Creation of the school newspaper. Project "creating a school newspaper" How to make a school portal

School site features

A school site cannot be fully created only by the efforts of the school itself, even if it is a triad of "administration - teachers - students". All these are subjects “from within” the school, and they may not always reflect the presented system in the fullness of the information requests of its potential “external” users. In other words, with this approach to creating a site, for example, the information requests of parents or employees of district and city departments of education will often not be taken into account, coordinated professional interaction between subject teachers working in different schools, etc. will not be able to be implemented. Also important is the “disconnection” from participation in the work of the site of creative teachers of the school, active students who, for one reason or another, do not work in contact with the group of site creators. Such a site will only solve problems localized within the framework of the school itself, it can be, at best, a "business card" of a single institution. Such a site cannot be an instrument of interaction with other subjects (not necessarily only educational ones!), a structural element of an education system open for contacts with the outside world.-

Website - an environment for intra-school interaction

The site can become a kind of space for professional reflection for the school. The news feed becomes a chronicle of the life of an adult and children's team, a kind of diary of the 21st century.

Internet business card of the school

A school site can also serve as a business card of a school - with its own unique style and a form of presenting material characteristic of this school.

In a situation of limited state funding for education, a business card website of a school can also be a tool for establishing contacts with educational and business circles, searching for forms of cooperation, grants and subsidies. Under these conditions, it is irrational to ignore the possibilities of network self-positioning of an educational institution.

Standard school site set

A standard set of topics present on school sites:

  • News
  • Events
  • Projects
  • School history
  • Photo album
  • Our teachers
  • Our graduates
  • Student success
  • For parents
  • Jobs
  • Schedule
  • How to find us
  • Thanks

The standard set, in this case, means the ability to standardize the information that we receive from many sites.

Educational and methodological materials for the school curriculum

DIY school website

The authors should consider merging with Recommendations for creating a school site !!!

In this case, the creator of the site is a computer science teacher or other school employee, a school graduate who is familiar with site building, an “advanced” child - a high school student.

The option is good mainly because it is cheap. In addition, he is “managed”: these are your employees, students, people who have a close relationship with you. But this is precisely the option that can be bad: those who are under your serious influence and depend on you in many ways will not always dare to discuss with you.

Creation options:

  • Text editor - knowledge of markup language required
  • Special html editors:
    • home site
    • front page
    • dreamweaver

Examples of open content management systems (Full list of open CMS)


Drupal - Drupal - Dutch "druppel" ("drop") in English pronunciation. Pronounced with an accent on "a" - "drupal". Drupal's architecture allows it to be used to build various types of sites - from blogs and forums to information archives or news sites. The functionality is provided by plug-ins that access the common Drupal API. The standard set of modules includes, for example, such functions as posting articles, news feed, blog, comments, forum, file upload, news collector, voting, search, etc. The system supports localization of the interface for various languages, there is also support for the Russian language.

To build the structure of the site Drupal uses Taxonomy (taxonomy), this is the original technique inherent in Drupal, an analogue of the "tag cloud", but with much more features. With the help of taxonomy, you can define an arbitrary number of dictionaries, and create an arbitrary number of terms in them, in which the site materials will be placed in the future. In the hands of a skilled craftsman who knows HTML and PHP, such a construction allows you to modify the structure of the site at any time and turn it into anything.

Many educational sites work on this engine:

  • Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University


According to Free open-source CMS written in PHP. Joomla is one of the world's most popular content management systems, and not just for community building. It includes a forum, blogs, polls, the possibility of collective creation of pages. But its main advantage is a huge number of extensions with which you can create a community engine with any set of functions. In addition, there is (not even one) a Russian-speaking community of Joomla users where you can get support.

Joomla - A feature of the system is a minimal set of tools during the initial installation, which is enriched as needed. This reduces the clutter of the administrative panel with unnecessary elements, and also reduces the load on the server and saves space on the hosting.

Joomla! is a Content Management System (CMS) created by the same award-winning team that made Mambo CMS famous today. Name Joomla! is a phonetic transcription of the Swahili word "Jumla", which means "all together" or "one whole".

