A set of stretching exercises. The most effective leg stretching exercises. Exercise "Standing near the support"

Everyone wants to be flexible and plastic, but by nature this is not given to everyone. However, you can improve your stretch through exercise at any age. Many are especially interested in how to sit on the longitudinal and transverse twine. Today we will talk about stretching the legs.

What are the benefits of stretching for the body (stretching)

Proponents of stretching (from the English stretch - pull) are convinced that it benefits the body and is important not only to surprise others. Some are firmly convinced that there is no benefit from stretching. But how are things really?

The most important benefit of stretching is the noticeable improvement in flexibility. This can help you perform some strength exercises at full range, making them more effective.

Also, stretching has shown itself well as a rehabilitation practice for people, for example, suffering from pain in the neck or knees.

However, contrary to popular belief, stretching does not prevent injury if you do it before a workout.

In addition, studies have shown that stretching before the main workout can even reduce strength performance.

But after the main active workout, a little stretching is the time. This will help stretch and relax your body muscles and prevent or reduce post-workout pain.

Easy Beginner Leg Stretches

Static stretching shows the best efficiency and safety, since in these exercises the position is fixed and held for some time without any movement. Dynamic stretching can be more traumatic for ligaments and joints.

Many static stretching exercises are asanas (postures) from yoga. Let's get to know them.

No matter what stretching exercises we consider, they will be useful for both women and men.

There are a lot of variations of this exercise from the simplest to those that only professionals can do.

We start with the simplest option.


  1. We get on our knees and lower the pelvis on our heels.
  2. We spread our knees to the sides as far as the current stretching capabilities allow.
  3. We linger in this position.

If this position does not cause difficulties, we complicate the exercise.


  1. We get on all fours, spread our knees to the sides, as far as the current level of stretching allows.
  2. After that, we turn the legs so that the inner side of the lower leg lies on the floor. The legs are parallel to each other. Toes look to the side.
  3. In this position, it is permissible to gently rock back and forth to deepen the stretch.

The goal is to place the inside of each thigh completely on the floor.

Another fairly simple, but no less effective version of the frog exercise is squatting.


  1. We squat down, feet at the width of the pelvis, socks look to the sides.
  2. Lower yourself so that your thighs touch your calf muscles.
  3. Make sure that your back is straight, try to scroll the tailbone a little back.
  4. We bring our hands together, joining the palms, elbows rest on the inside of the knees.
  5. Thus, it turns out that you push your knees to the sides with your elbows. If everything is correct, you will feel a stretch in your inner thigh.

These exercise options, with regular exercises, will allow you to sit on the transverse twine.

There are more specific variants of the "frog".

Advanced Frog Pose

In this variation, the task is to put your feet on the floor. Of course, this option is only suitable for advanced with a good level of stretching.

To get started, you need to practice.


  1. Lie down on your stomach, stretch both legs.
  2. Raise the body with an inhale.
  3. We bend one leg at the knee and pull it to the buttock of the same name.
  4. We grab the foot with the same hand and gently begin to press to the floor.
  5. We do the same with the second leg.

And gradually we try to perform the exercise with both legs at once.

Side lunges for beginners

Another fairly good exercise for stretching the inner thigh muscles is side lunges.


  1. We stand straight, the back is even, the gaze is directed forward.
  2. Feet are about shoulder width apart.
  3. We take a wide step to the side and bend the leg at the knee.
  4. The knee should not go beyond the toe.
  5. We bend the body to the leg and touch the floor with our hands.
  6. In this position, you need to linger for 30-60 seconds and repeat on the second leg.

Butterfly pose - gymnastics not only for women, but also for men

Another borrowed yoga exercise for the inner thigh is the butterfly pose.

In fact, doing it yourself is ineffective, because it is not possible to exert the necessary pressure on the legs. It is worth asking someone to gently press on your hips for the best impact.


  1. We sit on the floor with a straight back.
  2. We pull the legs towards us as far as possible, and connect the feet.
  3. Grasp your feet with your palms and pull them towards you, while trying to put your hips on the floor.

When the level of stretching becomes better, you can tilt the body forward from this position and try to reach the floor with your forehead.

Stretching from a sitting position - develop muscle flexibility

Sitting tilts are difficult for those who have a stretch that is not very good. It is easier to do standing bends. But it is an effective exercise and should not be discounted.

  1. We sit on the buttocks, stretch our legs - this is the starting position.
  2. Try to keep your back straight in this position. If the stretch is not very good, you will already feel a stretch under the knee.
  3. Place your palms next to you and rest them on the floor as if you want to push off, trying to tilt your body forward. Pull your toes towards you. Stay in this position for a while.

  4. Now stretch your body towards your legs.

  5. If this is easy for you, put your chest and stomach on your hips and stay in this position for 20-30 seconds.

  6. After that, return to the starting position, pull one leg towards you so that it rests its foot on the inside of the other leg, and the knee looks to the side, and stretch again, leaning forward. Grab your outstretched leg with your hand. Stay in this position.

  7. If possible, you can lie on your stomach on an outstretched leg.

  8. Repeat the same on the other leg and return to the starting position.
  9. Now spread your legs to the sides as far as the stretch allows you and tilt the body forward.
  10. If it turns out well, we try to lower the body to the floor between the legs.

  11. If it doesn’t work out very well, you can put your hands on the palms behind and gently push yourself forward.
  12. We linger in the slope for 20-30 seconds and straighten up.
  13. Now we stretch the body not to the center, but to the right leg, also trying to lie on it with the stomach.

  14. After that, change the leg.
  15. We straighten our back and begin to stretch not with our stomach to the leg, but sideways. The task is to wrap your hand around your foot.

  16. We change the leg.

You can perform 2-3 such circles to more effectively stretch the ligaments and muscles.

It is best to do these physical exercises either in pairs, as a joint stretch, or with someone else to help you stretch.

Stretching from a standing position is also suitable for an unprepared person

Stretching while standing is usually easier and more comfortable even for an unprepared person with not very good flexibility, so it's better to start stretching while standing, and then move on to other exercises.

  1. Let's get straight.
  2. Take a deep breath and bend down with a round back. Relax and let your neck, head, arms and body be in a comfortable free state. Feel a gentle stretch in your spine and hold that position.

  3. Take another breath and stretch your arms towards the floor, trying to place your entire palm on the floor.

  4. Then clasp your knees and place your chest and belly on your thighs.

  5. If all else fails, put your hands on your shins and gently stretch in a comfortable position.

  6. We straighten up, take a deep breath and repeat the whole circle again.
  7. After that, we spread our legs wider than shoulders and lean forward to touch the floor with our fingers.

