Lose weight by blood type 1 positive. What should be the diet for the first positive and negative blood type? Measures that increase the effectiveness of the diet

Food is a source of energy and building material. It is needed to replenish vital macro- and microelements, proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Our bodies react to different foods in different ways and have special needs that must be met. Making the right menu for every day is the key to a healthy body.


There are, apparently, millions of different diets, and every year one or two of them break into the lead, then fall out of favor. The blood type diet is considered to be in demand today. However, you may find that a blood type 1 diet that works wonderfully for some people may not necessarily work just as well for others.

Throughout history, people with type 0(I) blood have been known to be natural hunters, prone to outbursts of anger, aggressive behavior, and impulsiveness. Although there is no real scientific support for this information, it is certainly interesting and sheds some light on the diet that is characteristic of these people.

Some believe that the impulsive behavior of the first group leads to big problems. Overeating leads to obesity, diabetes, ulcers, insulin resistance, and thyroid problems.

Attention! Many believe that the owners of this blood have many positive character traits: physical strength, a lean body (despite a plentiful meal) and an active spirit. Men often become champions in sports and withstand heavy loads, while women successfully build a career.

What is the AB0 system and Rh factor?

At the beginning of the 20th century, Landsteiner discovered the AB0 blood group system. He was one of the first to divide blood groups according to the presence or absence of agglutinogens - substances located on the membrane of red cells. So there were A, B, AB and 0 types. Antigen A on the surface of erythrocytes gives the second blood type, agglutinogen B - the third. AB are two agglutinogens on the surface of blood cells and the fourth group. 0 is the absence of agglutinogens on the membrane and the first group.


At the end of the 20th century, another group was discovered that reacted to type 0 - Bombay blood. Individuals with the Bombay group cannot synthesize the H antigen that all members of AB0 have, so they produce antibodies even against the first group. Officially, the first type of blood is considered a "universal" donor, but in fact this is the Bombay type.

In the 1950s, Winner and Landsteiner discovered the D-antigen in a young woman who had agglutinated red blood cells during a blood transfusion. It was originally called the "Rh factor" due to an erroneous historical interpretation that supposedly the D-antigen was found in rhesus monkeys.

In the literary "slang" this word has taken root and is used to this day. People who have a D-protein present on the membrane of their blood cells are called Rh-positive, and those who do not have Rh-negative. In blood transfusion, this indicator plays an important role and allows you to more accurately determine the compatibility of blood.

Diet for blood type 1: protein

It is believed that people with the first blood group make the best use of protein poor in amino acids. It is wise to make healthy choices when eating protein foods, as excess red meat or other fatty sources of protein can lead to serious health consequences such as heart and kidney problems, diabetes, and weight gain.


When choosing protein, it is recommended to pay attention to lean meat: veal, beef, venison and cold-water fish: mackerel, herring and cod. Although people with type 0 blood are able to digest meat more easily than other types, there are some meats that even they should avoid: pork, ham, bacon, goose, smoked salmon, catfish and caviar. Unfortunately, the protein-rich diet recommended for these individuals is not suitable for vegetarians.

Diet for blood type (1 positive): vegetables

Know which vegetables to include in your diet and which to avoid. It is recommended to add the following vegetables to the menu: white cabbage, spinach, romaine lettuce and broccoli.

Nutrition by blood group (1 positive): table of milk products

These vegetables are good for type 0 blood because they are rich in vitamin K, which promotes hemostasis. Carriers of the 1st blood group have more clotting difficulties and therefore should monitor their diet by adding more coagulant vegetables. Other vegetables recommended for these people are turnips, okra, leeks, sweet potatoes, garlic, onions, horseradish, red peppers, pumpkin, parsnips, parsley, leeks, and artichokes.

Important! A person with the first group can eat almost all types of vegetables, but some types are recommended to be avoided. Avoid fermented olives, mushrooms and alfalfa sprouts from the menu to avoid harming the gastrointestinal tract.

