"We lose weight together with Ksenia Borodina": chapters from a new book. We lose weight in a week - the stages of the diet. Nutrition for the week and reviews of people losing weight on the Borodina diet Borodina's book about losing weight - read

Ksenia Borodina

Losing weight with Ksenia Borodina

About diets, pills, sports, style and ... female happiness

"Hello! Help me lose weight! - every now and then exclaim my acquaintances and friends at a meeting. This is instead of the usual question: “How are you?”. It’s no secret that I didn’t pass the problems with being overweight even before pregnancy, and even during it, with my huge belly, I gave the impression of a real fat woman. Therefore, when after giving birth I lost a lot of weight, I immediately made a sensation. She excited many, starting with Yana Rudkovskaya and ending with my mother, who once, having called me from Italy, apparently for a different reason, at the end of the conversation still could not resist: “Ksyusha, so what should I do to lose weight ?

Quite slender women were also interested in this, which proves once again: THE QUESTION OF WEIGHT LOSS is painful, it WORKS IF NOT EVERYONE, THEN ALMOST EVERYONE.

At some point, I began to seem to myself a person who stands at the subway with a sign: “Do you want to lose weight? Ask me "how"?

And then I thought about the book. Picking up a pen was hardly easier than losing weight: like many mothers, I am torn between a child and work. However, I made up my mind.

Moreover, there were scammers who, on my behalf, also began to deceive people.

“The mysterious way to lose weight by Ksenia Borodina” interested more and more people. It got to the point that many actresses, singers and TV presenters turned to me for help, though not directly, but through mutual friends.

Yes, they are also involved in the birth of this book. As soon as the media trumpeted about the "miracle of Ksenia Borodina", unscrupulous citizens unknown to me filled the Internet with various banners and all sorts of false blogs. For a fee, they offered to reveal the secret of my diet. There were frankly charlatan sentences like: “Oh my God! All nutritionists of the world are shocked! Click the link, pay 50 rubles, and you will learn how to lose 10 kilograms in two hours.

I saw banners advertising some kind of "Borodina's cucumber diet" and other strange recipes that boggle the imagination. I was really shocked by a message in one of the supposedly “official” blogs: Ksenia Sobchak revealed to Ksenia Borodina her secret “enema diet”, which (if you do enemas every evening) promises instant weight loss. Those damn enemas made me the butt of ridicule. But Ksyusha and I have never discussed the topic of losing weight, and even more so through enemas!

When I became a TV presenter, the label "fat" firmly stuck to me. I know plumper artists and blue screen stars, but for some reason no one calls them fat. But journalists constantly wrote about me: “Ksenia Borodina, constantly experiencing problems with being overweight ...”.

I am short, only 165 cm tall. For people like me, every extra kilogram is noticeable: unnecessary centimeters are visible at the waist, “hanging” sides are striking. But this is not the only thing: about seven kilograms visually "adds" the TV screen. In the image, the body is stretched in breadth, and any person seems to be fuller than they really are. I looked like an overweight girl. People who are only familiar with my screen image, seeing me in life, were surprised: “Wow, you are not at all fat!”

I hate that scammers, hiding behind my name, mislead people

And yet, at various periods of my life, I really experienced problems with being overweight. I managed to solve them successfully. I like that now I'm so slim and petite. I want to stay like this. The main thing is that I came to my current weight in a natural way, while remaining a healthy person. I did not resort to any express methods, or cucumbers, or enemas. After all, losing weight is work, a system.

I want to help women get in shape, as I did, and at the same time stop the ugly antics of scammers. In this book, I will share my knowledge about proper nutrition and exercise. I’ll tell you which methods are really effective, and which absolutely cannot be done. Overweight problems are largely psychological problems. Therefore, I write not only about my struggle with extra pounds, but also about how I lived, becoming a TV presenter.

I. Psychology

History of pills

Before proceeding to the history of my weight loss, I must tell you how the problem with extra pounds arose in general. This story happened to me a few years ago, at the dawn of my television career.

All my adult life I dreamed of becoming a TV presenter. I dreamed about this work in a dream and in reality, sent out offers of cooperation to all known TV channels. My letters remained unanswered, no one was interested in my resume, and going to auditions did not bring the desired result.