  8. If you can, place your whole hand on the floor.
  9. The important thing here is to strive to do everything with a straight back. Yes, with a rounded back you will be able to lean deeper, but as a result, the quality of the stretch will decrease.
  10. A good stretching exercise from this position: we bend down until at least our fingers touch the floor and begin to rearrange our hands, as if stepping forward from the legs, and then returning to the legs.
  11. Now we lean towards the right leg, also trying to stretch with a straight body.
  12. We straighten up and repeat on the other leg.

Lunges - deep stretching

We looked mainly at exercises that stretch the inside of the thigh well. If performed regularly, they will help you sit on the transverse twine. Be careful if you have had or have any knee problems

For convenience, in the initial stages, you can put something under your leg so that it relaxes in this position, and does not strain

  • If you manage to sit completely on the floor, then the next step is to turn the pelvis so that you are not sitting half-side, but straight.

  • To get out of the twine, we lean on the palms and bend the right leg. Carefully pick up the legs.
  • We repeat the same on the second leg.
  • This exercise is also borrowed from yoga and helps well to stretch into a longitudinal twine.

    Follow these tips and your workouts will become even more effective:

    1. To get noticeable results, you need to stretch regularly. 3-4 times a week will be enough.
    2. Stretching complex (suples) is better to do in the evening, not in the morning. The muscles have warmed up and stretched during the day, so it will be easier to perform the exercises.
    3. You need to do at least 30 minutes. We hold each position from 15 seconds to 1 minute.
    4. Before stretching, it is advisable to warm up the muscles: do swings, squat, otherwise you can pull the ligaments and muscles of the leg.
    5. Static stretching is safer than dynamic stretching, but that doesn't mean you can't help yourself by rocking. However, here you need to understand the measure: there should not be sharp jerks with a large amplitude (watch the training video).
    6. You should not feel a strong painful tension in the legs. You don't have to push for pain.
    7. The most important thing is to try to relax in every position. It is only when you relax that the muscles begin to stretch.

    If you are not a very flexible person by nature and are sure that it is too late for you to do stretching, and nothing will work out, this is a delusion. The older a person is, the longer it may take them to see visible results, but anyone can improve their flexibility.

    Stretching exercises improve muscle recovery after strength work. They are a necessary part of a weight loss, health, or strength training plan. Athletes, dancers and simple office workers need to pull muscles. Hypodynamia, an unnatural posture when working at a computer, “walking” while sitting in a car - all this enslaves the muscles, deprives the joints of the natural range of motion and requires a person to include stretching exercises in the training program. You can stretch every time after strength or cardio, devoting 30 seconds to the main muscle groups, or you can highlight stretching training in one day. For beginners, exercises are shown in a natural amplitude, without “springs” and pushing the body into a pose through pain. Such movements can be performed at home on your own.

    In short, stretching is the only chance for the body to compensate for all those overloads and axial loads that we experience during strength work and everyday activity. Only during stretching, the joints do not experience compression, which is the best prevention of inflammation. In addition, stretching improves mobility in everyday life and relieves pain.

    The benefits of stretching are:

    • Relieves muscle stiffness, gives the opportunity to move freely;
    • Helps with plasticity and grace even for those who have obvious problems here;
    • Improves mobility in joints;
    • Helps to perform strength exercises with the correct technique;
    • Provides muscles with blood and oxygen for recovery;
    • Relaxes the central nervous system;
    • Strengthens ligaments and neuromuscular connections;
    • Works with coordination of movements;
    • Helps to move more smoothly and accurately in dance and martial arts;
    • Removes posture imbalances

    The inhabitants know only one type of stretching - this is when a person himself stretches the muscle, calmly and smoothly. Few people know, but besides this, there are exercises that are generally not associated in the minds of the masses with stretch, but nevertheless, they are stretching. So, by type, exercises can be divided into:

    • ballistic stretching- these are fast sweeping movements that can be seen in the arsenal of fighters and gymnasts, it is prohibited in fitness, since with little joint mobility and lack of control over the center of the body it can lead to injury;
    • Passive stretching- the trainer or massage therapist pulls the client's muscles while he is just trying to relax. Despite the cute description, it is painful and unpleasant. The success of the event depends entirely on the qualifications of the coach and the ability to relax;
    • Active- we stretch "the old fashioned way" ourselves, taking a stretching position and putting pressure on the stretched muscle group, the most popular type of stretching available to beginners, at home and for self-mastering;
    • static- in general, it is a synonym for active stretching in a static position. But in Russian-language sources, the phenomenon is associated with the training of yogis and gymnasts. In fact, any exercise can be called static, in which the movement occurs only due to the natural stretching of the muscles;
    • Dynamic- Stretching exercises are movements performed in full amplitude, but without weights. An example is the warm-up before an aerobics class, where the client shifts weight from one leg to the other, or does a series of deep squats to warm up the legs. Dynamic stretching also includes types of stretch, when the tension of the muscles is slightly weakened, in order to then strengthen it due to the greater amplitude in the muscles.

    Beginners should not stretch aggressively in a ballistic or dynamic style. Dynamic elements are allowed, but they must be performed in an anatomically natural plane and under control. For example, you should not “push” yourself into a cross split on the floor, you can only spring a little in a position when the legs are raised up against the wall and spread apart.

    Important: beginners should follow a simple rule - stretching is performed either after a workout or after a thorough warm-up. The warm-up should gently raise the heart rate with simple aerobic exercises, and then perform a series of movements that involve the whole body. Universal warm-up - exercises for the press, push-ups and squats.

    • Don't start with splits. It's great and impressive, of course, but you can easily get hurt. If the goal is a cross split, first stretch the adductors and abductors of the thighs, as well as the back of the legs, then stretch the legs raised up in the “corner” for a while. Gradually, from workout to workout, you can move on to a smooth stretch on the twine. But usually you need to devote 3 months to this work to see serious progress. The cross split is technically easier for many, it requires a good stretch of the back and front of the thighs, and this is what you need to concentrate on;
    • back muscles- the most underestimated group in terms of stretching. Not only cat-dogs, but also reverse backbends should be in the program. A training program supplemented with good back stretching is more effective than a plan in which only the legs and arms are stretched. There is an opinion that it is easier to sit on a twine for a person whose back is flexible and mobile than for someone who does not have the ability to bend his back;
    • Warm up well- without a preliminary warm-up, you do not need to do even simple stretching. And they do not replace warm-ups by themselves. Stretching helps to get rid of muscle clamps and spasms only under one condition - a person does not reach for cold muscles;
    • Having severe pain, especially in a joint, ligament, or muscle - a signal to stop the stretching exercise. Discomfort and a slight feeling of resistance are normal, severe pain is not. You need to stretch gently, not aggressively, and not exceed the capabilities of the body in order to achieve a result without “kickbacks” due to injuries;
    • You don't need to hold your breath, perform exercises from bodyflex or other gymnastics with a breath hold, if the body is not ready for this. Hypoxia has a bad effect on the elasticity of muscle fibers and only the human body can “forgive” this, which does not stretch too deeply, or does not hold the breath for long;
    • Copying others involved, competitive spirit and other joys of social life in joint training, leave those who have been practicing for a long time. You need to pull the muscles, listening to your own feelings, and not force events;
    • sliding, stretching “on the minus”, putting pieces of fabric under your feet to glide better are also bad ideas when it comes to fitness beginners. It is worth working only with your own body until the flexibility and mobility of the joints improves, and the muscles become more elastic.

