Story of an aspiring millionaire. Negative attitudes and thoughts that prevent you from getting rich. Alexander AndreevOpen your cash flow. Practical guide

Alexander Andreev

Open up your cash flow. Practical guide

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright owner.

© Alexander Andreev, 2015

© Creating a layout - Oxygen Publishing House, 2015

© Cover design - Galina Boychuk, 2015


Everything I write about, I went through my own experience and share with you only my own wisdom and knowledge.

My history

I did not immediately come to abundance and wealth.

I grew up in an ordinary family, where my parents always said: “Study well, go to university, graduate with excellent marks and find a great high-paying job. You can provide for your family and have a great life.”

Unfortunately, this model turned out to be a lie. And I was convinced of this at the age of 18.

I went about my business, but failed miserably. Lost 3 years.

Given my interest in the topic of personal growth, I decided to do what I like and get money from it. My first and second models of running this business also completely failed. To understand this, I lost another 1 year.

And only the 5th year in business brought me the first million rubles!

Then a failed partnership that set me back.

We were already making very serious money, but I lost control of the company, and therefore the money diverged. We even managed to get into debt! When my partner and I parted, all the debts remained on me, since I was the founder of the company and a large share of the company was mine.

In my personal life, too, everything was not going smoothly.

Unsuccessful first love and first sex were also in my life and left wounds in my heart.

There was even a time when I wanted to die...

After my defeats and failures, I drew the appropriate conclusions.

I have greatly changed myself, my thinking, approach to business and attitude to money and life.

Now I have excellent health, very strong and powerful energy.

Great girl and great relationship. I am very happy.

A very profitable business. And most importantly, I do what I love every day.

I have a great team with me. I have wonderful, happy clients.

I live in a beautiful city by the sea :)

Now I am writing this text, and 30 meters from me the sea is splashing, the sun is shining and a few clouds are floating in the sky :)

Every day in the morning I swim in the pool, I run. I work out at the gym a couple of times a week.

Now I am building my own business.

As a coach, I help businessmen, entrepreneurs, people from show business and creative people who work for themselves to develop their business. This gives me great pleasure.

I am invited to speak. I conduct corporate trainings.

In Moscow, I conduct my own training "Sea of ​​money and happiness."

For all the time my site was visited by more than 2 million people!

In general, I am happy, rich and live in abundance.

Now I feel it's time to pass on my experience to other people.

Some will say: "Why do I need this thinking, you better give me money." People with a poor mindset will always be poor, no matter how much they earn. They had no money when they received 30,000 rubles a month, and they had no money when they received 300,000 rubles a month. My partner was like that.

Therefore, without thinking - nowhere.

And that's what this book will be about.

Why do people have money problems?

Few of us were born into a family of complete monetary abundance.

We spend the first 15–20 years of our lives with our parents or grandparents.

Parents have certain ideas about money, and often these ideas are far from the truth. That is why our parents are poor.

They try to give us the best, but no matter how hard they try, their behavior patterns, their beliefs are transmitted to us. How often have we seen family quarrels over lack of money; how often we wanted something, but we were told: "There is no money." And this “no money” and other manifestations of the lack of money are firmly and firmly entrenched in our subconscious.

We live in the greatest time in the history of mankind. Today, there are far more people getting rich from scratch than ever before, or even more than could ever be imagined. There are people in the world who have earned not just a million, but tens, even hundreds of millions of dollars, and even billionaires who have earned their money without anyone's help. Throughout human history, there has never been such a rapid creation of huge fortunes in an honest way.

Statistics show that almost every rich person started from scratch. Ninety percent of now wealthy people started their journey to success with almost nothing. On average, every millionaire was left with nothing three times in his life. The vast majority of wealthy people failed before they reached the heights of financial prosperity.

People who now have any significant wealth have demonstrated certain qualities throughout their lives. These qualities are collected in seven basic principles, adhering to which any person today will be able to achieve the degree of material well-being that he wishes. Here they are, the seven secrets of millionaires:

1. Dream big

The first and most important secret of millionaires is to dream big!

Imagine for a while that there are absolutely no limits on what you can become in life, what you can do, and what you can't. Concentrate your attention on the fact that you already have all the time, all the money, all the experience, all the contacts you need, and everything else that you need to achieve what you want. If your possibilities were absolutely unlimited, what kind of life would you like for yourself and your family?

Think about how much money you would like to have, what kind of car you would buy yourself if you had as much money as you need.Fast forward two years. Imagine that in these two years you have achieved the goal that you set for yourself and now your life is what you wanted. How does she look? What are you doing? How much money do you earn and how? What kind of lifestyle do you lead?

Dreaming big is the main secret of people who reach financial heights themselves. And the main snag for people who do not reach these peaks is that they cannot imagine that they can do it. Sami. As a result, such people almost never try. They don't even try to start this race.

become a millionaire:

Set yourself a grand, almost unattainable goal that you can only imagine. Write it down. And then imagine that this goal is only a small step in achieving another, even more colossal task. When you come up with, write down this new, completely crazy idea and set it as a priority for your future life.

2. Do what you love to do

Doing what you love is the second most important secret of millionaires. One of the most important tasks on the path to financial Olympus is to find what you really like to do, and then put your whole soul into doing it, and doing it not just well, but excellently.

People who have their own fortune have found a job where their creative abilities are best realized. Wealthy people do not "work hard", trying to earn at least some money, they do what they really love. If you really want to be a millionaire, you have to find an area of ​​work that can truly excite you.

Doing what you love to do is necessary because when you do what you love to do, you experience a constant surge of inspiration and ideas about how to do your job even better.

Perhaps the most important thing you will need to do is figure out what you really love to do and then dedicate yourself to that activity. And understand that no one else can do it for you.

An exercise to help you become a millionaire:

Think if you could do absolutely any the job you only wished for, what would that be? What activity would bring you true pleasure? Make a plan that will help you move towards this goal and take at least one action today in accordance with your plan..

3. Don't look for excuses

A very important point. From now on, and forever, assume full, one hundred percent responsibility for All what you did before who you are now and who you will ever be. Resolutely refrain from any trying to find excuses for something. Give up the habit of putting the blame on others for anything. Stop complaining about the things in life that you don't like, even if you think they are completely out of your control. Give up the habit of criticizing other people for whatever. You and YOU alone are responsible for everything that happens to you in your life. If there is something in your life that you are unhappy with or that you do not like, then changing it is yours and exclusively yours task. You are responsible for everything.

This secret alone - to give up any excuses for your failures - can already make you a millionaire, if, of course, you follow it consistently.

An exercise to help you become a millionaire:

List and write down, if possible, all the reasons and excuses why you still have not reached the level of income that you deserve. After that, remember that everything you listed - complete nonsense, and remember this every time you try to justify any of your failures. Take full responsibility for your own life and never use any excuse again!

4. Be principled.

The next secret of millionaires is that people who have their own fortune are principled. Character is one of the most important assets that you acquire over the course of your life. Perhaps the quality most valued among financially successful people is a reputation for absolute integrity and honesty. Never question your word.

If you feel that some of your actions will call into question your reputation - do not do it. In the long term, this will bring enormous benefits, since any successful activity is based on trust. Your success will be determined by people who trust you and want to work for you, who are willing to recognize your worth, lend you money, buy your products and services, and even help you through difficult times. Don't underestimate this.

Basically, the people who have achieved amazing financial success, the people who run their own corporations, are the people who don't trade in their principles.

An exercise to help you become a millionaire:

Determine for yourself what principles you consider fundamental in your life. From now on - never break them! Any time you have difficulty solving a problem, you are likely to compromise one of your values. Regardless of the short-term results of your decision - do not deviate from the chosen course. Never step over your principles.

5. Be the best

Successful people know that one of the secrets to success is to always strive to be the best. Resolve to be the best at what you do or plan to do. The decision to become the best in your business is one of the secrets of millionaires, and carried through to the end, this decision will undoubtedly become one of the most important in your life.

There is no person in the world who would be smarter, smarter and better than you. Therefore, you have every chance to take a worthy place among people doing what you like. Making the decision to be the best is the key to future success.

It's hard to be the best at everything, so pick a small area where you hope to be the best at first. Specifically formulate it and set the date by which you will become the best in it. Work every day to be the best you can be in that small area. You will be absolutely amazed at how the commitment to be the best will change your life.

An exercise to help you become a millionaire:

List three people or firms that are currently the best in the field you are in (or plan to be in). Make it your goal to be in the top three!

6. Don't stop learning, all your life

In fact, you have more brains, abilities and intelligence than you will be able to use, even if you develop yourself throughout the rest of your life. You are much smarter than you can imagine. There is no obstacle that you cannot overcome, no problem that you cannot solve, and no goal that you cannot achieve if you use the full power of your mind in your particular situation.

You can absolutely limitlessly improve your skills and abilities in your field. But in order for your brain to be able to solve more and more complex tasks, it needs to be trained. You need to constantly put your mind to work. Build your own theories, look for ways to solve a problem, be interested in something new. The more you learn, the more you can learn in the future. And when they tell you, listen and remember. There are people who, for some reason, have not achieved success in life, but in some small area they have very valuable knowledge, they should not be neglected.

