurs, the treatment of acne on the face should be comprehensive and immediate. Moreover, there are many ways of home, medical and cosmetic treatment. But, before treating the problem, you need to understand the cause of the occurrence.

Reasons for the appearance

Acne is often referred to as "the second disease of dirty hands." However, many factors can serve as the cause of the occurrence, and dirty hands will only aggravate an already existing problem.
Hormonal disruptions are possible, due to a number of circumstances, and non-hormonal, depending on the work of the body.

Non-hormonal causes of acne

  1. Genetic predisposition (more often in men). The work of the sebaceous glands is laid down by nature, you only need to properly monitor a certain type of skin.
  2. Improper hygiene. With oily skin type, washing more than twice a day is highly not recommended, so as not to overdry the skin and not provoke an accelerated work of the sebaceous glands, which will lead to acne. In addition, it is advisable to use special products for the fatty type. It will not be superfluous to use antibacterial tonics and cleansers.
  3. UV rays. Many mistakenly believe that the sun or a solarium can literally “dry out” acne. However, it only masks the problem. Excess sunlight, on the contrary, provokes increased work of cells that are “trying to get rid of” ultraviolet radiation.
  4. Disruptions in the endocrine system which are most often caused by stress and depression. Less nerves means less acne. We can say that acne is directly related to the emotional background.
  5. Improper functioning of the digestive tract. The main reason is an improper, unbalanced diet. As a result - acute, then chronic gastritis, stones, dysbacteriosis and acne.

Hormonal causes

For the first time with a hormonal failure, you can "meet" during age. Over time, the hormones calm down and the rash goes away.

However, in almost 50% of people, acne is carried into adulthood and this is due to disruption of the endocrine system and increased production of hormones. Moreover, it has been proven that skin rashes are a “map” by which you can find the problem inside.

  • Acne on the back indicates an overabundance of steroids;
  • in the T-zone - about malfunctions of the digestive tract;
  • on the chin - about gynecological and ENT diseases;
  • on the forehead - about problems with the intestines.

Also, rashes are divided into types, from harmless to rather severe forms.

Types of acne

At the moment, a great variety of types and types of acne have been identified, which are classified by origin, course of the disease, color, presence or absence of infection. The most common:

  1. Black dots. These are congestions in the upper part of the pore. At first, the cork is transparent watery, then, when the fat hardens, the dot becomes white or yellow, becomes cloudy and thickens. Under the influence of oxygen, the liquid oxidizes, resulting in a characteristic black color.
  2. white dots. Fat collects in the lower part of the pore, forming dense clots. Expanding, they become visible on the surface in the form of white subcutaneous pimples or tubercles, felt with fingers. They have no way out.
  3. papules. Formed as a result of infection in subcutaneous acne. A nodule up to 3 cm is formed, accompanied by redness, suppuration, swelling. Edematous ball from light pink to bluish color without an inflammatory head.
  4. Pustules. There are different regular and irregular shapes with purulent contents inside. They are formed either independently or when an infection is introduced into a pimple. Usually up to 1 cm. Red, inflamed circumference with white, clear, yellow or greenish visible pus. Turbidity and all shades except white indicate re-infection.
  5. Dermatoses. They occur with inflammation of the hair follicles, but usually without acne. This type is characterized by inflammatory spots, redness (rosacea and various dermatitis), other than acne.
  6. Comedones. Formed as a result of blockage of hair follicles with sebum. Without inflammation, there is no threat.
  7. Papulopustular acne. Occur at . In their place, pustules and nodes are formed.
  8. nodular cystic acne. This is a cystic accumulation of abscesses under the skin with access to the outside. Usually proceeds hard and long. Subject to mandatory treatment.

There are other, less common types that only a dermatologist can determine: fulminant, steroid (bodybuilding acne), late, inverse, spherical (heaped), adult acne, newborn acne, cosmetic, professional, solar acne and others.
Diagnosis and treatment also depends on the severity and stage of development.

Stages of development

Acne affects everyone, even healthy people. This is due to various factors. The initial stages, as a rule, do not require serious treatment.

