Behavior of the child at 1 and 3 months. Child development at one year and three months. Leading lines of child development

The age of 1 year and 3 months is one of the most exciting in the life of your baby. The child becomes more curious, interested in the world around him, he needs a lot of attention and care. Parents note that every day becomes a surprise: today the child has learned a new gesture, tomorrow he has already started walking, and the next minute he grabbed a candy from the table. At this time, you need to control the regime and constantly observe, since age is difficult and unsafe: the child still does not think well enough, but he is already trying to put his hands in the most unexpected places, jump, climb, grab and play.

Outwardly, the child has not changed very much, but inside he has undergone tremendous changes. The kid is now not ready to sit still - he is actively interested in everything new, he misses any things that are interesting to him

Norms of physical development of children

The World Health Association has developed universal indicators of height and weight. They testify to the health and full development of the baby at the age of 1 year and 3 months.


  • height - 76-82 cm;
  • weight - 9-11.5 kg;
  • head circumference - 45-48 cm.
  • height - 74-80 cm;
  • weight - 9.5-11 kg;
  • head circumference - 44-47 cm.

At this age, the baby is already becoming independent. He prefers to do traditional things without the participation of adults.


At 1 year and 3 months, the child's daily routine remains unchanged: if your baby prefers to sleep twice a day, there is nothing wrong with that. True, many kids are already switching to one day rest, and the sleep pattern is changing. Sleep at this age should be at least 13 hours, at night the child rests for 11 hours, the rest of the time during the day.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, nutrition should be carried out according to the previous scheme: 4-5 meals. The break between feedings is now from 3 to 4 hours - so the baby is most comfortable and convenient.

Features of the nutrition of the baby

A year and three months is a time when food is becoming more and more like an adult diet, but we must not forget that cereals, fruit purees, juices, and sour-milk products should be served at the table. It is important to carefully feed the baby and carefully monitor the reaction of the body if you introduce a new product: this food can cause a violent allergic reaction, so either stop experimenting or include a small amount of new products in your diet. What dishes to cook? The recipes by which you can cook dishes are quite simple, the main thing is to stick to the measure. Parents choose their own diet, taking into account the daily routine.

Main nuances

Every day, the baby should receive nutrients, minerals and vitamins; meat and dairy products, fruits, vegetables, cereals, flour products must be included in his diet. At least twice a week they give fish, three times - cottage cheese, sour cream, eggs. A child should eat about 80-100 grams of meat per day, up to 100 grams of fish. Particular attention is paid to drinks: parents make sure that the baby gets enough juices, teas, fruit drinks, compotes from fresh or dried fruits.

Vegetables in the diet of a child of this age occupy a very important place - they provide the baby with the bulk of vitamins and minerals.

In addition to the traditional three meals a day, an afternoon snack and a small snack after dinner are required. At this time, you can give a glass of kefir, eat a few cookies or a banana - it is important that the stomach is not overloaded. For babies, mother's milk will not be superfluous on the menu. Drinks should be given at any time, especially in the summer when the baby is thirsty.

Child's menu

The menu may consist of the following dishes:

meal1st day2nd day3rd day
  • Milk buckwheat porridge
  • Butter Sandwich
  • Beet caviar with apple
  • Steam omelette
  • Tea with milk
  • Sandwich with butter
  • Milk porridge with pumpkin and millet
  • Cheese and butter sandwich
  • Rice soup with mashed vegetables
  • Fish balls with seafood
  • Mashed potatoes
  • fruit compote
  • Milk soup with potatoes and carrots (we recommend reading:)
  • Steam turkey cutlets
  • vegetable garnish
  • fruit juice
  • Broth with egg flakes
  • Lazy cabbage rolls with beef
  • Kissel with rosehip broth
afternoon tea
  • Cookie
  • Fruits
  • Yogurt
  • Cookie
  • fruit puree
  • Kefir
  • Pancakes with apple
  • Kefir
  • Cottage cheese with tomatoes
  • Potato zrazy
  • Milk
  • Boiled pumpkin with apples
  • Rice with carrot puree
  • Buckwheat dessert with pumpkin
  • fruit puree
  • Tea with milk

To make the baby more willing to eat dishes, you can come up with simple compositions based on them. Just a couple of minutes spent will significantly increase the baby's appetite and his interest in food.