Millionaires know how to learn because continuous learning is a prerequisite for financial well-being.

An exercise to help you become a millionaire:

Think about what knowledge or quality can be useful to you later in life. Think also about what people and sources of information will help you in mastering this knowledge or quality.

7. Be decisive
The last secret of millionaires is that wealthy people are determined. They carefully consider the current situation, quickly make a decision and - most importantly! - bring it to an end. Wealthy people discipline themselves so that

immediately implement the decisions made. Therefore, they quickly get the result of their actions. Of course, it is not always expected, and if the decision made was wrong, you need to quickly make another decision and, again, by all means bring it to the end.

In order to do something, you have to do something. The key to success is to keep trying. Successful people are constantly doing something, and as a result, they make many more attempts to achieve the goal than other people. If you use more different ways to achieve success, then the chances that you will eventually achieve something increase in proportion to the effort expended.

Decisiveness in decision-making will help you move forward much faster than others. And the first successes from the decisions made and brought to the end will give joy and pleasant excitement, which will contribute to further successful activities.

An exercise to help you become a millionaire:

Think about what action today can, at least a little, bring you closer to your goal (the very one, completely insane, from the first paragraph)? No matter what it will be - immediately undertake it!

It is no longer a secret to anyone that our lives are 96–98% controlled by the subconscious and only 2–4% by consciousness. After reading this book, you will understand how your subconscious is set up in relation to money and why you want more money, but get more expenses and get into more debt.

Open up your cash flow. Practical guide

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright owner.

© Alexander Andreev, 2015

© Creating a layout - Oxygen Publishing House, 2015

© Cover design - Galina Boychuk, 2015


Everything I write about, I went through my own experience and share with you only my own wisdom and knowledge.

My history

I did not immediately come to abundance and wealth.

I grew up in an ordinary family, where my parents always said: “Study well, go to university, graduate with excellent marks and find a great high-paying job. You can provide for your family and have a great life.”

Unfortunately, this model turned out to be a lie. And I was convinced of this at the age of 18.

I went about my business, but failed miserably. Lost 3 years.

Given my interest in the topic of personal growth, I decided to do what I like and get money from it. My first and second models of running this business also completely failed. To understand this, I lost another 1 year.

And only the 5th year in business brought me the first million rubles!

Then a failed partnership that set me back.

We were already making very serious money, but I lost control of the company, and therefore the money diverged. We even managed to get into debt! When my partner and I parted, all the debts remained on me, since I was the founder of the company and a large share of the company was mine.

In my personal life, too, everything was not going smoothly.

Unsuccessful first love and first sex were also in my life and left wounds in my heart.

There was even a time when I wanted to die...

After my defeats and failures, I drew the appropriate conclusions.

I have greatly changed myself, my thinking, approach to business and attitude to money and life.

Now I have excellent health, very strong and powerful energy.

Great girl and great relationship. I am very happy.

A very profitable business. And most importantly, I do what I love every day.

I have a great team with me. I have wonderful, happy clients.

I live in a beautiful city by the sea :)

Now I am writing this text, and 30 meters from me the sea is splashing, the sun is shining and a few clouds are floating in the sky :)

Every day in the morning I swim in the pool, I run. I work out at the gym a couple of times a week.

Now I am building my own business.

As a coach, I help businessmen, entrepreneurs, people from show business and creative people who work for themselves to develop their business. This gives me great pleasure.

I am invited to speak. I conduct corporate trainings.

In Moscow, I conduct my own training "Sea of ​​money and happiness."

For all the time my site was visited by more than 2 million people!

In general, I am happy, rich and live in abundance.

Now I feel it's time to pass on my experience to other people.

Some will say: "Why do I need this thinking, you better give me money." People with a poor mindset will always be poor, no matter how much they earn. They had no money when they received 30,000 rubles a month, and they had no money when they received 300,000 rubles a month. My partner was like that.

Therefore, without thinking - nowhere.

And that's what this book will be about.

Part 1 Why do people have money problems?

Few of us were born into a family of complete monetary abundance.

We spend the first 15–20 years of our lives with our parents or grandparents.

Parents have certain ideas about money, and often these ideas are far from the truth. That is why our parents are poor.

They try to give us the best, but no matter how hard they try, their behavior patterns, their beliefs are transmitted to us. How often have we seen family quarrels over lack of money; how often we wanted something, but we were told: "There is no money." And this “no money” and other manifestations of the lack of money are firmly and firmly entrenched in our subconscious.

Let me tell you a story.

I work with one woman who is very happy, cheerful and cheerful. She wants to go into the hotel business, but something inside her is preventing her. Something doesn't work.

One of the topics that we dealt with in coaching was the topic of money. And here's what we found.

Sometime in her childhood, when she was 4 years old, she wanted to buy herself a doll and beautiful dresses for her. She collected money for a whole year, putting a little bit into the piggy bank.

And when a year later she had the necessary amount of money, her parents went with her to the store. When her parents found out what she wanted to buy for herself, they decided it would be better if the gift was more practical so that she could play with her brother. Her parents dissuaded her from the doll and these "rags" and convinced her to buy a small children's bowling alley. She played with her brother in this bowling only 2 times. And she didn't play anymore. Neither she nor her brother needed this gift. They didn't want him. The money was wasted. She cried for a very long time, the disappointment was very strong. She did not tell her parents about this, and she never received her doll. And since then, this little girl has come to the conclusion that she will never save money again in her life. Because in her subconscious there was a very strong pain from wasted money, which she saved up for a whole year!

32 years have passed since then, and she never did not have a cash reserve. Money came and went, but it never stayed with her.

She had long forgotten about this story in childhood, but, nevertheless, the behavior pattern has survived to this day.

This is how it turns out that something happens to us in life, we forget about it, but it settles in the subconscious, and then we suffer all our lives and do not understand why.

Now imagine how many similar situations could happen in 10-20 years, while you lived with your parents, went to kindergarten, school, university?

A child's brain is like a sponge, absorbing everything: good and bad.

There are so-called "mirror neurons" in the human brain. They are called "mirror" because their main task is to reflect. In children, these "mirror neurons" are especially developed. That's why kids copy. They do what parents do! Parents can say anything, children will copy their actions. Therefore, if you are now a mom or dad, just set an example for your children with your deeds. This is the best training. Their "mirror neurons", whether children want it or not, will be copied.

Adults also have “mirror neurons,” but there are far fewer of them, so adults are less susceptible to copying.

Don't think it's about poor parents. The parents are not at all to blame. It's just the way things were.

I cannot say that it is easier for children in rich families. They grow up wealthy, but that doesn't mean they grow up with a wealthy mindset. In rich families, children have another problem: they are given everything, everyone buys what they want, because such children do not understand that you have to pay for everything. They were not used to achieving their desires, because they got everything easily. And this leads to a number of other problems. But we won't talk about that. This is not the topic of our conversation.

Please understand that everything worked out the way it did. You cannot change the past.

What you can do is change your perception of the past and gradually begin to change your limiting beliefs and attitudes.

In fact, it doesn’t matter where you started and what was put into you.

What matters is what you do with it!

How is it that in a family in which twin brothers are brought up, and they are the same, they have the same attitude towards them, they have the same environment, one brother becomes a beggar, and the other becomes a very famous and influential person?

It's a matter of informed choice!

Yes, the first 10-15 years we go through life unconsciously.

But then, who is earlier and who is later, we still make a conscious choice. Someone prefers to complain and blame their parents, life, environment, themselves, while someone takes responsibility and decides to change it all, decides to achieve what he wants.

What else influenced your money thinking?

Please remember your relatives, as well as all the adults who were with you as a child.

Yes, poor thought patterns were instilled in you as a child.

But that doesn't mean you have to stay poor all your life.

To change the pattern of behavior, it is enough to make a decision and follow this decision.

And then everything will change.

It's just that most people go through life with the patterns of behavior that they created in childhood.

In childhood, another pattern is laid in us, which makes it very difficult to change.

And this model is the fear of making a mistake.

Teachers at school, and at home parents scolded us for bad grades.

And we were given a bad mark because we were wrong. It is subconsciously rooted in us that mistakes are evil. And so it happened that every time we made a mistake, we felt bad. We were given a bad mark, and we were upset.

But life tells a different story:

The most successful people are the people who make the most mistakes.

And here is the statement of the most successful basketball player Michael Jordan:

“We were told that we need to study well. If you study well, you will have a great job, enough money, and you can provide for your family and live well.”

But the fact is that this model turned out to be wrong.

Just excellent students turn out to be those people who have the most problems in life in all areas.

How did your favorite movies make you poor?

I will give an example of one very beloved by all of us film "Titanic". Perhaps this film is the most dangerous film ever released.

Yes, because he shows the rich from the worst side and, on the contrary, elevates the poor, thereby unconsciously forming people's beliefs that the rich are idiots, and the poor are such wonderful people. "Titanic" at different levels introduces into your subconsciousness installations like: "Being poor is noble", "Rich people are immoral", "Money is evil". And the more you liked this film, the more successful this subconscious programming was.