This engine is running


  • NPZH software designed to organize communication and collaboration on documents of a group of people. Working with the IWP requires some website skills, but does not require participants to be Internet professionals. This is not an easy Russian sum




"Creating a School Newspaper »


2018 .


    The main goals and objectives of the project

    The relevance and importance of the problem of creating a modern school newspaper and its development.

    Project content

    Expected results of the project

    Logistics and technical support of the project



    Applications:releases of the school newspaper, presentation.

Newspaper This is the history of the world in a day.

This is the history of the world in which we live and the events

which interest us more than those related

to the past that exists only in memory.

A. Schopenhauer

I . Project goals:

    Formation of an active life position.

    Socialization of school students.

    Stimulating the interest of the younger generation in solving urgent problems of the school and society.

    Disclosure of creative abilities of students.

    Coverage of school events, creation of a lively, actively working information environment.

    Demonstration of the technical capabilities of new information technologies at school.

The main tasks of the project:

    Development of critical thinking skills, communication skills.

    Acquisition of group work skills.

    Assistance in the education of the information culture of students: the ability to work with documents, with any written and printed text.

    Formation of a sense of civic engagement for the social environment in their school, village, district.

    Increasing interest in learning(literature, Russian language, social studies, local history, computer science) , as well as to the social life of the school, district.

    Formation of a humanistic attitude to the world around, familiarization with universal values, striving for a healthy lifestyle.

    Implementation of civil-patriotic education.

    Formation of tolerant consciousness among students.

II . The relevance and importance of the problem of creating a modern school newspaper and its development .

For several years, the school needed its own school press, produced by the students themselves. Despite being busy in circles and sports sections, every teenager has free time. Many children give his passion for cinema, photography, communication, try their hand at writing articles for the school newspaper. How to combine the interests of the guys? How to be actively involved in school life? One of the solutions to these issues is the release of a printed school newspaper.

What is a school newspaper? The school newspaper is a modern means of educating patriotism, forming an active citizenship, as well as a means of increasing interest in learning. It models the situation of adult life, allows you to cover a fairly wide range of students, different in age and interests, contributes to the cohesion of children, the improvement of interpersonal relations through the ability to reckon with the opinions, interests and desires of their comrades.But the main thing is that the newspaper helps the formation of the child's personality -active, thoughtful, tolerant .

Creating a school newspaper allows you to establish closer micro-social ties within the school. The participation of students in the school editorial board supports their individual development, as it helps to organize themselves, express their thoughts, disseminate them among other people, helps to know oneself better, discover the world. In the process of joint activities to create a newspaperrelations of mutual understanding are established between teachers and students.

The newspaper is the simplest and most accessible school publication, and therefore we started our publishing activity with a newspaper, which is a modern means of educating patriotism, forming an active citizenship, as well as a means of increasing interest in learning.The main task of the editorial office of our newspaper – be able to tell about school life in such a way that the newspaper will interest students and teachers.

Our newspaper really plays a big role in the life of the teenagers who publish it. It contributes to the maturation of the children, their upbringing, and also helps the emergence within the walls of the school of a sustainable mini-society, the current model of the modern world. As a result of the work of the school press center, everyone, both writing and reading, feels their own importance and involvement in solving school problems. Another important quality that the newspaper “cultivates” is responsibility. After all, teamwork is a serious and difficult matter ... Everyone takes on the work that he can handle. For the development of school publishing, the efforts of the school administration, teachers, educators, school student self-government and the school library were combined.

The purpose of creating a newspaper is not only to reveal the creative abilities of students, to cover school events, to create a lively, actively working information environment, but also to demonstrate the technical capabilities of new information technologies at school. Computer literacy classes provide consultations and lessons on Corel Draw and Adobe Photoshop programs. To write an article on a current topic, to put your signature, knowing that a lot of people will read the newspaper - all this leads to the concept of "responsibility". What is printed remains, and the young "journalist" who publishes in the school newspaper must be vigilant all the time, like his "brother", a professional journalist, so as not to provoke, not to disgrace, not to slander, not to offend ...

