How are the trimesters of pregnancy distributed by week. All trimesters of pregnancy by week, indicating the most dangerous periods. What's going on in mom's tummy

Pregnancy is a joyful event in the life of every woman who wants to have a baby. In addition, this is also a very responsible and difficult period, which can bring not only joy, but also anxiety.

Pregnancy is known to last 9 months or 40 weeks.

For convenience, the division of this entire period into trimesters, of which there are only three, is accepted. We publish a convenient table of pregnancy trimesters by week in this article.

You will learn how the weeks and months of pregnancy are divided into trimesters and what to expect from each trimester, all this should be known to any woman preparing to become a mother.

Very often we are asked - "the first, second, third trimester is how many weeks?" let's figure it out in order.

The start of pregnancy is counted from the last menstrual period.. Thus, it turns out that the first month of pregnancy begins even before conception. What happens in the first trimester of pregnancy:

  • At 1-2 weeks of pregnancy, ovulation and fertilization of the egg occurs. How to calculate this day, read in a separate.
  • At 3-4 weeks, the egg descends through the fallopian tubes into the uterus and is implanted in its wall.

If everything went well, the fertilized egg is fixed in the uterus, then the pregnancy develops further.

Therefore, 2-3 weeks of pregnancy are considered an important moment for its further course..

  • In the following weeks, the embryo grows and develops.
  • Important systems of the body begin to form: nervous, bone, muscle.

  • By week 6, the heart, arms and legs are formed.
  • The length of the embryo is about 6 mm.

  • At 7-8 weeks, the rudiments of eyes, chest, and abdomen appear in the crumbs.
  • The first sense organs appear.

  • 8-10 weeks - the child has a formed face, fingers and toes.
  • The fetus begins to move, but the mother does not feel it yet. The length of the embryo is about 12 mm.

  • By the end of the first trimester, by 13 weeks, the baby's eyelids have formed, the child's genitals are distinguishable, and the sex of the child can be determined.

The first trimester lasts three months or 12-13 weeks. This period is very important for the development of the unborn child. Sometimes at this time, an abortion may occur if there are any pathologies of the embryo or violations of the health of the mother.

Let's figure it out together: and why is it being done? Is this examination really necessary?

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Therefore, it is very important to lead a healthy lifestyle in the first trimester, get rid of bad habits, exclude medications and any substances that can harm the health of the future crumbs.

The body of a woman during this period is actively rebuilt. The hormonal background is changing. Breasts swell, nipples become sensitive. A pregnant woman becomes more emotional: quickly irritated or crying.

There are frequent urges to the toilet, because the growing uterus presses on the bladder. Toxicosis may begin.

Immunity is reduced so that the mother's body does not reject the embryo. In the first trimester, a woman should be especially careful about her health.

More rest, sleep, walk, eat well, avoid overwork and stress. The health of the unborn child depends on the health of the mother.

Duration 2 trimesters

At 13 weeks, the main organs and systems of the fetus are already formed, and the fetus takes on the appearance of a little man.

Border week 28 may refer to the second or third trimester. At 28 weeks, the fetus is already developed so that, with proper care, it is capable of survival.

By the fifth month, the rudiments of teeth are formed in the fetus, the fluff on the head grows. Eyelashes and eyebrows grow, but they are still colorless, melanin pigment is not yet produced. Individual convolutions appear on the fingers of the pens - prints.

At 6 months (22-25, 26, 27 weeks) the child's bone marrow functions, and the intensive development of the brain continues. The nervous system of the baby is already quite developed. He hears sounds from outside. Loud sounds frighten him, calm music has a beneficial effect.

In the second trimester, at about 18 weeks, a woman first begins to feel the baby's movements (many as early as 16). This period usually proceeds quite well. Toxicosis passes, hormonal changes are completed, and with it abrupt mood changes and other early troubles.

The woman's belly becomes more and more noticeable and by the end of the sixth month, back pain may occur due to the increased load on the spine. In this case, the doctor may advise wearing a special bandage.

In the second trimester, it is important to undergo an ultrasound scan to assess the development of the child, to identify existing pathologies.

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All mothers must know: - how many weeks do they do it, and is it really necessary?

3rd trimester. His dangers

The final stage of pregnancy is the last three months or the third trimester.

What week does it start? Usually it is considered from 28 to 40 weeks of gestation.

Starting from the 28th week, the baby's lungs are so formed that they are able to inhale ordinary air. The child sleeps and is awake, able to close and open his eyes.

By the end of 32 weeks, the weight of the child reaches 2.5 kg, and the length is 45 cm. From 33 to 37 weeks, the lungs have fully developed, the skin is smoothed, it becomes pinkish.

Muscle tone increases, the child can raise his head and turn it.

Reacts to bright light.

From 38 weeks, the baby is fully formed and ready for childbirth.

At 40 weeks, labor begins. However, this does not always happen. Sometimes labor can begin 1-2 weeks earlier or later than the due date.

Prolongation of pregnancy can have unpleasant consequences, so you need to go to the hospital if the deadline has come up, but there are no contractions.

Termination of pregnancy at this time can occur with some complications, although it is more accurate to call it premature birth. After all, a child after 28 weeks is already quite viable, although it requires special care. Complications of pregnancy during this period include:

  • Problems with placental function
  • High blood pressure in pregnancy (preeclampsia)
  • Anomalies of the uterus and cervix
  • Bad habits in a pregnant woman

This period is most often the most difficult for the expectant mother. The discomfort from the growing belly increases, the internal organs located in the neighborhood are squeezed. In the third trimester, the following problems may occur:

    Is your pregnancy easy?

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  • Difficulty breathing due to constriction of the diaphragm
  • Lower back pain
  • Swelling and heaviness in the legs
  • Varicose veins in the legs
  • Increased urination
  • Increasing pressure
  • Late toxicosis
  • Other ailments

You need to tell your gynecologist about any problems of your body, which you need to visit weekly from now on. Most of these problems resolve after childbirth, but may require supportive care during pregnancy.

Thus, pregnancy is conditionally divided into three periods - trimesters. The table for trimesters of pregnancy looks like this:

1 FIRST 1-4
THIRD 9-13
2 FOURTH 14-17
FIFTH 18-21
SIXTH 22-27
3 SEVENTH 28-31
EIGHTH 32-36
NINTH 37-40

This table shows the trimesters of pregnancy by week and month.

Trimester analyzes

Throughout the pregnancy, the expectant mother and child are under the supervision of a doctor.

Pregnancy management plans include regular check-ups, weighing, abdominal measurements by an obstetrician-gynecologist; consultations of other specialists, analyzes and research.

They will help determine whether everything is in order with the mother and child, and if problems are found, prescribe treatment in time.

Most examinations and analyzes will have to be done in the first trimester, when registering for pregnancy with your gynecologist.

In the first trimester, tests are taken to evaluate the following indicators:

  • Characteristics of blood
  • HCG level in blood or urine
  • The presence of sugar in the blood and urine
  • General indicators of urine
  • The blood type and Rh factor are determined, if the mother has a negative Rh, it is necessary to determine the father's Rh
  • The presence of infections in the blood (HIV, syphilis, viral hepatitis, etc.)
  • Antibodies to ToRCH infections (toxoplasma, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes)
  • The microflora of the vagina is determined by a smear and seeding for PPI
  • At a period of 12 weeks, the first screening is carried out - a comprehensive examination, including ultrasound and a blood test from a vein. The main task of screening is to identify genetic abnormalities in the fetus.

This survey is optional. However, in some cases, or simply at will, a doctor may recommend it.

In the second trimester, re-examine:

  • General blood analysis
  • Once a month they give urine for analysis
  • Second screening at 16-18 weeks
  • The second ultrasound at 18-21 weeks, if the second screening was not done

The second screening includes a triple test. At the same time, the level of proteins is determined - AFP, hCG and estriol. This helps to rule out genetic diseases such as Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome and neural tube defects. Ultrasound looks at deviations in the formed organs and systems of the fetus.

Last trimester:

  • Repeated blood test for infections (HIV, hepatitis, syphilis)
  • A smear for microflora and genital infections from the vagina
  • Urinalysis is given more often every 1-2 weeks
  • Blood chemistry
  • Last ultrasound and preferably dopplerography

Such analyzes by trimesters are mandatory for pregnant women during the normal course of pregnancy. However, when a woman has health problems or complications arise, the doctor will prescribe additional tests and studies, as well as specialist consultations if necessary.

No matter what difficulties a woman faces in different trimesters of pregnancy, there will always be positive moments.

After all, it is so wonderful to watch how a baby is born, develops and grows. And such a miracle as the birth of a new life overshadows any difficulties that may arise during pregnancy and during childbirth.

Useful video

You can see how the baby develops in the next video. Check it out, it's something incredible.

Future mother
Most often, a woman becomes pregnant in the middle of the cycle, on the 14th day. As a result of ejaculation, millions of spermatozoa move through the vagina through the fallopian tube. Several hundred spermatozoa head towards the egg, releasing their own special enzyme "and only one spermatozoon will be able to break through the defenses of the protective layer of the egg. This, in fact, is the moment of conception. After that, a special chemical process begins that does not allow other spermatozoa to enter the egg. The spermatozoon dissolves, and its nucleus, which carries genetic information, is reunited with the chromosome of the egg.

your child
The sex of your future child will depend on only one pair of the two chromosomes that actually make up the human cell. Sex cells sperm and egg - carry only one chromosome. A female egg is always an X chromosome, a sperm is either an X or a Y. If a sperm with an X chromosome enters the female cell, you will have a girl. If with a Y chromosome, you will have a boy. So the sex of the child depends entirely on the efforts of the pope.
The fertilized cell divides into two, then into four: continuing to divide, it moves along the fallopian tube into the uterine cavity. By the time of "arrival" there are already up to 30 such cells. Their accumulation is called "morula", which in Latin means "mulberry".

Future mother
A few days after fertilization, a morula embryo is attached to the inner wall of the uterus (endometrium). You are now officially pregnant! The number of cells in the morula grows to the state of a germinal vesicle: it secretes enzymes that cause the restructuring of your body. So, for example, because of him, your periods stop.
your child
In the early weeks of pregnancy, the embryo develops rapidly. Every day is a big change. After all, in just seven days, a whole ball of hundreds of cells grows from one cell! Although it is difficult to see any system even under a microscope, all cells act in an organized manner. Some of them will become an embryo, some will work for its life support. The blastocyst is a hollow, fluid-filled germinal vesicle, a collection of cells: it is still barely visible to the naked eye. The blastopist is attached to the upper part of the internal cavity of the uterus, from the side of the ovary, which then released the fertilized egg. The bubble begins to fix on the fourth or seventh day: it is more securely fixed on about the tenth day. On the surface of the bubble, a mass of villi is formed, which are immersed in the endometrium. Through the blood, the embryo receives nutrients from the mother and discards processed products. Gradually, the uterine mucosa grows, enveloping the fetal egg: a placenta is formed - an organ that will nourish and protect your child throughout pregnancy.

Future mother
You suspect that you are pregnant, but only a blood test can confirm this at an early stage. The fertilized egg secretes a special chorionic hormone (CG), chorionic gonadotropin, which is present in your blood. You can use a home test for hCG in the urine, but the latter is not so reliable, since the period is very short.
While you are wondering whether your period will come or not, you may experience symptoms that resemble premenstrual symptoms: nausea, breast swelling.

your child
This week, the fertilized egg begins to turn into an embryo. Three types of germ layers begin to form, which will serve as the beginning for the formation of various tissues and organs. The inner layer-sheet (endoderm) is responsible for the formation of the lungs, liver, digestive system, pancreas. The skeleton, muscular system, kidneys, blood vessels and heart develop from the middle layer-leaf (mesoderm). The outer layer-leaf (ectoderm) forms the skin, hair, eye lenses, tooth enamel, and the nervous system. Then the cells from each of the sheets "disperse in their places." The head of the embryo is formed - tender, like a drop or a tear.