    There is an opinion that stretching exercises should be done by everyone. It is based on the popularity and accessibility of yoga. In fact, stretching is contraindicated throughout the recovery period after injuries, during an exacerbation of hypertension, with heart rhythm disturbances, during pregnancy, if there is a risk of placental abruption, and during exacerbation of chronic diseases. The wrong choice is to replace the workout with stretching if you have a cold or you need to reduce the intensity of the session.

    Before you start training, dispel prejudices and misconceptions about stretching:

    • Stretching in adulthood is useless. Yes, it is easier for children to reach out, but perseverance and perseverance will solve the problem for adults as well;
    • Stretching is not necessary for weight loss. In fact, stretching exercises improve metabolism, speed up all processes, including fat burning. To lose weight, you need only one condition - a calorie deficit. Stretching also helps increase calorie expenditure. And it indirectly affects the quality of strength training and the speed of movement during cardio;
    • Stretching is a painful process. Not always, sometimes muscle stretching delivers only mild discomfort, you need to concentrate not on it, but on breathing, and the sensations will become more pleasant;
    • Stretching is not suitable for some people due to the body structure and lack of flexibility. In fact, even such people need to relieve tension and muscle clamps in order not to get injured during normal training.

    "Cat" for the back

    Stand up straight, get down on all fours, palms under the shoulders, in the projection of the joint, knees under the hips. With an inhalation, raise the center of the back up, bend, with an exhalation, as if arching in the opposite direction, allowing the stomach to “sag”. Start with a small period, about 20 seconds in each position, continue, increasing the stretch time.

    Starting position - lying on your back, the stomach is tucked up so that the natural deflection in the lower back is preserved, but the back remains stable. Stretch one leg perpendicular to the body, grab it with your hands and pull towards the shoulder. If the range of motion is not enough, you can use a belt, rope, towel or belt to put it on your leg. There should be no discomfort in the back, you need to actively stretch, but do not tear your buttock off the floor. Twisting in the spine is also not allowed. It is also recommended to follow the time that is spent under load, so that the stretch is symmetrical, you need to make it the same on both sides.

    Variation: sit on the floor on the buttocks, bend the supporting leg so that the heel is close to the groin, bend over to the stretched thigh, grab the sock with your hands

    This is a calf stretch against a wall. You need to lean on the wall with your hands, and move away from it, as if you were about to perform a lunge. The “back” leg stretches with the heel back, the “front” leg bends at the knee joint.

    Stand right at the support, grab the support with your hand, transfer the weight to the leg of the same name, free - grab the ankle with your hand. Pull the heel to the buttock, and push the pelvis forward.

    Clasp your hands in a lock in front of you and stretch them out behind your head. At the same time, you need to draw in your stomach, and, as it were, lower your shoulders from your ears so that the trapezius muscle does not take on all the work.

    Sit up straight, stretch both legs forward, and fold heel to heel, bending your knees. Stretch your body forward so that your knees drop to the floor. Hold your ankles with your hands so that they do not part.

    Lie on your stomach and take the cobra position, that is, push off the floor with your hands and stretch the front surface of the body so that the chest and stomach come off the floor.

    Stretching for beginners on video

    When choosing a stretch for a video, you should first view the complex from beginning to end, and, if necessary, stop recording to clarify the movement. Only then, after a warm-up, you can start exercising at home under the video. The beauty of stretching workouts is that they allow you to do as much as you want, even in the smallest apartment.

    These exercises for ✅ STRETCHING muscles will help to cope with problems with the back and spine, curvature of posture, deterioration of well-being and restore flexibility to the joints, relieve stress, heal ligaments and joints.

    Stretching or stretching is a popular direction that can be used both as a separate complex and in addition to other workouts, in particular, strength training. Stretching exercises are useful for absolutely everyone. They strengthen muscles, protect joints, help improve flexibility, plasticity, and increase self-esteem with self-confidence.

    Stretching exercises

    • Why do we need stretching?
    • A little about the types of stretching
    • Neck exercises
    • Stretching the press
    • Stretching the legs and buttocks

    Why do we need stretching?

    Most of us today work in a sedentary job, which leads to a decrease in muscle activity, problems with the back and spine, curvature of posture, poor health, and also periodic stress. Muscle stretching exercises help to cope with all these problems, restore joint flexibility, relieve stress, improve ligaments and joints. If the latter move in full amplitude, this will reduce the risk of injury in any kind of sports.

    Muscle stretching exercises are useful for the following:

    • Improving blood circulation and lymph circulation in the body;
    • Flexibility improvement. For women, this is a great way to become more graceful, slimmer and sexier, improve posture.
    • Stretching has a beneficial effect on the muscles, helps to fight pain in the muscles, with unpleasant consequences resulting from stress and nervous tension.
    • Exercise tones muscles while reducing psycho-emotional stress. For those who are engaged in stretching, the muscles will always remain elastic, as they will receive a sufficient amount of nutrients, blood, and oxygen.
    • Stretching helps to prepare for physical activity, warming up the muscles and preventing their damage, as well as to relax after physical activity, contributing to the fastest recovery of the muscles and the body as a whole.

    A little about the types of stretching

    Knowing why muscle stretching is needed, let's try to figure out what it is. Its main types are dynamic and static. Dynamic involves an active change of positions along with maximum stretching. Static, on the other hand, involves fixing one position, which helps to achieve the maximum level of stretching. In addition to dynamic stretching, there is also ballistic stretching, which combines direct stretching with hard jerks. It is mostly performed only by professionals. Stretching can also be active or passive. Active is when you normally exercise on your own. Passive - when a person is engaged with a partner, and it is the latter who performs the main movements.

    Features of proper stretching

    Stretching muscles involves following certain rules:

    • It is recommended to start with a light warm-up. The body must first be warmed up - then the connective tissues will be better able to stretch. Warming up promotes flexibility and mobility in muscles and joints, which helps prevent injury. Experts advise pre-conducting a light ten-minute aerobic workout. You can walk on the spot, run, jump, bow and so on.
    • Going directly to stretching, choose a set of exercises where the whole body will be stretched in sequence: neck, shoulders, chest, lower back, and then leg muscles. In each exercise, reaching the limit point of stretching, try to linger for 30-60 seconds. Keep in mind that a slight sensation of discomfort and burning in the muscles is acceptable, but severe pain should be avoided.
    • Remember to breathe properly. Don't breathe too fast, but don't hold your breath either. Breathe in and out deeply, paying special attention to how you breathe between exercises.

