Signs about human health. How do superstitions and omens affect human health? Ancient folk omens about pregnancy and children

If a magpie sits on the window of a house where there is a seriously ill person, this promises him a speedy deliverance from the disease.

It is believed that if the patient falls asleep immediately after communion, he will quickly recover. The fact that everything will be fine is also evidenced by several consecutive sneezes of the patient.

A seriously ill person turns to the wall all the time - an unkind omen that promises a quick death.

If a celandine is applied to a sick person’s head and he cries, this portends a quick recovery.

Nettle, blackening after it is placed in the patient's urine - to his imminent death. If the plant remains green, the person will recover.

The fate of the patient is known with the help of a dog. They take a small piece of pork, rub it on the sole of a person and give it to an animal. If the dog refuses meat - wait for death, eats - the patient will recover.

If you bring a willow branch to the head of the patient, you can find out what awaits him in the future. If, after about a quarter of an hour after contact with the willow, the patient says that he feels well, this indicates that the disease will soon leave him.

An evenly burning candle, lit in a house where there is a sick person, promises that he will recover soon.

A woman with a bucket, or a woman with signs

To kick or not to kick a black cat that crosses the road is an ethical dilemma. To quarrel with a woman who rattles empty buckets on the stairs is an ethical dilemma. Calling an ex if your cheeks are burning is a willpower dilemma. To believe or not to believe in signs is not a dilemma at all for those who know where the legs grow from. It is much more difficult to choose an interpretation that is more credible.

For example, a sign about a black cat has long had not only a folk meaning, but also a fashionable - esoteric one. According to astral travelers, black cats have strong energy, they are essentially witches, they only conjure silently.

Again, modern esotericism does not divide magic into black and white, so a black cat, headlong running perpendicular to your trajectory, does not catch up with trouble, but only predicts. Moreover, he is trying with all his cat's strength to alleviate your plight.

Therefore, if a black cat is on your way, thank the animal, because if you suddenly break your arm, then the cat saved you from losing your head. In any case, it is better to think positively and not offend the smaller brothers.

Another question is what to do with the women whose buckets are empty? Where is their energy directed, if any?

To begin with, let's remember when was the last time in our technogenic world, in our 21st century, we saw a woman with at least a full bucket? Most likely, a meeting with such a subject already smacks of mysticism, because even the garbage is now taken out in garbage bags, and all the buckets have long moved to the garden.

Perhaps the folk sign about a woman with a bucket is just a reflection of our woman's quarrelsomeness, because empty buckets tend to rattle, creak and cut the ear, like the swearing of two neighbors.

In any case, if this sign still terrifies you, when you meet an outlandish "empty" woman, cross yourself and spit three times - no, not at the woman - over your left shoulder. And then rejoice that the buckets were empty. They could easily contain oil: a woman named Annushka had already spilled the oil, and Berlioz was left without a head.

Much more dear to us, women, wedding signs. If you have never sat on the corner of the table, and seven years of celibacy does not threaten you, then the “anti-wedding” sign has passed you. But before you look for something new, old, alien and blue, save yourself from the action of pre-wedding folk signs, because the meanings of these signs are no less frightening than the notorious corner. For example, a wet apron promises a drunkard husband. Do you still wear an apron? Take it off immediately! If you don't want to marry a beggar and a bald man, don't shake the bread crumbs off the table.

Bread generally spoils the figure. And in general, if you need a man - do not grow violets and cacti on the windowsill, grow tomatoes - the male stomach, through which the path to the heart lies, gets along better with vegetables than with needles and terry leaves. And finally, the wedding!

Firstly, the wedding dress, due to its grandeur, has already encountered many signs. It should not be allowed to be measured even by close relatives - definitely a bad omen: suddenly stretched? It must be long so that family life is long, and if you stumble on it, let the groom catch (on, then he is the groom!).

And now the easiest wedding sign: the bride should cry a little before the wedding. This is what we can do!

And now let's clarify our story: jokes are jokes, but for some reason our ancestors collected their folk signs from many accidents, they sacredly believed in them, predicted the weather, harvest, troubles and good luck from them. The meaning will take - this is the wisdom of generations that were distinguished by observation and the desire to know what is unknowable by science.

Signs are created in order to believe in them, otherwise they simply would not exist. Well, joke with fate, and manage your life with the help of little tips given to us by our ancestors, which our magical life is full of.

To believe signs or not is a personal matter. But, you see, even those people who do not consider themselves superstitious instinctively do not like to spill salt and meet black cats on the road. That is why our story about signs relating to the development and health of a child may be of interest to those who treat folk beliefs, at least condescendingly.