The school team enjoys reading and discussing each new issue of the newspaper; therefore, we think about it and print what is interesting to him. We also publish about curious cases, and we try in every possible way to establish the closest ties with readers and with all those who are able to keep the newspaper alive.

III. Project content

To publish and distribute a newspaper, first of all, you need a strong team. The editorial board includes students of grades 6-9. All assignments are distributed on a voluntary basis, are interchangeable during the creative process.

This project involves the organization of publishing activities on the basis of our school by students with the support of teachers and school specialists.

During the implementation of the project, the participants are divided into working groups: correspondents - collecting information; editors - preparation of materials, photojournalists - photographic materials.

The further work of the editorial board will be adjusted taking into account the opinions of readers. The implementation of this project is necessary, first of all, for the formation of students' knowledge, skills and abilities to work with various types of information, to accept, edit material, the ability to reason, the ability to communicate with people, analyze events, process graphic information, search for the necessary information in various publications, as well as on the Internet. The newspaper publishes materials from both school life and information taken from the Internet, from various sources.

Project participants: students of grades 6-9, teachers, school specialists.

Today, school graduates are required not only knowledge, but also activity, initiative, the ability to make decisions in a difficult situation. Accordingly, such changes are needed in the organization of the learning process so that the student can apply the acquired knowledge.
This is especially true for adolescents, who, due to their age characteristics, tend to participate in adult life. And since the educational process provides few opportunities for realizing a sense of adulthood, they find other opportunities for its manifestation (smoking, etc.).
Based on this need - the inclusion of adult forms of activity in the educational process - we decided to publish a newspaper.


The idea of ​​creating a newspaper at school is not new. Many educational institutions have their own periodicals and radio outlets. A feature of our work is that it is built on the concept of a teenage school, the author of which is the experimental platform of the Moscow Association for Developmental Education (MARO) under the direction of B.D. Elkonin.
This circumstance not only makes our work theoretically substantiated, but fills it with a special content that allows us to turn an ordinary business (long known, maybe even traditional) into an adaptive space for the transition to the world of adults.
We based our project on the framework approach to goal setting proposed by B.D. Elkonin. Its essence lies in the fact that each goal has a horizon of action and is a certain stage in achieving one common goal - the ultimate framework.
There are six regions in total.
First(this is the ultimate frame) - anthropological. Assumes the development of a certain type of person.
Second- cultural-age - associated with the solution of the problem of personal action of a teenager, such an action that would allow the graduate to find his place already in the adult world.
Third- a framework for acquiring instrumental knowledge with which you can design something new.
Fourth- a specific action of a teenager associated with the expression of his own point of view.
Fifth- the field of activity of students associated with research, problem solving, writing.
sixth- simple participation of schoolchildren in practical activities.
A framework approach in goal setting makes it possible, on the one hand, to see the prospect of one's activities, and on the other hand, to act within the limits that are currently available. This keeps from straining at work, unnecessary striving to achieve those heights that are still alien to teenagers themselves, but desirable for adults.
The structure of the work allows you to preserve the spontaneity of students' activities, thanks to which any business becomes alive.
The presence of a large number of functional aspects, the dynamism and diversity of the project make it possible to include an unlimited circle of participants in it.
Both individual and team submissions are accepted.
For four editions of the newspaper, 25 schoolchildren participated in the project as journalists, typesetters, and newspaper peddlers.
This activity allows solving both interpersonal problems of students and intrapersonal problems of a particular teenager. We have already witnessed such changes and are ready to admit that the hypothesis about the developmental nature of the teenage school really has practical confirmation.
And another very important point. This activity changes the nature of relationships between adults and adolescents (teachers and students, parents and children). Already now we see the emergence of the foundations of cooperation. We hope that we have the strength to grow them into an atmosphere of cooperation throughout the school, based on mutual respect and mutual responsibility.


Consider the goals of the teenage school and correlate them with the concept of the school newspaper.

1st area - anthropological (ultimate) frame.