    Keep in mind that there are a number of symptoms in which stretching should be stopped immediately. This is dizziness, muscle spasm, tingling or burning in the limbs, as well as a crunch or clicks in the body of unknown origin.

    What about those who are injured?

    In the absence of motor activity, muscles can atrophy, so light stretching can be useful after the first day of rehabilitation. But in this case, it is especially important to do everything under the supervision of a specialist.

    Now you know what is useful and what muscle stretching is for. It's time to move on to considering an effective set of exercises.

    A set of exercises for stretching muscles

    We offer an excellent set of stretching exercises, which is performed in the correct sequence - from top to bottom.

    Neck exercises

    Exercise 1

    Remember the exercises in kindergarten and turn your head first to the right and then to the left. Repeat 8-10 times.

    Exercise 2

    Now we tilt our head from side to side. The number of repetitions is the same. Exercise 3 With the help of the hands, you can slightly complicate the slopes. Lower one hand along the body, put the other on the head and relax it and slightly pull the head down to one side. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Then repeat on the other side.

    Exercise 3

    With the help of the hands, you can complicate the slopes a little. Lower one hand along the body, put the other on the head and relax it and slightly pull the head down to one side. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Then repeat on the other side.

    Exercises for shoulders, arms and back

    Consider effective stretching exercises for these muscle groups.

    Exercise 1

    Performed standing. Stretch your right hand up, grab your elbow with your left and pull it. Hold in this position for 10 seconds, then repeat the same for the other hand. You can perform 2-3 approaches or limit yourself to one.

    Exercise 2

    Throw your hands behind your head, bend them at the elbows. Take your right elbow with your left hand, pull it. Hold in this position for 10 seconds, then change hands and repeat the exercise.

    Exercise 3

    Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart. Bend your elbows at a right angle. Take your right hand with your left and pull a little. Hold this stretch for 10 seconds, then change hands.

    Exercise 4

    You need to kneel on the mat, twist your arms so that your fingers are pointing towards your knees, not forward. Arch your back and slowly lean back.

    Exercise 5

    You need to lie on the floor, throw your right leg over your left. At the same time, the right one should be bent at the knee - so you can turn the torso in the lower back. Look to the right with your head, try not to tear your shoulders off the floor. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.

    Stretching the press

    Lie on your stomach, lift your chest using your hands - you will feel a slight tension in the press and oblique muscles. Hold this position for up to a minute. Then you can repeat the exercise several times.

    Stretching the legs and buttocks

    Exercise 1

    This exercise, which includes stretching for all muscle groups, stretches the buttocks. You need to sit on the mat, stretch your right leg, and bend the left at the knee and throw it behind the right. Then turn the torso to the left side, rest the elbow of the right hand on the knee of the left leg. Stay in this position as long as you can.

    Exercise 2

    You need to sit on the mat, stretch your legs in front of you and try to reach your fingertips with your hands. In the absence of stretching, you will not be able to achieve this the first time. Do not bend - stretch as you can, and improve this skill over time.

    Exercise 3

    This exercise is also performed while sitting on the floor. The feet should be pressed against each other, elbows rest on the knees and slowly press the elbows on the legs, tilting the torso forward. In this exercise, it is important to monitor your back - it should remain flat. In the final position, linger for 30 seconds, then return to the starting position and repeat the exercise several times.

    Stretching, a set of exercises for which we have already considered, involves smooth and slow exercise. Try to avoid sudden movements, jerks. If you have not been stretching before, some movements may not work for you.

    Do not force the muscles - they must get used to the stress. There are no restrictions regarding the number of classes and their time. Stretching can be used as a morning exercise, performed in between work, before and after training. It will also be very useful in the evening, as it allows you to calm and relax, relieve stress. The main thing is not to be lazy to exercise regularly, and the best stretching exercises will give you their maximum effectiveness.published.

    Full body stretching exercises video

    P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness - together we change the world! © econet

    Regardless of the activity during the day, the regularity and the presence of fitness in your life, stretching the body is a healthy habit that absolutely everyone needs. After stretching, the blood rushes to the muscles, thereby the joints can perform the full range of motion. Stretching also improves posture and makes us more efficient at sports, while reducing the risk of pain and injury.

    Doing yoga or stretching separately, do you know which muscles you are stretching? And are you stretching properly?

    1. Camel Pose

    We pull the muscles: the rectus abdominis and the external oblique muscle of the abdomen. This pose is great for people who are already quite flexible. Sit on your heels and bring your hands back, holding on to your heels, lift your body higher. Watch your neck, do not tilt your head too low.

    2. Wide leg spread to the sides

    Pull muscles: adductor femoris and biceps femoris. This exercise perfectly opens the pelvis. If it's hard, start with your knees slightly bent and your back straight. As soon as it becomes easier, then begin to straighten your legs and tilt your body forward, preferably without hunching your back. Work with your foot a little, shorten the foot towards you, and then stretch the toe. To propel yourself forward, use a belt or towel. You can also lie on your back, press your legs against the wall and spread them to the sides.

    3. Frog pose

    We pull muscles: inguinal muscles. Your knees should be on a soft surface. Spread your knees as wide as possible, while there should be no sharp pain. Do everything smoothly, work a little with the pelvis, directing it forward and backward.

    4. Wide deep lunge

    We pull muscles: inguinal muscles. Start with a wide stance, then slowly move your hands to your right leg, bending your right leg at the knee. Lower your pelvis lower, try to drop right next to your heel.

    5. Pose butterfly

    We pull muscles: inguinal muscles. It is necessary to sit on both ischial bones, connect the feet together, stretch the top of the head to the ceiling. Try to bring the feet as close as possible, thereby the groin muscles will be more elastic. Then move your feet a little further and tilt your body forward to stretch and relieve tension in your back.

    6. Forearm extensor stretch

    We pull the muscles: the extensor of the forearm. Start with the correct position of the shoulders. Lower your shoulder and take it back a little, then slightly raising your arm, lower your hand down, gently press the brush with your other hand.

    7. Flexion of the neck

    We pull the muscles: sternocleidomastoid muscle. Tilt your head to the side, pull your ear as low as possible to your shoulder. There should be a feeling of smooth stretching of the muscles, without pain and sudden movements. Try to stay in this position longer, at least 10 seconds. You can put your opposite hand behind your back. You will immediately feel an even better stretch.

    8. Turning the neck

    We pull the muscles: sternocleidomastoid muscle. Start slowly turning your head to the side while keeping your chin up. To intensify the stretch, press a little with your hand.

    9. Tilt your head back

    We pull the muscles: sternocleidomastoid muscle. First you need to stick out the top of your head, lengthening your neck, and then gently tilt your head back. This movement must be done very carefully. With increased mobility of the cervical vertebrae, their displacement, hernia and osteochondrosis, it is better to exclude this movement.