Born in a "shirt"

The expression "born in a shirt" has a literal meaning. "Shirt" is called a thin film, which is part of a child's place. Since the "shirt" covers the head of a newborn, in England it is called the "blessed cap". They say that a baby born in a "shirt" will be happy in life and will never drown, but for this, the "shirt" must be kept until the end of life.

In different countries, people born in the “shirt” were endowed with special properties and believed that they did not succumb to witchcraft spells, were eloquent, successful in business and happy in family life. In Holland they were considered ghost-seers, in Scotland and Iceland they were credited with the gift of mysticism.

Many nations have such a strong faith in the “happy shirt” that in Rus' any newly born baby was wrapped in a worn father's shirt - for good luck. And now the baby is placed on the mother's stomach so that he feels the parental warmth. In a certain sense, this ritual is a modern interpretation of an ancient sign.

seventh child

Extraordinary abilities were attributed not only to children born in the "shirt". It is believed that the seventh son of the seventh son or the seventh daughter of the seventh daughter has magical properties, the gift of healing and foresight. Sometimes the seventh child in the family is generally considered “magic”. If he chooses the profession of a doctor, all his patients will recover: such a person can heal through water and with a simple touch. But he should not abuse his healing power, because he transfers his own energy to others.

Mother's skirt and father's cloak

In general, there are many signs related to the gender of the child and one of the parents. For example, in the old days, a mother's skirt was considered a strong defense for a boy, and a father's cloak for a girl. In addition, they believed that boys who looked like their mother and girls who looked like their father would be happy.

magic legs

There is also such a belief: people who are born feet first have the gift of healing. They supposedly can heal injuries, diseases of the legs and back by touching ... their feet. In many countries, such abilities were also attributed to the mother of a wonderful baby. By the way, different nations have their own attitude to the energy of the legs. For example, according to Feng Shui, a person’s legs, on the contrary, carry “heavy” energy.

At full moon

Happiness and longevity are predicted by folk omens for children who were born on the first day or on the new moon. Other sources promise health and good fortune to children born on a full moon. The fact is that the full moon was attributed to the concentration of vital forces and, in general, “fullness of life”, i.e. happiness. However, childbirth is an unpredictable thing and it is very difficult to predict them for some day. Although some mothers succeed. In any case, life is so changeable and diverse that a new person will have many more chances to catch his happiness.

Fur coat

The well-being of a child in life largely depends on the efforts of mom and dad. In order for a born person to always live in abundance, immediately after birth, he was placed on natural fur. Also, fortunately, the child was carried to church for baptism on a casing or in a fur coat.

silver spoon

The best gift for a newborn is a golden or silver spoon, which should be put in the baby's mouth for a while. The beliefs of different countries are "unanimous in opinion" that this will bring him wealth. There is also such a variant of a gift for happiness: friends and relatives put money under the baby's clothes when they first visit him. The appearance of this sign is fully justified from a pragmatic and psychological point of view. Cash gifts compensate parents for the cost of buying a dowry. Therefore, the family does not perceive the birth of a child as difficult times.

Open your face!

To show the spirits that everyone rejoices at the birth of a child, and thereby protect him from illness and misfortune, the baby was arranged a "wedding with life." Relatives came to the house with songs and treats, wishing the baby all the best. But, until he was 6 weeks old or 40 days old, the child was shown only to the closest relatives - so that no one would “jinx it”. A modern version of such a "wedding" was a solemn discharge from the hospital.

Up the stairs

Much attention in signs was paid to the first actions in relation to the child. It was believed that the one who, after birth, was carried up the stairs for the first time, and not down, would make a successful career.

milk rivers

The ritual of the first bathing of the baby is interesting: in order for the mother to have a lot of milk, the water in the bath must be whitened with milk. It will also save the child from the evil eye. You can put a silver object in the bath, but not a cross. Beliefs do not advise bathing children on Fridays and Sundays. Washing hands and washing diapers in the water that bathed the baby is also impossible.

First kiss

It is very important who kisses the child first, not counting the mother, of course. Carefully watched that it was a good, kind, respected person, because he will have an impact on the whole life of the little one.

What's in a name…

It is believed that the happiness, wealth and luck of a person depend on his name. It is better not to call the baby the name that one of the household bears, because everyone has their own Guardian Angel. If two people in the house have the same name, the Angel can confuse which of them needs to be protected. It is favorable to name a child by the name of a deceased relative (grandmother or grandfather), if he had a good fate. Named after someone, it can take character traits and fate along with the name, therefore it is better to name a child in honor of happy, beautiful, lucky, healthy people.