People with the first group are prone to arthritis and therefore should avoid eggplant or potatoes, which can aggravate the condition. To support insulin synthesis, it is recommended to eat less corn. People with the first type are also prone to thyroid problems and therefore should avoid cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and mustard.

Nutrition by blood group (1 positive): fruits

To balance a protein-rich diet and add some sweetness to the diet, it is recommended to eat fruits. A person with the first group tends to consume a large amount of "acidic" foods, so it is necessary to balance them. Fruits recommended for people with type 0 blood are figs, prunes, and plums. It is important to balance the acidity of the stomach to avoid gastritis and ulcers.

There are certain fruits that should be avoided in the diet for 1 Rh-positive blood type, as they cause irritation of the mucous membrane: oranges, strawberries, tangerines, blackberries and rhubarb. Coconuts and melons are also recommended to be excluded from the diet. All other fruits and recipes based on them are considered safe.

Read also: and features of the group, the principle of inheritance

Dairy products: a list of permitted and prohibited items

It is mandatory to limit the amount of dairy products in the daily diet. It is also recommended to reduce the consumption of eggs and reduce their number to one per week.

Dairy products that are considered acceptable for people with type 0 blood:

  • Chees Feta;
  • Low-fat cottage cheese;
  • Mozzarella;
  • Spreads.

Diet by blood type (1 positive) for weight loss

When compiling a menu, you need to consider the usefulness of the products. Each blood group has its own recommendations. Products for 1 Rh-positive blood group:

  • Walnuts;
  • Olives;
  • Cereals (rye, millet, barley, rice);
  • Sesame oil.

A healthy lifestyle that includes regular exercise, proper nutrition, and a balanced schedule will help in weight loss. Type 1 blood is very sensitive to food intake and prone to rapid weight gain. However, the opinion on this subject in the scientific community remains controversial.

Nutrition by blood group (1 positive): food table for women

Komarovsky E. O. believes that you need to eat in a balanced way, taking into account constitutional, physiological and environmental conditions. The opinion of a famous doctor is in the video below:

Harmful foods that negatively affect the blood 0

  • Wheat flour;
  • Cashew nuts;
  • Cocoa;
  • Peanut;
  • pistachios;
  • poppy seeds;
  • Brazilian nut;
  • Safflower oil.

Approximate diet menu for a month:

  • Breakfast: tea, yogurt, figs;
  • Lunch: lean meat, brown rice and vegetable salad;
  • Dinner: chicken fillet, boiled potatoes and juice.

Advice! Depending on age, body weight and state of health, you need to choose the appropriate diet. It is mandatory to visit a nutritionist to clarify this issue. People with the first blood group have a high predisposition to cardiovascular diseases. This means that they are advised to maintain a normal body weight, and immediately lose weight if it exceeds the allowable values. Obesity is a major risk factor for the development of cardiovascular events.


Appointment of immunoglobulin in Rh conflict, indications and contraindications

According to the research data of the naturopathic doctor from America, James d'Adamo, the most ancient, which at the time of occurrence was the only one in each of our ancestors, the first (I) blood type is considered to be. Currently, this group is the most common.

To create the right diet for people with the presence of the first positive (I +) blood type, it is necessary to delve into the diet of ancient people and understand what the main food is suitable for eating in the modern world. Our ancestors were mostly hunters, respectively, most of their diet was meat. This explains the irresistible desire on a subconscious level in people with this blood type and Rh factor to consume a lot of meat products.

The first positive blood type positively perceives a protein diet, but only one in which lean meat (all types except pork) and fish predominate. A strong digestive and resistant immune system in people with the most ancient blood type contributes to the good absorption of meat, but even avid meat eaters have body weaknesses. They have a low level of adaptation to the new environment, and the activity of the immune system contributes to the occurrence of allergic reactions, ulcers and increased acidity in the stomach.