Future mother
The first suspicion that you are pregnant - because you did not have your period - occurs 2-3 weeks after conception. But the lack of menstruation (amenorrhea) can have other reasons, so do a home express analysis either at home or at the gynecologist. Your doctor will calculate your pregnancy based on the start of your last period.
Pregnancy is usually divided into three periods called trimesters. The first trimester lasts until the 13th week: during this period, the embryo develops rapidly. It is at this time that the risk of miscarriage is especially great. The second trimester is weeks 14-27, the third trimester is weeks 28-40.

your child
There is a certain logic in cell division. You can already imagine where the legs will be, where the head, where the back, where the tummy. The dorsal string and along it the so-called neural tube are distinguishable. These are prototypes of the spine and spinal cord. We see how, expanding upward, the neural tube flattens out - this will be the front of the brain. In the center of the embryo we see a ball of tissue: there will be a heart. Gradually, blood vessels begin to form.
By this time, it is possible to distinguish where the head will be in the embryo, where the legs are. The embryo is curved in the shape of the letter C. Segments of tissue called somites form along the neural tube. From them, muscle tissue and other tissue structures subsequently arise. The embryo is protected by two membranes. The formation, resembling a large bubble, is called the yolk sac: here blood cells are produced for the embryo.

Future mother
Many women associate pregnancy with malaise and nausea. But in the first weeks of pregnancy, you may not experience any discomfort at all. Your condition will most likely be similar to the fact that you are about to start your period. For example, your breasts may swell and ache. The reason for this is the increased work of the mammary glands. You can also become irritable or suddenly get tired quickly for no particular reason. It's all about elevated levels of a hormone called progesterone. So in the early stages, you should allow yourself extra rest.

your child
The neural tube of the embryo has already been covered with tissue, and the brain begins to form at its end. Two tiny bowl-shaped forms appear on the sides of the future face, each with a tiny pigment disc. These are visual vesicles that are destined to become children's eyes, a very, very complex organ.
At this stage, the heart of the fetus is a tiny tube, but it is already starting to beat, and will beat all his life, God forbid, a long one. There are already small rudiments that will form into arms and legs. But the tail has not yet fallen off - nothing can be done.
The rudiments of the brain and limbs are rapidly developing. Now the head takes on familiar shapes, eyes and ears appear. Inside the fetus itself, the simplest versions of the internal organs are formed: the liver, lungs, etc.

Embryo length and weight
The length from the crown to the sacrum is 2-4 mm.
The volume of amniotic fluid is 2-3 ml.

Future mother
Five weeks after conception, the fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus. The cervix is ​​\u200b\u200busually relaxed: however, at this time, doctors do not yet look at the pregnant woman on the armchair. Another change: the mucus in the cervix becomes thick, forming the so-called mucous plug. This is how a kind of “seal” is superimposed, enclosing the uterus from the outside world. The cork will come out just before the birth and will resemble the so-called "daub".

your child
This week, new changes are taking place with the rudiments of the body, face, limbs of the child. The digestive tract begins to form, the rectum is already present. There is still a "tail", but by the 10-11th week it will be gone. The embryo also develops lungs. The placenta thickens, the umbilical cord is attached to the wall of the uterus. The rudiments of the face, eyes (iris), mouth, nose appear. You can even make out the tiny nostrils. Only a week has passed since the rudiments of the limbs appeared, and now you can already guess where the handle will be, and where the shoulder.
The fetus begins to take shape in a tiny face. On the side of the head are two tiny pigment circles. Over the next few months, they will move to the face and turn into baby eyes.

Embryo length and weight
The length from the crown to the sacrum is approximately 5-13 mm.
Weight - about 0.8 g.

Future mother
Your uterus has begun to grow, but it is not noticeable yet. Your gynecologist can determine this during the examination and you yourself - your things have become a little cramped. Do not worry if you experience unpleasant symptoms: it is the body that tunes in to the wave of pregnancy, begins to communicate with the unborn child.

your child
Tiny fingers begin to form on the rudiments of the arms and legs, the arms themselves are already beginning to bend at the elbows and wrists. On both sides of the neck, auricles begin to form, an upper sponge appears on the face, and the shape of the nose appears. The eyes are still very wide-set, but they already have eyelids. The intestine becomes so long that sometimes it even protrudes into the region of the umbilical cord: this is the so-called physiological hernia.

Embryo length and weight
The length from the crown to the sacrum is approximately 14-20 mm.
Weight - about 3 g.

Future mother
You can't tell by your figure that you're pregnant. The level of chorionic hormone in the blood is not yet the highest, but you already feel a change: the skin has become smoother and more even, although acne is not excluded. You may now need to wash your hair less often, as your hair will become drier. Breasts swell, becoming more sensitive. Sometimes there is a characteristic yellowish discharge from the vagina. This is natural and should not be cause for concern at all.

your child
The “back” of the embryo will begin to straighten, and the tail will “dry out”. The head is still disproportionately large, tilted towards the chest. The eyes are already sufficiently formed, but tightened with a membrane. The embryo already has muscles, and it slowly begins to move: however, so far only ultrasound can determine this. The limbs continue to develop further, with the arms developing faster than the legs. There is already a hint of fingers in the palms-flippers: the membranes between them are gradually disappearing.

Embryo length and weight
The length from the crown to the sacrum is approximately 22-30 mm.
Weight - about 4 g.

Future mother
High levels of hormones affect your mood and well-being. There is increased excitability, mood swings. In physical terms, you start to gain weight, the gums become loose, the thyroid gland is slightly enlarged.

your child
The 10th week is a kind of starting point for your baby. The general parameters of the body have already been laid down, and in the next 6.5 months the building blocks will complete its "construction". Your child is becoming more and more like himself. The fingers are already isolated, the taste bud of the tongue and tooth germs appear. The tail is gone, the brain continues to develop, and at a phenomenal rate: a quarter of a million new neurons are produced every minute. The heart of the embryo has also already formed.
Although the external genitalia are still indeterminate, but now the testicles - if it is a boy - begin to produce testosterone - male -; skoy hormone that will turn him into a great boy! If everything is fine with the embryo by 10 weeks, then cheers! - he is no longer threatened with congenital anomalies.
Pens. legs, toes, knees are already present in the miniature. Soon your baby will start sucking his thumb. He is already moving, however, still involuntarily.

Embryo length and weight
The length from the crown to the sacrum is approximately 31-42 mm.
Weight - about 5 g.

Future mother
Now you burn calories faster than before pregnancy: metabolism increases by 25%. The volume of circulating blood also increases. You feel internal heat, drink plenty of fluids and sweat profusely.

your child
This week marks the end of the embryonic period: henceforth, your unborn child is called a fetus. Now, up to the 20th week, its rapid growth will occur. The number of blood vessels in the placenta increases to meet your baby's growing appetite. The ears gradually move from the neck where they are supposed to - to the sides of the head, which is still disproportionately large (occupies half the size of the entire body). Inside a small organism, internal organs develop. Some of the intestine is still protruding into the umbilical cord (this problem will be solved in the next week of development). The intestines begin to work, carrying out contractions resembling peristalsis. Of course, while he still has nothing to digest, but at a later date, dead cells and amniotic fluid will be thrown out through the intestines of the fetus. The head is half the size of the entire body. All this is because the child's brain is developing rapidly. The rest of the body will catch up, in Kolya later months. In the same week, the genitals are revealed.

Fruit length and weight
The length from the crown to the sacrum is approximately 44-60 mm.
Weight - about 8 g.

Future mother
Your uterus has grown in width by about 10 cm. It becomes tight in the hip area, and it rises into the abdominal cavity. Using ultrasound, the doctor can more accurately determine the date of your birth by the size of the fetus.
You may not have noticed, but your heart begins to beat faster by a few beats per minute to cope with increased blood circulation.

your child
The growth of the fetus continues rapidly - over the past three weeks, the child has doubled in size, his face is acquiring human features. Although all the foundations of the body have already been laid, a few final touches remain. So, the rudiments of nails develop on the fingers and toes. The muscular system is already quite advanced, but the movements are still involuntary: the impulses still enter the spinal cord, since the brain is not sufficiently developed. The intestines no longer go beyond the abdominal cavity. uterus If you have a boy, the female reproductive organs in the fetus have already degenerated, giving way to the "masculine principle."

Fruit length and weight
The length from the crown to the sacrum is approximately 61 mm.
Weight - about 9-13 g.

Future mother
By now, there are already quite a lot of hormones in your blood that are responsible for pregnancy. Soon morning sickness will stop tormenting you, you will become less irritable. The feeling of anxiety associated with the risk of miscarriage will go away.

your child
Your baby's eyelids are still fused: the eyes won't open until four months later. If his arms are already long enough, he will begin to suck his thumb. But in general, "suck" is a loud word, because so far the child simply puts his finger in his mouth.
The tissue begins to form, from which the bones of the child will be formed, especially the limbs and head. A couple of ribs are already planned. The nose and chin are more clearly defined. After a few weeks, your baby will begin to move "like an adult": his breast will begin to rise, as if breathing, he will even learn to swallow a small amount of amniotic fluid, which he will return by doing "small".
The main role in the nutrition of the child, supplying him with oxygen and the outflow of processed products is now performed by the placenta; in the following months, amniotic fluid will be important. By the 13th week of pregnancy, the placenta is already firmly formed and ready to take over from the ovaries the production of hormones such as progesterone and estriol, which play a huge role in the development of pregnancy.
A hazy membrane wraps around your baby. At the top, on the left side, the umbilical cord departs. The membrane consists of two layers fused together: the amnion and the chorion.

Fruit length and weight
The length from the crown to the sacrum is 65-78 mm.
Weight - about 14-20 g.

Future mother
You have entered the second trimester, the best time of your pregnancy. Now you will feel more energetic, although your uterus is getting bigger every week. You yourself will notice this when your stomach begins to rise: if earlier the bottom of the uterus (its upper part) was above the pubic zone, now it is already above the navel.

your child
Your child's face continues to take shape. The bridge of the nose, cheeks are already being drawn. Ears - from the side of the neck approaching the proper place. The eyes are no longer as wide apart. The main achievement of this week is the appearance of lanuto, the germinal cannon, which repeats the microscopic pattern of the skin: on the fingertips, such a pattern (fingerprints) will become a person's calling card. It is believed that lanuto has a protective function: it delays the waxy secretion secreted by the child's body. Even in the womb, lanugo will be replaced by thicker and coarse fluff hairs, with which your child will be born.
This week is important for the internal organs. The thyroid gland is mature enough to produce hormones. A boy develops a prostate; in girls, the ovaries descend from the abdominal cavity to the hip region.
The child's face has already taken shape, the eyes are still covered with eyelids. In addition to lanugo, a downy eyebrow is outlined. And even on the head there is a slight hint of vegetation.

Fruit length and weight
The length from the crown to the sacrum is 80-113 mm.
Weight - approximately 25 g.

Future mother
You may already feel tight in your pants and skirt, so consider special clothing. Loose, loose clothing is what you need. If you gently feel the abdomen, you will feel that the upper edge of the uterus (the fundus of the uterus) is located about 7.5 cm below the level of the navel. If the date of delivery has not yet been determined, your doctor can do this with an ultrasound. The second trimester is the most fertile period of pregnancy. Behind first trimester toxicosis. Hurry up to finish your business. You have time - until the 27th week, when you feel like a helpless, clumsy bun.

your child
The child has a thin, transparent skin, through which myriads of blood vessels are visible. Hair on the head continues to grow, eyebrows thicken. If a child is destined to be dark-haired, his follicles will begin to produce a special pigment. The child becomes very mobile and flexible. The handles are bent at the elbows and wrists, he is able to clench his palms into fists. The formation of the skeleton and bone marrow continues.
Through the transparent skin on the forehead, you can see the smallest network of blood vessels. Previously, the yolk sac was the blood factory for these vessels: now it has dried up, and the fetal bone marrow has taken over this function.

Fruit length and weight
The length from the crown to the sacrum is 93-103 mm.
Weight - about 50 g.