Guardian angel

So that the baby is not jinxed, the name of the baby is not revealed to anyone before christening: the Guardian Angel appears in the child after the church naming and consecration. In Rus', until the 17th century, the child was given another, secret name, which was considered real. They hid it all their lives so that a person would not be bewitched. In the West, to this day, children often receive several names. They believed that during sleep, their Guardian Angel stands behind the right shoulder of the child, so it is better not to hang a canopy over the cradle. Although, it is unlikely that modern mothers will be able to refuse unusually beautiful cradles with a canopy that protects the baby from bright light and drafts (although it collects dust).

kum kum

Baptism of a baby in Rus' was considered a great family holiday. At christening, when a toast is made to the health of a child, one glass should be thrown up, saying: “So that our (a) (name) bounces (a) like that!” Then the baby will grow tall. There is a sign that the bride and groom should not be godparents, otherwise their wedding may not take place. It was also believed that, regardless of consanguinity, the child would look like a godparent if during baptism he (she) looked into the font.

grow big

In the old days, it was believed that parents themselves can influence the beauty of their child. In order for the baby to have curly hair, he was given humps of freshly baked bread. If you bathe a newborn girl in white underwear, her skin will be white, smooth and tender. In order for a child to grow up big, big, you can’t step over him when he crawls on the floor. And to preserve the health of the little one, you should not eat up bread after him.


In many countries, it is not recommended to rock an empty cradle so that misfortune does not happen to the baby. Some sources say that such an action is the key to the imminent birth of a second child. Women who want to give birth to more children can adopt this sign: if you sell and give away all the baby things of a grown child, his brother or sister will soon be born. But keeping a cradle and children's things in the house was considered an excellent means of contraception.

Contradicting the belief about giving children's things is a belief that forbids accepting the things of another baby as a gift for your child. New things will insure the baby from the troubles that happened in someone else's fate. When accepting children's things as a gift, you must definitely pay, at least purely symbolically.

Don't kiss your heels

There are some funny signs about the development of the child. For example: up to a year you can’t cut his nails, kiss his heels (it will go late), cheeks (teeth will erupt late), feed him fish (he won’t speak), look in the mirror with him (this promises poverty). It is hardly worth taking these warnings seriously, because sometimes babies are born with manicured long nails that grow at a tremendous speed. And everyone knows how useful fish and a variety of seafood are for a developing organism.

First tooth

Teething was considered in antiquity a transitional period for a child. At this time, he is exposed to various dangers, from which amulets can protect him: coral products and a necklace of nine strips of red silk tied with knots at regular intervals.

If the baby's upper teeth erupted before the lower ones, this predicts the birth of the weather. And if a coin can be inserted between the two upper teeth of a child, he will be the owner of an easy character, successful in business and popular with the opposite sex. In order for the baby's teeth to erupt quickly and painlessly, friends or relatives should give parents silver spoons.

A pinch of salt

Village old-timers do not advise leaving washed children's clothes in the yard for the night, so that evil spirits do not damage them. To protect against witches and evil spirits, a pinch of salt, garlic or an iron object was placed in the cradle of an unbaptized child, a knife was stuck into the leg of the cradle, or a rowan cross was hung over the headboard.

Good Friday

The cessation of breastfeeding means that the child has begun a long and difficult journey of growing up. Therefore, it is necessary to take the baby from the breast correctly, on a good, happy day, so that stress does not negatively affect his fate. Orthodox traditions set aside Good Friday for this, bad days for such an undertaking are ordinary Friday, the Day of the Massacre of the Innocents and the days of the holy martyrs. The time of flight of birds is also not the best: the character of the child will be restless and changeable. Before feeding him for the first time, mom should pour a small amount of her milk into fire or water. Then the break in such a close relationship between mother and baby will be painless for both. Popular belief does not recommend quitting and then resuming breastfeeding, so as not to spoil the fate and character of the child.

Naumov day

In the old days, every large family knew that there were special "children's" days. There is a Russian custom to start teaching a child on Naum's day - then everything will go to his mind.
The Day of the Massacre of the Infants by order of King Herod is considered the most unfortunate day of the year. On December 28, no business can be started, as the enterprise has no chance of success. You should also not put on new clothes, cut your nails, clean up, play weddings and go on trips. The only event for which December 28 is best suited is children's matinees, which have long been held on this New Year's Eve in Western European countries.