People with a positive Rh factor and the first blood group should follow a certain diet to maintain their weight in the norm, and the body in good shape. Products that can be consumed in unlimited quantities:

  • meat (lamb and beef);
  • spinach;
  • iodized salt;
  • brown algae and kelp;
  • eggs; - radish;
  • broccoli;
  • pineapples;
  • dairy products;
  • liver;
  • figs;
  • buckwheat porridge.

Naturally, when compiling a dietary diet, the question arises of what kind of drinks you can quench your thirst. The diet, compiled for people with the oldest blood group, allows the use of freshly squeezed juices from pineapple and cherries. For daily replenishment of the amount of moisture in the body, mineral table water, all varieties of green tea, and decoctions made from rose hips, ginger, linden and mint are recommended. Also acceptable, but occasionally and not in large quantities, are some other drinks - teas made from chamomile, ginseng, sage, apricot, grape and carrot juice, natural wines from white and red grapes.

Foods to Limit or Eliminate Completely

Foods that can be included in limited quantities in a diet program for people with a positive blood type include:

  • Rye bread;
  • cauliflower;
  • beans;
  • cereals (most often oatmeal is recommended);
  • cod;
  • salmon.

Products that it is desirable to exclude from the menu completely:

  • wheat;
  • marinades;
  • sugar;
  • cabbage;
  • citrus;
  • ice cream;
  • Champignon;
  • strawberry;
  • corn;
  • ketchups;
  • avocado;
  • pasta;
  • olives;
  • peanut butter;
  • cottage cheese;
  • melon.

Features of the dietary diet

To reduce weight or keep it normal, people with the first positive blood type should completely abandon foods that block the production of insulin and inhibit the production of hormones in the thyroid gland. First of all, the already mentioned wheat becomes a prohibited product. The use of products from the recommended list will help speed up the metabolic process, which will enhance the effect of losing weight. Many people with this common blood type acquire a pronounced slow metabolism over the years. For this reason, you should include a large amount of red meat and seafood in your diet. It is desirable to give special preference to foods containing a lot of iodine - broccoli, spinach, greens.

When cooking, it is recommended to replace table salt with sea salt. To stimulate the production of thyroid hormones in the thyroid gland, radish and bitter radish should be included in the diet menu. If these products are not particularly loved by a person with the first positive blood group, then juice can be squeezed out of them and mixed with, for example, carrot juice to improve the taste.

In the case when a person with such a blood group and such a Rh factor has a disturbed blood clotting process, it is necessary to include certain foods in the diet, namely: greens, eggs, algae and cod liver oil. Especially harmful are sweets and pastries. It is strictly not recommended to eat muffins, cakes, pies, buns, sweets. These products should become banned.

Measures that enhance the effectiveness of the diet

Since the problem of delayed blood clotting is quite common among people who have the first blood type with a positive Rh factor, in addition to diet, vitamins from group B and vitamin K will help get rid of this phenomenon. At the same time, you should stop using certain medications, for example, from Aspirin, which increases acidity, and Ginko Biloba, which thins the blood excessively.

In any case, whether to take certain drugs or refuse them should be decided together with the doctor individually in each case. To maintain the body in a normal state, people with the most common blood type should lead a healthy lifestyle in addition to dietary nutrition. You need to move a lot. To do this, you can choose one of the following methods: skiing, aerobics, swimming, running.

The modern development of dietology has made it possible to significantly diversify the table of those who monitor their weight. The blood type 1 positive diet will be an excellent solution for those users whose blood type meets the definition of O + (I +).

The problem of excess weight is one of the most relevant today. But it, unfortunately, is closely related to the risk of developing pathologies. However, sometimes it happens that a diet that is suitable for losing weight for one person is absolutely useless for another. For example, a blood type 1 negative diet is completely unsuitable for people with other blood. Why is this happening?