Future mother
Your uterus is expanding to make room for the growing fetus in the placenta. The amount of amniotic fluid at this stage is about 250 ml. At 16-20 weeks, a lot of different analyzes and tests are carried out. It is during this period that the AFP test and the triple extended test are done. These tests are safe and detect Down syndrome and spina bifida (malformation of the spine). The triple test, unlike amniocentesis, is not associated with a risk of injury to the fetus. The triple test is done according to indications, so consult your doctor.
The mammary mammary glands begin to work, so in the early stages of pregnancy, your breasts swell, become sensitive. The blood flow increases, the venous pattern and tubercles (tubercles) of Montgomery appear.

your child
Your baby is already holding their head straight. The muscles of the face are formed, so the child begins to "make faces": involuntarily winks, opens his mouth, frowns. Enough calcium has already been deposited to begin to form bones. If you have a girl, the ovaries, which consist of more than five million eggs, have already descended from the abdomen to the hip area.

Fruit length and weight
The length from the crown to the sacrum is 108-116 mm.
Weight - about 80 g.

Future mother
To help the placenta feed the growing fetus, your heart is working at a 40% increase in workload. Increased blood circulation increases the load on small blood vessels, including capillaries in the gums and sinuses. So get ready for some nosebleeds and for your gums to bleed too. Your uterus is already located 3.8-5 cm below the navel.

your child
The fetus develops rapidly, the placenta does not lag behind. If in the first weeks it is a thin shell with chorionic villi, then by the end of the period it is already a dense (about 2.5 cm thick) mass, weighing 480 g. At the 17th week, the placenta is already fully formed, with a dense network of blood vessels, through which nutrients are supplied and waste products are discarded. This week, the so-called "brown fat", a special type of adipose tissue, is deposited, which is vital for the body's heat exchange.
During this period, the entire body of the embryo is covered with a delicate fluff - lanugo, which repeats the microscopic pattern of the skin, the only one of its kind in every person. The skin of the embryo is still thin, without subcutaneous fat.

Fruit length and weight
Length from crown to sacrum - 11-12 cm.
Weight - about 100 g.

Future mother
If this is your first pregnancy, then the 18th week is a particularly exciting period for you, as you begin to feel the baby move. However, many new mothers will experience this joy only at the 19-20th week, especially if they are gaining excess weight. Many women will agree that this feeling is difficult to describe: but for some it resembles the state before a banal indigestion.

your child
Your child in the womb is already beginning to perceive the outside world and makes itself felt by pushing a leg into your stomach. The child even hears you: the auditory ossicles, through which sound passes to the middle ear, have already grown stronger, and the part of the brain responsible for receiving auditory signals is working. The child is not afraid of neither the noise of the blood flow through the umbilical cord, nor the beating of your heart: but loud sounds frighten him. Gradually becomes sensitive and the retina. At this stage, while there is still "free space" in the uterus, the embryo is very active, often changing position. He can either cross his legs, then lean back, sucking his thumb on his hand, or even do somersaults!
Although it seems to you that your child is sleeping, in fact he is responding to everything that happens outside. For example, if you expose your bare belly to the bright rays of the summer sun, your child will see a soft pink glow...
From this week, start talking to your child, sing songs to him - he listens to you attentively!

Fruit length and weight
The length from the crown to the sacrum is 12.5-14 cm.
Weight - about 150 g.

Future mother
You begin to feel your baby moving in the womb. Weight gain continues: your hips expand, your stomach grows, which cannot but affect your posture and causes anxiety during sleep. Place pillows under you to feel more comfortable.

your child
The main achievement of the week is the continued growth of the brain. The disproportionately large head of the fetus is a sign of the important role that the brain plays in the development of the child. Neurons, nerve cells that communicate between the brain and muscles, have already taken their proper place: the movements of the child become more conditioned.
There are already small ears sticking out on the head. Under the rudiments of milk teeth, the rudiments of permanent teeth appeared. The limbs are proportional in size. Although the child's foot is only 2.5 cm long, its proportions relative to the lower leg and thigh will already be constant.
MAIN - mind! In the head of the embryo, millions of neurons are formed and establish connections: lipoid nerve fibers grow in the salum body.

Fruit length and weight
Length from crown to sacrum - 13-15 cm.
Weight - about 200 g.

Future mother
It's been 18 weeks since conception and your belly is already showing signs of pregnancy. Your waist is no longer a waist at all, but your tummy is already like a bun. The upper edge of the uterus is just below the level of the navel. The growing uterus puts pressure on the lungs, and on the stomach, and on the kidneys: hence there may be shortness of breath, dyspepsia, frequent urge to urinate. It is possible that the uterus is so pressing on your stomach that the navel sticks out a little, like a button. Brownish or red stripes appear: these are stretch marks.

your child
This week, the skin of the child thickens, becomes four-layered. In the same period, the sebaceous glands begin to produce a waxy secret, called the "original lubricant". This lubricant will protect the delicate skin of the fetus, which is constantly washed by amniotic fluid - amniotic fluid. The original lubricant is held on the skin by the original lanugo fluff: it is especially abundant around the eyebrows. Hair begins to grow on the head, nails appear on the fingers and toes. Using a sound tube or electronic monitor, your doctor may have you listen to the fetal heartbeat.

Fruit length and weight
Length from crown to sacrum - 14-16 cm.
Weight - about 260 g.

Future mother
Over the next 10 weeks, you will gain weight rapidly as your baby begins to store fat. During this period, weight gain will be about half of the total gain. You will feel an increase in appetite: increased metabolism requires an additional 500 calories from you. Eat well, but don't skimp on any one type of food, especially fatty foods and other low-nutrient foods. Do not be surprised if you suddenly want something "such". This is called perverted appetite: there were women who, for example, wanted to chew on a handful of earth or gardens ...
The upper edge of the uterus is located about 1.25 cm above the level of the navel.

your child
Your child's blood already has a high level of red blood cells: white blood cells are starting to be produced, which are responsible for suppressing infections. Taste buds begin to form on the tongue. The digestive tract is already able to separate water and sugar from the amniotic fluid swallowed by the child and pass its fibrous contents up to the rectum.
On the forehead and above the upper lip, one can see a spirally growing fluff of lanugo: it is especially abundant over the eyes and eyebrows. It is this area of ​​​​the face that is especially abundantly covered with primordial lubrication, which the child began to produce last week. The eyes are still hidden behind the eyelids.

Fruit length and weight
The length from the crown to the sacrum is about 18 cm.
Weight - about 300 g.

Future mother
As in previous weeks, your blood volume is increasing, mostly at the expense of plasma. Plasma is the liquid component of blood and is capable of dissolving blood cells. That is why many pregnant women find physiological anemia. The degree of blood dilution is called "hematocrit". The most critical hematocrit figures are observed just this week. Physiological anemia is normal, but still consult your doctor if you are getting enough iron: otherwise there is a threat of real anemia.

your child
His perception is improving every day. The brain already contains a complete set of neurons. Touch is the child's way of knowing the environment. Touch is one of the first skills of a child: he learns to understand how to bend arms and legs, how to move them, where different parts of his body are located, how they relate. The child learns to touch his own face, stroke his hands and feet. If he wants to suck his finger, he is able to either bring the finger to his mouth, or bend his head towards it. These skills are fixed even after birth: the child begins to explore the world with his eyes. And put anything in your mouth. Well... This is also a manifestation of curiosity!
Your child has already grown full-fledged nails. He sucks his finger, sometimes touches his face with his hand: he studies.

Fruit length and weight
The length from the crown to the sacrum is about 19 cm.
Weight - about 350 g.

Future mother
During this period, so-called Braxton Hicks contractions may begin. They manifest as unexpected sensations of pain and mild spasms in the uterus and are part of her preparation for a future birth. As the pregnancy progresses, these contractions gradually intensify, but they should in no case be confused with real labor pains. In the early stages, you can feel these light contractions by placing your hand on your stomach.

your child
Despite the fact that the child begins to build up fat at an accelerated pace, he still looks red and wrinkled. This is because the skin is formed much faster than sufficient fat deposits can form under it, so the skin is still sagging. Redness is the result of the accumulation of pigments in the skin, which makes it less transparent.
The child shows more and more activity, but kicks and pushes still very gently. On video frames during endoscopy of the fetus at this time, you can see how the child, while in the uterus, grabs the umbilical cord with his hands and pushes into the amnion, the water membrane of the fetus, which now represents the whole world around him.
The child continues to swallow small amounts of the surrounding fluid and excrete it from the body in the form of urine. The moisture and sugars that he extracts from the amniotic fluid are another important source of nutrition for him, along with what he receives through the placenta and umbilical cord. Swallowing liquid can cause hiccups, which you will feel when the fetus seems to bounce around inside you.
Due to the pigmentation of the skin, the child's hands have a pink-red color. Until recently, he just put his thumb in his mouth, but now he sucks it for real.

Fruit length and weight
The length from the crown to the sacrum is about 20 cm.
Weight - about 450 g.

Future mother
The weight gain starts to show. Hence - headaches, problems with the bladder, heaviness in the legs and general fatigue. All this will haunt you further, so it's time to take action to alleviate your situation. Choose, for example, comfortable shoes, use every opportunity to give your feet a rest: your feet should rest above the level of your heart.

your child
The face of the child by this time was more or less formed. The eyes, although they are still closed, are no longer so widely spaced, the ears are already in their proper place. Eyelashes appeared, hairline continues to form on the head. The baby's face now looks exactly as it will at birth. The child has become larger, fuller, it occupies the entire uterus, so it becomes crowded. He can no longer roll over and somersault in the amniotic fluid, but still grabs the umbilical cord and feels everything around with his hands. More and more listening to the outside world. If you are afraid, the child will be afraid too. Studies have shown that the fetus is able to remain in a state of excitement for up to several hours, alternating periods of anxiety and anxious fading.

Fruit length and weight
The length from the crown to the sacrum is about 21 cm.
Weight - about 530 g.

Future mother
Your uterus has now grown to the size of a soccer ball, it is already pressing on the diaphragm, on the hypochondrium, displacing the stomach. All of these factors, together with the effects of progesterone, which slows down the stomach, cause stomach acid to occasionally rise up into the esophagus, causing heartburn, especially after a large meal.

your child
It's been a few weeks since the baby's heartbeat has been heard. Doctors hear this well with a stethoscope or a special tube. But the heart can be heard even without extra devices, if your husband, for example, puts his ear to your stomach and the room is quiet enough.
The gender of the baby has already been determined. The testicles in the boy begin to descend into the scrotum, and in the girls the vagina is formed.
Fingers gain dexterity and are able to clench into fists. He already gives preference to some hand: this is how the difference between the future right-handed or left-handed appears. The same unique pattern is formed on the fingers, which is well known in fingerprinting as fingerprints. By this time, the child has formed its own special mode of sleep and wakefulness. The fact that he is awake, he himself will notify with his kicks and pushes, especially at those hours when you want to rest!
The child becomes more and more dexterous and can already grab his own leg. He probably already decided for himself who he will be - right-handed or left-handed.

Fruit length and weight
The length from the crown to the sacrum is about 22 cm.
Weight - about 700 g.

Future mother
As you gain weight, new troubles await you. These can include headaches, leg cramps, back and pelvic pain. The child's tremors become more and more sharp and also give pain under the ribs. This pain can be relieved by lying on your side.

your child
This week, the child is already gradually beginning to open his eyes. By this time they are almost fully formed, all layers of the eyeball are now exactly the same as they will be at birth. If the child has blue eyes, then be calm: they are blue now. This is true for people of any race, despite the fact that the final color of the eyes is found out only a few months after birth.
The baby still looks rather weak and thin, but this will soon change as the main fat deposits occur in the later stages of pregnancy. By the time of birth, he will significantly increase weight, get fat and acquire that plumpness that is characteristic of all newborns. The skin still remains red and wrinkled, but as the subcutaneous tissue grows, the skin will smooth out and become lighter. The child already has a full set of eyelashes, eyebrows and nails, although they are still relatively small and will continue to grow.

Length and weight of the child
The length from the crown to the sacrum is about 23 cm.
Weight - about 850 g.