  1. The occurrence of small minor rashes associated with a temporary hormonal failure (menstruation) or mechanical damage. Usually it is from 1 to 10 whiteheads. For this stage, the correct cosmetic procedures are sufficient.
  2. The breakouts are increasing. The number of rashes reaches 30 pcs. The lesions are painful, and red, with pustules. Requires specialist advice and medication.
  3. Multiple pustules, papules, nodes are formed. The defeat occupies a fairly large area. Inflamed places are painful, often indicating serious violations of the internal organs. Requires mandatory intervention of a specialist and the appointment of antibiotics.
  4. The stage at which cystic multiple and extensive acne areas are formed. There are both cutaneous and subcutaneous abscesses. In addition to very painful sensations, the patient may develop stress against the background of a psychological factor. Since at the 4th, very difficult stage, the face, to put it mildly, looks unsightly.

Attention! Stress and depression, which often accompanies the presence of multiple acne and knots, exacerbate the situation. Therefore, in the 3rd and 4th stages, in addition to external and internal treatment, it is very desirable to consult a psychologist.

However, in order to prevent the last stages, it is necessary to diagnose the disease in time.

To diagnose the disease, it is enough to contact an endocrinologist and take blood tests: general, for hormones (on the 5-7th day of menstruation for women), for progesterone levels. You can additionally undergo an ultrasound of the adrenal glands, testicles, prostate gland.

Only when the diagnosis is made and the type, stage and severity of the disease is identified, treatment can begin.

Methods of treatment

Sometimes treatment with properly selected cosmetics is enough, in other cases additional drugs are used. Sometimes complex treatment, which includes both cosmetics and medications. It is not uncommon that there are cases of deliverance only with the help of home treatment with actually prepared means.


In each individual case, drugs should be prescribed by a specialist. However, there are those who have proven themselves worthy.

benzoyl peroxide

Inhibits and blocks inflammation in the hair follicles. In addition, it exfoliates dead epidermis. The recommended dose of the concentration of the drug in creams and ointments is up to 5%. According to numerous studies, it has been revealed that a large concentration is meaningless.

Showed themselves well Proderm cream, Proactive, Persa-gel 5. But, drugs with antibiotics and retinoids are considered the best, for example Epiduo (France), Duak-gel (UK).

Usually applied 2 times a day for 1-1.5 months. Apply only to affected areas.
Benzoyl peroxide has a bleaching effect, so you need to be careful with clothes.

Salicylic acid

It is considered a classic in the fight against skin problems. However, salicylic only works on acne. On acne, except for the drying effect, it does not. In addition, the application causes peeling, itching and the possible appearance of pigmentation on dark skin.

The most famous remedy based on salicylic acid is Klerasil. However, with regular use, it still has an effect many times weaker than retinoids.


These are derivatives of vitamin A, which not only prevent the occurrence of acne, but also contribute to the removal of purulent accumulations. Effective against acne and pimples at different stages. The most effective - with the addition of benzoin peroxide and antibiotics ( Klenzit-S, Deriva-S, Izoterixin.

One application per day is enough, but a lasting result will remain only after 3 months of use.

Products with sulfur

Used to treat only acne with an inflammatory process. They don't work on acne. They have a very unpleasant odor, and the only plus is that you can replace one time use of benzoyl, which will reduce the addiction of the infection to peroxide. Example − Delex Acne different directions (from acne, blackheads, forte).

cortisone injections

They are used to avoid surgical intervention in severe forms of acne with cystic formations. These are steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that quickly relieve symptoms. Of the side effects: thinning of the skin and other minor ones, which, compared with cystic acne, can be considered a trifle.

In some cases, cosmetic procedures are used as a substitute or joint remedy for acne.

Cosmetic procedures

Most often, mesotherapy, laser resurfacing and chemical peeling are used to combat this problem.


This is an infectious introduction under the skin of special healing, so-called cocktails. Mesoctail consists of biologically active components: ready-made or hand-mixed. The composition includes vitamins, minerals (most often sulfur, cobalt, magnesium, selenium, hyaluronic acid, elastane, collagen, antibiotics, immunomodulators). The composition is selected individually, based on a specific problem. The drug is administered manually or with a mesoyler. The effect is affected not only by the cocktail itself, but also by skin irritation with micropunctures.

The procedure is not very painful, rather unpleasant, but gives a good result. increases local immunity of the skin, relieves inflammation, removes pustules and prevents the formation of new ones, in addition, it is able to smooth out the relief and dissolve the scars left after acne.

Face grinding

It is often used to treat post-acne. However, with acne and acne, no less effective method. Occurs by non-contact (thermal) and contact radiation.