Let's see how it goes.

In the beginning, we see the carefree adventurer Jack. Why is he so carefree? Because poor. He gets on the ship because he won a card ticket, right?

So the first lesson we learn from what we see is that poor people are carefree and happy. Just think of all the problems that ruin the lives of rich people! What happens if the butler gets sick? What if someone steals a Rolls-Royce? Do you know how much helicopter maintenance costs these days?

Then we see Rose. She is clearly unhappy. Why? Because she has to marry a boring rich man. If you remember, the mother convinces her to do this for the welfare of the family. Here is the second conclusion that we draw (of course, subconsciously): for money you have to sell your soul and sacrifice your own happiness.

As the story progresses, we see another eloquent scene - Rose is dining in a first-class restaurant. She's surrounded by all these boring rich prudes sipping brandy, smoking cigars, and having vapid conversations about playing polo and other unthinkable nonsense. There is a shot of a mother slapping the hand of her young daughter, who doesn't know how to use the oyster fork third from the left.

And then Jack appears and says to Rose: “Let's go down to the cabins of the third class, and I will show you how to have fun!”. In the next shots we see poor people who, of course, sing songs, dance and have fun, thereby showing how simpler and more fun they are than these boring, nasty and stiff rich people.

What is subconscious programming? Rich people are boring; with poor people is very fun and interesting. Therefore, if you want to merge with the “people” and become “their own” (and this is what most people want all their lives from childhood), it is better to be poor.

Then the ship collides with an iceberg...

The rich try to get into the lifeboats by trickery or with the help of bribes. Rich fiancé Rose even takes some baby out of his mother's arms in order to get on the boat as soon as possible. Emotional thoughts related to children have a special power. Just imagine the strength of your subconscious reaction to how a rich egoist takes a child from his mother in order to save his own skin!

We see rich people sail away in boats away from the sinking ship, while the poor mob behind bars on the lower deck is flooded with water. We see a brave poor woman comforting her children by telling them how they are going to sink now and sing church hymns until they drown.

Let's play the tape and watch the end of the film: Rose is now about 90 years old; her poor granddaughter works tirelessly and takes care of her. Rose has a $40 million necklace she could give to her granddaughter to make her life easier. And what does she do?

She feeds the treasure to the sharks!

Level by level, this film subconsciously convinces you that money is bad, rich people are evil, and poverty is good, it elevates. But nothing is further from the truth than these statements.

Here is another movie I recently watched. It is called "Time", 2011 release.

In this film, people calculated by time. There was no money. There was only time.

A mug of coffee cost 4 minutes, travel cost 2 minutes, a hotel room cost 1 month, etc.

If you watched this movie, you might remember the episode when the main character got a lot of time and asked his friend: “How long have we been friends?”. “10 years,” his friend said. And he gave him 10 years. In the course of the film, it turned out that the guy who received 10 years as a gift got so drunk that he was robbed (they took all his time), and he died. And subconsciously you associate that a lot of time (that is, money in our world!) Can do harm! In the movie, the man died! Imagine the reaction of your subconscious!

So you have formed a monetary limit :-)

When our hero won 11 centuries, the guardians of time came and took away all his time. Again, the analogy is that after getting a lot of money, someone will come and take all your money.

The girl who ran away with our main character was very bored among the rich. She wanted adventure. And we see the same thing as in "Titanic": the rich are boring, and the poor are cheerful. Their lives are in full swing and in full swing. This film shows how noble our protagonist is: he took time from the rich and gave it to the poor. He gave a million years to a poor area. People got a hundred years each! And that's where the movie ends.

Further, no one shows that giving the poor so much time will only harm them. People will have time, but they will not be able to buy anything. If they quit their jobs, the entire economy will come to a halt and there will be total collapse.

And these are just a couple of films!

There are countless films where the rich are shown as "idiots", deceivers, swindlers.

This is how subconscious programming and the rejection of wealth happen.

No, I don't mean to tell you to give up movies. I watch movies myself and love them very much. I just now look consciously and understand what is happening.

I'm not talking about newspapers, television, radio and other sources of mass information.

If you are still watching TV, your chances of success, happiness and wealth in life are approximately zero, and every day you are getting closer and closer to that zero.

Now, I think you understand what a heavy burden you are carrying and why you still do not receive as much money as you want?

Time to get out!

Let's drop the load!

3 states: I want, I am worthy, I am ready

Let's start by understanding our top money habits.

Imagine a person who is now 30 years old. He has been working since the age of 20.

On average, he always received 50 thousand rubles. Sometimes more, sometimes less, but always about 50 thousand plus or minus 10 thousand.

That is, his brain is used to this money.

AND this is our main money habit: Earn a certain amount of money.

But it is no longer just a habit.

This is a thought pattern. And a person lives this model for more than 15 years. 50 thousand rubles a month is his comfort zone.

Our brain always strives to be in a comfort zone.

Even if this person is fired from his job, he will look for another job with a salary of 50 thousand plus or minus 10 thousand rubles, because he is used to this salary.

If suddenly this person begins to receive 100 thousand rubles, it will be a big stress for the brain.

It doesn’t matter in which direction you leave your comfort zone, in the direction of “plus” or “minus”, for the brain it is stress.

And the brain will try to remove this stress by returning the situation to its previous level.

Why do people who win tens of millions of rubles in the lottery lose all their money very quickly? Because they are not ready for them. This money for the brain is a security threat. Thoughts immediately arise: “I will be robbed”, “What if I lose this money?”. And a person spends this money or puts it in the bank in order to get rid of them faster. He is not ready for them.

In most cases, such big wins put a person in a worse situation than he was before the win.

Why do successful businessmen who, due to certain circumstances, are left with “nothing”, quickly return their capital and earn their money?

Their financial level of comfort is at a very high level. And when a person falls short of this bar, it is stressful for him. And the brain wants to avoid stress.

That is, I want to say that first you need to raise your financial comfort zone bar, and only then will you be able to receive more money. Because without it, you will be fighting with your own brain.

Thinking patterns are very powerful!

In order to change thought patterns, strong strong factors are needed, such as a particularly firm decision, strong desire and willpower.

How to change the income bar in your head?

To raise this bar, you need to go through 3 stages:

2. I am worthy.

3. I'm ready.

So let's introduce our hero.

He set himself the goal of getting 100 thousand instead of 50 thousand.

Growth by 2 times is a rather serious growth and stress for the brain.

Let's imagine that you are driving a car on a snowy forest road.

It formed a track from the wheels of cars. All cars drove almost the same way and dug a fairly deep rut. And you drive your car along this track. Of course, it is very easy to go on the beaten track. But if you want to get out of it and make a new track, it will cost you a lot of effort.

So in life we ​​move along beaten paths.

You have a financial rut, a relationship rut, a health rut, leisure and travel rut. These are all patterns of thought.

To change some beaten track, you need to work on your thinking.

Stage 1: "I want"

Desire is the foundation. Desire is a command to the universe to "Make it happen." Man's desire is the law for the universe. Man was created to be free and can choose anything. His choice is always made. It's just that a person often does not know what he wants, and sometimes he wants something that he really doesn't want.

The state of "I want" creates a certain stress in the human brain. After all, when a person wants something, his desire is already materialized at the subconscious level. He imagines his desire, sees him and himself as having what he wants, but in reality this is not. This "conflict" with reality leads to one of two things: either the desire materializes in reality, or it disappears altogether. The second option happens more often. People give up their desires and forget them.

"I want" starts the process of materialization.

And when this “I want” is amplified with the help of feelings and emotions, and even experienced repeatedly in the imagination, then the process cannot be stopped.

Nothing happens without desire.

The problem is that most kids grow up and don't want anything anymore. They had such a hard time in childhood that they gave up their desires.

Please remember how you dreamed, told your mom, dad, friends and other people about your dream, and they, each in their own way, said: "It's impossible."

Here are some of my examples.

Me: "I want to surf"

Mom: "You be careful, because there are sharks..."

And I don't want to surf anymore.

Me: “I want to go skiing in the winter”

Friend: “Be careful, my brother went and broke his leg…”

Me: "I want to buy myself a BMW M5"

Uncle: “It’s better to buy the simplest car for the first time, so that when you break it, you won’t be sorry ...”

Surely you understand me.

I absolutely agree, they are all right. Yes, they care about me, but I don't need such care. They restrict me!

Arnold Schwarzenegger said: “If I knew what problems I would have to face in bodybuilding, in filming a movie, I would not have started this venture. I'm happy I didn't know!"

And after numerous desires and restrictions, children stop dreaming.

It's impossible, it won't work, it's dangerous...

And people stop dreaming.

More courageous children nevertheless begin to try and do, but they fail, they make mistakes. Who got it right the first time? Instead of supporting undertakings, close people and friends, on the contrary, say nasty things like “Well, I told you”, “You see ...”.