Future mother
In late pregnancy, a woman's blood cholesterol levels rise, but this should not worry you. Cholesterol for the placenta is an important building material, with the help of which it produces various types of hormones, including progesterone, which is responsible for the development of the mammary glands, relieving tension in the uterus and other smooth muscles.

your child
From this week, the chances of a baby surviving a preterm birth are 85%. So from now on, the child already has a very real viability.
However, 13 full weeks remain until the full gestation of the fetus, the child is not yet fully developed, therefore, in case of premature birth, there will be a lot of problems that will need to be addressed. Due to the underdevelopment of adipose tissue, it is difficult for such a child to maintain a temperature balance, therefore, he must be kept in a special box connected to an artificial respiration apparatus, because the lungs are also not yet fully developed and are not ready for self-ventilation. The liver at this time does not work well, the brain is underdeveloped, and the immune system is very weak, which puts the child at risk of catching an infection that a full-term baby would cope with without difficulty. Although the baby in the womb is still small and thin, outwardly it is almost the same as it will be at birth.
Such a child has to be intubated: oxygen enters his weak lungs through a tube. Special gloves are put on the hands, which protect the thin skin from scratching.

Length and weight of the child
The length from the crown to the sacrum is about 24 cm.
Weight - approximately 1000 g.

Future mother
From now on, you need to visit your doctor or midwife at least once every two weeks. It is this week that you need to pass a series of tests, including a test for the level of iron in the blood and a test for glucose tolerance. If you have a negative Rh factor, then you need to do an antibody test. This test should indicate the presence of antibodies in your blood to the child's blood, that is, whether there is a risk of an immunological reaction of your blood in relation to the child's blood. This reaction can cause problems with subsequent pregnancies, and your unborn babies may be born with jaundice. Seek medical advice. Continue to take calcium, it is needed for the growth of the bones of the child.

your child
If the baby is born this week, it will legally be considered a human person subject to registration. The cerebral cortex has developed convolutions, and the mass of the brain continues to increase. The hair on the head becomes longer.
The accumulation of fat continues, now your child is already large enough to prepare for the exit "in the light." It can be located inside the uterus either forward with the head or forward with the legs. But he still has enough room to turn around as expected in the remaining two months - head first. Don't worry if he hasn't already.

Length and weight of the child
The length from the crown to the sacrum is about 25 cm.
Weight - approximately 1100 g.

Future mother
By this time, colostrum or "first milk" may be released from the breast. It is a sticky, watery liquid that will be the first food of a newly born baby. Colostrum precedes actual milk, which may not come until a day or two after birth. The mammary glands begin to produce milk under the influence of prolactin, a hormone that your body produces in large quantities. Milk production is stimulated by your baby. The uterus becomes even larger and begins to put more pressure on the internal organs, including the bladder, which causes the need for frequent urination.

your child
Milk production is indirectly stimulated by the child himself. And indeed, who, if not him, is interested in having the main source of his food at the ready?
The adrenal glands of the child are currently actively producing androgen-like substances (male sex hormone). They travel through the baby's bloodstream and, upon reaching the placenta, are converted into estrogen (in the form of estriol). This is believed to stimulate the production of prolactin in your body.

Length and weight of the child
The length from the crown to the sacrum is about 26 cm.
Weight - approximately 1250 g.

Future mother
As you gain weight, your movements become more and more slow and clumsy. Remember to maintain good posture when walking or sitting. Before getting out of bed, first roll onto your side. This is especially important since the abdominal muscles are already stretched and weakened due to the enlarged uterus.

your child
The child begins to understand you more and more. It feels when you massage your belly during Braxton Hicks contractions. Contractions, although they are already somewhat painful for the child, will not harm him, since he is well protected by amniotic fluid. The baby is already beginning to exercise its lungs by rhythmically lifting the chest, which sometimes causes amniotic fluid to enter the wrong throat, causing hiccups. By this time, your baby has accumulated enough adipose tissue and he is not afraid of premature birth.
Ultrasound is now excellent at showing everything your baby is doing. He has developed his own rhythm of sleep and wakefulness, but it seems that he is ready to show maximum agility just when you yourself are trying to fall asleep.

Length and weight of the child
The length from the crown to the sacrum is about 27 cm.
Weight - approximately 1400 g.

Future mother
In late pregnancy, back pain is almost inevitable. Their reason is that the ligaments and muscles of the back are now resting, relaxing, preparing for the birth process. Expansion of the veins in the legs is now also very likely.
By this time, a woman is gaining about 8.6 kg of excess weight. This increase is made up of the weight of the child, the placenta, amniotic fluid, an enlarged uterus and the total amount of blood in the vessels, as well as fats, proteins and increased water content in the body.

your child
If your baby were born this week, his chances of survival would already be much higher, thanks to significant maturity in the lung tissue. Although the bronchi and alveolar sacs were already formed at an earlier stage, the child could not yet breathe properly. But now a layer of epithelial cells has appeared in the alveolar sacs, releasing surfactant. This surfactant expands the lungs, allowing the child to draw in air and breathe on their own.
About 500 ml of blood now passes through the circulatory system of the uterus, which is in very close contact with the capillary system of the placenta, which is responsible for blood circulation inside the fetus. Your blood never mixes with the baby's blood, despite the fact that they are separated by a very thin septum - the placental barrier, through which water, nutrients and waste are exchanged - at a rate of 10 ml per second. In addition, the baby swallows the amniotic fluid, which is also brought out with urine.

Length and weight of the child
The length from the crown to the sacrum is about 28 cm.
Weight - approximately 1600 g.

Future mother
This week, a growing belly will give you a lot of trouble. By this time, the baby has already rolled over with its head down, and its legs rested under your ribs. This can cause pain in the chest area if the child pushes unsuccessfully. So try to sit as straight as possible.
Your internal organs are now slightly displaced, but as a rule, this should not be a cause for concern. The problem may be fluid retention in the body, from which the veins swell, the ankles and fingers swell. Remove all rings if they begin to tighten, and do not wear tight clothing. Continue to take supplements rich in vitamins and minerals: the child needs this especially now.

your child
In the last stages of pregnancy, the child perfectly hears what is happening around. He recognizes the beat of your heart, familiar with the sounds of peristalsis and the noise of blood flowing through the umbilical cord. But against the background of all these sounds, the baby highlights the voice of his own mother: therefore, as soon as he is born, he will immediately trust you by voice.

Length and weight of the child
The length from the crown to the sacrum is about 29 cm.
Weight - approximately 1800 g.

Future mother
Since conception, your uterus has grown significantly. Physiological anemia (see page 49) loses its severity as the number of red blood cells begins to match the plasma volume. At night, you may have amazingly vivid dreams, but - alas - there is an increasing need to urinate.

your child
Clamped now in the darkness of the uterus, the child still managed to master well all the activities characteristic of a newborn, with the exception, of course, of crying. He sleeps a lot and probably has no less vivid dreams than his mother. This can be inferred from the fact that his pupils move in the characteristic manner of REM sleep. Waking up, he begins to listen to sounds and to his feelings. Perhaps he sees some shadows, but, most importantly, he is clearly learning something: the billions of neurons in his brain are now making trillions and trillions of new connections. Meanwhile, the external activity of the child may well manifest itself in a couple of strong shocks.
By this time, the baby has already turned head down: he is preparing for birth. Your doctor or midwife will tell you about the position of your fetus in relation to the birth canal. If the birth happened now, the baby would breathe on his own, but he would still need a warm box.

Length and weight of the child
The length from the crown to the sacrum is about 30 cm.
Weight - approximately 2000 g.

Future mother
Braxton Hicks contractions become more regular. These are cramping pains that appear in the upper part of the uterus, then spread down and finally subside. Many women fear that these strong and regular sensations during this period of pregnancy are already real contractions, but such an incident happens very rarely, since these contractions usually stop. You only need to worry if the water breaks. Here you should immediately contact the doctors.

your child
The hair on the child's head has become much thicker, although, most likely, their color is still far from the one that will appear at a more "mature" age. At the same time, the child has already almost shed the germinal fluff, but the layer of original lubricant becomes even more abundant.
At the same time, the adrenal glands produce such an amount of steroid hormone (an androgen-like substance that stimulates lactation) that a child has almost ten times more of it than an adult. And the size of the adrenal glands is the same as in adults. True, after birth, they will noticeably decrease. In the meantime, your child continues to take away calcium from you to build up their bones. If the birth came now, the child, rather, would be considered prematurely born than prematurely. The difference lies in the overall maturity of the fetus, and in the lung tissue. Prematurely born babies breathe on their own and do not require any intensive care. Doctors can always examine the lungs with a puncture of the amniotic sac, checking the level of surfactant. But only in cases where the likelihood of preterm birth is significant, they will prescribe the appropriate procedures.

Length and weight of the child
The length from the crown to the sacrum is about 32 cm.
Weight - approximately 2250 g.

Future mother
The stomach presses on your chest, it is difficult for you to breathe, eat. Eat fractionally and little by little, with short breaks. Rest often to avoid swelling, do not sit or stand for a long time in one position. If you are traveling by car, stop often along the way to get out and stretch. It's time for you to think about going on maternity leave. It's time to stock up on nursing bras and start attending birthing classes.

your child
This week, the baby's nails have already grown to the very edge of the fingers. On his birthday, he may have long nails: he may have scratches on his face that he received while in the womb. Right now it's cramped and uncomfortable.
The deposition of fatty tissue continues, especially in the shoulder region: the baby's shoulders become round and soft. Fluff-lanugo gradually disappears from it: however, at birth, something else may remain. All newborns have blue eyes. But their color will change over time.
In order for your baby to be able to move head first out of the uterus through the birth canal, the cervix shortens and narrows, then expands. The latent phase means the narrowing of the cervix. The active phase is contractions and dilation of the cervix. Then comes the transitional stage, when the neck opens 10 cm.

Length and weight of the child

Weight - approximately 2550 g.

Future mother
The bottom of the uterus is already directly under the sternum. It becomes hard to breathe, sometimes the child beats his legs literally under your heart. We hope you are attending childbirth courses. Your whole life now passes under the sign of the birth of a child. Of course, you are tired, but remember: this is your child and your destiny. You have already decided where and how you will give birth and whether you will use pain relief. Pregnancy is accompanied by an unfortunate phenomenon: special hormones lead to synchronous hair growth of the skin. In the normal state, part of the hair grows, and the other part falls out. Pregnant women are different. But that's not a problem. After childbirth, light hair growth "synchronously" will stop.

your child
His face became plump, smooth: thick cheeks appeared. Infant cheeks are due to the buildup of subcutaneous fat plus intense thumb sucking in the womb for several months - a big workout for the sucking muscles! The skull of the baby is still quite soft: during the passage through the birth canal, it will flatten a little. This or next week, your child will begin to prepare for the "going out."

Length and weight of the child
The length from the crown to the sacrum is about 33 cm.
Weight - approximately 2750 g.

Future mother
This week or a little later, if this is not your first pregnancy, the harbingers of childbirth will appear. This means that the baby's head (in the case of cephalic presentation) descends into the pelvis. You may feel some relief as the pressure on your internal organs is relieved. Eat and breathe easier. But now the uterus with even greater force presses on the bladder, and therefore it has to be emptied more and more often. By the way, keep in mind that the baby continues to grow rapidly and by the 40th week, his legs will rest against your sternum.

your child
Now it is fully developed and ready to be born. True, this does not mean that it ceases to grow and develop. Fat deposits continue to accumulate at a rate of 14 grams per day, and the formation of the myelin layer of some brain neurons is just beginning (it will continue after birth). If this is your first pregnancy, then most likely you are reaching the end of the term, but if you have already given birth before, and also in the case of a twin pregnancy, these births may come earlier. The average gestation period for twins is just 37 weeks. Make sure your car is filled with gas, have your husband ready.
harbingers of childbirth
As the fetus descends into the lower pelvis, it puts pressure on the muscles, ligaments, and nerves. This causes peculiar sensations and shooting pains in the perineum and legs.

Length and weight of the child

Weight - approximately 2950 g.

Future mother
Before real contractions begin, you may experience false ones. Not to be confused with Braxton Hicks contractions, but false contractions can be just as strong as real ones, although they disappear when you start moving around the room. How to distinguish them? If you are not sure that you are giving birth, then you are not giving birth.

your child
In the last week, the child has accumulated a lot of waste products in the intestines. This black-green substance is called meconium, and it consists of decayed blood cells, dead intestinal cells, as well as desquamated skin cells, germinal vellus hair swallowed along with the amniotic fluid, and other components. Meconium is the original feces: the baby will push it out of itself after birth. However, sometimes he is able to do this even before giving birth: then he crawls out into the light covered with a rather unappetizing green mucus.
If you have a boy, his testicles have already descended into the scrotum. In any case, by the time of birth, this must certainly happen. Although one percent of boys (and ten percent of premature boys) have undescended testicles. This deficiency can lead to male infertility or testicular cancer, so have doctors check your testicles as soon as your baby is born.
You can give birth any day. Only five percent of mothers walk longer than this period. The first stage of labor will be vigorous contractions that thin and stretch the cervix, allowing the fetus to enter the birth canal. The second stage is the exit of the child through the vagina and its birth. The third stage is the separation of the children's place.