At some point, I despaired and decided to move to Italy - my parents live there - and, perhaps, find myself in the specialty that I received at the Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism. I'm a certified tourism manager. And suddenly, at the moment when they announced the landing on my plane, the phone rang, which turned out to be fateful. On the other end of the wire was a TNT employee who announced that I had passed the casting of the presenters and I should come to the TV channel's office.

Of course, I did not fly to any Italy, but rushed towards an old dream. My parents were not happy with the changeability of my decisions, but, knowing what this proposal meant for me, they reconciled.

When I finally got to the Dom-2 project, I was truly happy. I had to broadcast with Ksenia Sobchak herself and did not want to lose against her background at all. I tried to demonstrate professionalism: not only to be a great presenter and an interesting conversationalist, but also to look good in the frame. And here the problems began.

I have always been great at photography. And I could not even imagine how much the video camera “does not love” and distorts my appearance. No matter how thin I really was, in the frame I always looked large and well-fed. In general, the TV clearly does not decorate the TV presenter. Something urgently needed to be done about this.

And then I decided to try to lose a couple of pounds. Now I clearly know this: in order to reduce weight, you need to work hard. But then I, like many girls, believed that it was possible to lose weight without making any serious efforts.

One of the easiest weight loss options offered on the internet is pills. And I chose this path.

I went to the pharmacy and bought very popular and, by the way, expensive Chinese appetite suppressant pills. It is believed that this is a completely harmless remedy for the body. So I also thought: nothing bad will happen if I take them. And I was cruelly mistaken: this drug really ruined my life.

The first couple of days I took pills and felt absolutely nothing. Soon the feeling of hunger began to recede, then disappeared. In the morning it seemed to me that my stomach was full, I didn’t want to eat at all. I was delighted: the weight began to decline rapidly. In just a week, I dropped four to five kilograms. That is even more than originally planned.

But how have I been sausage all this week!

First, I couldn't sleep. As it turned out, the pills had a very nice side effect - they acted like energy drinks.

I lay all night in bed with my eyes open and counted not elephants and not even dropped kilograms, but minutes before getting up. Every morning I had to go to work and broadcast. Since I could not fall asleep on time, I did not get enough sleep. Tried going to bed earlier. Useless. In the evenings I was covered with a wave of some insurmountable and inexplicable fear. There was nothing I could do to calm myself. It was terrible!

Secondly, during the entire period of taking the pills and a few more days after the end, I was in such a nervous state, as if I had a stable incessant PMS. At work, I constantly broke down, yelled at everyone. In short, she turned into a hysteric, became nasty to herself. What to say about those around me - I exhausted them with my seizures! Perhaps someone thought that “star disease” woke up in me, but this is not so: the pills are the reason for everything. And I was no longer happy with the weight I lost, I just wanted to get enough sleep and stop being nervous.

I stopped taking these pills. Only a week after that, my appetite returned, normal sleep was restored. Everything would be fine, but then I was overtaken by retribution for what I had done: the kilograms that hastily left me returned just as quickly, taking friends with them. No matter what I ate, I still gained weight: I could, for example, sit all day on water and apples, and wake up in the morning and stand on the scales, find more and more kilograms.

The Eksmo publishing house published a book-revelation of the popular TV presenter and socialite Ksenia Borodina. As it turned out, the "mysterious method of Borodina" is based primarily on common sense. Unlike numerous Internet sites that attracted an audience by illegally using the name of Xenia, Ksenia herself does not promise miracles. After all, in fact, a good figure is sanity and work on oneself. In order to be convinced of this, it is enough to read the chapters from the new book “Lose Weight Together with Ksenia Borodina”. We thank the publishing house "Eksmo" for providing readers of the site with the opportunity to get acquainted with the contents of the book among the first!

"A firm no!"

I often see ads on the Internet in the spirit of "To lose weight dramatically, you need to give up only three products!". It is usually suggested to remove bread, sugar, and, for example, butter from the diet. These ads look very tempting: it would seem, eat as much as you want, all other products, and lose weight. But, believe me, this does not happen. A person loses weight from the fact that he receives less energy from food than he needs, and not from the choice of sources of this energy.

In all the diets that I recommend in the application, some foods are excluded, which are especially detrimental to the body, contributing to rapid weight gain. But you can’t completely limit yourself, for example, in fats, in order to be able to eat a lot of sweets that contain carbohydrates. Without fat, the body will not be able to function normally, a person will simply get sick if he eats like this!