In any case, the laser acts on the cells of the sebaceous glands destructively. This reduces the production of sebum, relieves redness, inflammation, swelling. The fungus, bacteria are killed, the upper layer of the epidermis is somehow removed, thereby contributing to the speedy regeneration. Diseased cells are replaced with healthy ones.

Chemical peel

The name speaks for itself. This is peeling with organic acids. An acid composition is applied to the skin, which breaks down the epidermis. The procedure for action is comparable to, but an impressive affected layer is removed. Roughly speaking, diseased skin is removed, and in its place, healthy cells multiply intensively. However, the method is applied after the complete removal of inflammation and removal of abscesses.

Any procedure will require a course of treatment up to 10-15 sessions in 1-2 weeks until the skin is completely restored, but the result is visible after the first session.

With properly performed cosmetic procedures, it is possible to get rid of acne forever, but sometimes preventive periodic supportive repeated sessions are required.

To maintain the result, proper skin care and the so-called maintenance correction of the skin are required approximately once every 6-12 months.

For those who are afraid of injections or don't really like people in white coats, there are home treatments that can also reduce or completely get rid of acne.

Treatment at home

It is worth noting that in the last stages with a large number of pustules and a vast area of ​​​​inflammation, it is better to contact a dermatologist and endocrinologist. Then you can combine drug treatment and folk recipes. In the initial stages (acne and small pimples), it is quite possible to get by with only scrubs.

Face masks

Masks based on bran, garlic, soda and salt have proven themselves well.
For the base, you can prepare a blank and store it in a tightly closed glass container: any bran and soda ground in a coffee grinder in equal parts.

Acne fruit mask


  • bran and soda base - 1 tbsp;
  • any sour fruits - 3 pcs.

From fruits (lemon, sour apples, kiwi, orange, from berries - red and black currants, gooseberries, strawberries), squeeze the juice and pour the base. Grind soft fruits into a puree, add to the gruel of bran and juice. Apply the mass on the face with massage movements. Leave for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water and apply a nourishing cream.


  • garlic - 1 head;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • protein - 1 pc.

Pass the garlic through a press, add the beaten protein and salt. Apply to the face, massage for at least 2-3 minutes and leave for 15. Rinse with warm water and apply a moisturizer.


  • potato juice - 3 tablespoons;
  • oatmeal - 1 tbsp;
  • aspirin - 2 tablets.

Pour oatmeal with potato juice and leave for 15 minutes. Add powdered aspirin to the swollen gruel. Keep the mass on the face for at least 25 minutes.

In addition to masks, it is advisable to use scrubs 1-2 times a week.


You can take honey as a basis, which is an excellent viscous antibacterial, anti-inflammatory agent.
As an additive, any components with grains are suitable: ground bran, oatmeal, strawberries, strawberries, cinnamon, salt, soda. You can add pharmacy vitamins and.

The scrub is applied to the face with massage movements. Massage is carried out for 5-7 minutes (with nicotine no more than 3). The mass can be left for 5 minutes on the face or immediately washed off with cool water.

In order for all of the above methods to retain their result for a long time or forever, you must adhere to an appropriate diet. Since acne often indicates a malfunction in the internal organs.


Diet is nothing more than proper nutrition. It is worth eating lean meats and fish, cottage cheese, vegetables, fruits and cereals. To reduce to reasonable limits the consumption of coffee and milk.

Exclude: fatty, fried, overly salty, canned, starchy, sweet (except honey).

Diet will help get rid of not only acne, but also overweight and health problems.

However, in addition to treatment, preventive measures should also be followed, which include:

  • selection of individual hygiene products for the care of a certain type of skin;
  • adhering to proper nutrition;
  • use of antibacterial agents for oily skin;
  • periodic consultation of a dermatologist, endocrinologist and cosmetologist to prevent relapse.

Acne on the face is not a sentence, even in advanced stages. With the right treatment, maintenance, and a diet that prevents recurrence, it is possible to get rid of

Acne is an inflammatory disease of the sebaceous hair follicles. When the sebaceous glands increase in size and produce excessive amounts of sebum, the hair duct becomes blocked. A sebaceous plug is formed - an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, then the inflammatory process begins. So acne appears on the face (their synonyms are blackheads and acne).

Acne appears due to blockage of the sebaceous glands © iStock

Why does acne appear

Acne is the result of increased activity of the sebaceous glands. There may be several reasons.

Disorders in the hormonal system

The main reason for the increased production of sebum is a high level of male sex hormones androgens, or increased sensitivity of the sebaceous glands to them. These phenomena are observed at a young age and up to 25 years are considered natural.