Length and weight of the child
The length from the crown to the sacrum is about 35 cm.
Weight - approximately 3100 g.

Future mother
The cervix is ​​now shortening and dilating, and the bladder is experiencing the strongest pressure in all the time of pregnancy. Perhaps there will be a little nervousness on the eve of the now close birth. A sign of the onset of childbirth can be increasingly intensifying and more frequent contractions at regular intervals. Another sign will be an outpouring at the moment when the amniotic sac bursts, as well as spotting due to the mucous plug coming off (in both cases, you need to urgently go to the hospital or call the midwife at home).

your child
The child has already lost most of the vellus hair on the body, with the possible exception of only the shoulders and those places that are hidden in the folds of the skin. Toenails have grown completely. There is a possibility that the umbilical cord, 1.3 cm thick, may now be tied into knots or wrapped around the baby's neck. But through it, a lot of nutrients still enter the body, and the child continues to gain weight. Some of your antibodies can cross the placental barrier and get into the baby's bloodstream, giving his immune system a boost and helping to fire it up. However, the child does not need to reproduce this type of antibody on his own, and in six months they will disappear by themselves.
The third stage of childbirth is the birth of the placenta. But even before that, between the second and third stages, the baby's umbilical cord is clamped with a bracket and cut off. From now on, the baby becomes a completely independent human being and performs all his vital functions.

Length and weight of the child
The length from the crown to the sacrum is about 36 cm.
Weight - approximately 3250 g.

Future mother
While waiting for the onset of labor, try to remain calm. During Braxton Hicks contractions or false contractions, practice relaxation and proper breathing techniques. When the real contractions start, make sure those around you are aware of your plans, where and how to give birth. However, don't expect everything to go exactly according to plan. Get ready to be hurt too. It is possible that you initially decided not to use painkillers, but you have the right to change your mind at any time.

your child
A newborn often throws surprises at his parents. First, it may look a little strange. The head may be irregular in shape, although it is corrected very quickly, in a day or two. The baby's skin may be blue, brown, or even pale yellow. Yes, and that is not covered with anything - the original lubricant, your blood, the remains of the birth cannon and even meconium, if he decides to empty the intestines while still in the uterus. Secondly, the increased level of hormones sometimes leads to the fact that the genitals swell, and milk comes out of the papillae on the chest. Finally, there may be spots, scabs, pigmentation disorders on the body, but over time all this disappears without a trace.
Shortly after birth, the baby will be measured and weighed. Perhaps he will squeak loudly. But this should not worry you, just like her frowning silence - after all the pains of birth, the baby's nervous system is still under the influence of various hormones, for example, endorphins.

Length and weight of the child
The normal length of a newborn is 48-51cm, and the average weight is 3500 grams, although deviations are possible.

Future mother
Overbearing for an extra week or two does not cause much concern among doctors, and only in cases where the resolution of the burden is delayed for an even longer period, they can offer induction of labor or a caesarean section. In the meantime, the necessary medical tests will be carried out to determine the condition of the fetus. This includes ultrasound and examining the baby's pulse.

your child
If the baby is still in the uterus, now he is just gaining weight and, perhaps, is worried that he "stayed too long." If he has already been born, then, obviously, he does not have time to be surprised how much his new life differs from the former, uterine one. Fortunately, he is well prepared for change. the lungs supply it with oxygen, and the biggest change has taken place in the heart. Until recently, there was a hole in the central wall of the heart, which, as it were, turned off the lungs from the circulatory system. Immediately after birth, the opening closes and blood begins to circulate through the lungs. Congenital reflexes serve the child faithfully, providing proper contact between him and his mother.

Length and weight of the child
Immediately after birth, weight loss is possible, but he will make up for it within 5 days. During the first week, its growth increases slightly, it will add only 1.2 cm in length.

Future mother
Only ten percent of pregnant women "carry out" until the 42nd week. However, don't worry if you are one of them. It may well be that your deadline was calculated incorrectly, so that in fact you are following the schedule set by nature. However, talk to your doctor about different methods of labor induction. Try massaging your nipples (this increases the production of oxytocin, which causes uterine contractions) or try to move more. Natural childbirth is always preferable to artificial.

your child
A newborn baby can make sounds, as if he has been tormented by the flu for two weeks - he breathes with a wheeze, coughs up phlegm. This is because he continues to remove amniotic fluid from his lungs and nasal cavity. If you are still worried - play it safe and call a doctor.
The tip of the bandaged umbilical cord has dried up and fallen off by this time, but continue to process the navel, gently wash it. It's okay if a drop of blood appears at the place where the umbilical cord fell off, but if the bleeding does not stop, call your doctor right away. Another cause for concern may be an unpleasant odor and discharge of the ichor, which may indicate an infection brought into the navel and its inflammation.
The eyes of a newborn can only focus on objects that are at a distance of 30-45 cm. And, apparently, it is no coincidence that this same distance usually separates your face from the face of the child when you hold him in your arms.

Length and weight of the child
By this time, the child has regained his weight, and possibly gained an additional 500 g. His height increases by another 1.2 cm.

This material is taken from a wonderful site for parents

first trimester

Fetal development at 1 week of pregnancy

Of course, it is still too early to talk about the development of the fetus - there has not been a conception yet, and, most likely, the next menstruation is still going on. If conception occurs in this cycle, it will be known about it no earlier than in 3-4 weeks (and then it will already be possible to listen to the body: the first signs of pregnancy will gradually appear).
And today, one of the thousands of eggs - the one that will be fertilized - has not even left the ovary yet. In the first days of the menstrual cycle, the growth of one of the primary follicles began: at this time, on the 7th-8th day of the cycle, it is possible, if necessary, to conduct an ultrasound examination to determine whether a dominant follicle has been identified, which will burst in a few days and ovulation will occur.

Mom's condition at 1 week of pregnancy

You also need to prepare for pregnancy - and if the expectant mother has not done this yet, it's time to start. First of all, it is important to reconsider the way of life: give up bad habits - smoking, including passive, drinking alcohol. It is better to discuss the intake of any medications with your doctor - many medications are contraindicated during pregnancy. But you can start taking folic acid right now - it contributes to the proper growth and development of the embryo.

2 weeks pregnant

first trimester

Fetal development at 2 weeks of gestation

It will soon be clear whether conception has occurred - at the time of ovulation, the release of a mature egg from the ovary, the most active sperm cell will win its first race in life and fertilize it. The gender of the baby will be determined by the future dad - the XY sex chromosome is included in his genetic set, when combined with the chromosomes of the future mother XX, a girl will be born, XY - a boy. Of course, there is an opinion that the sex of the child can be planned in different ways, but none of them, unfortunately, has scientific confirmation. But it makes sense to visit a geneticist even before conception - at the consultation, he will analyze your family history and give recommendations about possible risks.

Mom's condition at 2 weeks pregnant

Most likely, ovulation will occur next week or at the end of this. To determine the days favorable for conception, you can measure the basal temperature - immediately after menstruation, it stays within 36.6-36.8, that is, below 37 degrees, and before ovulation it decreases by several degrees, and then rises sharply to 37-37, 2. Another way is to count according to the calendar: ovulation usually occurs 14 days before the start of the next menstruation.

3 weeks pregnant

first trimester

Fetal development at 3 weeks pregnant

At the beginning of its development, the embryo does not yet look like a person at all - it is rather a cluster of cells that can only be seen with the most powerful microscope. As a result of the fusion of the egg and sperm (it is he who determines the sex of the child), a zygote is formed - a cell from which all 100 thousand billion cells of the child's body will develop in the future. The zygote begins to split and at the same time move along the fallopian tube towards the uterus. On the third day from conception, a fertilized egg consists of 16 cells, and two days later - already from 250. On day 6-7, the fetal egg will begin to "sprout" blood vessels into the uterine mucosa to provide nutrition for the unborn child. Starting next week, all the substances necessary for growth and development, the fetus will receive from the mother.

Mom's condition at 3 weeks pregnant

The first signs of pregnancy appear: increased sensitivity or soreness of the breast, fatigue. However, it is worth remembering that the same changes in well-being often precede the onset of menstruation. In the first days after conception, the mother's body begins to produce the so-called "early pregnancy factor" (in English - EPF). This substance avoids the attack of the mother's immune system on fetal cells that have a different gene structure.

Pay attention at 3 weeks pregnant

If pregnancy is planned, at the 3rd week of the cycle, you can start taking folic acid, vitamin E and iodomarin, but it is better to make a nutrition plan with foods containing folic acid, vitamin E and iodine in the required quantities. In the event of pregnancy, the basal temperature graph by the end of the 3rd week will show a subfebrile temperature (about 37 degrees) - as in the period of ovulation. If the temperature returned to normal - most likely, conception did not occur. However, a slightly elevated basal temperature can signal not only pregnancy, but also a mild cold.

Risk factors at 3 weeks pregnant

After ovulation, especially if there is a possibility of pregnancy, you should not take an x-ray, take potent drugs (for example, antiviral, psychotropic, etc.). It is advisable to write down the names of all the medicines that the expectant mother takes - if pregnancy occurs, it makes sense to show this list to the antenatal clinic doctor at the first appointment.

4 weeks pregnant

first trimester

Fetal development at 4 weeks of gestation

This week, the so-called extra-embryonic organs develop: the chorion, amnion and yolk sac. They are needed in order to provide nutrition, respiration and protection of the unborn child from external influences. The embryo itself has a length of 0.36 mm (at the beginning of the week) to 1 mm (at the end), and is similar in shape to a disk consisting of three germ layers. The inner leaf (endoderm) is responsible for the formation of the lungs, liver, digestive system, pancreas. The middle layer (mesoderm) works on the development of the skeleton, muscular system, kidneys, blood vessels and heart. From the outer sheet (ectoderm) in the future, skin, hair, eyes, tooth enamel and the nervous system of the child will be created. By the end of this week, the baby's head is forming.

Mom's condition at 4 weeks pregnant

Many women at the very beginning of pregnancy have inexplicable irritability, increased fatigue, mammary glands swell, nipples become unusually sensitive. For these manifestations, the corpus luteum is responsible, which was formed in the ovary after the release of the egg from it. The yellow body actively produces progesterone, which changes the hormonal background of the expectant mother. In addition, the mother's body begins to produce a new hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). It is detected in the body after the implantation of the embryo into the wall of the uterus - first in the blood, and a little later in the woman's urine.

Pay attention to the 4th week of pregnancy

With the help of a blood test, the presence of chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the mother's body can be determined already on the 10th day of pregnancy, but it is still too early to consult a doctor to confirm pregnancy. Pharmacy tests are able to determine the presence of hCG in the urine only 2-2.5 weeks after conception. Therefore, if a pharmacy test at the end of 4 weeks did not show two strips, this does not mean that there is no pregnancy. Tests may give incorrect results due to improper storage conditions or too low sensitivity of the control layer. It is worth remembering that pharmacy tests show the most accurate result in the morning, when the concentration of hCG in the urine is highest.

Risk factors at 4 weeks pregnant

Drinking alcohol and smoking are not the most useful habits of the expectant mother, but at the 3-4th week they do not affect the fetus, as it feeds and develops at the expense of its own resources. However, already now, if there is a possibility of pregnancy, it is worth giving up alcoholic beverages. You should also exclude radiographic studies and taking drugs, in the annotation of which there is a contraindication "pregnancy".