Child development and skills

At the age of one and three months, the child becomes very emotional, he is already happy with new toys, the appearance of parents, is able to copy facial expressions and adult behavior. He is happy with the arrival of other kids, is able to quickly get involved in games, become infected with emotions - so if someone nearby cries, he can do the same.

Emotions at this time are dynamic, they quickly replace each other. If a minute ago the baby had fun and laughed fervently, now joy can be replaced by tears. On the other hand, distracting him is also quite simple, the process of calming down will take little time (we recommend reading:).

The child tries to attract the attention of adults, for this he constantly flirts and looks into your eyes, sometimes he is simply naughty. You can already read surprise, joy, interest and other emotions in the look.

The attachment to the mother is very strong, her child does not let go a single step, but she is not afraid to stay with loved ones, although she treats strangers with obvious apprehension. At this time, you can’t leave him - he desperately needs parental affection, care and warmth.

motor skills

Most often, at 1 year and 3 months, the crumbs already know how to walk freely and even run. They overcome obstacles with ease, make turns, tilts, are able to consciously play without losing their balance. The baby does not forget the direction of movement - distracted by a fallen toy, he will pick it up, and then continue to move. Curiosity becomes the main character trait, so he climbs onto sofas, chairs and armchairs to see new and interesting objects for him.

He is also capable of lifting the handles up, taking them to the sides at the request of adults - this is required when you want to raise him. Will not become an obstacle and overcoming a few steps up the stairs.

At the age of one and three months, the child walks and runs perfectly - parents sometimes simply do not keep up with the crumbs. However, the coordination of movements is not very good yet - it makes sense to keep the baby in your field of vision at all times

Speech development

At 1 year and 3 months, the child still does not know how to speak well, but must understand the words of adults who speak to him. The volume of known objects is constantly increasing, and the names are grasped on the fly, it is not even necessary to teach new words - he remembers many things on his own. At this time, he can follow some light instructions - take the toys, put them in the closet or sit on the chair.

The child already knows all the names of his toys, relatives and close people with whom he has to constantly communicate. He speaks his simplified language, can say up to 20 words, although parents are only learning to understand it.

household skills

The age of 1 year and 3 months is the time when a helpless baby turns into a real assistant, able to perform various tasks, participate in household chores. At 15 months, the ability to ask for a potty appears (we recommend reading:) - it's time to start learning. Child at this time:

  • asks to teach him new activities, to show him how to do something himself;
  • he already knows how to hold a spoon in his fist, he drinks from a mug himself (we recommend reading:);
  • makes attempts to eat on his own, however, it still does not work out well;
  • but he can wash his face well and wash his hands, he does it with great pleasure.

The ability to eat independently is mastered gradually, but at this age the baby is already capable of more meaningful logical actions, which in the end will give the desired result.

Educational activities for kids

Games will help develop everyday skills of children. You can keep your child busy with something very interesting and enjoyable - for example, ask him to feed the doll, shake her crib, bring mom a spoon, lay out a napkin on the table. The baby should help his parents, because it gives him incredible pleasure, allows him to organize leisure, play usefully, and develop behavioral skills.

It is worth taking the baby with role-playing games when behavior patterns are formed.

Useful exercises that improve development:

  1. Do simple gymnastics so that the child repeats the exercises, happily performs them to cheerful music. For example, the songs of the Zheleznovs. It is worth learning a couple of songs, repeating them for a week, and then adding new songs.
  2. Try to remove and put rings on a stick - this is an important and necessary skill that will improve the development of dexterity, accuracy of movements. Just 5 minutes of exercise a day is enough.
  3. Searching for a mate is an educational activity, just lay out mittens, gloves and socks and ask them to find a similar item.
  4. Roll the ball - first from a small distance, then increase it.
  5. Place toys and other obstacles on the floor so that the child can go through the entire strip, stepping over objects or bypassing them. You can take the car with you, push it or pull the rope.