It happens that acne does not go away on time or reappears when the hormonal background should already be back to normal. 8 out of 10 modern women experience acne after adolescence. "Adult" acne may reflect changes in the hormonal system.

Stress and psychological stress

Oily skin can react with active sebum production to chronic stress, which leads to inflammatory processes and rashes at any age.

hereditary predisposition

One of the most important factors that cannot be adjusted. But if you know that you are genetically predisposed to hypersebaceous skin and acne, you have a good chance to control the situation and avoid serious forms of the disease.

Nutrition Features

Sweet and starchy foods, consumption of milk and fast food make the sebaceous glands work more intensively, and a large amount of sebum clogs the pores sooner or later. The conclusion is obvious - owners of oily skin need to monitor their diet.

acne symptoms

If before the onset of "critical days" you have a pimple or two pops up, and the rest of the time the skin is clean, you do not have acne. The reason for a possible diagnosis is multiple black dots (not only on the nose, but also on the forehead and cheeks), white comedones and acne. The severity of acne (i.e. acne) depends on:

    the number of rashes;

    the number of inflammatory elements and their depth;

    the presence or absence of scars.

Stages of acne development

The severity of the disease depends on the number of inflammatory elements © iStock

As we remember, the process begins:

  1. 1

    with increased sebum production by enlarged sebaceous glands;

  2. 2

    violations of the processes of exfoliation of horny cells.

Excess sebum feeds the bacteria living in the hair follicle, and they literally feast on their favorite treat. After a stormy “feast”, a fair amount of free fatty acids remain, provoking the formation of substances that increase the formation of sebum and inflammation.

Increased sebum production, clogged pores, bacterial growth, and inflammation all lead to acne.

Any comedon (aka acne) is a potential pimple. With a constant influx of sebum inside the sebaceous plug, bacteria begin to multiply, they cause an inflammatory reaction in the hair follicle. The main task is to prevent the development of inflammation.

If the pimple has already popped up and a purulent head has appeared on top of the red tubercle, this is not as bad as it might seem.

It is much worse if the inflammation failed to break out and it continues to rage in the depths of the skin. In this case, we are dealing with deep acne, after which scars may remain.

Types of acne

In the language of dermatologists, acne rashes are divided into two groups:



open comedones

These are the most common black dots - sebaceous plugs that have appeared on the surface, which have changed their color as a result of melanin oxidation.

An open comedone is a non-inflammatory element, it is easy to get rid of such pimples with the help of home care with the support of salon cleaning.

Closed comedones

They are more dangerous because the sebaceous plug has no outlet. They look like white subcutaneous bumps, can become inflamed and turn into acne. In no case should you try to squeeze them out yourself.

Only a beautician can remove closed comedones. All you can do is maintain hygiene and prepare your skin for cleansing with home care that stimulates cell exfoliation.


Red bumps, they are pimples, but without pustules. They are often the result of inflammation of a closed comedone.


Classic acne with a purulent head crowning them. It is the pustules that make us thirst for reprisals and the desire to squeeze them out. How inept assault can end is known:

    at best, a stain will remain;

    at worst - aggravation of inflammation plus another new pimple nearby.


Insidious subcutaneous acne, talking about a deep inflammatory process and a high risk of scarring. The appearance of multiple nodes indicates a severe form of acne. There is nothing to think about dealing with it on your own. I run to the doctor.


Acne cysts are painful subcutaneous inflammations that can merge with each other, forming large cavities. They characterize a severe form of acne and require long-term treatment.

Acne skin care tips

Wash your face strictly twice a day © iStock

Proper care will help correct the manifestations of acne and prevent its further development.

    Top tips: wash your face twice a day with special products addressed to problem skin; do not touch your face with your hands during the day and, of course, do not squeeze pimples.

    Proper cleansing

    Do not use alcohol-based products, do not wash your face with soap: a violation of the natural lipid barrier will cause a response in the form of increased sebum secretion. To help you - gels and lotions with acids and anti-inflammatory components.


    Avoid oily creams, they can clog pores and provoke an exacerbation of the rash. Look for the label “non-comedogenic” on the packaging, choose light gel-like textures.

Cosmetic procedures

In moderate and severe forms of acne, medication and the use of external preparations will be required to relieve the inflammatory process. When the disease has passed the acute form, the doctor will prescribe procedures that will help to cope with superficial rashes and cleanse the skin of acne. Despite the wide range of procedures indicated for acne, there are not so many effective ones.