5 weeks pregnant

first trimester

Baby development at 5 weeks pregnant

The formation of the internal organs of the embryo begins: the liver, pancreas, upper respiratory tract (larynx and trachea) and heart. Highly sensitive ultrasound machines with a transvaginal sensor this week can show the dorsal cord and the so-called neural tube, which will become, respectively, the spine and spinal cord of the baby. Along the neural tube, somites develop - tissue segments from which muscle tissue will subsequently arise. The yolk sac begins to produce gonoblasts - the primary germ cells, which in the future will become sperm if a boy is born, or eggs if it is a girl. The fetal egg occupies a quarter of the volume of the uterus, while the embryo itself resembles a cylinder about 2 mm long.

Mom's condition at 5 weeks pregnant

The mother's body begins to react more and more actively to pregnancy. Headaches may become more frequent, drowsiness, nausea and even vomiting may appear, and appetite may decrease. These are signs of early toxicosis of pregnancy. And their cause is hormonal changes caused by an increase in the level of the hormone progesterone. In addition, the placenta produces a special hormone - placental lactogen, it actively affects the woman's metabolism. Thus, the placenta and the fetus take over the management of the metabolism of the mother's body, and he, in turn, resists such interference, provoking toxicosis. Women with diseases of the liver and gastrointestinal tract experience early toxicosis more often than others.

Complications of pregnancy at 5 weeks pregnant

Normally, nausea and vomiting can be felt 2-3 times a day in the morning, most often on an empty stomach. Therefore, in order to avoid morning vomiting, it is recommended to have a snack before getting out of bed - this will reduce the urge to nausea. There are several ways to alleviate the manifestations of early toxicosis. For example, you can use physiotherapy, herbal medicine and aromatherapy. In particular, inhalation of ginger essential oil vapors (whether crushed in the palms or dissolved in boiling water during inhalation) can reduce nausea. Sometimes the therapist can offer immunocytotherapy: during this procedure, the woman is injected subcutaneously with the child's father's lymphocytes (the condition is relieved in about a day), or drug treatment. However, most often toxicosis is advised to simply “endure”. It usually goes away with the start of the second trimester, after the 12th week of pregnancy.

Diagnostic tests at 5 weeks of gestation

Many women worry about whether their pregnancy will be ectopic or not developing (“frozen”). At this time, it is still almost impossible to find out whether this is so, so it is too early to consult a doctor. It is recommended to do this at 6-7 weeks, when the diagnosis becomes more revealing, unless there are signs of any disorders - pain, spotting.

Family relationships at 5 weeks pregnant

The lifestyle of the family will now change - the future father and mother will need time to get used to their new roles. You should not attach particular importance to conflicts that may occur in the first days after receiving news of pregnancy. Often the reaction of the father of the child is not quite the one that the expectant mother dreams of. It makes sense to be patient - when the first shock passes, the man will regain the ability to constructive dialogue. Do not be upset if the father of the child behaves as if there is no pregnancy - he does not feel the changes in the body that the expectant mother feels, so one can hardly expect full empathy from him. Soon he will see how his stomach grows, feel the movements of the baby - and everything will change. It is better to give the husband time to fully realize his pending fatherhood. And to help him with this, you can calculate the approximate date of birth with him: for example, subtracting 3 months from the day the last menstruation began and adding 7 days.

6 weeks pregnant

first trimester

Fetal development at 6 weeks gestation

The size of the baby (from the crown to the sacrum) reaches 4-6 mm. The child is freely placed in the fetal bladder and is connected to the uterus with the help of the umbilical cord that has formed these days. During this week, the unborn child resembles a fish embryo - it has gills and a tail, which then, in the process of development, will disappear. At the 6th week of pregnancy, the heart of the embryo begins to beat. The heart rate is from 100 to 160 beats per minute, which is almost 2 times higher than in an adult. The mouth, nose and ears are already forming in the child, the rudiments of the brain, liver, pancreas, lungs and stomach are developing. The liver begins to produce blood cells, and the brain begins to control the work of the muscles and the heart.

Mom's condition at 6 weeks pregnant

Early toxicosis is gaining momentum: intolerance to certain odors appears, increased salivation. A slight tingling sensation may be felt in the chest as the mammary glands are preparing to start producing milk in 8 months. The areolas around the nipples will most likely start to darken. To improve well-being, doctors recommend changing the diet: eat more often, up to 7 times a day, but in small portions. To avoid morning sickness, the first breakfast can be arranged right in bed. Taking vitamins for pregnant women is best done at a time of day when the manifestations of toxicosis are minimal. In order to make up for the loss of fluid and salts in case of vomiting, it makes sense to eat juicy fruits and vegetables: watermelon, melon, persimmon, pears, cucumbers and tomatoes.

Doctor visit at 6 weeks pregnant

6-7 weeks is the ideal time for the first visit to the doctor. Most likely, the doctor will perform the first ultrasound to rule out an ectopic pregnancy, non-developing pregnancy, and the so-called "hydatidiform mole" (an anomaly in which there is no pregnancy, and the level of hCG is very high). Also, the doctor will determine the size of the pelvis of the future mother, make a family and obstetric history. You can prepare for a visit to the antenatal clinic. It makes sense to make a list of diseases suffered in childhood, to find out how the mother's birth went. It is also worth finding out whether there are genetic diseases or abnormalities in the family of the pregnant woman or the husband's family (hemophilia, color blindness), whether there were twins in the family. All this will help the doctor in filling out the card. Also, at 6-7 weeks, it is already possible to determine a multiple pregnancy.

Diagnostic tests at 6 weeks of gestation

During the first visit to the doctor, a blood test from a vein is prescribed. The so-called TORCH-complex will allow you to determine whether there are antibodies to toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus and herpes in the mother's blood. Rubella is most dangerous to the fetus if the infection occurred during pregnancy (especially in the first trimester), so if antibodies are not found in the mother's blood, then she and all her relatives should avoid interaction with potential carriers of the infection. Carriers of the herpes virus are, according to statistics, up to 90 percent of people - the analysis will show whether herpes is currently in a latent or acute phase, or whether the primary infection occurred already during pregnancy. The attending physician will tell you what consequences these infections can have for the development of the child.

Risk factors at 6 weeks pregnant

An alarming signal may be a sharp cessation of the onset of toxicosis: this may indicate that the pregnancy has ceased to develop. If you have noted the development of a herpes infection (“cold” on the lips or wings of the nose), in no case should you use antiviral drugs without a doctor's prescription.

Family relationships at 6 weeks pregnant

The husband can be so “imbued” with the new state of his wife that he begins to feel the manifestations of toxicosis with her. The future father may experience headaches, weakness, fatigue and even nausea. It makes sense to switch the husband to more constructive experiences: for example, entrust him with taking care of healthy products for the expectant mother. If a cat lives in the house, the husband also needs to take care of cleaning the cat tray: until the results of the analysis for toxoplasmosis are received, it is better not to contact a potential source of infection.

Pay attention at 6 weeks pregnant

During pregnancy, you should review the diet, reduce the consumption of fried foods, as well as spicy and smoked foods. In the morning it is useful to drink non-carbonated water (to ease the manifestations of toxicosis, you can add lemon juice to it), and during the day - water, herbal teas, fresh juices. The morning menu should contain as many foods containing coarse fiber as possible (for example, cereals, grain bread). It is better to eat often, but in small portions. The daily diet of the expectant mother should include dried fruits and sour-milk products (to reduce intestinal problems), cottage cheese, fish (to compensate for calcium deficiency), eggs and lean meat, fruits, fresh vegetables. Light "night" meals are allowed shortly before going to bed.

7 weeks pregnant

first trimester

Fetal development at 7 weeks gestation

Within 7 weeks, the child almost doubles in size - from 6 to 11-12 mm. By the end of the week, he weighs about 0.8 g. Hands and feet appeared on his arms and legs - although outwardly they still resemble flippers. Both hemispheres of the brain continue to develop. The heart is divided into two chambers and protrudes from the body. Bronchial rudiments appeared in the lungs, the intestines are actively growing, kidneys are being formed.

Mom's condition at 7 weeks pregnant

There may be cramps and even pain in the lower abdomen, as the uterus is constantly growing. Compared to the state before pregnancy, it has almost doubled in size. Blood volume and total body fluid volume also increase. This, together with increased uterine pressure on the bladder, leads to more frequent urination. Mucus in the cervix becomes thick, forming the so-called mucous plug. This cork creates a protective barrier between the external environment and the “microworld” of the embryo, and the discharge of the cork will become one of the harbingers of childbirth.

Diagnostic tests at 7 weeks of gestation

Week 7 is the optimal time for the first visit to the doctor. Most often, at the first appointment, a blood test from a vein is prescribed for infections and hormones. The so-called TORCH-complex will allow you to determine whether there are antibodies to toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus and herpes in the mother's blood. Usually, a blood test for HPV (human viral papillomatosis) is also prescribed. On ultrasound, it is already possible to determine whether the pregnancy is developing correctly. The opinions of doctors about the need for ultrasound differ: some consider it a completely safe diagnostic manipulation, others believe that the child experiences discomfort during the procedure. There is no exact answer yet, whether ultrasound causes discomfort to the unborn baby.

Doctor visit at 7 weeks pregnant

As a rule, at the first visit to a gynecologist, a pregnant woman receives referrals to a therapist (to study the general condition of the body), an otolaryngologist, a dentist (to detect and timely treat caries and foci of inflammation) and an ophthalmologist (he will give an opinion on the state of the fundus, and determine whether independent childbirth is possible or a caesarean section is indicated). It makes sense to visit these specialists at the beginning of pregnancy in order to solve possible health problems in time, or, in the case of chronic diseases, to choose an individual monitoring program from doctors.

Pay attention to the 7th week of pregnancy

There is also an alternative to the traditional female consultation: paid medical centers. They can observe the entire pregnancy from start to finish, undergo all tests and routine examinations and receive an exchange card - but only if the medical center is licensed to provide such services. The only thing that medical centers cannot provide is a birth certificate. But they are obliged to issue it in the antenatal clinic upon presentation of an exchange card. However, a birth certificate may not be needed if the birth is paid, under a VHI contract.

Risk factors at 7 weeks pregnant

The reason for an urgent visit to the doctor should be any, even light, bleeding or discharge of an unusual color or volume - they may indicate a threat of miscarriage or developmental disorders of the embryo. Drinking alcohol before 12 weeks is completely contraindicated: the state of alcoholic intoxication leads to mild hypoxia, which can disrupt the complex process of laying the most important organs of the child.

Legal issues at 7 weeks pregnant

Starting from 7-8 weeks, you can inform your colleagues and superiors about your pregnancy - and thus “insure” yourself against layoffs. A pregnant woman (as well as a woman on maternity leave), according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, cannot be fired. However, in the case of work under a contract, at the end of the contract, the employer has the right not to renew the contract, regardless of whether the employee is pregnant.

8 weeks pregnant

first trimester

Fetal development at 8 weeks gestation

The length of the baby from the crown to the buttocks is already 14-20 mm. The rudiments of fingers appeared on the hands and feet, the genitals are formed, bones and joints develop, salivary glands are laid. The formation of the heart is completed and its communication with large blood vessels improves. The stomach descends into the abdominal cavity and begins to "grow" with nerve elements, which will then be necessary for digestion.

Mom's condition at 8 weeks pregnant

The breast begins to grow - the same hormone progesterone is responsible for its preparation for lactation, which is becoming more and more in the mother's body every week. The glandular tissue of the breast begins to partially replace the fat. Weakness, dizziness, loss of strength are possible, some pregnant women may have problems with sleep in the 8th week. Walking in the fresh air will help improve your well-being: 10-15 minutes of a quiet walk after dinner will help you cope with insomnia.

Pay attention to the 8th week of pregnancy

Pain in the lower abdomen and in the pelvic region may increase. For pain in the buttocks, lower back or hips, the sciatic nerve responds to an increase in the size of the uterus. This pain can be relieved by lying on the opposite side, thereby reducing the pressure of the uterus on the nerve. Many women note increased salivation, nasal congestion ("rhinitis of pregnancy"), skin itching. By themselves, these manifestations of toxicosis are not dangerous, although they cause inconvenience. Better not to self-medicate. It makes sense to report these problems to the doctor, he will tell you ways to improve your well-being.