The child already knows a lot and is becoming more and more like an adult. This growing similarity is emphasized by imitative activity - the main feature of the behavior of a child at one and three months.

General development

At one year and three months, the baby turns into a small "mirror" for the adults around him. He grabs a toy phone and busily paces the room, yelling angrily at it, papa-style. He climbs onto the sofa with a book in his hands, settling next to his reading mother. He kicks the cat, which was rudely chased out of the kitchen by his grandmother. The child becomes your reflection. Therefore, now more than ever, it is important to control yourself. The kid can repeat some action once and immediately forget it. But if there is a constant role model in front of your eyes, then the adopted behavior runs the risk of becoming characteristic of him.

After the performance of 1 year 3 months, the growth of the baby slows down. For the remaining year, he will add no more than 3 centimeters and 5 kilograms. This is a natural process. The next stage of the physical development of the child begins. In connection with this, the figure of the crumbs also changes. The rounded tummy disappears, the muscles on the arms and legs develop intensively. Nature prepares the little one for new victories and achievements.

What can a child at 1 year and 3 months?

Skills that the child has mastered by this important period:

  • he confidently controls his body: he walks, overcomes obstacles, tries to master low steps, stands on his toes, spins and dances;
  • the skills of deft manipulation of objects have been developed (builds a tower of cubes, assembles a pyramid, rolls a ball);
  • household items are stolen (holds a spoon, saucer, mug, tries to use a comb and a toothbrush for its intended purpose);
  • opens and closes drawers and cabinets;
  • stretches out his hands when dressing, he puts his legs into shoes.

Much remains to be learned, but the most difficult stage is behind us. Now it is important to remember: no matter how mature and conscious the baby looks, his actions are still guided by instincts. Therefore, at one year and three months, it is too early to use logical reasoning in communicating with a child. Set aside moralizing conversations for at least another year.

Baby speech

At the age of 1 year 3 months, the child knows close people and calls them by name (indistinctly, distorting letters and syllables, but already quite consciously); understands the names of toys, items of clothing, actions.

Often, trying to repeat a new word for an adult, he pronounces the first syllable, swallowing the rest. This is due to the unformed speech apparatus. But understanding, the desire for learning and the ability to correlate objects and phenomena with their names are already clearly expressed.

Now the main task in terms of the speech development of the child is work on articulation. It is necessary to constantly speak, tell rhymes, sing songs - sooner or later the baby will learn to pronounce, carefully observing and copying the movements of the lips and tongue. In a similar imitative-playful form, the formation of speech takes place.

Baby care at 1 year and 3 months

At one year and three months, the child's daily routine hardly changes. As a rule, his day begins at 8-9 o'clock in the morning. This is followed by washing, light gymnastics and breakfast. Walking with the baby is necessary daily, preferably at least 2 hours. It is even better to take air baths twice and immediately before daytime rest. Bathing a child aged 1 year 3 months is enough every other day. In the evening, be sure to wash and wash your hands and feet.


The baby is still on four meals a day. The intervals between meals are 3-4 hours. Try to include more dairy and iron-rich foods in your diet. Offer fruits and vegetables more often. Second courses should be boiled and stewed. Limit access to sweets.


At the age of 1 year 3 months, some children switch to 1 nap. But it will not be a deviation from the norm if the baby is still resting 2 times a day. At night, the child continues to sleep for 10-11 hours. If you have problems falling asleep, you can go out with him into the fresh air, stay there for about 15 minutes. And of course, try to put the baby to bed always at the same time.