I watched my friend Masha try to eat, completely eliminating all starchy and sweet foods from her diet. She decided that she would not eat chocolate, sweets, cookies, spaghetti, dumplings, dumplings, buns, bread and many other terribly delicious things. And Masha, I must say, has a terrible sweet tooth!

When we were going to a restaurant with a group, she could order, for example, a cream caramel dessert and a milkshake, and then wait and order another dessert - Napoleon or blueberry pie (I even remembered what she likes). Therefore, you can imagine what Masha doomed herself to. I asked her how she was going to maintain the necessary balance of carbohydrates in the body, Masha replied that she had vegetables, fruits and cereals for this.

After a while, we met again, and Masha looked, although unhappy, when she chose a salad and tea in a cafe, but she had lost a little weight. “It’s hard for me to resist eating a whole bar of chocolate. I can't stop at one bite," she explained. “And when it’s completely impossible, then you don’t need to fight with yourself, no, that means no.” I was happy for my friend, but it turned out that it was premature. After a while, we saw each other again, that her previous weight returned. Moreover, she had a lot of problems from the nutrition system she invented. Masha really didn’t eat sweets and starchy foods all this time. At first it was difficult for her, but she endured. And then the cunning organism itself suggested ways to solve the problem posed to it.

Firstly, Masha got hooked on nuts. She did not forbid them to herself, because it is not floury and not sweet. Therefore, I decided one day that there would be nothing terrible if she only ate 50 grams of almonds. But instead of 50, she ate 100. But in terms of the number of calories, 100 g of almonds is more than 100 g of Masha's favorite chocolate. The same thing happened with cereals. At first, Masha ate porridge only for breakfast, and at lunch and dinner she tried to get enough of meat and vegetables. But she lacked her favorite taste, Masha, unlike me, does not like meat at all. As a result, she began to cook porridge for dinner as well, and in between meals, eat a bag of oatmeal. It’s not hard to guess that in terms of calories, it came out almost as much as from her double servings of desserts. She poured plenty of oil over the porridge (after all, it was also “possible”!), From this they became even more satisfying.

Secondly, Masha constantly had a stomach ache. From an excessive amount of fruit (“maybe”), from Coca-Cola Light, from chewing gum with a sweetener, which a friend quietly chewed two packs a day. In the end, Masha had to stop this "diet" and switch to a normal diet - she began to work on eating less sweets, and not giving them up completely.

Despite the sad experience of a friend, I do not think that forbidden foods are not an option. There just needs to be an alternative.

Readers probably won’t believe me, but I love the Tarragon drink. I know it's disgusting and you shouldn't drink it, but - what can I do - I love it. Previously, I was also fond of Coca-Cola and Sprite, but I decided to give them up. Tarragon, it seems, is also chemistry, but the stomach does not swell so much from it, it does not get sick, nothing hurts, like from Cola and Sprite. Of all the carbonated evils, I chose the lesser. I also believe that it is quite possible to give up such a product as mayonnaise forever, especially when it comes to its store-bought version. And instead of it, supplement food with ketchup, since it’s impossible without sauces. Ketchup has much less fat than mayonnaise. If you have a sweet tooth, try switching from chocolates to fruit candies. Lovers of meat and sausages, replace the fatty "Moscow" smoked sausage with boiled "Doctor's". Fans of flour, switch from wheat bread to rye bread.

If you love chocolate - and it's high in fat - and you can't refuse this product, try limiting yourself to something else, for example, to minimize the use of oil in cooking. Then you can adjust the amount of fat that enters your body daily. In order to learn how to replace one product with another, you need to know your tastes well (this is not difficult) and the properties of the products, and for this you have my book in your hands.

About emergency diets

I conditionally divide diets into regular and emergency. I distinguish between them by the number of calories that a nutritionist suggests consuming per day. And also the time it takes for the diet to work.
An emergency diet is a few days of extremely moderate eating. A person eats enough every day to get only 1000 calories. This is very small, half as much as even the smallest woman needs, and catastrophically small for a large lady.

Products for an emergency diet can only be low-calorie - kefir, apples, those very notorious cucumbers that Internet scammers attribute to me, zucchini, carrots, mushrooms, spinach, seaweed and so on. With such a diet, the body rapidly loses mass, burning accumulated fats. And this, it would seem, is wonderful! But. Several problems appear at once.