    10. Lateral tilt of the head with the help of a hand

    We pull the muscles: sternocleidomastoid muscle and the upper part of the trapezius muscle. Try to keep the tilt as long as possible, lowering your ear to your shoulder. To intensify the stretch, place your opposite hand behind your back.

    11. Quadriceps and psoas

    We pull the muscles: quadriceps and psoas. We start with a pose, kneeling. Then we stretch the leg forward and put it on the foot. We take the opposite foot with the same hand and pull it to the buttock.

    12. Stretch the extensors of the forearm
    We pull the muscles: extensors of the forearm. It is necessary to lower the hand down and move back. After that, pull the brush to the side to increase the tension even more.

    13. Stretch your arm in the opposite direction

    We pull muscles: deltoid muscle. We stretch our arm in front of us and wind it in the opposite direction, help with the other hand for better muscle stretching.

    14. Neck forward bend

    We pull muscles: trapezius muscle. Bring your hands to the back of your head, then lowering your chin down, connect your elbows together.

    15. Stretch your back

    We pull the muscles: the latissimus dorsi. Grasp the horizontal bar with your hands, and then tear your legs off the floor. Pleasant stretching of the chest and back muscles.

    16. Stretch your back, holding the wall

    We pull the muscles: the latissimus dorsi. Grasp the corner of the wall with both hands. Start pulling your torso and hips out to the side.

    17. Child Pose

    We pull the muscles: the latissimus dorsi. Get on all fours. Then slowly stretch your hips back to your heels, sit on your heels, and lower your forehead to the floor. You can spread your knees wider, as well as bend your back more, thus further stretching the hips and pectoral muscles.

    18. Emphasis on the heels, the toe on the support is higher

    We pull the muscles: soleus and calf muscles. You can perform this exercise on the edge of a step. Rotate the ankle slightly in and out to actively stretch the calf muscles.

    19. Longitudinal twine.

    Take a wide lunge back. Then gently straighten your knees and spread your legs wider. Be attentive to your feelings.

    20. Touching the toes with straight legs.

    We pull the muscles: hamstring, calf, biceps femoris. Sit on your sitting bones, straighten your legs, keep your back straight. For the best stretch, try to lean forward while keeping your back straight.

    21. Stretch the legs alternately

    Pulling muscles: hamstring, biceps femoris, calf muscle. Place one leg in front of you, bend the other slightly at the knee. Put your hands on your hips and lean forward with a straight back.

    22. Deep squat

    We pull muscles: gluteal muscles. This exercise is great for our entire body. If it’s hard to do it right away, then train and do everything smoothly. For starters, you can try the version of lying on your back.

    23. Seated Royal Pigeon Pose

    We pull muscles: buttocks. You need to sit on the sit bones, stretch your legs. Then we bend the leg at the knee and pull it to the chest.

    24. Stretching the muscles of the lower leg resting against the wall

    We pull the muscles: soleus and gastrocnemius muscle. We stand against the wall, straighten one leg back, and press the heel to the floor.

    25. Pull the external oblique muscles

    We pull the muscles: the external oblique muscle of the abdomen. Grasp the wall with both hands, and pull the body to the other side.

    26. Rotation of the pelvis lying on the back

    We pull the muscles: the gluteal muscle and the abductor surface of the thigh. This exercise is an excellent prevention for a sedentary lifestyle. Lift one leg, bring it across your body, place your knee on the floor and both shoulders rest on the floor. Breathe deeply with a well-opened chest.

    27. Tilt to the side with a towel

    We pull muscles: external oblique muscles. Take a towel in your hands, stretch it out to the sides, and then tilt the body to the side. At the same time, keep the pelvis in one position and do not bend your back in the lower back.

    28. Triangle Pose

    We pull the muscles: the external oblique muscle of the abdomen. Set your legs wide, arms extended to the sides, then move the body to the side and after that touch the floor with one hand, and pull the other up. Hands on the same line, the back is new, the body is parallel to the floor.

    29. Turning the case away from the wall

    We pull the muscles: pectoral muscles. Grasp the wall with one hand, and then turn the body by hand, feel the stretch in the pectoral muscle.

    30. Paired stretching of the pectoral muscles

    We pull the muscles: pectoral muscles and back muscles. Lie on your back, raise your arms up, and the second person pulls your hands.

    31. Sitting pigeon pose

    We pull the muscles: anterior tibial muscle. Sit with your legs extended, then bend your knee and place your ankle over your knee. Flat back, the second leg is straight.

    32. Shoulder stretch lying on the back

    We pull the muscles: the subscapularis muscle. Lie on your back, take it bent at a right angle to the side. Touch the back of your hand to the floor. If your hand does not reach the floor, then your muscles are clamped and your joints are constrained.

    33. Dog face down near the wall

    We pull the muscles: pectoral muscles and back muscles. Put your hands on the wall or the Swedish wall and try to bend your back and stretch your chest down. The legs are straight, the pelvis is higher.

    34. Pair stretching of the pectoral muscles

    We pull the muscles: pectoral muscles. Lie on your stomach. Take your hands back, the second person pulls you by the hands, lifting your body higher.

    Reading time: 35 min

    If you want to minimize the harm of a sedentary lifestyle, get rid of back pain and feel free and relaxed, then stretch at least once a week for the whole body.

    We offer you a universal set of exercises for stretching all muscle groups, which is suitable for both beginners and experienced practitioners.

    Benefits of stretching + exercise rules

    Below is a ready-made set of stretching exercises that you need to perform 1-2 times a week if you want to keep your body healthy and mobile.

    Top 10 reasons to stretch:

    1. Get rid of stiffness and stiffness in muscles and joints.
    2. Prevention of muscle shortening.
    3. Improving the elasticity of muscles, ligaments and tendons.
    4. Prevention and relief from spinal problems.
    5. Improve posture and get rid of stoop.
    6. Improving flexibility and coordination of movements.
    7. Relief from muscle fatigue.
    8. Reducing the risk of injury and sprains.
    9. Psychological adaptation to physical activity.
    10. Reducing stress and increasing vitality.

    The structure of this stretching workout:

    • Joint gymnastics(5-6 minutes). Be sure to do joint exercises before stretching. If you plan to stretch after an active workout, then you can skip the articular gymnastics and go straight to stretching.
    • Stretching exercises(25-30 minutes). All the exercises below are static, that is, you take a pose and linger in it for 30 seconds, stretching your muscles. If you want to shorten your stretch to 15 minutes, hold each pose for 15 seconds. If you want to extend your stretch to 40 minutes, hold each position for 45 seconds.