It requires a certain level of maturity and independence to give a damn about all these restrictions and ridicule and continue to go towards your dream.

Understand that desire is power!

The stronger your desire, the more power you have.

The parents themselves kill the strength of the child in childhood. They want to protect the child from pain, but do not understand that they are "killing" him.

It is much more important to learn how to cope with pain than to hide from it, because in life there will be pain, and there is no escape from it. Life is different and unpredictable. Sometimes it will hurt, sometimes it will be joyful. People think that closing themselves off from pain will solve their problems. In fact, if you close yourself in pain, you will close yourself in joy. One facet cannot exist without the other, just as day without night cannot exist.

Stage 2: "I am worthy"

One needs to ask oneself:

“Am I worthy of earning 100 thousand rubles a month?”

If the answer is "No", or the person does not have absolute certainty of "Yes", then he is not worthy.

If there is no clear and unequivocal "Yes", then "No". Here "maybe", "more likely than not", "probably" and similar answers are equated with the answer "No".

So, if the answer is “No”, then the person has problems with self-confidence, self-esteem and self-confidence. It's not even about 100 thousand rubles a month and not about finances in general, but about the person himself. Even if you want to achieve other goals in other areas, you will feel unworthy. Something in the past made you doubt yourself and your own abilities.

If you do not feel worthy, the chance of achieving a new goal is zero.

“I am not worthy” means that you do not believe in yourself, do not believe in your Divine nature, and you have serious limiting beliefs about yourself.

For example, the belief “I am always unlucky”, “I will never succeed” and others related to you.

If a person is not worthy, he does not allow the slightest chance of getting what he wants.

And, of course, the wish will not be granted. Most likely, a person will simply forget about his desire and continue to move along his beaten track.

Stage 3: "I'm ready"

It is worth asking yourself about readiness only after passing the “I am worthy” stage.

If a person is not worthy, he, naturally, is not ready.

“Am I ready to earn 100 thousand rubles a month?”

Willingness means to be ready to receive what you want with all the consequences of what you want.

This is a state of inner readiness.

This is usually where people stop.

They accept the possibility of getting what they want (i.e., "I am worthy"), but they don't feel ready. They don't even think about it. And don't ask yourself if they're ready or not.

Being ready means having a clear plan for a new life if you get what you want.

It seems ridiculous, but for the brain it is a real danger!

Life with an income of 100 thousand rubles a month is different from life with an income of 50 thousand rubles.

And you need to clearly see your new life with an income of 100 thousand rubles, so that your brain is calm.

When you root in your subconscious a new lifestyle with 100 thousand rubles a month, the stage of readiness begins.

When you are ready, your desire begins to rapidly approach you.

Events develop in the most suitable way, everything leads you to your dream.

You can be sure that your wish will come true.

It's only a matter of time.

What can you do to get what you want faster?

Strengthen the power of desire.

Increase readiness.

You can only be "worthy" or "not worthy".

But you can wish weakly, strongly and very strongly.

Everything starts with desire!

If a person has a strong desire, he will prepare himself for what he wants and will do everything possible to achieve the goal. A person who wants badly is almost always ready.

So what you need to do is increase your desire!

How to do it?

Think about what you want more often. And it's important not to think like feel his.

If the desire comes from the heart, then it will become stronger and stronger every day.

If the desire is imposed by someone or something and comes from the head, no matter what you do, it will be weak, because the main force comes from the heart!

“How to distinguish between real desires and fake ones?” people often ask.

Fake desires fade quickly. They, like comets, burn brightly, but quickly burn out. Real desires always remain strong. They regularly appear in your head from time to time. And they disappear only when You fulfill them. Real desires are like stars. They are bright and burn for a very long time, sometimes for a lifetime.

In the next chapter, I will tell you about meeting one person, and you will clearly see and understand why people are poor and how these 3 states of readiness work.

Meeting on the train

You know, something amazing happened to me yesterday.

I traveled from one city to another by train. I love trains because I went to bed in the evening and woke up in the morning and you were already at your destination.

So, a very interesting person was traveling with me in the compartment.

As soon as we started, he took out a large Apple laptop. I know that such computers are people who are associated with design, creativity, audio, video processing, or just those who love to show off.

And I decided to strike up a conversation with this guy.

Asked him what he was doing. It turned out he was a singer. And also his hobby is taking pictures and editing photos. A very creative person. I talked to him about his work. I got the impression that this man earns very well, because the field of show business is quite monetary.

But then he got a phone call, and he spoke very loudly and defiantly.

It was strange to me that this guy was so “show off”, showing how “cool” he is. And I decided to continue communication with him.

I looked very simple in appearance: a young guy, in ordinary clothes, more like a student, in old jeans, an ordinary sweater. No one will say that a rich and successful person.

I uttered the phrase that I was going to move to live in Barcelona, ​​deliberately offending him. After all, my interlocutor thought that he was the “coolest”. And then it started. He began to tell me how he travels ...

Dubai, Monte Carlo, Paris, Spain, Barcelona, ​​London, Ireland, etc.

Then they started talking about money, and I realized that he was poor!!!

All these trips were sponsored by him.

« Big money, big problems!- that's what he said. During our conversation, he repeated this phrase 5 times.

He said that it is very dangerous to earn a lot in business. Someone will “surrender” you, the tax office or “bad guys” will come to you.

Then we started talking about family and children. Family was his top priority.

If you have a lot of money, you will not see your family because you will work hard.

Why so much money?

It just needs to be enough money.

I asked him how much would be “enough” for him?

He said that he only needed to provide for his family and buy his favorite equipment, that is, a cool computer, mobile phone, camera and other things.

And when we were talking about children, he said that rich parents have unhappy children because they are spoiled. They all have. And here when you don’t have it yourself, then the children won’t even ask, they will achieve everything themselves.

You know, I listened attentively to these arguments of his, I did not argue with him. It didn't make sense. I just watched and understood why he was poor. From his phone conversation with a friend, I realized that he earned about 9,000 euros in 2012. For a whole year!

He shared with me his goal: his goal is to reach an income level of 5-10 thousand euros per month.

When I gave him the example of my friend, who receives about 70 thousand dollars every month, my interlocutor asked with a perplexed face: “ I don't understand what to do with that kind of money? It’s like buying a new house every six months or a new car every month!”

I told him that this money can be invested in business, advertising, real estate. To which he replied that money would bring even more money, and so on ad infinitum. " You will become a slave to money and your business».

I watched with a smile on my face as a person chooses poverty instead of wealth. I just kept quiet and watched. I felt very sorry for him. And I understood that I needed to tell about this situation in my book in order to show people with a living example how they limit themselves.

In the text, I deliberately emphasized limiting and negative money beliefs so that you understand how he limited himself and how he chose the path of poverty.

For simplicity, I will write it out again here and number his beliefs. I'll even arrange them in order of strength:

1. Big money - big problems!

2. Wealthy parents have unhappy children.

3. If you have a lot of money, you will not see your family because you will work hard.

4. It is very dangerous to earn a lot in business. Someone will “surrender” you, the tax office or “bad guys” will come to you.

5. You will become a slave to money and your business.

6. When you don’t have it yourself, then the children won’t even ask, they will achieve everything themselves.

7. I don't understand what can be done with that kind of money.

Now take a moment and think about what are your own limiting beliefs about money?

Often I hear the answer, “I don’t have limiting beliefs.”

The easiest way to know if there are limiting beliefs or not is to look at the person's reality.

Here's what I can tell you for sure: if your income is less than half a million rubles a month, and if it does not grow every month, you definitely have a lot of limiting beliefs, they are just well disguised.

Please answer the following questions:

Does he want to be rich?

No. Because big money means big problems, unhappy children, and he won't see his family.

Does he deserve to be rich?

Perhaps he thinks so, but it does not matter much, because if there is no desire, this is the end of all undertakings.

Is he ready to be rich?

Definitely not. If a person does not want, he is not ready.

These beliefs of his made him want to be poor.

Everything, the choice of the person is made. The Universe dutifully makes this choice.

And until he changes these beliefs, he will remain poor.

Even if suddenly by chance he is offered a contract for a significant amount of money, he will refuse it, or his subconscious will begin to sabotage work on this contract, and for incomplete fulfillment of the terms of the contract he will receive only a part of this money. And it is possible that he will have to pay a fine for failure to comply with the terms of the contract. And this may be one of the reasons why he may refuse the contract at the very beginning.

What happens to a person when he goes against his beliefs?

Anxiety begins to rise inside the person. Stress increases. If a person consciously goes against his beliefs, realizing that his beliefs are false, he is able to withstand this stress. He understands that the alarm inside is false, so he boldly moves on. And a person who unconsciously goes against his beliefs does not understand why stress increases, why such anxiety, why such an uncomfortable state, and he returns.

Let's now imagine my interlocutor again and suppose that he was offered a contract under which they are obliged to pay 50 thousand euros in six months. And then imagine that our hero signed it. Please remember that this is a five-year income for him. And then he will receive this money for six months!