Of course, participation in the publication of a newspaper does not in itself develop a certain type of person. Nevertheless, the concept of practical activity suggests an ultimate educational goal.
The ultimate framework of our work is the development of a strong spiritual personality. A person who has the ability to admire can see a miracle every day.
Such a foundation develops the following abilities in a child:

  • the ability to make choices and make decisions;
  • the ability to be responsible for these decisions, for oneself and for one's actions;
  • the ability to be autonomous.

The last skill is especially important, since the majority of Russian people are characterized by a desire for the opposite pole of the scale - for deep spiritual contact with another person. But due to the lack of a culture of autonomy, any loss of a partner turns into a tragedy for a person.
In addition, the ultimate goal is the formation of such motivation, when a person, leaving the walls of the school, is aware of his place in life.

2nd area - cultural-age frame

This goal, according to the concept of a teenage school, is based on the work of L.S. Vygotsky and D.B. Elkonin about "cultural age".
The cultural and historical content of the adolescent crisis reflects the essential features and challenges of the times.
The main psychological neoplasm, according to the concept of the teenage school, is based on the emergence of the “Other as Other”.
In this regard, the problem of self-determination arises - the problem of personal (relevant) action.
The work of creating a school newspaper, in our opinion, is within this framework. This work is connected with the correlation of one's own idea, creative excitement with the perception of this idea by others, which are peers, high school students, and adults (teachers, parents). The implementation of each idea is associated with research and decision making.
For example, in the first issue of our newspaper "Peremenka" there is a heading "Games of our class".
At first there was a game in the classroom, accidentally discovered by the teacher. The "original" included both offensive language and obscene language. Later, on Self-Government Day, when the “teachers” were schoolchildren, this game was already proposed by the teacher, who at that moment was a “student”. In it, the same idea was reflected in a different language and in a different form (this version is presented in the newspaper).
Then the teenagers, being students of the 9th grade, did not accept this interpretation, it left them indifferent.
In the 10th grade, when the question of what to print in the newspaper was discussed, the game already caused a strong reaction, laughter, and it was decided to publish it. Moreover, the students did not mind indicating their names.
The childish game served as a dummy, a trial balloon. If it had been printed in its original form, it would have been negatively perceived by both peers and adults. It caused laughter only in a narrow group of people.
The second trial balloon was created by the teacher. Perhaps that is why he did not arouse interest, as he was perceived as "alien".
The following year, the game already aroused interest not only in terms of content, but also as a possible version of the rubric.
Going beyond is another stage of work - the implementation of the publication. The newspaper needs to be sold. Moreover, it is desirable not only within the school, but also outside it. Moreover, the newspaper must be interesting enough to attract the attention of sponsors. It is sponsorship contributions that make the game complete, as they will be used to pay the employees of the newspaper.
Working within this framework is our goal.

3rd area - logical-epistemological framework (acquisition of instrumental knowledge)

Adolescent knowledge is active knowledge, that is, knowledge as a means. With the help of a familiar concept, a teenager tries something new.
Modeling should become the main action in teaching a teenager (Davydov V.V., Repkin V.V.), and the model - the main subject and the supporting structure of education. According to the idea of ​​the adolescent school, the transformation of object knowledge into instrumental knowledge is the nerve of learning.
Almost all elements of the work on creating the next issue of the newspaper are associated with such a transformation. For example, preparing material for printing.
Composing poetry requires a deeper knowledge of literature, and students in grades 6–7 (they are the ones who compose poetry most of all) begin to consult teachers about rhythm, the correct choice of words, etc.
They have to turn to literary sources, the works of the classics, and already there they find samples of versification.
High school students in their articles, exploring a particular issue, use knowledge of history, ecology and other subjects.
Computer layout allows not only to realize knowledge in computer science, but also to replenish it.
The need to achieve a payback for the publication, and even earn money, makes you think about the subject matter of the articles, the form of their presentation, so that there is a demand for the newspaper. In this case, knowledge of economics is used. It is the children who came up with the idea of ​​attracting sponsors and placing their advertisements.