    Stretching duration:

    • 30 seconds in each pose => total stretch duration ~25 minutes
    • 45 seconds in each pose => total workout time ~35 minutes
    • 15 seconds in each pose => total stretch duration ~12 minutes

    How often to perform a set of stretching exercises:

    • For active trainees: 1 time per week for 30 minutes(in addition to regular short stretching after training)
    • For people with a sedentary lifestyle: 2 times a week for 30 minutes
    • For people who want to improve their stretch and flexibility, as well as get rid of back pain or improve their posture: 3-4 times a week for 30 minutes
    • For people who practice yoga on a regular basis, additional stretching workouts can be omitted.

    Stretching rules:

    1. All proposed stretching exercises are static (except for articular gymnastics). To perform them, you need to take a given pose and stretch your muscles in one position.
    2. Remember to do stretching exercises on both the right and left sides.
    3. You can always deepen the position or, on the contrary, simplify the stretching exercise a little by choosing a more comfortable position. Listen to your body!
    4. Practice without shoes, barefoot or in socks. Additionally you will need (preferably non-slip).
    5. If any stretching exercise gives you severe discomfort (not discomfort from muscle stretching, but, for example, pinching, cramps or pain), then it is better to stop doing this exercise.
    6. Hold each pose for 30 seconds on each side (in this case, the total stretch will be 25 minutes) or 15 seconds on each side (in this case, the total stretch will be less than 15 minutes).
    7. It is advisable to use a timer to track the duration of a static pose. Look.

    If you do not have a mobile application with a timer, then use the ready-made video with a sound signal for every 30 seconds:

    See also our ready-made workouts for beginners:

    Joint gymnastics: 10 exercises

    Why do you need joint gymnastics? Joint gymnastics improves blood circulation and warms up the muscles of the whole body, which is especially important before performing a set of stretching exercises, since it is not safe to stretch on an unstretched body. In addition, exercises from articular gymnastics warm up and develop joints, making them more mobile.

    If you have planned to perform stretching exercises after an active workout, then in principle, articular gymnastics can be skipped. If your workout begins with stretching, then before stretching, you must definitely perform articular gymnastics.

    Our articular gymnastics includes 10 exercises. Do each exercise for 30 seconds with no rest between exercises if you are training on a timer. Or count the number of repetitions if you train without a timer.

    Stand up straight, hands on your belt. Start tilting your head: right - forward - left - forward. Perform this exercise at a slow pace, without making sharp jerks with your head.

    How many: 10 turns to the right and 10 turns to the left or 30 seconds.

    Bend your elbows in front of you and clench your palms into a fist. Begin to rotate the brushes in a circle, kneading your wrists well. Rotate first in one direction, then in the opposite direction (clockwise and counterclockwise).

    How many:

    Keep your palms clenched into a fist and spread your arms out to the sides. Start rotating your forearms, stretching your elbow joints. Rotate first in one direction, then in the opposite direction.

    How many: 10 rotations in each direction (total 20 rotations) or 15 seconds per rotation in one direction (total 30 seconds per exercise).

    Let's move on to the shoulder workout. Lower your arms along the body and begin to rotate your shoulders, trying to describe the maximum circle with them. Rotate your shoulders first forward, then back.

    How many: 10 rotations in each direction (total 20 rotations) or 15 seconds per rotation in one direction (total 30 seconds per exercise).

    Stay in the same position and begin to rotate your arms with maximum amplitude. Rotate your arms first forward, then back.

    How many: 10 rotations in each direction (total 20 rotations) or 15 seconds per rotation in one direction (total 30 seconds per exercise).

    6. Body slopes

    We turn to the warm-up of the body. Put your hands on your belt and begin to tilt, first in one direction, then in the other.

    How many: 10 tilts in each direction (20 tilts in total) or 30 seconds per exercise.

    Leave your hands on your belt and begin to rotate your pelvis in a circle. We stretch the buttocks, thighs and stomach. Do not forget to rotate first in one direction, then in the opposite direction.

    How many: 10 rotations in each direction (total 20 rotations) or 15 seconds per rotation in one direction (total 30 seconds per exercise).

    8. Hip rotation

    Let's work on the hip joints. Hands lie on the belt. Raise your knee and begin to rotate your leg. Rotate your right foot first (one way, then the other way). Then rotate your left foot (one way, then the other way).

    How many: 8 rotations in each direction (16 rotations in total on each leg) or 15 seconds per rotation in each direction (30 seconds on one leg or 60 seconds on both legs).

    9. Knee rotation

    Put your feet together, tilt your body and put your hands on your knees. Start rotating your knees, warming up your knee joints.

    How many: 10 rotations in each direction (20 rotations in total) or 15 seconds on each side (30 seconds for the entire exercise).

    10. Foot rotation

    Place your hands on your belt again and raise your knee. Begin to rotate the foot, kneading the ankle joint. Remember to rotate to one side and the other on each leg.

    How many: 10 rotations in each direction (20 rotations in total on each leg) or 15 seconds per rotation in each direction (30 seconds on one leg or 60 seconds on both legs).

    Stretch Workout: 30 Exercises

    After joint gymnastics, you can proceed to stretching training. We perform the exercise sequentially one after another. If any exercise is difficult for you or gives you real discomfort, skip it.

    Don't forget to do the exercise on the right and left sides! Those. if the exercise involves performing on the right and left side, then we linger for 30 seconds on each side.

    For what: We start our set of stretching exercises with a very simple exercise that will help us perfectly stretch the muscles of the arms, shoulders and body.

    How to perform: Stand up straight, stomach tucked in, legs slightly apart. Raise your arms up and cross your palms over your head. Tilt to the side, bringing your shoulder blades together and keeping your arms above your head. Hold the tilt, stretching the muscles of the entire upper body.

    For what: This simple exercise for stretching the hamstrings, hamstrings and buttocks can be performed not only on a separate day for stretching, but also after each workout.

    How to perform: Stand up straight, bend your knees slightly. Place one leg half a meter forward with support on the heel and fully straighten. Tilt your back straight, put your hands on the knees of your front leg or on your belt. The lower the slope, the better the muscles and tendons are stretched. Hold in a comfortable position, you can gradually deepen the stretch.

    For what: This stretch is good for the entire upper body and back of the legs. But first of all, it is good to perform it for stretching the pectoral muscles, opening the chest and shoulder joints.

    How to perform: Stand up straight, bring your arms back and cross your palms behind your back. Start slowly tilting the body, moving your arms back and lifting them up. At the end point, your torso should be parallel to the floor, arms pointing straight up, chest open. You can bend your knees a little, because in this exercise it is not so important for us to stretch the legs (below, there will be enough exercises to stretch the lower body).

    For what: The triangle pose strengthens and stretches the muscles of the thighs and buttocks, perfectly stretches the hamstrings, opens the shoulders and thoracic spine, and also relieves pain in the lumbar region.