Problem number 1. No tone

If the body receives less than just 10-20% of the calories it needs, but all 50%, it becomes clearly unwell. A person who is losing weight feels lethargic, sleepy, it is difficult for him to concentrate. This is very bad, especially if the profession involves mental work. This effect can be neutralized a little with the help of coffee or energy drinks, but not for long.
In the first two or three days of a low-calorie diet, a cup of coffee will cheer you up for a while, but from the third day you can even take a shower from energy drinks - there will still be no effect. Sheer lifelessness and pale appearance. One of my girlfriends on the third day of such a diet even fainted!

Problem number 2. No immunity

On the fourth or sixth day of a 1000-calorie diet, a person who is losing weight loses immunity. Everyone knows that from food we get not only energy, but also many necessary elements - phosphorus, iron, magnesium, and so on. Therefore, people who are on a low-calorie diet need to take additional vitamins. I insist - this is a must! Buy at the pharmacy at least "ascorbic acid", or better - a full-fledged complex of vitamins.
Low-calorie diets are a very popular weight loss system. I did not keep statistics, but many of my girlfriends and myself have tried any of them. And there were many cases when, because of such a diet, a girl caught a cold in the middle of the summer heat and for no particular reason, and as soon as she stopped losing weight, she recovered.

Problem number 3. No result

After all the torment, when you can’t really do anything but kefir, apples or cabbage for a whole week, when a birthday and a corporate party were missed for the sake of losing weight, when the boss has already made two remarks that you are not working well, the “X” moment comes. You stand on the scales, and it turns out that the weight has been taken - minus 4 kilograms, as ordered.
The next day, you, so radiant, put on a tight dress, and over afternoon tea, allow yourself to celebrate the end of the diet with ma-a-a-a-scarlet cake. Well, nothing like that - the figure after him is in place, everything is fine. The next day, again, satisfied with your moderate appetite, you again allow yourself one cake. And suddenly some kind of madness happens: you want more. You, knowing that it is impossible, buy it, and then another one. Moderate appetite takes off as if by hand, and the next day you eat cakes, chocolates, spaghetti, dumplings, pies and buns.

Where is this from, what is this attack? Why did the weight lost over the previous week come back after five days, and not only those 4 kilograms that were dropped on an emergency diet, but also an additional 2 kg suddenly settled on the hips? Oh horror, because the goal was completely different!

In addition, if for the first time an emergency diet works flawlessly, then after a few repetitions, the body gets used to such shakes, and generally refuses to lose weight. All symptoms are present, but the weight remains the same.
To lose weight urgently or not to lose weight? Well, we have to conclude: an emergency diet is only suitable in exceptional cases. If you are preparing for a beauty contest or getting married or going to the sea in the company of friends, one of whom you care about, then, of course, try it.

Yes, after a week of kefir or apple asceticism, you will lose 4-5 kilograms. But then ask others not to be surprised that the beauty queen suddenly recovered sharply, warn the newly-minted husband that he married the future fat woman, and also to that guy from the group of friends whom you seduced at sea, so it’s better not to see him at all show up.

I'll add one more thing. An emergency diet is better for girls whose work does not involve enormous mental stress. Such weight loss measures are completely contraindicated for female students during the session. If you are a financial analyst, an accountant, a journalist, postpone the low-calorie diet until a vacation or a long weekend. A little easier for those who work as a seller in a boutique, a secretary, an administrator in a store or a club. You will feel lethargic, but you will be able to work, and there will be no problems with your superiors.
Despite my rather negative attitude towards emergency diets, I will still give a couple of 1000-calorie diets that I or my friends have tried, allowing you to quickly lose up to 5 kg. See these diets in the "Appendix to the second part."

Ksenia Borodina is known to most as an actress, host of the reality show Dom-2. She took part in the projects "Dancing with the Stars" and "Cruel Intentions". Both on the floor and in sports competitions, the star looks great. Which is not surprising, because she owns the authorship of a book about losing weight by Ksenia Borodina. The opus is called “Lose Weight with Ksenia Borodina”. This is not just a dry statement of facts. The book describes many everyday situations in which the reader could find himself.

The famous TV presenter was not at all going to become a writer. She came to this decision after the appearance on the World Wide Web of false information about how she managed to quickly put herself in order. Swindlers tried to profit at the expense of overweight women.