The child's muscles have become stronger, strength and dexterity have increased. With delight and joy, the baby is looking for new opportunities: he tries to climb onto the sofa and low chairs, overcomes steps and stretches to his full height, rises on his toes, hoping to get a hard-to-reach object.

The increased activity of the baby requires additional security measures:

  • put soft pillows around the sofa and chairs;
  • remove dangerous and forbidden things from the field of view;
  • move stands and chairs away from windows;
  • closely monitor the child, overcoming high sills.

You need to try to be always close to the baby.

What can be taught to a child?

Considering the abilities of a child of 1 year 3 months, it is already possible to try to teach him the first physical exercises.

Squats. Take the hoop and invite the baby to grab it from the other side. On command: "sit down!" squat with him.

First slopes. Sit the rebec on your lap. Lock his shins. Bend and unbend the baby. You can do the exercise by saying cheerful rhythmic verses.

Ball games. Sit on the floor with your child, take the ball and roll it in different directions.

We stretch our legs. Invite the baby to lie down on the mat and reach out with their legs to any object in your hands.

We conquer the top. Place a barrier about 15 centimeters high in front of the child and offer to overcome it. Then help yourself climb onto a sofa or low chair.

Such simple exercises will not only develop the baby's athletic inclinations, but also allow the baby to calmly conquer and experience this world under your strict guidance.

Educational games

When starting educational games, you need to remember 3 important rules that take into account the behavior of a baby at the age of 1 year 3 months.

  1. Combine passive play with movement. Now the child is very active and, being in a motionless state, can quickly get tired.
  2. Try to finish the game before the baby gets tired of it.
  3. The basis of any activity is intensive communication that develops the child's speech.

Consider several options for games that can interest the baby in a year and three months.

We collect mushrooms. Cut out several different sizes of mushrooms from paper and scatter them around the room. Give the baby a basket (you can also use paper) and offer to collect them together. When the main task is completed, try to interest the child in dividing mushrooms into large and small ones.
Such a game trains the skill of handling objects, based on their size and position in space.

Meet the doll. Take the doll and "introduce" her to the little one. Let her “introduce herself” and “talk” to the baby in her mother’s voice. Draw the attention of the child to her hairstyle and beautiful dress. After the introduction, act out a little performance. Let the doll sing, dance or read a poem. Accompany the performances of the toy with remarks: “The doll wants to sing for you!”, “Did you like the performance of our guest?”.

Such, at first glance, uncomplicated entertainment, at the age of 1 year 3 months is the first acquaintance of the crumbs with role-playing games. In the future, of course, they will become more complicated, they will include specific, very real heroes and will still play an important role in development.

Parents whose child has crossed the age mark of 3 years can be congratulated, because they survived the most turning point in the development of the baby. Now you will need to stock up on enough energy and understanding to further develop the preschooler and contribute to his skills.

In psychology, there is an opinion that this is a “magic age”, because from this moment the baby should already begin to obey you and develop more rapidly. But many parents are concerned about the question: what exactly should a child be able to do at 3 years and 3 months?

Weight and height of the baby at the indicated age

The child grows at this age is no longer as active as it happened before the year. At the same time, at 3 years and 3 months, girls should weigh from 13 to 16 kilograms and 700 grams. As for boys, their weight ranges from 13.7 to 16.1 kilograms. When a child's weight is above or below the normal mark, then you should not start to worry.

It is much worse if the situation with weight is unstable, and it is added at intervals, for example, in one month the baby gets better, and then rapidly loses weight. In such a situation, it is recommended to visit an endocrinologist. Growth indicators for girls remain from 90 centimeters to a meter, boys at this age are slightly ahead of the fair sex.

In order for your child to develop and grow better at 3 years and 3 months, you should adhere to the correct sleep schedule. The child should sleep at least 11 hours at night, while it is advisable to sleep no later than nine in the evening. During the day, the baby also still needs to rest, at least for 1-1.5 hours.