Risk factors at 8 weeks pregnant

The first trimester, and in particular up to 8 weeks, is the time when the threat of miscarriage is most likely. In case of cramping or pulling pain in the abdomen, severe back pain or bloody discharge, you should immediately consult a doctor. Timely medical care can often prevent a miscarriage. However, it is worth remembering that often a miscarriage occurs due to serious genetic abnormalities of the fetus - a natural mechanism is triggered to prevent the birth of unviable babies.

Diagnostic tests at 8 weeks of gestation

For the first "acquaintance" with the unborn child, you can choose not only a simple, but also a three-dimensional ultrasound. In some medical centers, they not only do an ultrasound examination, but also give parents a photo of the unborn child and the first video recording with his participation. However, it is worth remembering that three-dimensional ultrasound is primarily a diagnostic procedure, you should not resort to it too often, just to look at the child. In addition, the result of such a study will not be a real photograph, but a picture created using a computer program from the control points specified by the doctor - so the reliability of the image of the child is rather arbitrary.

9 weeks pregnant

first trimester

Fetal development at 9 weeks gestation

The length of the baby from the crown to the buttocks is already about 22 - 30 mm, weight - about 1 gram. His heart already consists of 4 chambers (2 atria and 2 ventricles), the rudiments of milk teeth began to form, the embryonic “tail” disappeared. The brain develops intensively, the cerebellum (the part of the brain responsible for the coordination of movements) is formed. The eyes are already fully formed, but until the 27th week they will be closed for centuries. The fingers of the hands have become longer, in the near future pads form on them.

Mom's condition at 9 weeks pregnant

The uterus is constantly growing, the volume of blood and lymphatic fluid increases every day. A slight increase in weight is possible: the body begins to “store” the fats that it will need when it comes time to feed the baby with milk. Breasts can increase in size - it makes sense to buy a new support bra to reduce the load on the skin and muscles. The areolas are also enlarged, and the micro-glands on them, designed to secrete a moisturizing and antibacterial lubricant, have become more visible and prominent. The appearance of a more pronounced pattern of veins on the chest is also completely normal.

Risk factors at 9 weeks pregnant

For carrying a pregnancy, even a common gastrointestinal disorder can become dangerous. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea caused by listeriosis (poisoning caused by the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes) can lead to fetal hypoxia or even miscarriage. Therefore, the menu of a pregnant woman should not contain unpasteurized milk, home-made cottage cheese and cheese (and other soft cheeses), uncooked meat and fish, raw eggs. Vegetables and fruits should be thoroughly washed before eating.

Pay attention to the 9th week of pregnancy

Due to the fact that the baby requires more and more nutrients and fluids for its growth and comfortable existence in the uterus, the expectant mother may experience dry skin - she is now not nourished and moisturized enough. It is better to give up soap and aggressive detergents, use shower gel creams and moisturizing cleansing foams. For intimate hygiene, you can use special intimate gels with lactic acid - at the same time they will reduce the risk of thrush.

Doctor visit at 9 weeks pregnant

Until the 30th week (in the absence of complications), the doctor is visited once a month, from the 30th to the 36th week - twice a month, and then every week. Usually, a blood test and a urine test are done at each visit. According to the recommendation of the Ministry of Health, during pregnancy, the expectant mother will have three ultrasounds. However, even in the absence of pregnancy complications, there may be more of them: the first, for up to 12 weeks (in order to detect the presence of pregnancy and exclude ectopic pregnancy), then at 10-11 weeks, at 22 weeks, at 32 and 36 -38 weeks, closer to delivery.

first trimester

Fetal development at 10 weeks gestation

The child already weighs about 4 grams, its length is 31–42 mm. The main organs and systems of his body have already been formed, only their growth will continue. After 10 weeks, the likelihood that the baby will experience a developmental failure is very small. Now the child already looks like a man, and not like a tadpole: the tail and gill slits have finally disappeared. The baby has formed elbow joints, now he can bend and unbend his arms. Tiny nails have already appeared on the fingers and toes, the skin is covered with a light fluff. The kidneys, intestines, brain and liver begin to function, all layers of the cerebral cortex have formed, and sensitive devices can already register your baby's brain impulses. The testicles of boys at 10 weeks begin to produce the male hormone testosterone.

Mom's condition at 10 weeks pregnant

The high content of hormones continues to affect mood, periods of increased excitability or, conversely, apathy are possible. However, the first, most disturbing trimester, is coming to an end. If the doctor did not notice any abnormalities in the development of the child, it is likely that the subsequent weeks of pregnancy will bring more pleasure: after all, they will be less difficult for the expectant mother and less dangerous for the baby.

Pay attention at 10 weeks pregnant

Fitness during pregnancy is not only acceptable, but also useful. During physical exertion, even small ones, the blood is more actively saturated with oxygen, metabolism improves, and this has a positive effect on the well-being of not only the mother, but also the child. The ideal choice for a pregnant woman is walking, swimming, yoga or special sets of exercises for pregnant women.

Doctor visit at 10 weeks pregnant

Before the end of the first trimester, it makes sense to visit the doctor again. The fact is that up to 12 weeks, the size of the fetus, determined by ultrasound, allows you to accurately determine the gestational age. After 12 weeks, the size of the baby is already determined by genetic predisposition and other factors - and it will be somewhat more difficult to determine the exact gestational age and the preliminary date of delivery. In addition, expectant mothers who are registered with the antenatal clinic up to 12 weeks are paid a small lump sum.

first trimester

Fetal development at 11 weeks of gestation

The weight of the child is about 7 grams, he is already moving, but the mother is not yet able to feel these tremors. The neck is strengthened, the baby can already raise his head. The process of diaphragm formation may be accompanied by hiccups. The liver grows and develops, it is she who now performs all the hematopoietic functions. The blood of a child is not yet the same as the blood of an adult: it contains only red blood cells (erythrocytes). The child looks more and more proportional, although his arms are still longer than his legs.

Mom's condition at 11 weeks pregnant

By the end of the first trimester, the metabolism of the expectant mother becomes more intense by almost a quarter. Now her body needs even more nutrients than before the start of pregnancy, and more liquid - due to the fact that the volume of circulating blood has also increased significantly. Pregnancy hormones still affect digestion, slowing it down (causing constipation), so weight gain is still negligible. In addition, toxicosis and heartburn negatively affect appetite. Due to an excess of hormones, the gums can become more sensitive, start to bleed - the dentist will advise how to deal with this problem.

Doctor visit at 11 weeks pregnant

The first prenatal screening is usually scheduled this week. However, the mother has the right to refuse this procedure if she is sure that she will bear the child, regardless of the results of the study. However, if a woman has previously encountered problems during pregnancy (malformations of the fetus, non-developing pregnancy), if she is over 40 years old or if her family has had cases of the birth of children with pathologies, screening should not be abandoned. But it should be remembered that it does not always give 100% accurate results: too many factors influence the condition of the mother and fetus at the time of the study. Often, despite poor screening results, perfectly healthy children are subsequently born.

Complications of pregnancy at 11 weeks pregnant

If a pregnant woman has a history of genetic abnormalities, or the birth of children with defects, if the mother's age is more than 35 years old (during the first pregnancy), and also if screening has shown an increased risk of having a child with developmental anomalies, the doctor may suggest doing a chorionic villus biopsy. The instrument is inserted into the uterus through its neck or through a micro-puncture in the abdominal region. The risk of miscarriage with such manipulations is small, about 1-2%. A biopsy of the chorionic villi, as well as a puncture of the fetal bladder (amniocentesis), allows the detection of chromosomal abnormalities, such as Down syndrome. If the analysis (it takes about a week to wait for its results) reveals serious anomalies, it is possible to have time to terminate the pregnancy before the end of the first trimester.

Diet at 11 weeks pregnant

first trimester

Fetal development at 12 weeks gestation

The length of the baby is 6 cm. The first trimester is ending, the most difficult and responsible for mother and child. The development of the fetus will now go a little differently. New organs are no longer formed in him, but those that have formed will grow and develop for the next 29 weeks. The baby has the first reflexes: he can close his eyes, open his mouth, move his fingers in response to external stimuli. The child's skeleton, which consists mainly of cartilage, is now actively forming bone substance. The small intestine is already able to contract.

Mom's condition at 12 weeks pregnant

The uterus has become too large to fit in the hip bones - so it protrudes slightly above the pubic joint. It can be felt by passing your hand 10-12 cm below the navel. Starting from this week, the uterus begins to actively grow upwards, filling with itself first the hip region, and then the abdominal region.

Complications of pregnancy at 12 weeks pregnant

Headaches may become more frequent. The simplest ways will help to improve well-being - for example, resting in a cool, dark room, lying on your back (legs can be put on a raised platform). Hot and cold compresses applied alternately in the area of ​​pain localization also help. With a tendency to migraines for all 9 months, it is better to completely exclude cheese, coffee, chocolate and red wine from the diet. Often the cause of a headache is hunger - it is important to eat on time, without long breaks. During this period of pregnancy, heartburn often increases, this is the result of the work of progesterone, which has a relaxing effect on the partition between the esophagus and stomach. If you lie down during an attack of heartburn, placing a pillow under your head and back, the discomfort can be slightly weakened.

Risk factors at 12 weeks pregnant

In pregnant women, urinary tract infections are quite common. If urination is difficult or is accompanied by pain and bloody discharge, you should immediately consult a doctor. Cystitis and pyelonephritis are diseases that need to be treated in a timely manner. You should keep the kidney area warm, as well as go to the toilet on time, immediately after the first urge to urinate - this will minimize the risk of disease.

Pregnancy Calendar

  • first trimester, weeks 1 to 12
  • , week 13 to 28
  • , week 29 to 42

Pregnancy is an important period in the life of every woman. What is happening at this stage? What week does the 3rd trimester start? How to develop a menu? We will answer all these questions in our article.

Pregnancy and its course

Becoming a mom is a big responsibility. It is for this reason that the appearance of the first child raises a huge number of questions. How to protect yourself? What can be consumed so that the child develops normally?

It is worth noting that such questions do not arise with a second pregnancy. An experienced woman already knows what and how to do so that the baby is born healthy.

There are several main stages of pregnancy:

  • 1st trimester;
  • 2nd trimester;
  • 3rd trimester.

Thus, the entire period of bearing a child is clearly divided into trimesters. Before determining which week the 3rd trimester begins from, let's discuss the first two.

First trimester of pregnancy

As a rule, not every expectant mother knows the exact time and day of conception. It is for this reason that doctors consider the first trimester of every woman with special care. This will allow you not to miss important events in the development of the fetus.

The first trimester starts from the 1st week and lasts until the 13th. It is considered the shortest, although for some women it lasts quite a long time. This fact is due to subjective sensations and changes in the psyche. The body of the expectant mother during this period adapts to a new state.

Note. In the early stages of pregnancy, a woman is extremely attentive to her body.

And this is right, because not only emotional outbursts appear, but also other mental states. Unusual ones are also observed. They can be painful, because the egg is already starting to grow, and the fetus in it is developing. There may be tingling in the lower abdomen. All this is considered normal to a certain degree of pain, especially in the early stages of pregnancy.

Important. If there is pain in the abdomen, doctors recommend a physical examination.

This will help to identify various pathologies of pregnancy and eliminate them. During the course of the first trimester, a woman must register with the clinic. As a rule, staging starts from the 4th week.

Features of the first trimester

During this period, the birth and initial development of the baby takes place. The fertilized egg travels through the fallopian tubes. In the uterus, she is 7-8 days after conception. Then the active formation of the embryo begins. By the end of the third week, the size of the unborn child is 2 mm. On the fourth - the heartbeat is heard in the embryo.

In the sixth week, the rudiments of the nervous and digestive systems are formed. Also during this period, the initial elements of the brain begin to develop. At the eighth week, the baby already has limbs, a head and a face.

Note. At this stage of the development of the child, doctors recommend taking general tests and doing an ultrasound. This will identify various deviations in the development of the fetus and eliminate them in a timely manner.

The ninth week is the development of the kidneys. Already at the 12-13th week, the baby actively bends and unbends his limbs.

The dangerous periods of this trimester are 8-12 weeks. If a woman's placenta does not develop, the fetus may die. To prevent these irreversible consequences, it is necessary to constantly be observed by a doctor. Now such a deviation in the body of a woman is perfectly treated with the help of medicines.