Why do we lose weight differently

Let the opponents of Darwinism forgive us, but evolution is to blame for everything. Mankind has been developing for more than one million years, the history of this development, the travel of our ancestors along the meridians and parallels had a tremendous impact on human physiology. For the first time this theory was voiced a very long time ago, but only in the twentieth century was confirmed.

Geneticists, studying this issue in detail, came to unexpected conclusions. Oddly enough, different blood types have different ages. O + turned out to be the oldest of all. It turned out that the blood type is closely related not only to the origin of each individual, but also to lifestyle, eating style, as well as inclinations in various areas.

This discovery made the American researcher Peter D'Adamo think about developing a special diet, or rather, a blood type diet, which would effectively monitor weight and health. His work formed the basis of a whole system that has become widespread. Depending on the blood type, the diet not only can, but should be different!

To each according to his needs

What is Dr. D'Adamo's system? Different hematological groups have different features in the assimilation of food. Conditionally I are hunters, II are cattle breeders, III are farmers. Let's analyze nutrition by blood group 1. It is useful for these people to consume meat, fish, poultry, but their body perceives cereals and vegetables much more difficult.

As with any other, there are products that are healthy, neutral, and also harmful.

The diet for the first blood group implies more protein foods, while for those who are carriers of a positive Rh factor, meat should prevail on the table, but for those whose Rh is negative, fish is more suitable, and rather sea. This does not mean that the diet for 1 negative blood type cancels meat products, but the diet should contain more seafood than meat. But the diet for people with positive blood group 1 just differs in the predominance of any meat in the menu, except for pork and goose, with less fish.

Harmful, hard to digest foods that are completely excluded by the diet for blood type 1 include, first of all, wheat, nuts, and beans. In addition, for weight loss it is necessary to refrain from pickled and sweet foods.

Neutral food, that is, digestible not too well, but without harm to the body, are game and poultry, river fish, eggs, cereals, etc.

Is it possible to eat tasty without harm to health

A reasonable question that arises under such restrictions is whether it is possible to create a healthy menu without sacrificing the taste and variety of food? We hasten to please you: it is not only possible, but also necessary. Indeed, for people losing weight, the main stress often becomes not a decrease in the amount of food, but a decrease in the pleasure of eating. It's hard to enjoy food when you have to count calories, bread units, or something like that. Especially for such cases, a table of products has been developed, which allows you to find a combination of tasty and healthy.

First, consider what you can and should eat with 1 positive blood type:

Allowed or not Products
What can and should be eaten Products from lamb, lamb, veal, turkey, as well as liver, heart, etc.
Fish and seafood pike meat, sturgeon, cod, trout, hake, seaweed
Vegetables from the cruciferous family radish, broccoli, kohlrabi, turnip, herbs, pumpkin, sweet potato, soy derivatives
Fruits plum, prunes, cherry plum, pineapple, figs, apples
Oils olive, flaxseed
cereals buckwheat, pearl barley
Walnuts and pumpkin seeds
condiments curry, iodized salt
What is by no means impossible Meat products pork, ham, bacon, goose
Fish and seafood catfish meat, catfish, caviar from all kinds of fish, marinades, pickles, smoked fish
Vegetables and mushrooms any varieties of cabbage, rhubarb, corn, avocado, mushrooms, olives, lentils
Fruits and berries such as strawberries, citrus fruits, melons are excluded
Cotton, corn, peanut, soybean oils, as well as goose fat, lard
Cereals and cereals semolina, wheat groats, oatmeal
Coconut, poppy, pistachios, peanuts
condiments cinnamon, black pepper, ketchup, all kinds of vinegar, pickles, marinades

Also, for people with 1 blood type, any pastries, dairy products, sweets, and alcohol are completely prohibited.