4th area - mode frame

The activity of creating a newspaper is the situation due to which the previously built schemes are tested. This may be a scheme for creating your own business, interacting with the outside world, etc.
In general, this practical activity is a simulation of adult life situations that allow you to transform your knowledge, observations, point of view into a certain work, printed material that reflects the opinion of a certain age group.

5th area - types of work in a teenage school

There are four main types of work in the teenage school.
1st type - study, research;
2nd type - productive forms (writing, painting);
3rd type - problem solving;
4th type - evidence and reasoning techniques.

In our practice, types 1, 2 and 4 are used. To date, our work is within this framework.
Individual students manage to reflect their point of view, position with the help of the article. Under the position is understood not just the opinion of the student, which he declares, but creativity, which reflects a certain vision of life.

6th area - work technique frame

According to the idea of ​​the teenage school, it is the inclusion of one's own action in the actions of others. In this case, it is the very participation in practical activities, the definition of one's role in it.


Each issue of the newspaper presents a kind of task associated with the need to reveal a specific topic. The theme allows you to combine students' articles with a common idea, and make their work directed.
For example, the first issue is an acquaintance of individual students, student groups, "services" of the school with the outside world, which is both the world of adults and the world of peers. The theme of the second issue is preparation for the holiday. Such tasks are determined by the project manager. An indicative list of topics is provided in the appendix.
Further, either collectively or by the project manager, it is determined how this task can be solved. That is, the mode of action is revealed. Headings can be discussed here, ideas that can be implemented, educational studies are considered, the material of which can be used.
The concept of the edition assumes work in the spirit of humanistic traditions.
Any material in which the position of the author is presented should be presented in a form close to the “I-statement”
It assumes the initial acceptance of the "other" as a value. Criticism is allowed, but it must not be offensive.
The newspaper is not political and does not promote the views of any parties, religious beliefs. However, it has its own priorities. The publication reflects events, phenomena, opinions from the point of view of universal values: peace, kindness, tolerance, a healthy lifestyle, etc.
The use of profanity is not allowed. Reflection of informal communication of one or another age group is allowed.
Articles should be life-affirming, optimistic.
The central problem of the content of teaching in adolescence school is to find mode of action. But in general, there are 3 areas in the content of training:
1) the subject-conceptual structure of the academic subject;
2) logical-objective and logical-psychological analysis of the method of action (search) of the student;
3) teaching methodology associated with the standard of setting a learning task.
First area considers the category knowledge. According to the content, knowledge has a conceptual structure. By origin, knowledge is a thought that does not reflect reality, but refracts it, transforms it. Thus, firstly, knowledge is not a reflection, but a transformation.
Secondly, the transformation is recreated in a special sign form, in the limit it is a text.
Thirdly, the transformation is carried out with the help of a concept, which in itself is a mediated vision of reality. The form of knowledge is the objective action of a person.
The work on creating a newspaper encourages students to apply generalized knowledge, concepts to comprehend reality. The need to reflect this reality in writing and make it interesting for the perception of other people forces us to reflect existential ideas with the help of concepts, to transform reality into our own point of view, into a position.
Second area considers nature positions student. Psychologically, the position is, on the one hand, the position of the observer, and on the other hand, the vision is not “from oneself”, but “from the other”.
Third area associated with the concept of trial balloon. In our opinion, the newspaper is such a trial balloon.