    How to perform: Spread your legs wide, right foot looking to the side, left foot forward. Both legs are extended. Spread your arms to the sides parallel to the floor, tighten your stomach. Tilt the body to the right leg and turn it so that the right hand rests on the right shin, the left hand looks up. You can bend your right leg slightly at the knee if you find it difficult to keep your legs straight. Turn your head, look at the fingers of your left hand. If you feel discomfort in your neck, then keep your head in a neutral position.

    For what: This exercise stretches the triceps, the muscle that is usually loaded the most during.

    How to perform: Stand up straight with your legs slightly apart. Raise your bent arm up and put your elbow behind your head. With your other hand, lightly press on your elbow, lowering your arm lower and increasing the stretch. The palm of the stretched hand seems to be moving down the shoulder blade.

    For what: This exercise is great for strengthening and stretching the muscles of the lower body, especially the buttocks and adductors (inner thighs).

    How to perform: Spread your legs wide, knees pointing to the side. Lower your pelvis down into a squat position. The thighs are parallel to the floor. Place your hands on your hips and tilt your body slightly, keeping your back straight. Do not arch or arch your lower back so as not to create tension in this area.

    7. Tilt in half split

    For what: Bent over to the floor strengthens and stretches the glutes, hamstrings, hamstrings, and adductors of the thighs, as well as the extensors of the back. Such an exercise is very useful to practice for both longitudinal twine, as well as for mastering the “fold”.

    How to perform: Spread your legs wide, they are fully extended and do not bend at the knees. Tilt the body with a straight back, put your hands on the floor. Do not slouch your back, bring your shoulder blades together. You can spread your legs even wider and put your forearms on the floor, if stretching allows.

    For what: The garland pose not only opens the hip joints and stretches the muscles of the legs and buttocks, but also helps to improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs. This exercise also relieves tension in the lumbar spine.

    How to perform: Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart. Do a deep squat without lifting your heels off the floor. Spread your knees to the side and move your body forward a little. Put your palms together near your chest, and with your elbows apart, lightly press on your knees, trying to push your hips apart.

    For what: This is one of the best stretches for the back, back of the legs, and hamstrings. Also, tilting to the floor perfectly relaxes and calms the mind.

    How to perform: Stand up straight with your feet close together. Tilt your body so that your belly rests on your hips. Hands are free and lowered down, try to reach the floor with your fingertips. If you can't reach the floor, wrap your arms around your shins. In this stretching exercise, it is very important not to hunch your back and stretch your stomach to your hips. Do not jerk your back, trying to reach the floor by all means - there is a risk of injuring your back.

    For what: The side lunge will help you stretch your glutes and leg muscles, so we recommend that you always do this exercise after your leg workout.

    How to perform: Spread your legs wide and bend your right leg at the knee, transferring your body weight to it. The thigh of the right leg should be at least parallel to the floor (you can lower it deeper), the knee does not go forward of the toe. The left leg remains straight. Feel the tension and stretch in your leg muscles. You can stretch your arms out in front of you or put them on the floor.

    11. Lunge with arms up

    For what: The lunge is one of the most accessible and effective exercises for stretching the legs and buttocks. It is within the power of everyone and it can be performed in almost any conditions. Even, for example, after running on the street to stretch the muscles.

    How to perform: Stand straight, legs wide apart, right leg in front. Lower the pelvis down and bend the front leg at the knee so that a right angle forms between the thigh and lower leg. The back left leg remains fully extended and taut, do not relax it at the knee. Raise your arms above your head, stretch the top of your head up. At the same time, try to lower the pelvis lower to the floor, even better stretching the muscles of the legs and buttocks.

    For what: Almost every muscle in your body is involved in this stretching exercise. You will stretch your arms and shoulders, pecs, abs, and thighs and glutes with the lunge position.

    How to perform: Stay in a lunge position with your right foot in front. Lower your pelvis a little lower to the floor. Lower your left hand to the floor and turn the body to the right so that the chest is fully opened, and the left hand reaches up. Look at the fingers of your left hand. This is a very popular and effective stretching exercise that is ideal for both beginners and advanced.

    How to perform: We continue to perform leg stretching exercises, do not change the side. Maintaining a lunge position, place your knee on the floor. You can put a towel or pillow under your knee if you have a thin rug. The thigh of the front leg remains parallel to the floor and perpendicular to the lower leg. Take your back knee slightly back, dropping your pelvis down and deepening the stretch. Feel the stretch in your leg muscles.

    For what: This is a deepened position of the previous stretching exercise for even more effective work on the muscles of the legs. The largest muscles of our body are located in the legs, so special attention should be paid to stretching them.

    How to perform: Stay in a deep lunge position with your knee on the floor. Raise the shin of the left leg up and pull it with your left hand to the thigh so that the foot is as close to the buttocks as possible. Perform this exercise as gently as possible, without jerking, so as not to pull the muscles of the legs. If you find it difficult to hold a lunge with a leg grab, then skip this exercise.

    For what: This is one of the best exercises for stretching the hamstrings and hamstrings. Practice this exercise regularly if you want to sit on the longitudinal split.

    How to perform: From a lunge position, fully straighten your front leg. Make a slight tilt to the leg, put your hands on the mat on both sides of the outstretched leg. With the knee fully extended, pull the toe towards you to further stretch the hamstring. The back is completely straight, do not round it.

    If stretching allows, place the body on an outstretched leg.

    For what: The pigeon pose increases the flexibility of the hip joints, stretches the glutes, quadriceps and adductors of the thigh.

    How to perform: Return to the lunge position. Gently lower your right shin to the floor and rotate your thigh so that the foot is under the left side of the pelvis. The back leg remains straight, pull the pelvis to the floor. In this exercise, it is very important to fix the position of the pelvis: it remains stable and does not collapse to the side. To do this, make sure that the pelvic bones are directed forward. If you can’t level the position, then place a pillow under the buttocks.

    For what: Camel Pose is an ideal exercise for relieving tension in the cervical spine and upper back.

    How to perform: Get on your knees, feet hip-width apart, back straight, shins of both feet on the floor. Put your hands on your belt, pull your elbows back. Lean back slightly, arching your back and keeping a right angle between your thigh and shin. Bring the shoulder blades together, open the thoracic spine. Tilt your head back without wringing or straining your neck.

    If flexibility allows, then increase the backbend and lower your hands to your feet.

    For what: Downward facing dog pose not only stretches the muscles of the arms, shoulders, back, buttocks and legs, but also has a beneficial effect on posture and the spine. Also, this exercise relieves tension in the whole body, it is very useful to perform after a long stay on your feet.

    How to perform: Get into a plank position on your hands. Raise your pelvis up by straightening your arms and legs, head pointing down. Your body and legs seem to form a hill. Note that the back remains absolutely straight. Since this is a rather difficult yoga pose and requires good stretching, we will simplify it a little by bending the legs at the knees. You can also lift your heels off the floor.