Of course, folk signs and beliefs are not absolute truth. But still, this is experience gained over centuries, if not highly scientific, but observations of life. Following them is rather a tribute to the traditions of your people. And at the same time, linguists and doctors believe that one can find a rational grain in ancient beliefs and rituals.

Many signs live for centuries. And in the primeval centuries, and during the plowing space rockets, people try not to violate the customs of the ancestors. Try to step over her child in front of the mother's eyes. You will immediately be asked to step back, otherwise the child will not grow up. Many do not understand where such “parsley” came from. There are two main versions about the origin of this sign.

  1. One is connected with the energy properties of a person, something akin to jumping over a fire - you burn your bad thoughts, the evil eye and cleanse your aura. And stepping over the child, the person “dumps” the negative onto the child’s not strong aura, breaks through it and changes it for the worse, thereby slowing down the development of the child.
  2. The second version is more prosaic, related to safety measures - it is often seen that in the process of stepping over, the leg fell in the wrong place. The kids don't always behave quietly. You step over him, and he moves a little, and you get an injury.

Health tips

Not all events can be explained by logic, below are signs related to health. Most of the time they look funny or stupid. Maybe this list will help to compare what happened with the sign. So in the future you can avoid trouble:

Why do some people consider the wish "To your health" undesirable?.

The most frequent case when a phrase is pronounced occurs during a meal. You ate, and thank the chef - “Thank you, it was very tasty”, and in response to you - “ To health”. We all know that phrases have energy that affects well-being. So the words “To health” can be interpreted as follows - thanks to “ ON THE" you give your health to the interlocutor. “ ON THE" in this context it sounds like take, give, give, share. Easiest way to prevent health drain, say back "Please".

  • To preserve the health of the child, you can not cut it until he is one year old.
  • To prevent the baby from falling off, it is impossible to show it to strangers while it is being breastfed.
  • It is forbidden for an adult to wash with the water that washed the child, the baby may get sick.
  • If you knock on the first tooth of a child with a silver spoon, his teeth will be healthy.
  • Sit or lie down on the patient's bed - get sick yourself.
  • Stepping on cut hair - to illness or trouble.
  • Singing in a thunderstorm - losing your voice.
    • Raw amber beads treat the thyroid gland.
    • The light of the moon falls on a sleeping person, becomes a lunatic.
    • Copper wire wrapped around the body will help get rid of sciatica.
    • From insomnia will help put a handful of hops and birch branches with leaves under the pillow at night.
    • In order not to hurt your head, wash it with the first rain in May.
    • If the back hurts from hard work, then it must be leaned against a tree and rubbed.
    • Children who walk in the rain grow faster.
    • You can not wash your hair on Sunday - a migraine is guaranteed.
    • In the patient's room, you can not touch the web.
    • You can’t show the illness of another on yourself, you will take away his sores.
    • If you get sick in the growing month, then the illness will be long.
    • If your nose bleeds, squeeze hard and hold your earlobes, the bleeding should stop.
    • A pimple jumped up on your nose, then someone fell in love with you.
    • You spit in the fire - a pip will jump on your tongue.
    • A scratch heals faster if you move your ring finger over it.
    • If you cut your own hair, you shorten your life and bring old age closer.
    • a cat with a tricolor color protects the house from diseases and brings happiness.
    • A mosquito bite is less itchy if crushed crosswise with a fingernail.
    • The first sneeze of the day - on Monday - for a gift, on Tuesday - for visitors, on Wednesday - for news, on Thursday - for praise, on Friday - for a date, on Saturday - for fulfillment of desires, on Sunday - for guests.
    • You hiccup for no reason, someone remembers you.
    • They bit the second bread before eating the first slice - one of the relatives is starving.
    • Twist your hair with your finger - soon your head will hurt.
    • Sleep with your head towards the exit - you will be healthier.
      Whoever sits on the threshold will soon get sick, or lose something. You can’t pay off debts in the evening - quarrel.
    • The godfather enters the baptismal room first, the godmother behind him, otherwise the child will often fall ill.
  • In a dream, throw your hands behind your head - to memory loss.
    They didn’t remove the knife from the table in the evening - the stomach will hurt.
  • Got out of bed on the wrong foot - the day down the drain.
  • The right palm itches - to profit, the left - to a loss.
  • The left eye itches - to tears, the right eye - to see a loved one.
  • Ringing in the right ear - to good news, in the left - to bad news.
  • Bite your tongue - someone scolds you.
  • If you had a nightmare, you need to turn to the window and say three times: “Where the night is, there is a dream.”
  • The kid laughs in a dream, which means angels are playing with him. Can't wake up
  • Ears itch for the rain. The simple explanation is that before it rains, the atmospheric pressure drops, and the eardrum, like a membrane in a barometer, deforms and itches.