Meat and poultry are considered to be “neutral” products. This also includes eggs. Also considered neutral are:

  • Fish and seafood: tuna, pike perch, smelt, carp, eel;
  • Mushrooms and vegetables: white beans, peas, asparagus, oyster mushrooms, bell peppers, zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes, swede, green onions;
  • Fruits, berries: grapes, watermelon, grapefruit, lemon, banana, kiwi, persimmon, nectarine, barberry;
  • From oils, margarine, butter, sunflower oil, as well as cod fat are allowed;
  • From cereals and cereals it is recommended: barley groats, millet, rye flour;
  • Sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, almonds, cedar;
  • Seasonings: mustard, mayonnaise, mayonnaise sauces.

The menu retains bee products, jelly or jam, sugar, cocoa beans, home-cooked cottage cheese, rennet cheeses.

Thus, for a person who is not embarrassed by cooking, it is easy to develop a varied menu. But even if you are not a very sophisticated culinary specialist, the list of acceptable products will allow you to cook a lot of goodies without harm to your health and figure.

Let's get down to business

It is necessary to start any weight loss program only after consulting a doctor. Despite the fact that blood group 1 has well-studied characteristics, there are always individual characteristics that can affect health. Therefore, we do everything under the supervision of specialists.

An active lifestyle that will help you lose weight is not always possible. For example, with a very large body weight or hypertension, high loads can be dangerous. Although "meat-eating hunters", regardless of whether they have a positive or first negative blood type, undoubtedly achieve much more impressive results during physical activity.

Drink more water.

No sodas, herbal teas, fruit juices are needed - they can always contain elements that are not suitable for the first positive.

One of the most important principles of weight loss is fractional nutrition, as well as limiting portions. Even the most useful product, eaten in large quantities, will not add health, but will add centimeters to the waist.

What to remember

There are a few details that you need to consider if you have the first blood type and decide to lose weight. The real meat-eaters and athletes pass through the first blood group. Accordingly, eat more protein foods (except dairy), move more. This will quickly reduce weight.

Remember that the diet for the 1st blood type has a negative emphasis on fish and seafood. An abundance of fruit is also recommended.

The diet for the first positive blood group is not a panacea for all ills. Even if you follow the specified diet, but do not start to lead a healthy lifestyle, you may lose weight, but this will not relieve chronic diseases. Quit smoking, stop drinking alcohol, go to bed early.

There are no special foods for women and no separate food for men. We lose weight in accordance with the health benefits indicated in the diet for blood type 1 positive.

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Marina Ignatieva

Reading time: 8 minutes


Thanks to high immunity and a strong digestive system, people with this blood type digest meat very well, but even avid meat eaters have their weaknesses. They do not adapt well to new conditions, they have a very active immune system, which is a common cause of allergies, leads to the formation of ulcers and increased acidity of the stomach.

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It is quite natural that people with the first positive blood type tend to lead an active lifestyle, move as much as possible. In order to lose extra pounds and maintain a normal weight, they are encouraged to engage in sports such as aerobics and swimming.

If you are a person with the first blood group and a positive Rh factor, then we bring to your attention some tips for compiling your diet.

What can be used:

  • Meat (lamb, beef);
  • Salt (iodized);
  • Spinach;
  • Algae (brown and kelp);
  • Broccoli;
  • Radish;
  • Eggs;
  • Dairy products;
  • Pineapples;
  • Figs;
  • Liver;
  • Buckwheat porridge.

As for drinks, the diet for the first positive blood type should be dominated by juices, primarily pineapple and cherry. As a constant drink, table mineral water, green and herbal teas are ideal: from ginger, rosehip, linden, mint teas and decoctions. Alternatively, you can use other neutral drinks: soda, red and white wine, sage, ginseng, chamomile teas, grape juice, carrot juice, apricot juice.

List of foods that should be limited and not consumed at all

What can be consumed strictly in limited quantities:

  • Cauliflower;
  • Rye bread;
  • Cereals (especially oatmeal);
  • beans;
  • Salmon;
  • Cod.

What not to use:

  • Marinade;
  • Wheat;
  • Sugar;
  • Potato;
  • cabbage;
  • Ice cream;
  • Citrus;
  • Strawberry;
  • Wheat;
  • Champignon;
  • Corn;
  • Ketchups;
  • Pasta;
  • Avocado;
  • olives;
  • Peanut butter;
  • Melon;
  • Cottage cheese.