Development of the speech apparatus at 3 years and 3 months

If your baby does not really like to talk, then most likely the situation will change dramatically in the near future. After 3 years, the speech apparatus begins to develop very quickly, and in a couple of months the baby catches up with everything lost. At the age of three to four years, the child should be able to state his age and name, be able to answer elementary questions, speak and form simple sentences without prompting, and have a vocabulary of 250 to 500 words.

How thought processes develop at 3 years and 3 months

Get ready for the fact that, having crossed the mark of 3 years, your child will begin to ask a lot of questions, because he will be interested in everything around him, and why it happens this way. Some parents get annoyed when they have to answer a lot of incoming questions, but it is important to understand that this is quite normal and standard. Until the age of five, the baby becomes a why, and, in addition to asking the question “why?”, He must also be able to correctly distinguish already known colors, fantasize and show his own imagination, remember fairy tales and songs, tell them, understand numbers and count to five, distribute them according to color and shape of objects, as well as recognize familiar faces on the street or photographs.

Musculoskeletal system and motor skills at 3 years and 3 months

At the age of three, the motor abilities of the child are actively developing. Your baby should be able to do the following at this age:

  • toss the ball, catch it and hit it;
  • climb stairs correctly, alternating legs for each step;
  • be able to ride a tricycle and actively pedal at the same time;
  • jump and bend without falling;
  • walk forward and backward without difficulty;
  • be able to stand up to five seconds on one leg.

The motor skills of the baby also develop, it becomes more flexible. In a given period of time, he should be able to draw various figures and people with two to four body parts, use scissors, cut, look at books with large pictures, write large letters, dress and undress independently, unscrew the lids on cans, use several colors while drawing , build towers with nine dice or more.

Social and emotional development of the baby

At 3 years and 3 months, the child becomes more independent psychologically and physically. You may start to run into tantrums if you leave him in daycare or with a nanny. It also increases the level of social activity. Now the child knows how to properly communicate with his peers, swear and put up with them, a number of actions are built logically and already simple children's problems are solved on their own without outside adult help.

At this age, the child should begin to imitate adults and friends, as well as show affection for loved ones. Identify items as "mine" and "his/her". All sorts of emotions should also be shown, now the baby should show a wide range in order for fantasy to develop. To develop this skill, parents can arrange impromptu performances with the baby, demonstrate various emotions, and so on.

What should a child be able to do? At 1 year and 3 months, the child knows how to open and close boxes, and thanks to the development of memory, he remembers the daily course of events.

Physical development of a child at 1 year and 3 months

Although the child at 1 year and 3 months still has difficulty maintaining balance, he is getting better and better at crossing the whole room without problems. He can also bend over and pick up small toys.

A 15 month old baby is usually not limited to walking, it starts to rise higher and higher. Climbing in the truest sense, because he already sees all the delights of climbing the stairs and gives himself to this occupation with all his heart. Although the child will certainly want to climb several floors, do not climb too high - do not forget that the baby will have to do the way back on your hands (he will only have to learn to go down on his own in the coming months).

Little hands and fingers work better. At 1 year and 3 months old child can already put a small toy in the container, Opens and closes boxes with ease or boxes, takes out objects of interest to him, collects them and spends a lot of time with them. He can easily pick up small crumbs, scattered peas or beads from the carpet.

Baby can as willing to use the left hand as the right hand, or prefer one hand in order to switch to the other in a few days.

Height and weight at 1 year and 3 months

  • boys on average, they have a weight of 11.1 kg., height - 79 cm.
  • Girls- on average they have a weight - 10.3 kg., height - 77.2 cm.

Emotional development of a child at 1 year and 3 months

The kid is already well aware that the mother is a completely separate person and at any moment can suddenly disappear from his field of vision. Therefore, at this age, the fear of parting often returns, which will become most pronounced at about -.

Despite the growing independence of the 15-month-old baby, he is still a baby who needs the closeness and care of his mother. child at this age torn between the need for independence and the desire for security which he acquires in the presence of his parents. Separating from them, he experiences great stress. Fear of parents leaving is a natural stage in the development of the child, but thanks to your skillful actions, it should soon pass.