    If you have a good stretch, then fully straighten your legs and place your feet on the floor.

    For what: And another great exercise for stretching and getting rid of problems with the spine. The upward facing dog pose relieves back pain, opens the chest, improves lung elasticity, and increases blood circulation in the pelvic area. We will make this stretch a little easier by lowering the lower body onto the mat.

    How to perform: Lie face down on the floor. Bend your arms at the elbows, place your palms under your shoulders. Raise the body up, bending in the back and leaning on the hands. Feet remain on the floor. Pull your shoulders back and down, bring your shoulder blades together, do not strain your neck and do not throw your head back. Hold the upward facing dog position, feeling a pleasant stretch in your spine.

    For what: The Sphinx Pose gently stretches the thoracic and lumbar spine. This is the perfect exercise to improve your posture and open your chest.

    How to perform: Lie on your stomach, place your palms on the mat next to your chest. Leaning on your forearms, arch your back and lift your upper body. Take your shoulders away from your ears, distribute the deflection evenly between the thoracic and lumbar spine (middle and lower sections). If you feel tension in your lower back, decrease the arch.

    For what: The lotus position in yoga is primarily aimed at relaxation and relaxation, it has a calming effect. Also, in the lotus position, you will thoroughly stretch the buttocks, leading the muscles of the thigh and calf muscles, and open the hip joints. Due to the tilt, you will additionally stretch the muscles of the back and.

    How to perform: Sit on the floor, straighten your spine, stretch the top of your head up. Pull the right leg towards you first, then the left, folding them crossed in front of you. The knees and hips are on the floor. Get into a comfortable position, but it is important that your back stays straight. Stretch your arms in front of you and tilt your body slightly, stretching your back as well. Do not slouch, stretch your stomach to the floor. Do not forget to repeat the exercise on the other side, pulling the left leg towards you first, then the right.

    If the flexibility of the body allows, you can lean on your forearms, increasing the stretch:

    For what: Butterfly Pose stretches the legs, opens and relaxes the hip joints, and improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs and lower back. The butterfly pose is especially useful for those who have a sedentary or sedentary lifestyle.

    How to perform: In our set of stretching exercises, we offer a simplified version of this pose, since only people with a good stretch will be able to do the original butterfly pose. Sit up straight and bend your knees. Spread your legs so that your knees are on the floor and your feet are together. Place your hands on your shins and pull your feet closer to your pelvis. The back remains straight. If you can’t straighten your back, then move your feet away from you.

    If the flexibility of the body allows, you can tilt the body forward, also stretching the muscles of the back:

    For what: The crease is one of the most beneficial exercises for stretching the hamstrings and hamstrings. The fold will be very useful for those who want to improve the stretch and sit on the longitudinal split.

    How to perform: In our set of stretching exercises, we will perform a simple modification of the fold without a strong inclination. Sit on the floor with your legs fully extended and your hands on your hips. Start tilting your body forward, trying to lie on your hips with your stomach. Stretch your arms forward, trying to reach your toes. In this exercise, it is very important not to slouch your back, but to stretch your stomach to your hips. You can not round your back when tilting and perform jerky movements, trying to make a fold. Doing so can injure your back and cause pain in your spine.

    If stretching allows, fully tilt your torso toward your feet, wrapping your arms around your feet.

    For what: This simple exercise will help you stretch the muscles of the buttocks, lower leg and back of the thigh.

    How to perform: Sit on the floor, stretch your legs out in front of you. Pull your right leg towards you and turn it to the side so that the lower leg is parallel to the chest. Grab your foot with your left hand, and pull your shin as close to you as possible with your right hand. Don't hunch over in the back. Repeat the exercise on the right and left leg.

    For what: This simple stretch is perfect for relieving tension in your back and lower back. Also, this exercise will help you stretch the gluteal muscles.

    How to perform: Sit on the floor, stretch your legs out in front of you. Bend your right leg at the knee and bring it to the side through your left thigh. The left leg remains straight on the floor. Turn the body to the right, the left hand lies on the knee of the bent leg, the right hand rests on the floor. Don't forget to repeat on the other side.

    For what: This is one of the best exercises for relaxing the back, relieving tension in the lumbar region and preventing spinal diseases.

    How to perform: Lie on your back, spread your arms to the sides. Take your right leg to the left side through the thigh, twisting in the back and trying to touch the floor with the knee. You can help yourself with your hand by slightly pressing on your right leg so that it drops lower. Turn your head to the right. The right arm remains outstretched to the side. Don't forget to repeat on the other side.

    For what: This is a great exercise for stretching the buttocks, back of the legs, and hamstrings. Also, this simple stretching exercise is great for relaxing the lumbar spine.

    How to perform: Lie on your back, bend your knees. Lift one leg up and grab it by the shin, trying to pull it closer to your chest. The raised leg remains fully extended. If you have a good stretch, you can straighten the other leg, putting it on the mat. Remember to repeat the stretch on both legs.

    For what: This is one of the best exercises for stretching the buttocks while lying down. This exercise also helps relieve tension in the lumbar region.

    How to perform: Lie on your back, knees bent, lower back firmly pressed to the floor. Raise your legs up so that the shin of the left leg rests on the thigh of the right leg. Grasp your right thigh with your hands and pull it closer to your stomach. Feel the stretch in your buttocks, hamstrings, and lower back. Repeat the same on the other leg.

    For what: The happy child pose opens the hip joints, relaxes the muscles of the back and lower back, and strengthens the muscles of the legs. This is one of the best exercises for relaxing the body.

    How to perform: Lie on your back, press your lower back to the floor, legs bent at the knees. Pull your knees to your chest and grab your feet with your hands (either on the outside or on the inside). Spread your knees wider and lower your hips even lower. Take a comfortable position, you can sway slightly from side to side. Incorporate Happy Baby Pose into your stretching routine if you want to ease back pain.

    For what: Wind Pose is one of the best exercises for relieving tension in the back, lower back and neck. In addition, the wind pose provides a light massage of the abdominal organs, improves the flexibility of the spine, and stretches the gluteal muscles.

    How to perform: Lie on your back, stomach tucked up, legs bent at the knees. Pull your knees to your chest, lifting your head and shoulders off the floor. Grab your knees with your hands. Feel a pleasant relaxation in your back. This simple exercise is great for stretching and relaxing after an intense workout.

    For what: You can complete any workout with the child's pose, as it is one of the best exercises for relaxation and relaxation. Also, the child's pose helps to lengthen the spine, relieve tension in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine.

    How to perform: Sit on bent knees, buttocks lie on the feet, spread your legs apart. Lower your body to the floor and extend your arms forward. Get into a comfortable position and relax. Feel a pleasant stretch in your back muscles. Close your eyes and stay in child's pose until you feel fully recovered from your exertion.

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