Completely exclude from drinks: coffee, alcohol (in any form), decoctions of St. John's wort, coltsfoot, hay, apple juice, hot chocolate.

Weight loss recommendations for people with 1 positive blood type

Basic rules of the diet:

In addition to nutrition, in no case don't forget about physical activity. For people with the first positive blood type, it is extremely important to move as much as possible. Try to follow the tips below:

  • As often as possible go skiing . It is an excellent and incredibly useful addition to the diet, dietary restrictions and dietary lifestyle in general;
  • Do aerobics! She, like no other sport, will save you from extra pounds. But you really need to try, because the results do not fall on your head by themselves;
  • Sign up for a pool. Any water procedures will benefit you. However, if you have an allergic reaction to bleach or a fear of water, of course, it’s better not to take risks, but choose another activity for yourself;
  • run every morning. Through “I don’t want”, laziness, drowsiness and an obsessive desire to sleep “one more minute”, overpower yourself. And over time, it will even become a good habit for you;
  • Try to eat as much meat as possible . Meat is an incredibly healthy product for people with the first positive blood group. In particular, as mentioned above, red meat;
  • If you have blood clotting problems , then the following products will help you: cod liver oil, eggs, algae, herbs, vitamin K;
  • Avoid pastries and sweets. It is very harmful for people with the first positive blood type. In no case should you eat cakes, muffins, sweets, pies, or buns. All these products are the real enemies for you.

The best meals for people with 1 positive blood type

"Carrot Pancakes"

Carrots - 200 grams

Milk - 2 cups

Butter - 100 grams

Semolina - 100 grams

Eggs - 5 pieces

Sugar - 2 tablespoons

Vegetable oil - ¼ cup

Sour cream - ½ cup

Peel the carrots, cut into small pieces, simmer in a small amount of milk until completely softened and wipe. In the resulting puree, add butter, the remaining milk, add semolina, sugar, mix everything well and, bringing to a boil, boil for 2-3 minutes. Separate the egg yolks from the whites and add to the dough, and beat the whites separately and carefully mix with the finished mass. Bake pancakes best in a cast iron skillet with vegetable oil. Serve sour cream separately for pancakes.

"Liver Soup"

For cooking you will need:

Liver - 400 grams

Meat for broth - 500 grams

Butter - 4 tbsp. spoons

Flour - 2 tbsp. spoons

Carrot - 1 piece



Eggs - 2 pieces

Milk - 1 glass

It is necessary to remove the film from the liver, wash and cut it into small cubes. After you need to fry the liver along with thinly chopped roots, after adding vegetable oil to the container. Then pour in about 100 ml of water or broth, and simmer the liver with vegetables under the lid for 30-40 minutes. When the dish is ready, let it cool down a bit and make soup out of it.

Separately, a white sauce is prepared for the puree soup: a little flour is fried with two tablespoons of vegetable oil, then diluted with 4 cups of broth and boiled for 20 minutes. After this, the sauce must be filtered, add the liver puree, mix and bring the soup to a boil. If the soup is too thick, add more broth. Then season the soup with egg yolks mixed with milk and pieces of butter.

"Chicken broth with seaweed"

For cooking you will need:

Chicken - 1 piece

Green onions - 50 grams


Salt to taste

Dried seaweed

Soy sauce

Put the chopped and washed chicken in a saucepan, put in a saucepan, add the peeled offal (except for the heart and liver), put on a strong fire and bring to a boil. Remove the foam from the broth and put the parsley, green onions and seaweed tied in one bunch. Reduce the heat and cook the chicken over very low heat, 1-2 minutes before the end of cooking, put the bay leaf and black pepper into the broth. You can serve boiled rice with the broth. Place the rice in a bowl, pour in the seaweed broth and add some soy sauce.