According to the concept of the adolescent school, organizational forms should encourage the development of thinking. These should be forms of thought initiation.
To do this, it is necessary to build situations in which theoretical thinking arises.
As a result of the creation of such situations, the way the student lives in school, his way of working changes; the spatio-temporal coordination of educational subjects changes, the forms of work are enriched.
According to G.A. Zuckerman and Z.N. Novlyanskaya, the main direction of children's initiatives and self-movement develop in terms of relationships, that is, in the psychological and social terms. Accordingly, in the space of the main school, organizational forms should be presented for the generation and retention, in order to formalize these initiatives.
Two ways of constructing such organizational forms are determined.
The first path is the path of children's initiative, arising from the needs of the intellectual sphere. An example of such a path is the experience of Z.N. Novlyanskaya and G.N. Kudina, when the initiative of children to publish certain periodicals arose at a literature lesson. This experience lasted for a year and a half. Three competing editorial boards appeared in the class, which published their own newspapers with a specific struggle for the reader, for the author.
The second way is when an adult brings new objects into adolescent life that shape the adolescent's requests for solving his own socio-psychological problems and the tasks of his own life. An example is the experimental course in school psychology created by G.A. Zuckerman.
In our case, the very idea of ​​publishing a newspaper comes from adults. But it appeared and took shape as a business game based on children's requests.
In high school, he sounded during business games in social science classes, when teenagers with great pleasure at the "presidential election" asked tricky questions to his team, arguing about the correctness of the political course.
Here, the desire of students to interpret certain events, express their point of view, be participants in public life and influence public opinion was manifested.
At the middle level, students brought their poems and talked about their hobbies with pleasure. They wanted to be heard more, to feel the interest of adults in their lives. However, these needs were manifested in literary form mainly in children who were “prosperous”, quite successful in their studies. "Difficult" children showed it by "showing themselves." Moreover, they were not afraid to be funny, incomprehensible to adults. This observation was also laid in the basis of the business game.
At the middle level, another need of students was found, which, as we assume, is associated with the feeling of adulthood of adolescents, is the need to earn money. It was also experienced by those students whose parents give them a certain amount for expenses, and by students whose families have financial difficulties.
This need was met in different ways: “prosperous” children tried to collect metal or bottles and thus earn capital, “difficult” children took money from their peers. This behavior also reflects the contradictions of the adult world.
Based on these needs and inclinations of students, we proposed the idea of ​​a business game. It lies in the fact that students are engaged not only in creating a newspaper, reproducing the work of a real, “adult” publication, but also distributing it, advertising, looking for sponsors and thus earning money.
In such a complete version of the game, both "prosperous" and "difficult" children, and high school and middle school students, and extroverts and introverts can participate in it. The latter is also very important, since extroverts, as a rule, are involved in active school and extracurricular life. There are a lot of professional roles in the game: journalists, distributors, specialists in advertising, computer layout, etc.
The organizational forms of the game go through several stages. At first, children show themselves as journalists. Adults set the theme of the issue, distribute responsibilities between students, initially assuming their capabilities, or create an issue based on scattered children's articles.
The distribution of the newspaper is also carried out with the help of adults.
At this stage, a team of teachers has formed to help students in their work.
Russian language teacher (proofreader), advises creative work, checks literacy.
Informatics teacher, helps to carry out computer layout.
The head teacher for extracurricular activities (director), deals with financial issues, monitors the stages of the newspaper's work, and coordinates the actions of a team of teachers. He is responsible for the distribution of the newspaper, attracts students to this activity (later he will distribute the wages of the newspaper's employees).
The responsible editor is the author of the project. He is responsible for the content of the newspaper, its design. The responsible editor sets the theme of each issue, distributes responsibilities between students, and creates a layout for the future issue. Carries out direct work with children on the preparation of each number.
The task of each of the team of teachers is to gradually transfer their powers to children so that the quality of practical activities does not suffer.
The next stages can unfold in any way, depending on the situation. Each new situation determines the next step.
Our practical activity is still at the initial stage.
The content of practical activity is a kind of task that encourages the development of such qualities as initiative, activity. At the same time, these qualities are manifested within the framework of universal human values ​​and humanistic traditions.
The organizational form of practical activity is a business game that simulates the situation of adult life and allows you to cover a fairly wide range of students, different in age, interests, and social status.

educational psychologist,
p. Luchegorsk,
Primorsky Krai


Indicative list of newspaper topics

1. Acquaintance
- with primary classes;
- with middle-level classes;
- with senior classes;
- with various services at the school, areas of work: sports activities, environmental movement, law school, etc.;
- with newspaper employees (they can write their biographies with a bit of humor, fiction).
2. Preparation for the holiday.
You can include all the holidays that are exciting and celebrated by teenagers (for example, Valentine's Day).
3. Global problems of our time (AIDS, drug addiction, ecology, lack of tolerance in society, etc.).
4. In the world of interesting things (discoveries, research, historical information).