Second trimester

It is considered the most interesting stage of pregnancy. What week does the 3rd trimester start? If the second trimester starts at week 14 and ends at week 25, then it is from the last starting point that you can prepare for childbirth. At week 26, the last trimester begins.

During this period, a woman's mammary glands swell. In some cases, there are pain syndromes in the abdomen. This is due to the fact that the child develops stably and correctly, and the uterus increases in size. To fit it, the internal organs are slightly moved apart.

Advice. For any pain syndromes, you should consult a doctor.

In the second trimester, it is already possible to accurately determine the sex of the unborn child. The fetus begins to move, which sometimes causes a lot of trouble. Especially at night.

The baby receives from the mother all the necessary vitamins, enzymes and food. Right now, a woman begins to eat much more food. It should be borne in mind that normal weight gain during pregnancy is 8-12 kg. Sometimes it can reach up to 14 kg. It all depends on the physique of the woman and her body.

Features of the second trimester

This period can also pass with the development of various pathologies, both the placenta and the baby. Sometimes there is the appearance of discharge, pulling pain in the lower abdomen. To avoid negative consequences, you should immediately consult a doctor.

third trimester

At this time, the woman's body is effectively preparing for labor. What week does the 3rd trimester start? From the 25th week, you can already count the days until the baby arrives. The end of the 3rd trimester is the 42nd week.

By the 27th week, the baby's weight is about 1 kg, and the height is 35 cm. When a woman already has 28-29 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is effectively gaining weight, subcutaneous fat appears. You can forget about restful sleep, because the baby is actively moving.

Dangerous weeks during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester

If the development of the fetus is proceeding normally, you should not be afraid of anything. Especially under the supervision of an experienced doctor. Despite this, it is worth being vigilant, because the new dangerous period is 28-29 weeks of pregnancy. It can last up to the 32nd week. It all depends on the characteristics of the female body.

The doctor must assess the condition of the placenta and intrauterine development of the fetus. This can be done with an ultrasound. If there are any deviations, prescribe medication. It will not harm the baby in any way and will help maintain the pregnancy.

It is worth noting that at this stage, in some cases, premature births are observed. The child can already survive, especially with qualified help from doctors.

Nutrition during pregnancy

In order to correctly compose the diet of the expectant mother, it is necessary to clearly know when the trimesters of pregnancy begin and end by weeks (the table is given above).

In the first trimester, the diet of a pregnant woman is no different from the usual. It is necessary to follow some recommendations that will help to avoid toxicosis.

Green salads with vegetable oil should be included in the daily diet. It is also necessary to eat fish, which is rich in phosphorus and other minerals. It is necessary to provide your body with iodine, vitamin C and folic acid. They contribute to the proper development of the fetus at an early stage.

It is better to exclude coffee from the diet, as it contributes to high blood pressure. It is better to drink green tea, but also in limited quantities - up to 3 cups a day.

Important. The use of citrus fruits, exotic fruits and berries should be minimized, as they are potential allergens.

Menu - 3rd trimester of pregnancy:

  • vegetables and fruits rich in vitamins;
  • special vitamin complexes based on folic acid;
  • minerals - iodine, calcium;
  • vegetarian dishes;
  • boiled poultry and fish;
  • low-fat meat broths;
  • bakery products in limited quantities.

Don't forget to drink fluids. It is better to limit its amount to 1-1.5 liters, since the kidneys already serve the body of not only the expectant mother, but also the baby. We must try to ensure that the child is born healthy.

To understand and correctly monitor changes in the body, a woman needs a pregnancy calendar. In such a calendar, every week is scheduled, what changes occur in the body and you can track your weight gain, the weight of the baby and see the ultrasound readings.

Carrying a baby under your heart is an important event in the life of any girl. Pregnancy is always a mysterious and at the same time frightening event, and it is also a period of waiting for a miracle. From this article, you will learn what a trimester is and the features of each of them.

Terms of trimesters by week

On average, pregnancy lasts about 38-40 weeks and there are two designations for gestation periods: obstetric and embryonic. The first definition is used most often and is just 40 weeks, since it is sometimes very difficult to track the date of conception.
To understand and correctly monitor changes in the body, a woman needs a pregnancy calendar. In such a calendar, every week is scheduled, what changes occur in the body and you can track your weight gain, the weight of the baby and see the ultrasound readings. It is very good that in our modern world, there are a lot of electronic pregnancy calendars and you can choose the most comfortable calendar just for you.

How are the trimesters of pregnancy divided by weeks

The entire gestation period is conditionally divided into three trimesters. Trimester - three months. In weeks 38 to 42, that's 9 months. At 12 weeks, the 1st trimester ends, the second - at 24 weeks, the third lasts until the approximate date of birth. When determining the period, gynecologists are guided by the obstetric period, that is, the countdown starts from the last menstruation.

Features of each period

  • The first trimester is very important, because at this time the body begins to rebuild to bear the crumbs. At this time, toxicosis often appears, hormonal failure, mood swings and increased fatigue are possible. In the first trimester, the fetus develops the nervous system.

  • The second trimester is special in that at this time the signs of toxicosis disappear, and the stomach takes shape and begins to round. This trimester is considered the most calm.

  • The third trimester is the hardest of all. The child already sees, hears, waves his arms and legs with a vengeance, as if showing that he is tired of being locked up. The baby has already become very heavy and it is difficult for the mother to carry him - his back, legs begin to hurt, fatigue piles up many times stronger. The mood is often decadent and mommy prefers to stay at home or sleep than to go out to people - and this is normal.

Child development by trimesters of pregnancy

After the female egg has merged with the male, a clot of cells is created in one shell, within a week this clot should reach the uterus and gain a foothold there. This whole process takes place during the first month of pregnancy. When the fetal egg attaches to the wall of the uterus, the embryo will begin to develop at an accelerated pace. At week 7, it already outwardly resembles the outlines of a little man, although it is still quite tiny. Until the end of the first trimester, that is, up to 12 weeks, all organs and systems are formed. On days 21-22, when the embryo is about 3 weeks old, his heart begins to beat. Outwardly, it still does not look the same as in adults, but it already fulfills its function. By the end of the second trimester, the baby receives the status of a fetus and is already completely similar to a person, all organs and systems are formed in him, they gradually begin to work. During the third trimester, the unborn child only grows, gains weight and "ripens". The nervous system, digestive system and brain continue to improve after birth.

Changes in the female body by trimester

Immediately after conception, the female body begins to change in such a way that the baby survives and can be born. To do this, a hormonal boom occurs, the level of progesterone in the blood rises, which throughout the pregnancy "adjusts" the female body to the presence of the fetus and suppresses the immune system so that it does not get rid of the child.
The most striking reaction to hormonal changes is nausea and vomiting. Toxicosis usually begins at the end of the first trimester. Each woman individually lasts toxicosis, but for most it stops by the second trimester. By the end of the 2nd trimester, the stomach is already becoming noticeable, the chest is increasing several times.
The third trimester - it is already difficult for a woman to move around a lot, it is difficult to get enough sleep, she wants to get rid of the burden as soon as possible. The body throughout pregnancy prepares for labor. In the last trimester, there are training contractions that resemble real ones, but are not as painful and do not last long, only from time to time. The uterus has increased more than 500 times compared to the first weeks of pregnancy. Age spots appear, areolas darken, skin dries and itches, hair, nails and teeth deteriorate. All due to the fact that the baby needs a lot of nutrients and he takes them from the mother's body. Therefore, during gestation, it is necessary to eat well, and most importantly, eat right. If the deficiency of some vitamins and microelements is too noticeable, then you need to add vitamin complexes, they are prescribed by a doctor.

Prohibitions in each trimester of pregnancy

What is dangerous 1 trimester

At this stage, the most dangerous thing is miscarriage and infectious diseases. At the beginning of pregnancy, it is important to give up bad habits. Switch to a balanced diet. During toxicosis, drink more fluids, consume high-quality foods, eat in small portions, but more often 3 times a day, do not overeat at night, it is generally not advisable to overeat. Monitor your well-being, immediately respond to heavy bleeding and sharp pain. Try to be less in crowded places, use all precautions during epidemics of colds.

What is dangerous 2 trimester

In the second trimester, you need to pay special attention to:
  • Allocations, if their character changes, there is pain when urinating, itching, swelling of the genital organs. The color becomes green, brown or yellow. Curdled discharge is also a deviation from the norm and requires intervention. Help is urgently needed if blood appears, even in small quantities.
  • Strong pains. Head, abdomen, legs, pelvis.
  • Violation of vision.
  • Puffiness. The legs or face began to swell.
  • Excessive weight gain.
  • Frequent nausea or vomiting.
  • Fever, chills, significantly elevated body temperature.
You should also consult a doctor if you cough up blood and it becomes difficult to breathe.

What is dangerous 3 trimester

In the last trimester, preterm birth can be dangerous, especially in the first half of the trimester up to 36 weeks. An early labor activity is indicated - a short cervix, leakage of amniotic fluid, increased uterine tone, labor pains, heavy bleeding. You should also monitor the activity of the baby, if he is excessively active or vice versa, you need to undergo an examination.

Nutrition during pregnancy by trimester

  • 1st trimester - When a woman finds out that a “bubbler” has wound up inside, you need to immediately review your diet and habits. Give up smoking and alcohol, not to mention other psychotropic substances. If the expectant mother takes serious drugs, then you need to determine the risks and what is better to refuse - drugs or pregnancy. With toxicosis, food should be light and well absorbed, contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals. It is right to eat meat and fish, especially low-fat varieties. Chicken eggs, a variety of cereals, vegetable salads seasoned with vegetable oils, dairy products, fruits and berries. Drink water, compotes, fruit drinks, natural juices.
  • 2nd trimester - Follow the same diet. You can add more nuts, seeds, bran. Cook various dishes from cottage cheese, add grated hard cheese to soups. All dishes should be consumed boiled or steamed. Refuse fast food, smoked meats, pickled foods, sweet soda, fatty sweets, fresh pastries. Drink enough liquid.
  • 3rd trimester - Continue to eat right, do not increase portions. If toxicosis worries again, then switch to lighter meals. When feeling normal, cook food in the oven, steam, or boil. Raw to eat some vegetables, fruits, herbs, berries. Porridges are obligatory to minimize the threat of constipation. Drink plenty of fluids so as not to provoke swelling, but at the same time observe the drinking regimen.

Each trimester has its own characteristics. The baby develops gradually. The task of the mother is not to harm the fetus while it matures inside, to think not only about herself, but also to take into account the needs of the unborn child.

Analyzes and procedures by trimesters

You need to register in the women's office in the first trimester, preferably before 10 weeks of pregnancy. From the moment of registration and until childbirth, a woman visits a gynecologist at least 2 times a month, if there are no problems with bearing. For the entire period, the following studies are carried out by trimesters:
  • In the first trimester, a blood test is given for sexually transmitted diseases, including AIDS / HIV, a general blood test, urine. Another swab is taken from the vagina for tank tests. Blood for biochemistry and hormones, clotting tests. Double test for hCG and PAPP-A. Tests for antibodies to rubella and toxoplasmosis. Ultrasound examination shows where the fetal egg was attached, whether the embryo develops correctly, whether its development corresponds to the established norms and whether there are any deviations.
  • In the second trimester, an ultrasound is performed - it will show how the baby develops, biochemical screening to identify the child's diseases, if any. Whether organs are formed correctly in him, the general condition of the placenta and uterus. Urine and blood are given - a general analysis. Blood for biochemistry, venereal diseases, hepatitis. Smear for infection. Triple test - hCG, AFP and the hormone estriol.
  • In the third trimester, a repeated blood and urine test is taken, at each appointment with a doctor, ultrasound and CTG are performed. Up to 36 weeks, a smear for genital infections. Blood for HIV, hepatitis and syphilis. Biochemistry up to 30 weeks. Coagulogram and blood for antibodies to toxoplasmosis and rubella on the recommendation of a doctor. With the help of ultrasound, you can see the sex of the unborn child. How does he feel, is there an entanglement with the umbilical cord.

With the help of ultrasound, young parents can see the child in motion, and so consider every line of it and, subsequently, save these frames for a long memory. And the doctor will make sure that the fetus develops correctly.

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