He has never worked under such contracts, therefore the first thoughts that will arise in his head are: “They won’t pay me this money”, “This is a scam”, “They will pay me money in cash, and then they will lie in wait for me and take everything away”, “What if will they “hand over” me to the “bad guys” and they will blackmail my family and have to give everything away?”

And here are other thoughts that may come to this person’s mind: “Such a lot of money! What will I do with them?”, “I will spoil my child”, “Money will spoil me”, etc.

That is, when a person goes unconsciously against his beliefs, it is very difficult for him to win. Almost impossible. This guy, as you can see, has 100% limiting beliefs. Other people may have beliefs that are 70% limiting and 30% creative, meaning 7 out of 10 beliefs will be limiting and 3 will be creative. But in any case, this is also not enough to accept money into your life. Or maybe a person has only one very strong and very powerful belief that will limit the flow of money to him.

Remember that beliefs, whether positive or negative, force you to find confirmation of your truth, and therefore you will believe in them more and more.

Then beliefs have a certain power that attracts similar thoughts, that is, negative and limiting beliefs attract other similar limiting beliefs to themselves. The same is true for positive creative beliefs.

Principle of pain and joy

I want you to live consciously and understand what is happening to you.

Most people live unconsciously, that is, they do not understand why they feel the way they feel, why what is happening to them is happening.

People have the most powerful computer on Earth, but they don't know how to use it.

They say, "I want wealth," and they get no wealth.

Why is this happening?

Our brain is a great performer. He can only execute commands. And people use it to make decisions.

Man has a sense system.

Something makes him happy.

Something hurts.

In the text, the word "pain" means emotional and psychological pain, not physical pain.

Something you feel comfortable doing and you could do it all day long.

And you can't do something for 5 minutes.

Moreover, what you can do all day, someone else cannot do even 5 minutes. Conversely, someone can do all day what you can't do for 5 minutes.

We are all different, and you should understand this.

People see that one person managed to get rich by trading on the stock exchange, and they themselves go into trading on the stock exchange, where they lose thousands of rubles. Another got rich building businesses. A person looks at him and wants to create his own business, and when he creates, his businesses go bust, and he loses a lot of money.

We are all different! And what works for one person may not work for you.

Because we all have a different system of feelings and emotions. And you can't change it.

I am a supporter of a full life. In my understanding, a full life is when you are happy, successful, you have excellent family relationships, you are rich and healthy.

You can live a full life only when you live your own life and follow your own path, and not copy someone or someone else's model of success. In the Finding Purpose training, I help people understand their purpose and follow that path.

Now let's get back to our system of feelings and sensations.

A person has 2 main predominant feelings: pain and joy.

And our brain, as a devoted performer, ALWAYS seeks to avoid pain and find joy!

He can do without joy.

But the pain is unbearable for him.

Therefore, he seeks to avoid pain much more than to find joy.

If the task of “avoiding pain” is completed, then he calmly switches to the task of “finding joy”.

But always the primary task for him is to "avoid pain."

Only here is an interesting thing: when he thinks about how to avoid pain, he thinks about this pain. Where thoughts are, there is energy! Where there is energy, there is creation!

And life turns into “run away from the pursuer”, and not into “achieve success” or “become happy”.

When you're running away from something, what kind of happiness can you talk about?

Here is an example of one of my clients that I recently had a coaching session with.

He is a very smart guy, very talented. He receives about 100 thousand rubles a month, but this money does not come to him thanks to his favorite activity. He thought that he had some blocks inside regarding further growth and getting money.

It turns out that he is so afraid of failure, especially in the field of his self-realization, that he cannot budge. He is successful in another area, gets enough money, but in his favorite area he does not succeed.

The interesting thing is that a person knows nothing about this fear.

Fear blocks a person, and he does not even know about it and does not feel it.

A person thinks that he is going to success, but it turns out that he runs away from fear.

I asked him, "Do you think you're more likely to avoid failure or succeed?"

He honestly replied: “I rather strive to avoid failure.”

This is how most people do it: they strive all their lives to avoid pain instead of thinking about how to find joy. People are afraid to start something because they are afraid to lose. People are afraid to change jobs because “what if it gets worse”.

A couple of days ago I watched a series of films "The richest people in Europe". I really liked one racer who was the best racer in his time. He said: " To win races, you have to be willing to die in the race.". So it is in life: in order to gain more, you must be ready to lose what you already have.

When, together with my client, we began to “dig” where this fear came from, it turned out that it was from childhood. Plus a couple more events that occurred in childhood, and the fear of failure settled in him forever. When we returned to these events, I felt how much pain my client felt.

It turns out that he remembered this pain so strongly that now, 20 years later, it subconsciously controls him. Of course, we have resolved this situation and changed it. We just created other associations in our heads. We have worked through fear, and now it has no power over it.

Fear has power when you are afraid of it. The more you run away from him, the stronger he becomes and the more furiously he catches up with you. And when you accept it with open arms, it completely loses its power.

My client in childhood was full of situations that forever settled in his subconscious. Troubles continue to occur in adulthood, and often, as children, we create blocks and restrictions within ourselves without even knowing it.

Yes, our brain seeks to avoid pain, but he believes that this pain is real.

You know, how many times I have already encountered a situation where I was very, very afraid of something, it happened. But when it happens, it is less scary than when you imagine this situation in your head. That is, thoughts of fear are much more terrible than the reality that you are afraid of. This situation has been repeated many times. And I realized that there are actually very few things that are really worth being afraid of.

I was afraid of embarrassing myself at the blackboard, because I was an excellent student. And the time came when it happened. Yes, it was painful, very painful, but nothing terrible happened. Everyone kept talking to me. I continued to be a friend. Nobody turned away from me.

I was afraid of failing in business. I was so afraid that for 5 years I was treading water and as a result I failed. It turned out that being afraid is worse than failure itself.

I was very afraid of being left without money. And so it remained. The last money was calculated in the supermarket. It turned out not to be scary. Even though I was poor, my girlfriend didn't give up on me. She was with me at my worst times.

And I realized that the worst thing is to live in fear.

Life is a colorful journey. And when, out of fear, you turn it into a gray swamp - that's scary.

Since then, I live “to the fullest”, act, make mistakes, move on. And I'm not particularly worried about mistakes and failures. Mistakes and failures are a natural process. You cannot avoid them. By trying to avoid them, you are avoiding your own success. And this is scary.

Let's remember our hero from the train again.

What are his beliefs based on?

For example, the belief "big money - big problems." I'm sure it's not his belief. He saw somewhere, heard somewhere and on someone else's experience and drew a conclusion. He is afraid of problems. Thus, our "favorite" fear has limited a person from receiving money. But in fact, “big money - big problems” is not true. For me personally, "big money - big opportunities"!

All beliefs are subjective!

Another belief is "Rich parents have unhappy children." He himself has no children. Where did he get it from? It is obvious that he borrowed this belief from someone. Looked and made a conclusion. Although he could look at the rich unsuccessful parents. So it happens that people look at someone and draw false conclusions for themselves.

And if you look at all his beliefs except the last one, they are not his own. He created them based on someone's life.

Why do people make such assumptions?

They are afraid of pain. They are afraid to go and check.

On the contrary, I am used to seeing everything from my own experience. I'm no longer afraid to make mistakes. And I would decide to check whether big money is really big problems?

Realize that your life is controlled by your own decisions.

As you decide, so be it. Nobody can order you.

If you decide for yourself that it will be the other way around in your life, then it will be so!

You choose to be like everyone else, or go your own way.

People are afraid of pain and do their best to avoid it. But they do not understand that by avoiding pain, they avoid joy and happiness.

What did I do with my client to stop being afraid of failure and take the path of prosperity and success?

Instead of running away from fear, we met with him face to face. Instead of avoiding pain, I made him experience this pain right now with me, even intensify it to the maximum.

I showed him that pain is not terrible.

And then, when you muster up the courage and plunge into your pain, you will become the master of fear.

Why do people live in poverty or mediocrity all their lives?

They are afraid to quit a job they hate.

They are afraid that there will be nothing to feed the family.

They are afraid of what other people will think and say about them.

They are afraid of everything that can be feared.

What is this life?

God endowed man with a mind, the most powerful computer in the world, and man uses this computer against himself.

People are afraid of mistakes because mistakes hurt. And people stop trying anything at all, because they can make a mistake. I watched a picture of how, during a strong storm, a seagull tried to catch a fish, besides, it was frosty. She tried once and it didn't work. Tried a second time - didn't work. I don't know how many times she failed, but probably a lot. I watched her and admired her. She overcame a strong wind, flew over the waves, chased the fish until she finally caught it! Here is this force! Here is the spirit!

Man was created to be even stronger, but he learned to use his own strength against himself.. Why bother to be successful? I can live like this. And this is embarrassing.

Fear and comfort zone

People have two types of fear:

1) they are afraid that things will go very badly;

2) they are afraid that things will go too well.

Let me show this with the example of money.

People are afraid of complete poverty.

People are afraid of wealth.

If you ask me what they fear more, I can't answer. These are two completely different types of fear.