Approximate list of headings of the newspaper

1. Sports news.
2. Annals of the school (history of the school).
3. Expert opinion.
4. Games of our class.
5. Pen tests (literary page).
6. In the world of interesting things.
7. Events, facts (school informational news).
8. A look at events (political events through the eyes of students).
9. History of our city.

Online education is one of the most profitable niches and a fast growing market. At the same time, few people know that creating an online school is a process similar to assembling a LEGO constructor. It is easily templated.

We and our partners managed to repeat the process of creating an online school 36 times in different niches. This means that you can create your own highly profitable online school without experience and investment, using our knowledge and templates.

There is still 1-2 years left to enter the online education market easily and quickly. According to our forecasts, already in 2018 competition will increase in most niches. More mature players will enter the market, who are just starting now or are even just thinking of entering the field.

You have a chance to take advantage of the first mover advantage and become the first in your niche.

This step-by-step plan will tell you the main stages of creating and developing an online school.

In addition, for those who want to create an online school, we regularly hold a webinar where we talk about our experience, about the market in general, and about models for bringing an online school to millions of dollars. At the webinar, we will analyze each point of this plan in more detail.

Registration for the webinar

8 elements of the "constructor" of the online school

How to collect blocks and in what order - you will learn from this Step-by-Step Plan. And you can hear all the details at (don't miss it!)

General plan of action

12 Steps to Starting Your Own Online School

Step #0 - Understand the basics of entrepreneurship and learn the terms

You are already on the right track as you study this Step-by-Step Plan and are about to learn the features of online education. But here's the thing: if you don't have entrepreneurial experience, then before you go any further, you should at least learn the language we're going to speak.

If you need a concise dictionary and basics of entrepreneurship, please contact me at Facebook(it’s already impossible to add to my friends, but you subscribe and write - I receive and see all messages). If there are many such requests, we will make a free video instruction and give a convenient guide so as not to build the Tower of Babel.

Step #1 - lay the foundation

This means that we need to understand the specifics of online education in comparison with traditional business and form a common plan of action.

To do this, we first create a shortlist of preferred niches and select the TOP-1 priority for detailed study. After we draw up a project development plan for the next 90 days. Preferably using a Gantt Chart.

At this step, we are already preparing the legal infrastructure (we open a legal entity, open a bank account, turn on acquiring to receive payments).

An important building block in the Foundation step is choosing the right niche that is right for you. In a free webinar, we talk about how not to make a mistake at this stage, and about which niches are the most profitable, where the competition is the highest, and we provide a link to the niche selection mind map.

Step #2 - find a partner

Human history shows that people become more efficient when they come together. We believe in the formula 1+1=11. We are for a partnership development model. One of the common mistakes is when an expert tries to be his own producer, or vice versa, when a producer tries to produce his own expertise. As a result, he does not have enough time either to develop expertise or to produce.

Therefore, we recommend that the expert do what he loves, that is, what he does best. And for business development and scaling, find yourself a producer or hire a project manager. If, on the contrary, you are a producer, you need to find an expert to promote.

At this step, it is very important to decide in what relationship you will be with the expert, and how you want to package the school.

Existing Models:

  • Expert Partner
  • Expert - employee
  • Expert - freelancer with a one-time payment

90% of mistakes when creating an online school are made at this stage. If you choose the wrong model of relations, then when Profit reaches 500 thousand - 1 million rubles. per month, with a 99% probability, the expert will kick the producer out of the project or the producer will decide to find an expert cheaper.

It is very important to consolidate the relationship with the right contract and clearly fix the financial relationship.

Step number 3 - we form a business model

At the stage when the niche is clear, there is an infrastructure and well-formed agreements with an expert, it is necessary to describe the product at the top level and draw a business model in a large cell: who is your client, what does he buy, why does he need it, what is the size of the market, what
sales model.