Time runs forward, erasing something from our memory, and carefully storing something! Usually these are things that are meaningful to us, emotionally colored.

Such for our ancestors were folk beliefs. In them they reflected all their observations in the relationship of man with nature.
The modern world is taking its toll, many of the knowledge of our ancestors has been forgotten, but we still use some of it, without even thinking about their nature. So, for example, before a long journey, we try to sit down for a minute or, returning home for a forgotten thing, we always look in the mirror; if we see a black cat, then, even insanely late, let's go look for a workaround. But all this is an echo of the past. Voice unconsciously. And it has already been said more than once that you need to listen to your inner voice.

Ivan Kupala.

Modern society has the latest technologies in various fields, including in the field of medicine, but nevertheless, people are increasingly complaining of chronic fatigue, unreasonable headaches, and insomnia.

They are examined from head to toe, and as a result they receive a medical verdict: healthy. A surging wave of positive emotions is replaced in a few minutes by a wave of helplessness: he is healthy, but the symptoms have not gone anywhere. And then, we remember our great-grandmothers. But they somehow coped with such things without modern medicine.

They were cured by nature itself, but we have completely moved away from it. And we remember about its healing properties when we try all the wonders of modern medicine. We have a headache, sleep poorly, fatigue overcomes. . . But before all this was treated without resorting to medicines and very successfully.

From a headache, according to popular belief, one could be cured if a strand of hair was cut off from a patient, and then nailed to an ash or aspen. Thus, you have nailed your headache to a tree and it will not return to you.

There was also a belief that a headache was the fate of those who, after cutting or combing their hair, scatters it in the wind. The birds will pick them up, build their nests, and give you a headache.

They also believed that grated horseradish, clenched in a fist, would soothe a headache.

Or you need to tie a snake skin (dropped) around the head.

There is another option that will cure your headache, but it is not for the faint of heart! You need to dry the moss that sprouted on the remains of a human skull, and then turn it into powder. Use a medicine such as snuff.

If your teeth often hurt, then you need to find a fragment from a tree struck by lightning. Let it be kept at your home. When the tooth hurts again, just put it to the aching place. Toothache instantly evaporate.

It was believed that if you dress with your left foot, then a toothache will bypass you.

According to another popular belief, if the patient is given birch sap to drink, which was collected on May 11 closer to the top of the trunk, he will soon recover. It was believed that the juice collected on this day had the highest concentration of healing properties.

It was possible to cure the patient of fever in another way. The patient must be taken to the forest and seated on a freshly cut aspen stump. Our ancestors believed that aspen is an energy vampire. Thus, the tree delays all diseases.

There is only one but: you can contact the tree for no more than 20 minutes. Another belief is also connected with aspen. In order for the child to outgrow his illnesses, the cut nails and hair had to be hidden in the trunk at the same height as the child's height. Aspen, as it grows, will carry away childhood ailments.
The healing properties of aspen were also used for insomnia in infants. You just need to put an aspen branch in the cradle. But, as soon as the baby calms down, the twig should be removed. Otherwise, the forces will begin to take away.

Appreciate nature! She is able to help us for a very nominal fee - respect!

  • If a patient during a serious illness turns over to the wall - this is a popular sign about the disease, which means that he will die soon.
  • If the communed patient immediately falls asleep, this sign speaks of a speedy recovery.
  • If a seriously ill patient sneezes several times in a row - to the amendment.
  • Another sign about people's illnesses: if a magpie sits on the window, the patient will soon recover.
  • If the patient is put on the head of celandine and he will cry, it means that he will recover soon.
  • If you put nettles in the patient's urine and it turns black, this is a sign of imminent death, and if it remains green, the patient will recover.
  • To find out whether a seriously ill person will recover or not, there is such a superstition about the patient. You need to take a piece of pork, rub the sole of the patient and give the piece to the dog. If she eats, everything will be fine, but if the dog does not eat meat, the patient will die soon.
  • If there is a sick person in the house, light a candle and if the candle burns evenly, this folk sign about illness means that the patient will recover soon.
  • And the last sign associated with the disease: take a willow twig, bring it to the patient’s head and after 15 minutes ask how he feels, if it’s good, then he will recover soon.

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