Star tips on how to start a diet:

  • Consult with a nutritionist to determine your ideal weight and determine how many pounds to lose.
  • Do not make sudden changes in the diet. Eat small meals, but more often. Count calories, the optimal number per day is 1500.
  • Even during fasting days, do not bring yourself to starvation.
  • Exercise regularly: running, walking, cycling, if there is no time to go to the gym.
  • Listen to your well-being. A slight malaise, complaints about the digestive system indicate that it is time to reconsider your diet.
  • Drink 2-2.5 liters of water a day.
  • From alcoholic beverages, only dry wine or mojitos can be allowed.
  • Be confident in yourself and a positive result. Develop an effective motivation system for you.

Borodina's book about weight loss - read

Borodina made the same mistakes as most losing weight girls. She took pills to satisfy hunger, did not eat for days, tried different diets. As a result, the telediva analyzed the mistakes made and formulated her own methodology:

  • Eat crushed food saturated with water. So the feeling of hunger will leave you for at least 4 hours. Prepare mashed soups, stewed vegetables and meat, liquid cereals.
  • Replace familiar foods with those that take longer to digest. Protein food is especially useful.
  • If there is no time to cook healthy food, ready-made food systems will help.
  • Remember the glass rule. Your portion should not be more than 200 ml.
  • Forget about white bread, mayonnaise and other harmful things.
  • If you can't completely give up chocolate - adjust the amount of calories at the expense of other products.

Slimming and modern technologies

For a public person, it is important to look good. To achieve the goal, Borodina also tried some medical procedures.

Aesthetic mesotherapy has a positive effect on the health of hair and facial skin. Shallow subcutaneous injections successfully fight cellulite.

Hydrocolonotherapy is indicated for severe obesity, pain in the intestines, impaired bowel function. In fact, this is a very large enema.

LPG massage is expensive, but effective. According to Borodina's book on weight loss, which can be downloaded on the Internet, it is not a problem for the device to rid the patient of excess body fat.

The writer has a negative attitude to helminth therapy, as well as to plastic surgery.

Ksenia Borodina Losing weight with Ksenia Borodina About diets, pills, sports, style and ... female happiness

"Hello! Help me lose weight! - every now and then exclaim my acquaintances and friends at a meeting. This is instead of the usual question: “How are you?”. It’s no secret that I didn’t pass the problems with being overweight even before pregnancy, and even during it, with my huge belly, I gave the impression of a real fat woman. Therefore, when after giving birth I lost a lot of weight, I immediately made a sensation. She excited many, starting with Yana Rudkovskaya and ending with my mother, who once, having called me from Italy, apparently for a different reason, at the end of the conversation still could not resist: “Ksyusha, so what should I do to lose weight ?

Quite slender women were also interested in this, which proves once again: THE QUESTION OF WEIGHT LOSS is painful, it WORKS IF NOT EVERYONE, THEN ALMOST EVERYONE.

At some point, I began to seem to myself a person who stands at the subway with a sign: “Do you want to lose weight? Ask me "how"?

And then I thought about the book. Picking up a pen was hardly easier than losing weight: like many mothers, I am torn between a child and work. However, I made up my mind.

Moreover, there were scammers who, on my behalf, also began to deceive people.

“The mysterious way to lose weight by Ksenia Borodina” interested more and more people. It got to the point that many actresses, singers and TV presenters turned to me for help, though not directly, but through mutual friends.

Yes, they are also involved in the birth of this book. As soon as the media trumpeted about the "miracle of Ksenia Borodina", unscrupulous citizens unknown to me filled the Internet with various banners and all sorts of false blogs. For a fee, they offered to reveal the secret of my diet. There were frankly charlatan sentences like: “Oh my God! All nutritionists of the world are shocked! Click the link, pay 50 rubles, and you will learn how to lose 10 kilograms in two hours.

I saw banners advertising some kind of "Borodina's cucumber diet" and other strange recipes that boggle the imagination. I was really shocked by a message in one of the supposedly “official” blogs: Ksenia Sobchak revealed to Ksenia Borodina her secret “enema diet”, which (if you do enemas every evening) promises instant weight loss. Those damn enemas made me the butt of ridicule. But Ksyusha and I have never discussed the topic of losing weight, and even more so through enemas!