  1. 1

    An effective way to completely clear the face of comedones. It happens mechanical and ultrasonic.

  2. 2

    Chemical peel

    With a well-designed scheme, a course of acid peels can literally transform the skin.

  3. 3

    There are different types, it is used to treat acne and post-acne due to a powerful renewing effect.

  4. 4


    Liquid nitrogen perfectly dissolves stagnant post-acne spots, dries pimples and stimulates the regeneration process.

Diet Benefits

Diet is essential for acne treatment © iStock

To understand how to get rid of acne, analyze your diet. Sugar and carbohydrate foods, as well as milk and trans fats, stimulate the sebaceous glands. With a tendency to rashes, the consumption of these products should be minimized.

Vegetables, nuts, protein and low-carb foods, olive oil, oily fish - these are the ingredients of the ideal diet that acne really does not like.

Cosmetics and prevention

With a large number of acne and blackheads, treatment prescribed by a doctor is indispensable. But cosmetics for problem skin will help prevent new rashes, reduce their number and keep the situation under control.


Cleansing is the most important step in skin care. Want to know how to get rid of acne? Use products that cleanse the skin deeply, but without aggression. Foaming acid gels, herbal lotions, charcoal scrubs, clay masks are your best friends.

Gel, tonic, mask, scrub

Tool name Action Ingredients
Micellar water Effaclar Ultra, La Roche-Posay Removes makeup, micro-pollution and excess sebum, mattifies, does not create a friction effect. micelles, glycerin
Alcohol-free tonic for all skin types Equalizing Toner, Skinceuticals Removes impurities without disturbing the pH of the skin, has a sebum-regulating and soothing effect. extracts of witch hazel, thyme, cucumber, kiwi, aloe and chamomile
Gel for deep cleansing of the skin Normaderm, Vichy Visibly cleanses pores without tightening the skin, enriched with salicylic acid, which has an antibacterial effect. salicylic acid
Mask “Magic of Clay. Cleansing and matting, L "Oréal Paris Cleanses pores, mattifies, fights imperfections. three types of clay: kaolin, gassul, montmorillonite plus eucalyptus extract
Ultra-cleansing gel against acne and blackheads "Clean Skin Active", Garnier Cleanses the surface of the skin from excess sebum and impurities. blueberry extract, vegetable charcoal, salicylic acid

Daily care

Skin with acne is not enough banal moisturizing - it needs products that have exfoliating, sebum-regulating and anti-inflammatory effects, but not overdrying the skin.

Cream, serum, fluid

Tool name Action Ingredients
SERUM FOR SKIN WITH ACNE AND AGE CHANGES BLEMISH + AGE DEFENSE, SKINCEUTICALS Reduces greasiness, evens out skin texture, helps prevent rashes and post-acne. acids: dioic, capryl-salicylic, salicylic, glycolic, citric
Corrective care against imperfections "Normaderm 24h moisturizing", Vichy Corrects and prevents imperfections, neutralizes oily sheen, promotes the regeneration process. salicylic acid 1.5% + LHA, PhE-Resorcinol, Air Licium
CREAM-GEL EFFACLAR DUO (+), LA ROCHE-POSAY It inhibits the growth of bacteria, prevents and corrects traces of post-acne. lipohydroxy- and salicylic acid, piroctone olamine, niacinamide
Fluid with herbs for problem skin Blue Herbal Moisturizer, Kiehl's Moisturizes and prevents inflammation. salicylic acid, cinnamon and ginger root extracts

Means of local action

Products that are applied directly to pimples to control and reduce inflammation are your top secret weapon to get rid of acne fast.

SOS funds

Tool name Action Ingredients
LOCAL GEL FOR PROBLEM SKIN BLUE HERBAL SPOT TREATMENT, KIEHL’S Helps reduce inflammation, soothes the skin, stimulates cell renewal. salicylic acid, extracts of cinnamon, ginger root, frankincense
GEL NORMADERM HYALUSPOT, VICHY Creates the effect of an invisible patch that maintains a high concentration of components with antibacterial action. salicylic, hyaluronic, lipo-hydroxy acids
LOCAL ACTION CORRECTION EFFACLAR A. I., LA ROCHE-POSAY Reduces bacterial activity, exfoliates, contains components with a known anti-inflammatory effect. lipohydroxy acid, niacinamide, piroctone olamine, glycosil

Pimples and blackheads with folk remedies and methods at home is not a new topic. Acne is a very unpleasant manifestation of a malfunction of the body, the sebaceous glands. They not only cause discomfort, but also significantly affect the emotional state. They need to be treated after consultation with a specialist. Read about the causes, treatment and getting rid of acne at home with folk remedies in adolescents and adults in this article.