Build a financial model for three development scenarios: ambitious, optimistic, conservative. Before that, make an audit of the available and missing resources - what will help you achieve an ambitious result, and what is holding you back and what is not

At this stage, let all estimates be very approximate. Do not be afraid that you do not know the exact numbers yet. If something is not clear, you need to draw forks and identify questions, the answers to which you will find out later. It can still change a lot. Think of this step as the first fitting before sewing your suit.

Step #4 - create a product architecture

The target audience. It is important to understand that customers buy any product to close a current dissatisfaction or solve their own problem.

Your product will be bought only if you can feel for this pain and dissatisfaction and can convince the buyer that your product will make him happier.

This means that you need to sell not a mattress and its technical characteristics, but a good sleep, great sex and gratitude from your wife (for sex! And not for a mattress, of course). You need to sell not an English course, but an opportunity to increase income through knowledge
English or the opportunity to meet an American boyfriend and the pride of parents for a child who can speak an overseas language.

In order to build a good product, you first need to understand your audience well - this is the base, the foundation on which you then need to build a product. Avatars of customers and understanding of your target audience is the least that needs to be thought through. It is important to feel her and learn to think like her, to speak her language. This is the key to success.

Program modules for your first online course:

If you have worked out well the portraits of the target audience, its pains and desires, it will be easier for you to design a product. Keep in mind that the product should lead the client to the desired result. What steps does the client need to go through along the way? What should you know? What to try? What to start and what to stop doing? How can you help him with this?

Create lists of what the client will learn and receive. Combine information into logical blocks-modules.

USP and promises:

When you have identified your target audience and formed the modules of the training program, it will be easier to create a USP - a unique trading advantage.

When you make a USP for a product, remember two rules:

First: the message must be unique

Your offer should speak of a unique benefit. Benefits must be unique and unmatched by competitors

Rule Two: Benefits Must Matter

The stronger the benefit for your target audience, the more new customers will come to you from an advertising message.

When shaping your USP headlines, use the 4U methodology:

1. Usefulness (utility). The buyer should see the obvious answer to the questions: what is the benefit of your product? What problem does it solve? What will the client get in the end? Those. you are not selling a product, not a drill, but a hole in the wall. Solve the consumer's problem!

2. Ultra specificity (ultraspecificity). Specify usefulness. How much money will a client earn with your course? How many kilograms is she gaining? How many orgasms does she have? Add a metric.

3. Urgency (urgency). When will the client receive the claimed effect? Today, tomorrow, in two weeks? The brain visualizes the picture better if you add a specific time frame. “Urgent” is also often used in the format that this offer is valid only for 2 hours - this really speeds up the decision to purchase and reduces the risk that the buyer will go to the shopping center after your webinar and could not resist the handbag thrown at him, after which the money not left for the course.

4. Uniqueness (uniqueness). All this is good, but if the visitor sees one “caramel” in the headline without understanding how it is achieved, the inner voice will reasonably advise: I don’t believe it. The main question here is how, by what mechanisms, tools, technologies, the result will be achieved, the problem will be solved. What is unique about your course and methodology?

Thinking out loud…

Friends, I have already described 4 steps out of 12. This is 1/3. Here I am writing and I think, will it be useful to you, will you read to the end? And to be honest, I'm not sure. After all, reading is boring, or maybe you have not yet decided whether you should start an online school or not ...

Here's what I'm thinking about next. Continue writing? Well, this is the simplest solution. Or record all the same, only in video format? After all, many people find it easier to watch videos. Or is it easier to read? But is this question relevant, if you have not read this far at all.

In general, I will stop here in order to measure your interest and understand what to do next. Continue to write, record a video, or stop right now because my message turned out to be irrelevant to my target audience.

Please write your feedback here in the comments. It really matters to me which % will read the Plan to the end and write to me.

In addition, you can already sign up for a webinar, where we will analyze the Step-by-Step Plan in detail. Registration for the webinar.

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Engineering LLC sells complex lemonade bottling lines designed according to individual specifications of manufacturing plants. We manufacture equipment for...