Fear of poverty is more of a physiological fear. A person is afraid that he will not be able to live.

Fear of wealth is a psychological fear.

They are completely different and have a different focus.

The fear of poverty makes a person work day and night, just to survive.

The fear of wealth makes a person, on the contrary, relax, do nothing, rest and "drain" money.

People who are not ready for money, but get a lot of money, quickly get rid of them. For example, they put money in a bank for a deposit, buy a house, a car and other goods.

Personally, I started from scratch. He started his business with 500 rubles.

I was so afraid of poverty that I worked day and night on my website, wrote materials, developed it until I reached the level of 30 thousand rubles a month.

When I left my parents for Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, and began to live on my own, I consciously stepped out of my comfort zone. Living with my parents, 30 thousand rubles were enough for me to build my own business and personal expenses (food, rest, etc.). When I started an independent life, 30 thousand rubles was barely enough for an apartment and food. It was very little. I set myself the goal of reaching 120 thousand rubles a month. I achieved this very quickly, within 3 months, that is, I increased my income 4 times in 3 months!!!

But, nevertheless, I was still very afraid of poverty. The fear of poverty forced me to keep the bar at 120 thousand rubles every month. Half of this amount I spent on education and training. I have gone through a lot of training.

And what is surprising is that I did not fall below this bar and did not rise above this bar. My comfort zone was just at that level. You will not believe, but in total I held on to this bar for about 3 years!!!

The fear of poverty did not let me fall lower.

And the fear of wealth did not allow me to rise higher.

I am writing these lines now, and you can think: “What nonsense? What is the fear of wealth?

If you think so, then you are not aware of your fear of wealth. In such cases, fear has the greatest power. He stops you and you don't even know it. Look at reality! The results in your reality are the best indicator of what is actually happening.

Fear of wealth, fear of success, fear of relationships - they all have the same power as the fear of poverty, failure, loneliness. They just don't show up as brightly as negative fears.

The interlocutor on the train is a vivid example of how the fear of wealth keeps him!

And look at your life...

Surely you have been on the same plus or minus 20% income level for a long time.

This is the same comfort zone.

Down you do not fall, because you are holding the fear of poverty.

And you don’t go up, because you are afraid of wealth and a new lifestyle.

This is the comfort zone. And that's how it works!

I confess honestly, I had never known before, I had not read in any book about the fear of wealth. I didn't know until I experienced it myself. I couldn't understand why I wasn't growing. And then this realization came to me!

And I realized that I'm not the only one. I realized that other people are also absolutely not ready for wealth.

And this is exactly the same hidden reason why people stay at the same income level.

How to deal with the fear of wealth?

You know, people often say to me: “I am not afraid of wealth!”.

And I see that they really believe in it. Although, of course, I understand what is really happening.

In any case, let's prepare for wealth right now.

If a person wants wealth, feels that he is worthy and ready, then wealth comes. And you already notice that your life is changing.

If it doesn't, then something is not working. “I want”, “I am worthy”, “I am ready”.

Many people say what they want. But how to check if they really want or just say what they want?

Understand that facing the truth is the first step to change in life. As long as a person lives in illusions, he has no chance to succeed. Everyone around is to blame, except for himself.

So how to check?

A person who really wants, he acts. He does something for his desire. Not the fact that these are the most effective and best actions, but it works. It often happens that a person who wants, but is not ready, acts, but performs ineffective actions, because he is marking time.

A person who is ready, acts and performs effective actions to achieve the goal.

Why do some people succeed quickly and reach great heights, while others slowly?

The issue is human readiness.

What is more important - desire or willingness?

In my own example, you have seen how the comfort zone works.

Here is another great example of how the comfort zone works.

Have you noticed that after active rest you dropped 2-5 kilograms of weight?

Did you gain 2–5 kilograms after passive rest?

But after arriving home, after a week, the weight stabilized.

You either gained your 2–5 kilograms or lost them.

Why does weight gain or loss happen so quickly after rest?

Because for each of us there is a certain comfortable weight. This is your comfort zone for your weight.

Remember, please: your subconscious mind always tends to the comfort zone, because the comfort zone is the least energy-consuming state. Any rise or fall is accompanied by a powerful surge and release of energy. Of course, growing is much harder than falling :)

Imagine a rocket that takes off.

She needs tons of kilowatts of energy to take off.

Earth's gravity pulls her down. Air resistance also interferes with speed gain!

The same will happen to a person who wants to overcome his comfort zone. Old friends will laugh at him, parents will want to "save" him from danger, just "good people" will share their bad experiences with him and give advice. All his surroundings will pull him down, like gravity pulls a rocket down.

And only his determination, his willpower, his desire will move him forward and upward.

In the case of a rocket, everything is much simpler, because mathematicians can calculate how much fuel a rocket needs to overcome gravity and resistance and enter orbit.

What do you need to "fly to orbit"?

Orbita is a new level of comfort zone.

Just two ingredients: Target! Focus!

At the training "Sea of ​​money and happiness" we will do meditations and special exercises to increase the comfort zone.

What stopped her cash flow? Real life example

I will tell one story. Yesterday I arrived from Zakopane, Poland, where I went skiing and celebrated the New Year. We phoned my client and agreed on a consultation. She is horrified! She says that there is no money, the money has stopped coming to her.

And we began to understand what happened?

I asked her to remember the very near future, when money was still coming to her easily and freely.

I asked her what she needed the money for?

She said that she was going to fly to Thailand for the New Year and she needed to buy plane tickets and also pay for accommodation.

Today is January 5, and since December 16 she has not had a single income, although many people had to pay for her services, including her tenants who rent her apartment in St. Petersburg.

What stopped the flow of money into her life?

Compare answers!

– I really wanted to go to Thailand. I dreamed about this trip for a long time. I was working, creating my own design projects and thinking about a trip to Thailand.

“At first I was looking for a place to live. I needed to find a bungalow. I wanted to find paradise. Then I needed excellent Internet.

And when I found all this, I enjoyed the beauty. I lived in a state of gratitude and happiness.

- Do I understand correctly that you did not think about your new dream at all?

- Hardly ever. I enjoyed the beauty.

– I managed to study you and I know that money always comes to you to make your dream come true. This is true?

– And now you didn’t think about your new dream at all?

- Hardly ever.

What was your main focus?

“On the beauty and abundance of this place. I have never lived in such abundance and such beauty.

– And you forgot about your dream and your goal?

What conclusions can you draw from this story?

Why did the cash flow to this woman stop?

What can be done to restore it?

So let's sum it up:

the cash flow was closed because the focus of a woman has shifted from goals and dreams for which money was needed, to everyday moments (search for housing + the Internet) and enjoying beauty and abundance.

What can be done to restore cash flow again?

I know that this woman has one huge dream. She went to Thailand to fulfill this dream. She needs to focus on her main dream!

This is what art is: you need to be able to enjoy life, constantly moving forward and forward towards new goals and dreams!

If you just constantly live and enjoy life and the beauty of the world, forgetting about your dreams and goals, sooner or later you will start to fall.

If you constantly think about your dreams and goals, not enjoying what you already have, and looking back at the beauty of the world, you will soon become unhappy, and the big money that you will earn will no longer bring you joy and happiness. Very often this is what happens to rich people. They are so focused on their goals (often monetary) that they forget to enjoy life.

Both one and the second extreme are fatal, each in its own way.

Part 2 Limiting Money Beliefs

Let’s now compile a list of the most common limiting money beliefs:

Money is evil.

Money is the root of all problems.

Money spoils a person.

Poor people are honest, noble, kind.

It is impossible to earn big money honestly.

The higher I climb, the harder it will fall.

For self-denial, God will provide you with well-being after death.

Money can't buy happiness. Money can not buy happiness.

Money is not the most important thing in life.

To make big money, you need money.

Money is a danger.

Big incomes - big taxes.

Money must be protected and taken care of.

Less money - sleep better.

The main wealth is inside a person.

Having a lot of money, I will become a slave of my money.

There is no point in saving money. Inflation and other moments will “eat up” them.

If you have a lot of money, you will lose your friends.

Rich people are lonely.

Why were all these beliefs formed?

Because we are always shown one side of the coin. Notice, as soon as celebrities, successful and rich people experience some kind of failure, the media immediately raises a fuss, and the whole world already knows about the problems of these people.

Note that when a poor man gives his last 100 rubles to a good deed, this is exalted, exalted and praised, and when a rich man donates several million to charity, this is not properly evaluated, they say, what are these several million for him?

No one talks about the charitable deeds of the rich, no one talks about the fact that they donate millions of dollars and for what purposes.

No one talks about the wonderful relationship in their families.

Nobody talks about how happy these people are.

We are not shown how cool they are.

We are shown only one side of the coin - their problems!

And people conclude that their whole life is full of problems.

Imagine that you are coming to a city that you have dreamed of visiting all your life.

And the guide begins to take you to the most unpleasant places, shows the ruins and poverty of this city. He takes you through the slums and only shows you the worst. You live in the worst area, in the worst hotel...

Then you come home full of disappointment.