Medical preparations


So, how to treat acne with medicines at home? The most effective group of drugs that are used in the treatment of acne are retinoids. These medicines are aimed at solving certain problems:

  • decreased secretion (sebum) production;
  • prevention of new acne;
  • scar removal.

External therapy is performed using the following isomers of retinoic acid:

  • "Isotretionin".
  • "Tretionin".

Treatment of internal acne (conglobate), which have shown resistance to external therapy, is carried out through such medicines:

  • "Roaccutane".
  • "Retinol palmitate".

When treating acne with medications from the retinoid group, you need to be very careful. They are endowed with many side effects. The most dangerous side effects are teratogenicity, embryotoxicity.

Given this feature, the drugs should not be used by women of childbearing age. Drugs do not have a similar effect on the reproductive function of men.

Let's now find out how to get rid of acne at home with antibiotics.


Antibiotics are also needed in the treatment of acne. From this group are usually used:

  • clindamycin;
  • erythromycin;
  • josamycin;
  • tetracyclines;

Medicines should be taken orally, their doctor prescribes if significant areas of the dermis are affected, a large number of abscesses.

Let's now find out how to remove acne at home with antiseptics.


We also need antiseptics and disinfectants. The most commonly used is benzoyl peroxide. This substance is not prescribed in the presence of a large number of comedones. Preparations that contain it relieve inflammation, reduce the level of fatty acids, and destroy the walls of bacteria. The drug is prescribed under the following names:

  • "Benzakne".
  • "Baziron".
  • Desquam.
  • "Oxy 5".
  • "Oxy 10".

An excellent therapeutic effect in the treatment of comedones is observed when combining benzoyl peroxide (in the morning) with Retinoic ointment (in the evening).

To suppress the growth of microorganisms, reduce the level of free fats, azelaic acid is prescribed, which is contained in the gel, cream "". With a slight rash, you can use the Curiosin gel, which contains zinc hyaluronate. Salicylic alcohol, povidone-iodine, sulfur can also help.

In women, treatment may include hormones:

  • antiandrogens ("Spironolactone", "Androkur", "Cyproterone-acetate");
  • estrogens ("Ethinylestradiol").

In addition to medicines, the fight against acne can be carried out (quite successfully) through folk remedies, masks.

It is about acne masks at home that we will talk about below.

The video below will tell you about whether store masks help with acne:

Face masks

You can cope with acne at home, for this you can use masks, compresses, acne lotions. Consider the most effective of the masks that you can make yourself.

  • Soda + bran. To prepare such a mask to fight acne at home, you will need rye bran (1 tbsp.), Which we grind with a meat grinder. Add baking soda to this mass (1 - 2 tsp). Add water to the mixture (enough to make a thick slurry). The resulting mass is applied to the face, incubated for about 5 - 10 minutes. Rinse off your face with cold water and a pinch of baking soda.
  • Onion + sugar + laundry soap. The tool is considered very effective, but has a very pungent odor. They can only be used on weekends. We take onion, sugar in equal volumes (1 tsp), add grated soap. The duration of the procedure is about 15 minutes. If the dermis is very sensitive, 5-10 minutes is enough.
  • Kefir mask. We prepare it from kefir (1 tablespoon), oatmeal (1 tablespoon). Oatmeal should be ground into flour. Add lemon oil (2 drops) to the mass. The tool copes well with acne, removes blackheads.
  • Horseradish + tea tree. Horseradish should be grated. Add tea tree oil (2 drops) to it, apply the resulting product on the face. The duration of the procedure is up to 20 minutes.
  • Bodyagi mask. We prepare it from bodyagi powder, which we dilute with water to the consistency of sour cream. The agent is kept for 10 minutes.

We will talk about how else you can cure acne at home with folk remedies, below.