During this period, daily rituals become very important for the child. . Thanks to the developing memory, he remembers the daily course of events, and the repetition of actions in the same sequence gives him a sense of security.

  • Don't let your child go to the bathroom with you. Although you may be embarrassed by joint trips to the toilet, you will soon appreciate their benefits: the baby will quickly learn to pee on the potty and part with diapers.

Intellectual development of a child at 1 year and 3 months

What new words did your baby learn this month? Most likely, his vocabulary has expanded by several new words - for example, "give", "woman" or "uncle".

At 1 year and 3 months, the baby also uses several two-syllable words that imitate the sounds made by animals ("bow-wow" or "ko-ko"), and can designate the corresponding animals with them.

The child’s ability to be aware of his own body is improving: if the baby is asked about some part of the body, he can already determine, for example, where his ear, nose, hand and try to find them on your body.

One of the favorite games during this period may be caring for a doll, thanks to which the baby develops and improves. knows the human body.

The concept of "favorite game", however, is rather arbitrary: watching your child, you may think that he does not get any pleasure, and all the toys bother him. This is wrong. The kid quits another lesson because can't concentrate on one action yet. His attention is scattered between the game, parents and the study of the world around him.

Hand and hand motor skills develop in parallel with growing creativity. The kid draws with pencils with pleasure, because drawing for him is new exciting experience. When will he be able to portray a smiling sun and a house with a chimney? Not soon yet.

  • Write down new words. Even if now you think that you will remember them forever, they can fly out of your memory, and it will be a pity. Thanks to your notes, you will be able to see the development of the child's speech, at a glance. They will also allow you to discover many interesting things: it may turn out that the baby says "di" not only to the door, but, say, to everything that opens and closes (for example, the mouth). Interesting, isn't it?
  • Play with your child in front of a mirror. Over time, the baby will understand that he sees himself in him. This will be a big step in its development.
  • Don't worry if you notice that your little one is more likely to paint with dark colors. In this period of life, this is not a sign of grief or problems - the baby, like all children at this age, prefers bright, eye-catching shades.
  • Help your child get to know animals. Play with him "As the kitten says" (dog, cow, etc.), show him simple pictures.

At the age of 15 months, parents notice changes not only in development, but also in the behavior of the baby - the child does not just repeat the actions of the parents or attracts their attention, but is already able to conduct a dialogue and play simple story games with them. It’s just that it’s quite difficult to assess the pace of development of children after a year; no one can say for sure what a child should be able to do at 1 year and 3 months. At this age, different children behave completely differently: someone is already starting to talk and walk, while others still continue to crawl and do not utter a word. Moreover, the early development of a child is not a guarantee of his high level of intelligence in the future, just the maturation of the nervous system and brain in all children occurs at different times.

Physical development of a child at 1 year and 3 months

At 1 year and 3 months, the child most often already knows how to walk, go up and down stairs holding hands and stand up and sit down without assistance. Even if the baby is not in a hurry to please his parents with the ability to walk on his own, at this age he should already be able to get up and walk, holding onto the walls and hands of adults. The movements of the child become much more confident and free - he already knows how to bend over, turn around, turn from side to side, while from time to time losing balance and falling.

Most children after a year become much more careful - the kids already understand that if you crawl to the edge of the bed or sofa, you can fall, and if you hit your head against the wall, your head will hurt. Constant attempts to walk, climb and run help develop coordination and train the sense of balance. The baby tries to squat, stand on tiptoe, run and perform more complex movements, for example, trying to throw and catch a ball and learning to carry toys in two hands at once.