And your friend was in the same city and thinks it's the most beautiful city in the world.

Are you wondering how this can be? And the secret is that he visited the most beautiful and best places in this city.

So it is with rich people. We are shown the worst moments in their lives and leave behind the scenes the best.

Let's now take a closer look at the most common limiting beliefs.

Belief Series:

Money is evil.

Money is the root of all problems.

The more money, the more problems.

Money spoils a person.

Please understand that money is neither good nor bad in the same way that other instruments are.

Is the computer bad or good?

If thanks to the computer you develop, grow, work, it is good.

If, thanks to the same computer, you play games all night long, lose money and are no longer interested in anything else, it is bad.

Is the car good or bad?

If you enjoy driving, enjoy the process and the ability to move from one place to another very quickly, then the car is good. Thanks to the car you feel free.

But if you “fly” like crazy on it, it becomes dangerous for others, because one day you may not be able to control the controls, and trouble will come.

Imagine a field with beautiful fertile land.

You can plant trees in this field that will give a wonderful harvest, you will feed thousands of people. Or you can plant hemp in this field and sell it. By doing this, you will harm so many people who will become drug addicts.

With a shovel you can dig up a field, or you can kill a man.

That is, all things and objects in themselves are neutral.

Only man gives them meaning.

A person does something good or bad.

It's the same with money.

Money by itself has never hurt anyone. They don't think and they don't do anything. They just are. And depending on which hands the money falls into, this is the result.

Money is just energy. Very powerful and strong energy.

And if this energy falls into “the wrong” hands, it creates destruction.

Money is man's magnifying glass.

If a person is evil, then give him more money, he will create even more evil around him and in the world.

A happy person, thanks to money, will create joy and happiness around him and in the world. “Money spoils a man,” people say.

This is not so, just without money a person did not show his true essence. When he got the money, he opened up. He was spoiled even before receiving the money, just now he showed himself.

As I said, money is a very powerful and powerful energy. And the more money, the stronger this energy. It's just that most people can't handle this energy, and "money spoils them."

Imagine that a person had an old Zhiguli, on which he could accelerate to a maximum of 100 kilometers per hour. A person knows how to drive a car quite well and therefore he drives well at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour. But then he wins several tens of millions of dollars in the lottery and buys himself a Ferrari. And a Ferrari is no longer a Zhiguli. Ferrari accelerates to 260 kilometers per hour. And, of course, a person does not cope with control at such a speed and dies.

Why don't people say sports cars are evil? Everyone understands that the problem is not in the car, but in the driver.

It's the same with money: it's not about the money itself, but about the owner.

The reputation of the same restaurant can be ruined by one manager, and another manager can raise it to the skies. One and the same excellent football team can be destroyed by one coach, and another will win the Champions League with it.

It's all about the manager!

Now do you realize how beautifully you have been indoctrinated into a series of false beliefs about money?

We often draw the wrong conclusions from a situation and therefore create false beliefs in ourselves.

We hear some information and draw conclusions from it without knowing the details.

Did you play the game "Broken Phone" as a child?

The first player whispers a word in the ear of another player, the second passes it as he heard it to the third, and so on. Until it reaches the last one and he will voice what he heard, it turns out a complete discrepancy with the initial word. “We started for health, but ended for peace” - there is such a proverb. The same thing happens in human perception. He draws false conclusions from the situation and lives by these false conclusions. A lot of false conclusions are formed in childhood. The Universe brings about what you believe in, whether your belief is true or false, whether it brings you joy or pain.

Here is a classic example of creating a false belief.

When we were kids, when we went to school, we got grades. When we got bad grades, we were scolded. It gave us moral pain. We got bad grades because we made mistakes. And we concluded that mistakes are bad! Mistakes must be guarded against.

And this belief that mistakes are bad causes millions of people to be mediocre because they are afraid to make a move.

Do you know a person who got on a bike and rode right away?

Do you know a person who immediately got on skis and never fell?

Do you know someone who started reading right away?

We concluded that mistakes are bad, not realizing that without them there will be no success.

Moreover, we have become afraid of mistakes!

Personally, I have gone through all of this. I was an excellent student and scared to death of being wrong. It took me several years to learn to make mistakes and act boldly.

We made a conclusion based on partial information.

Yes, I agree, mistakes hurt you in the short term.

But in the long run, you will get much more pleasure and joy.

How many times did you fall when you were learning to walk? It was painful? Very painful.

But now you can walk, and this gives you huge advantages in life.

Why do people not stop learning to walk, but keep falling, getting up and learning again?

And with regard to money, they decided that money spoils a person, and they stop striving to earn it.

Why don't people say: "Learning to walk and fall is very painful, I'd better stop learning this?".

Do you know how many times I had to drink water before I learned to swim?

Do you know how many times I fell before I learned to ski?

So, as far as mistakes are concerned, yes, making mistakes hurts, but it's worth the reward you'll get if you keep going.

We were not told this in childhood, because there are so many “dead” talents.

And all because of the wrong conclusions. And we draw these conclusions based on only a part of the information.

I will tell you one interesting parable "The Blind and the Elephant", which perfectly illustrates how people draw conclusions.

“Beyond the mountains was a big city. All its inhabitants were blind. One day, a foreign king with his army encamped near a city in the desert. The royal army had a huge war elephant, which glorified itself in many battles. With his very appearance, he plunged his enemies into awe.

All the inhabitants of the city were eager to know what it was - an elephant, and several blind people from this community ran like crazy to find out.

Having no idea about what elephants are, they began to feel it from all sides.

Each of them, feeling some part of it, decided that now he knows what an elephant is.

When they returned, they were surrounded by a crowd of impatient townspeople. Deeply deluded, the blind longed to learn the truth from those who themselves were in error.

People asked about the shape and size of the elephant and listened to their explanations.

The man touching the elephant's ear said, "An elephant is something big, wide and rough, like a carpet." But the one who felt the trunk said: “I have authentic information about it. It looks like a straight hollow pipe, terrible and destructive.”

“The elephant is powerful and strong, like a column,” objected another, who felt the leg and foot of the elephant.

Each of them touched only one of the many parts of the elephant. Everyone misunderstood it. They could not grasp everything with their minds: knowledge is not a companion of the blind. They all imagined something about him, but were equally far from the truth.

Let's now move on to another series of limiting beliefs:

All rich people are unhappy.

Rich people are liars, traitors, thieves.

Rich people earn their money by cheating.

Rich people have a lot of money, but they also have a lot of problems that come with it. Wealth is not worth it.

To become rich, you need to sell your soul.

For the rich, money is the most important thing.

Rich people are mean and greedy.

Rich people are lonely.

In this series of beliefs, we are shown how bad rich people are.

"All the rich are unhappy people." Are all poor people happy?

I think there are more happy people among the rich than among the poor.

If a rich person is unhappy, it's not about the money. The fact is that he learned to earn money, but he did not learn to be happy. A person can succeed in one thing, but fail in another. A rich person may have problems in the family and therefore be unhappy. He learned how to earn money, but he did not learn how to build relationships with a loved one.

Is everything so smooth in the families of the poor?

The number 1 reason for quarrels and disagreements in the family is precisely because of the lack of money.

Husbands work overtime to earn more money, and wives get frustrated that their husbands are always away.

Do you think the rich work because they are so greedy that they need more and more money?

They work because they love what they do.

Yes, there are those who hate their job, although they receive millions.

But are there really not those among the poor who hate their work?

“Rich people are liars, traitors, thieves.

Rich people made their money by cheating."

Who is it really about now?

I'm thinking about a small group of politicians, speculators, traders and other such people.

But this association was so inflated that they made all the rich liars, traitors and thieves.

Let's take famous rich people:

Steve Jobs, founder of Apple. Do you think he made money by cheating? Is he a thief, a liar and a traitor?

Actor Tom Cruise. A fine actor who received over $75 million in 2012. What did he steal, whom did he deceive, whom did he betray?

Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft. Thanks to him we use the Internet. Is he also a thief, a traitor and deceives people?

Tony Robbins, America's personal growth guru who raises tens of millions of dollars and donates to charities every year and helps people change their mindset so they can live better lives.

So you can enumerate ad infinitum.

And you understand that these beliefs about rich people are completely absurd.

There are many breeds of dogs. Some I admire and love very much, such as shepherd dogs and huskies. But there are artificially bred breeds that I laugh at, such as the toy terrier. (Toi translated from English means “toy”).

You can take toy terriers and draw conclusions about all dogs.

For example, there are certain types of dogs, the toy terrier breed, that will break their legs if they jump off the couch themselves. Because they are constantly worn on the hands. It can be concluded that all dogs are helpless and stupid creatures.

But after all, if you take sheepdogs and huskies, do you understand that these are very wise, devoted creatures who are ready to serve people faithfully?

On the example of dogs, it seems ridiculous to you, but they did the same with people. They took the unsuccessful rich and the most unsuccessful moments from the life of other rich people and showed it to the public. And the public concluded that all the rich are so bad.

Next series of beliefs:

Money can't buy happiness.

Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

Money is not the most important thing in life.

Rich people have a lot of money, but they also have a lot of problems that come with it. Wealth is not worth it.

Gather wealth in heaven, not on earth.

These "beautiful" sayings were created by the poor to justify their poverty. In order to get rich, you need to work hard. And often such work can take several years of life. People want to be rich without doing anything. People want to have something without giving anything in return. And if you have to work, and moreover, seriously and hard, then it’s easier to come up with a stupid excuse like “Money can’t buy happiness” or “Money is not the main thing in life”, and you won’t have to work.

To be honest, I feel sorry for such people, because in their hearts and souls they know that they could have achieved a lot in life, but they refused, and sadness and guilt forever settle in their hearts. Every year this sadness is more and more. And one fine day it becomes too late to start something, because the energy is gone, time is gone, and these people are left with great regret to live out their lives ...

Now ask yourself: “Am I ready to work hard for 3-7 years to be rich?”.

"Hard" does not mean physically. “Hard” means morally, because you have to leave your comfort zone, take responsibility, take risks, lose, win, then fall again, then get up.

Life in a hired job is pretty monotonous and even. The life of entrepreneurs and businessmen is like a roller coaster.

Sometimes you have to sacrifice rest, your interests, family, hobbies, work 12-14 hours a day to create a really worthwhile business.

Are you ready for this?

Why do I say 3 to 7 years? Because it usually takes so long to create something really worthwhile. People who get rich quick usually also go broke quickly. You begin to appreciate money when you have worked hard to earn it.

History with 50 kopecks

This story happened when I was in 6th or 7th grade. We lived quite poorly. Mom gave me little pocket money, or rather, she gave me 50 kopecks every morning (2.5 rubles). She said that if I study well, I will receive 1 hryvnia, and then even more.

I really liked Lego. It cost about 13–20 hryvnias (60–100 rubles). And instead of spending my money every day, I collected them for a designer.

But imagine, my classmates constantly went to the canteen during lunch, bought themselves pizza, pies, lunches and other sweets. I really liked pizza. It cost about 75 kopecks and was very tasty. And I really liked her.

My friends went to the dining room and called me. It was very painful and unpleasant for me to always refuse. I said I didn't want to eat. But it wasn't true. Maybe I didn't want to eat, but the pizza was very tasty and I would have eaten it with pleasure. But I collected money for the designer. I was also very fond of model cars and soldiers and collected money to buy them. At home I built trampolines and played with cars. It was a great happiness for me. I loved building blocks because I liked building things out of blocks. I even managed to fold something that was not written in the instructions.

I was a very creative person! My imagination worked great.

But I still remember that pain.

I had to choose: either eat with friends, or buy myself Lego, models and soldiers. I chose constructor. But over this year, and then for the next few years, the belief in the limitations of the universe was very deeply rooted in me. The model of poverty was also ingrained in my mind because I lived in poverty. I wanted to but couldn't afford it. And now I see the same model of choice in other people. They choose either one or the other. Why choose when you can get both? The universe is abundant! She will give you whatever you want. You just need to be bold in your desires and decisive in your actions.

I believed so much that this upper limit exists (15 UAH per month), that later, when I grew up, I continued to believe in it! Of course, this bar was already far from 15 hryvnia, but it was! In my youth, this bar for me was 15 hryvnias (75 rubles). When I entered adulthood, I understood that the bar of $1,000 (30,000 rubles) was my limitation. I had to make a lot of effort and work to build my business and rise above this bar. After $1000, I set another bar - $4000 per month. But each plank existed for me for a certain period of time. One bar is 2 years, the other is 3 years, the third is 5 years, the fourth is 1 year, the fifth is 6 months.

End of introductory segment.

Everyone sooner or later wonders about the causes of financial bad luck. The answer is simple: hard work and professional skills are not enough to achieve material well-being. Often the biggest obstacle to success is our own mindset.

Many of us have faced the fact that the huge efforts applied to work do not lead to the desired result. It seems that fate should have rewarded all efforts long ago, but meanwhile the income remains at the same level, and the career promotion that you so much sought goes to some less diligent colleague. Ineffective efforts are followed by a series of other problems: fatigue accumulates, health problems and family conflicts appear. How to overcome this streak of bad luck and achieve positive results? To these questions, a well-known financial success coach who showed many people the right path to prosperity and high prosperity.

What's stopping you from getting rich?

According to Alexander Andreev, one of the biggest problems on the way to financial success is the money blocks sitting in our heads. In it, he analyzes in detail the reasons for the restrictions that put an end to financial success. Often, a negative financial program is imposed on us as a child, and subsequently reinforced by negative attitudes related to money. After all, everyone is familiar with phrases like “we can’t afford it,” “we must live according to our possibilities, but we don’t have them,” and so on. Such phrases seem quite ordinary, but they are fraught with great danger, because it is our subconscious mind that ultimately determines our actions.

On a vivid example from life, Alexander Andreev shows,. "The Story of a Beginning Millionaire" is the story of the financial take-off of an entire family, which was initially entangled in money problems and survived more than one difficult situation. Moving to the capital, the career collapse of the head of the family, the negative attitudes of the heroine, which prevented her from revealing her financial potential and almost deprived her husband of financial failure...

The path of this family is a story of getting rid of internal restrictions and hard work on oneself, which resulted in financial success and the acquisition of real family happiness. Having survived a series of difficulties, the hero of the book will open his own business, and his wife, content with a low level of her own income, will increase it to 150 thousand. Using the example of his heroes, Alexander Andreev analyzes in detail the mistakes that each of us can make, and shows how to avoid them and start living, and not existing, relying on a lucky chance.

How to get rid of financial restrictions

It shows that the work on material success depends not only on the individual: it is an intensive work both on one's own thoughts and on the microclimate in the family. The wrong behavior of the heroine of the book led to the fact that her husband almost became a loser. For women who want their loved one to be successful and achieve their goals, the book by Alexander Andreev will become an invaluable assistant: it describes in detail what phrases, attitudes and actions put an end not only to your financial success, but also block your spouse's money channel.

Those whose efforts do not lead to an increase in income, . Many readers say that The Story of a Beginner Millionaire literally changed their fate: after reading, they understood what was preventing them from achieving success, learned how to bypass obstacles, and in a short time significantly changed their lives for the better.

Financial Fortune is favorable to those who are not afraid of change and are ready to act. You can download Alexander Andreev's book "The Story of a Novice Millionaire" and start the path to success right now. After all, it is better to learn from the mistakes of others than to make them yourself, losing weeks, months, or even years to correct.

23.12.2016 04:30

Every person experiences financial problems from time to time, but sometimes they turn into a real black streak, get out ...

Financial success depends on many factors, the main of which is the way of thinking. Sometimes we, without suspecting it, push luck and money away from ourselves. This is because of the negative attitudes that block our path to success.

Alexander Andreev, financial success coach and author of The Beginning Millionaire's Story, believes that we create most of the obstacles to wealth and success on our own. By the way, you can download this book for free on his website.

The psychology of poverty is so firmly rooted in our minds that even with the opportunity to change our lives for the better, we remain in one place, preferring to be content with stability, which does not promise us any prospects. The main reason lies in negative attitudes that can turn even a person with high potential into a loser. It is these thoughts learned by many in childhood that prevent them from taking advantage of the opportunities that fate provides, developing their talents and achieving what they want. However, getting rid of them is quite possible. Alexander Andreev, who independently went through a difficult path to wealth and became a successful and prosperous person, knows how to do it. You can find out too: today you have a chance to download his book "The Story of a Beginning Millionaire" for free.

In the book, Alexander Andreev analyzes in detail the thoughts and attitudes that prevent you from achieving financial success and becoming happier. One of the most common attitudes, which over time turns into a whole negative program, is associated with a negative attitude towards money and prosperous people. For example, there is a certainty that big money can only be earned dishonestly, and in general, happiness is not in money.

The danger of such an attitude is that it is deposited in the subconscious, and it is precisely this that determines our actions. The unfounded belief that wealth and success are necessarily associated with deceit literally builds a shield around a person, from which luck and favorable opportunities are repelled. Thus, even a person with high potential and remarkable abilities stops striving for the best and remains in an unloved job with a small but stable salary. Meanwhile, many examples prove that it is quite possible to earn good money in an honest way, doing what you love. The main difference between prosperous people is that they did not allow erroneous opinions, negative attitudes and doubts to stand in their way to success. You can do it too: The Story of a Beginning Millionaire will help you to abandon destructive thinking and start moving towards your goal.

No less pernicious is the belief that it is impossible to earn money doing what you love. For this reason, many continue to spend nine hours at a job they hate, burying their talent in the ground. Alexander Andreev is sure: the key to wealth is inside you, and these are your unique abilities. First of all, prosperity is achieved by those who put their soul into work: is it possible to put their soul into work that brings neither joy nor satisfaction? In the book "The Story of a Beginning Millionaire", which you can download for free, Alexander Andreev describes in detail the possibilities of turning a hobby into a profitable and profitable business.

Continuing the topic:

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