Other ways to treat acne at home

  • Coniferous lotion + chamomile + plantain. We prepare it with needles (2 tablespoons), plantain (2-3 leaves), chamomile flowers, calendula (one tablespoon each). Pour everything with boiling water (0.5 l), insist, let cool. Rinse your face with the resulting lotion. Also, the dry mixture can be filled with vodka (0.5 l). This lotion is allowed to wipe only inflamed areas (no more than once a day).
  • Compress (honey + calendula). Such a compress is considered very effective. Plus, it's pretty easy to prepare. Dissolve honey (2-3 tsp) in water (1 tbsp, it should be hot), add calendula tincture (2 tsp). To treat the affected areas, you will need cotton swabs dipped in the prepared liquid. It is allowed to use such a compress twice a day, after washing.
  • Rubbing with ice cubes. Many people recommend instead of regular washing, wiping with ice cubes. Such cubes can be prepared from the infusion of St. John's wort, chamomile. This procedure helps to narrow the pores, relieve inflammation. Preparing cubes is very simple, you only need ice molds, a decoction. We prepare a decoction from chamomile, St. John's wort (2 tablespoons each). We fill them with boiling water, boil for 5-10 minutes over low heat. Before pouring the decoction into the molds, it must be insisted, 3-5 hours will be enough. Pouring the broth into molds, put it in the freezer.

For rubbing, you can use:

  • parsley juice;
  • infusion of white lily petals;
  • chamomile decoction;
  • aloe juice.

In the fight against acne, peeling will not be superfluous. It is necessary to eliminate dead cells. For peeling, you can use this scrub:

  • fine coffee (1 tablespoon);
  • sour cream (1 tablespoon).

Massage the dermis with this mixture for about 2 minutes. You can't rub hard. After finishing the procedure, wash off the scrub with warm water. This procedure, like masks, is allowed to be used only twice a week.

Diet is considered an important point in the treatment of acne. To cleanse the dermis, care should be taken to cleanse the intestines. To do this, you need to drink water on an empty stomach (in the morning) with salt (1 pinch per 1 tbsp.). It is recommended to drink a glass of kefir after half an hour. Salt removes harmful bacteria. Kefir is needed to saturate the flora with lactobacilli, remove salt.

Proper nutrition includes vegetables, fruits, lean meats, fish, rice. Consider its basic principles:

  1. Fish must be on the menu.
  2. Vitamin B is needed (beans, cheese, cabbage, buckwheat, kidneys, millet, beans, soy). It is responsible for enzymatic processes.
  3. It is necessary to monitor the provision of omega acids. There are many of them in flax seeds.
  4. It is necessary to monitor the intake of vitamin A (sorrel, carrots, currants, apricots, cucumbers, liver, spinach).
  5. Take vitamin E (almonds, walnuts, peanuts, pistachios).
  6. You need to eat foods containing zinc (wheat cuts, herring, asparagus, oysters, beef, veal liver).

The following products should be excluded from the menu:

  • chips;
  • bread (in large quantities);
  • sweets;
  • sandwiches;
  • fatty foods;
  • crackers;
  • crackers;
  • cookies.

As for drinking, preference should be given to clean water. It will cleanse the body, help cells with recovery, remove toxins. It is recommended to drink purified water.

The main thing is to carry out the fight against acne in a complex way. It is necessary to combine a diet, care for the dermis (masks, compresses, rubbing). All this is recommended to be done after consultation with a specialist.

Treating acne on the face at home is not easy, but necessary. Taking care of your skin will bear fruit in the future.

This video will tell about other folk remedies for acne on the face:

Happy to welcome everyone again! I haven't visited you for a long time, my friends, but it seemed to me that this might be interesting. As far as I know, here many of us have problem skin, in which episodic inflammation seems to have taken root. I fought it with everything that could be fought. And the medicine appeared unexpectedly and turned out to be completely different from what I expected to see it. Wikipedia also does not list this in the list of causes of acne.

All twenty-three years of my life have passed under the banner of struggle. Well, okay, not twenty-three - but the last thirteen for sure. I've had skin breakouts for as long as I can remember. At an earlier age, these were small small pimples, in adolescence - localized acne, usually appearing here and there, in adolescence - it deepened and spread, and a couple of years ago it happened that there was no side of the face that would did not suffer from acne. Episodically, the skin cleared up a little, and in the same way, episodic total and merciless horror set in, during which I did not take pictures and tried to do at least something with my poor skin. I learned to cure my face with courses of masks and strict discipline (which is what the article is about), but one thing was for sure - they always returned. Large, small, open, subcutaneous, fast-healing and long-lasting, bright and almost imperceptible pimples. Any drug treatment led to the fact that I was cured for a short time, thinning my skin and suffering from hypersensitivity, I walked happy for a couple of months, but then everything gradually started again.