When I became a TV presenter, the label "fat" firmly stuck to me. I know plumper artists and blue screen stars, but for some reason no one calls them fat. But journalists constantly wrote about me: “Ksenia Borodina, constantly experiencing problems with being overweight ...”.

I am short, only 165 cm tall. For people like me, every extra kilogram is noticeable: unnecessary centimeters are visible at the waist, “hanging” sides are striking. But this is not the only thing: about seven kilograms visually "adds" the TV screen. In the image, the body is stretched in breadth, and any person seems to be fuller than they really are. I looked like an overweight girl. People who are only familiar with my screen image, seeing me in life, were surprised: “Wow, you are not at all fat!”

I hate that scammers, hiding behind my name, mislead people

And yet, at various periods of my life, I really experienced problems with being overweight. I managed to solve them successfully. I like that now I'm so slim and petite. I want to stay like this. The main thing is that I came to my current weight in a natural way, while remaining a healthy person. I did not resort to any express methods, or cucumbers, or enemas. After all, losing weight is work, a system.

I want to help women get in shape, as I did, and at the same time stop the ugly antics of scammers. In this book, I will share my knowledge about proper nutrition and exercise. I’ll tell you which methods are really effective, and which absolutely cannot be done. Overweight problems are largely psychological problems. Therefore, I write not only about my struggle with extra pounds, but also about how I lived, becoming a TV presenter.

I. Psychology

History of pills

Before proceeding to the history of my weight loss, I must tell you how the problem with extra pounds arose in general. This story happened to me a few years ago, at the dawn of my television career.

First of all, you need to eat often - every two to three hours. If you eat often, you don't have time to develop an uncontrollable appetite and slow down your metabolism. There should be breakfast, lunch, dinner and small snacks between meals.

Snacks play a very important role. Their goal is to prevent you from eating more than your norm at the main meal. For second breakfast, I recommend eating fruits, berries or drinking smoothies. And for an afternoon snack - sour-milk products, pumpkin seeds, nuts without salt. Skip the afternoon snack - eat more for dinner - checked!

Also pay attention to how much salt and sugar is present in your diet. Less is better. Keep in mind that salt and sugar are found in almost all foods we buy in the store. Try not to add salt to food during cooking, you can slightly salt the dish directly on the dinner plate. For dinner, exclude salt as much as possible so as not to wake up with edema and extra pounds gained from water (salt retains water in the body). Do not add sugar to tea and coffee. Even if this is your long-term habit, start weaning yourself from it by gradually reducing the amount of added sugar. Better use honey. And don't be fooled - brown sugar is still sugar, reduced sodium salt, iodized or soy sauce is still salt.

There is an opinion that if you want to lose weight, you must limit your intake of not only food, but also liquids. This is wrong. If you want to lose weight, drink more fluids. At the same time, you should not eat a lot of salt so that this liquid does not linger. Water is needed for metabolic processes in order to timely remove from the body all unnecessary - all metabolic products. By free liquid, we mean water, green, herbal tea with no added sugar or milk, not soup, juice, or kefir. Everyone has their own norm - somewhere around 30-40 ml per kilogram of body weight. Everyone's favorite coffee has a slightly diuretic effect (removes fluid from the body), so for 1 cup of coffee you need to drink at least 1 glass of water more.

About what rules you still need to follow for those who want to lose weight, see the story:

6 products for weight loss

hemp oil

Contains antioxidants to fight aging, phospholipids, vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, especially necessary in the process of losing weight.


An irreplaceable source of magnesium, potassium, calcium, vitamins and minerals, fiber. Add to salads, pureed soups and vegetable side dishes.

Fish and seafood

An excellent complete protein that provides a long-lasting feeling of satiety and does not allow you to lose muscle mass when losing weight. As soon as there is not enough protein in the diet, a person begins to eat a lot of simple carbohydrates and gain weight.


It is rich in dietary fiber, which contributes to the regular self-cleansing of the body. They remove bad cholesterol, speed up metabolism, promote weight loss.

Contains monounsaturated fatty acids responsible for skin elasticity during weight loss.


The main source of anthocyanins, which have the property to prevent weight gain. Foreign scientists conducted an experiment: the animals were given a diet with a lot of unhealthy fat, one group was given foods containing anthocyanins, the other was not. The group that received anthocyanins gained 25% less body weight than those who did not receive anthocyanins.

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