At 15 months, a healthy, well-fed and well-rested baby is constantly cheerful and energetic - he runs or crawls, plays with toys, and, moreover, is constantly distracted and changing them - usually at this age the maximum time when a child can concentrate on one activity is 10-15 minutes. After a year, the baby's teeth continue to grow - not only fangs and incisors are cut through, but also the first chewing teeth, at this age the child should already receive not only grated mashed potatoes and cereals, but also food that needs to be chewed.

neuropsychic development

After a year, a kid plays all day long, it is in the game that he receives the most important skills, learns to build relationships with others and studies the world around him. It is very important at this age to start learning in a playful way, the child will be happy to complete any tasks and repeat the actions of his parents if they are presented in the form of an exciting game. Starting from 15-18 months, the child's style of playing with his parents changes, only now they begin to play "together", and not parallel to each other. If before that the parents were simply present at the games of the baby or showed him how and what to do, now the child understands that you can play together and actively involves parents in such games. Moreover, children at this age able to play not only with parents and adults, but also with their peers- the little ones can play together in the sandbox, build a house out of blocks or play with cars. Unfortunately, such an idyll is not able to last for any long time - after a few minutes, children simultaneously grab 1 scoop or car and begin to pull it apart, fight or cry - depending on the temperament and character of the baby.

Most children at 15 months are possessive and do not understand and are unwilling to listen to adults who encourage them to share, play together, or give away a toy. Parents should not try to appeal to the conscience of the baby, distracting the child to something else is much more effective, for example, offering him to play some game with you or go to see something, as well as trying to find a compromise - to exchange with another child, take turns playing or take a similar toy.

At 1 year and 3 months the child already understands that in the evening you need to collect toys, wash your face and go to bed. At this age, it is already necessary to start accustoming the child to certain actions, for example, he can help you put away toys before dinner or go to wash before bed.

Also, starting from 15-18 months, you need to accustom the child to regular, daily reading of books. Now the baby is no longer just looking at pictures, but listens and perceives short tales and poems. The most important thing is to select clear, colorful and easy-to-understand children's books - children at this age really like nursery rhymes, poems - quatrains and short tales, such as Turnip, Kolobok, Chicken Ryaba and others. Parents should not only read books, but also comment on them and explain the plot of the fairy tale, trying to interest the child, you must also show him pictures and tell him about what is drawn on them. At the age of 15 months, the child can already show familiar animals, fairy-tale characters or familiar objects in books.

In the vocabulary of children at this age there are about 15-20 words, and with the help of sounds and gestures, the child can already explain what he wants and what he needs. Some children already confidently pronounce 5-10 words, while others are just beginning to pronounce the first sound combinations. Do not worry if the baby still does not say anything, the most important thing is that he understands the speech addressed to him and can fulfill the simplest requests and tasks.

After a year, kids begin to be actively interested in other children, now on walks they look not only at cars and houses, they are interested in peers and older children. Toddlers at 15 months still rarely dare to interfere in the games of other children, but they are happy to watch them.

What should a child be able to do at 1 year and 3 months

At 1 year and 3 months the child:

  • tries to walk independently, knows how to get up and sit down;
  • oriented in space, able to bend, squat, turn;
  • fulfills the requests and instructions of adults - brings toys, shows objects, gives hands, and so on;
  • knows the names of household items, toys, animals, knows his name, reacts to it;
  • utters a few words, shows with gestures what he wants - beckons to him, asks for hands, asks for a drink, and so on;
  • shows different emotions when meeting with mother, grandmother, acquaintances and strangers;
  • transfers actions from one object to another - feeds all dolls or animals from a spoon, rolls all cars, collects different cubes, talks on a real and toy phone;
  • holds a spoon, tries to eat porridge, mashed potatoes on his own, drinks from a cup.

Boy and girl - is there a difference?

At the age of 1 year and 3 months, the difference between girls and boys becomes more and more noticeable. Boys are usually more active and restless, they like outdoor games more, especially in the fresh air, but it is much more difficult for them to concentrate on one game or one subject. Most boys at 15 months already have a collection of cars and toy weapons, but they often do not have dolls and strollers, although many of them also like to roll and rock the dolls.

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