The main and key thing was that I could not leave my skin unattended - even a two-three day hike, in which I did not use several super products, gave me new clogged pores and new inflammation. With experience, I found out that the problem was not in the cosmetics that I used, but in my own skin - it was the structure of the pores or my own sebaceous secret that caused inflammation, plus a weak hormonal factor was also noticeable. I realized that I would never get rid of acne, so I chose this strategy - first to cure inflammation (basiron + differin), and then use cosmetics with light acids to get rid of comedones immediately. It helped, but I couldn't live in control all the time! I didn't want a trip or an overdose of dessert to turn my face into a war scene again, I didn't want to shake it over with jars. I wanted to live freely, travel, and not be embarrassed by the way my skin looked. But, alas, it turned out that this was the only way out - dancing with tambourines. And still, despite this, sometimes a step to the side and acne began to creep in again, and then passed, but a few spots and a couple of pimples accompanied me permanently. And then again. Such is the cosmetic wheel of samsara.

I had friends in real life as well. One of my acquaintances, who was fascinated by psychology and all sorts of near-esoteric topics, tried to attribute this to psychosomatics as well, but did not get a concrete result. I studied several articles and decided that psychosomatics is not my case.

I don’t know if you need before and after photos, because you all know about my problem, and from the after photo, where the face is close enough, I can only provide phone selfies.

And in the second half of this year, the acne just went away. It has disappeared. I could not wash my face for two days, I could fall asleep with a tinted (I haven’t used foundation for a long time) cream on my face, I could eat almost a whole bar of chocolate and drink it with milk, my God, I could eat sweet or fatty for a week in a row, I could wipe face with a towel that I wipe my body with, could not look at myself in the mirror, in general, do everything that an ordinary person does and everything that is barbaric for a person with problem skin. All my past "cures" were characterized by the fact that they acted only for the time of application of the medicine or a little after, and subject to all the rules and strictly thorough cleaning of the face. And now I didn’t treat my skin with anything, I used the most ordinary moisturizer or oil, and that’s it - before, my skin from this approach gave me a nightmare on elm street, and now it is such that all my makeup is eyebrow shadows and red lipstick. As pictured in profile.

I did not understand my happiness right away, but only after a few months of a suspicious absence of inflammation. But what did I do? It was clearly not "just age". Acne went away abruptly enough not to attribute it to some physical factors either, because nothing has changed in my life ... except for myself. Those of you who are my VK friends know that this year I finally decided to BE MYSELF.

I will try not to burden you with text, which has already been written a lot. In short - my parents never accepted and continue to not accept my personality. All my desires and initiatives met and continue to meet fierce criticism and rejection, and in general the society was not so enthusiastic about my unusual views or desires. The consequence of this was that even without realizing it, I tried to trim myself for everyone, for “normality”, in order to make other people happy, so as not to cause them discomfort, so that they would not try to remake me or fight with my views. I had two faces - one suppressed by my present, and the other one that was "decent". I did not realize that no one would go to burn me at the stake for my views, in the worst case, they would simply twist it at the temple and say a couple of affectionate ones. It's just that this model was implanted in my mind by my relatives. Self-acceptance model - the child learns to perceive his personality by the way his relatives who are nearby perceive his personality. Unfortunately, my parents, although being professional teachers, gave me a huge number of such psychological jambs, which in turn led to the accumulation of other problems and which I have been intensively correcting for the last two years.

The bottom line is that I didn't accept myself. I gave up myself, my desires, I lost my dreams - just like so many of us do when we get into adulthood. I fought with myself, trying to adjust myself to life, because it is really very difficult to achieve your dreams when you have to eat, pay utilities and so on. and so on.

And exactly the same character was my relationship with acne - struggle and rejection. Discomfort from the suppression of my personality burst out in the form of inflammation. Sounds strange, but it's true. Pure and undisguised psychosomatics. And as soon as I, in sorting out my psychological problems, reached the point that I would no longer give up on myself under any pretext, that I would adamantly achieve what I needed, in general, I just accepted myself for who I am - acne left me. The constant source disappeared - and the chronic problem disappeared. Yes, it's so simple, banal and easy. I would never have thought that this could be so if I had not begun to correct my life and my head.

And to everyone who has chronic diseases that come back one way or another, I recommend that you sit down and once again honestly answer yourself the question - are you happy?

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