"Celery and Seafood Salad"

For cooking you will need:

Celery (stalks) - 200 grams

Sea cocktail - 200 grams

Mayonnaise (or any other dressing) - 1 tbsp. spoon

Salt, pepper - to taste

Slice the celery stalks into thin strips. Boil the sea cocktail for five minutes. Mix the ingredients and season them with mayonnaise. Salt and pepper to taste.

"Baked Meat Slices"

For cooking you will need:

Beef pulp - 400 grams

Fat - 3 tbsp. spoons

Tomatoes - 2 pieces

Grated cheese - 150-200 grams

Cut the meat into thin slices, beat off and fry on both sides in hot fat until golden brown and continue to fry over low heat. Sprinkle with salt, then place the meat slices on a baking sheet or in a wide flat-bottomed dish, place the tomato slices on top and cover everything with grated cheese. Bake in a hot oven. After cooking, serve with a salad of raw vegetables.


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This article is based on scientific data written by experts and verified by experts. Our team of licensed nutritionists and estheticians strives to be objective, open-minded, honest and present both sides of an argument.

With 1 blood group on our planet, there are more than 34% of the population. And according to scientists, it was this blood type that served as the basis for the formation of other groups. People with the first blood type, regardless of whether it has a positive or negative Rh factor, are the winner in life. They are purposeful and used to always achieve their goal no matter what.

And all because their distant ancestors were real hunters. They devoted all their time only to the search for prey. They set a goal for themselves and fulfilled it, despite the weather or health conditions.

Their diet mainly consisted of meat and seafood, which contain all the substances necessary for the body. Therefore, in such people, the digestive and immune systems are much better developed than in representatives of other blood groups.

In most cases, people with blood type I do not have problems with being overweight, as they lead an active lifestyle and eat meat products that give them energy for the whole, which is why there are practically no snacks in their diet. But there are exceptions who have been trying to fight excess weight for several years and all to no avail.

And all because they do not take into account their blood type when choosing diets, which greatly affects the final result. The diet for blood type 1 has its limitations in the use of certain foods, which we will tell you about below. All products can be divided into three groups: useful, neutral and harmful. And for each blood type there is a separate list.

The blood type greatly affects the process of digestion of food. And if one blood group easily digests one or another product, then it will be very difficult for another blood group to do this, which is why those foods that are digested for a long time begin to release toxins in the body, which is dangerous for human health.

Therefore, a blood type diet should exclude those very toxic foods, thereby facilitating the work of the digestive system and removing accumulated before the diet from the body.

You can learn about how blood type affects the process of losing weight from the following video:

Features of the diet for 1 blood group

The diet for the first blood type applies to all people with this blood type, regardless of the Rh factor. But everything is complicated here by the fact that even despite such a developed immune and digestive system, their body cannot tolerate any changes in the diet and the environment, which it shows every time through allergic reactions.

For people with the first blood type, diets based on protein foods will give the most effective results. That is, the protein in the diet should occupy 90% and only 10% should be fats and carbohydrates. And for this you need to include lean meat (except pork) and fish in your diet. It will also be very useful to eat foods high in iodine - seaweed, iodized salt, seafood.

A person with the first blood group does not have to “sit” on, while feeling constant hunger. As a rule, they do not give any results or the weight will begin to return at an accelerated pace. In order to lose weight, it is enough to simply eliminate harmful foods from your diet, minimize the use of neutral and maximize healthy ones. And of course, there is no way to do without physical exercises.

For people with the first blood group, useful products are:

  • meat: veal, lamb, venison, heart, liver;
  • seafood: cod, pike, yellow perch, sardine, sturgeon, sole, halibut, trout, mackerel;
  • vegetables: garlic, horseradish, parsley, spinach, parsnips, onions, capsicum, turnips, kale, Jerusalem artichoke;
  • fruits: plums, figs, prunes;
  • olive and linseed oils;
  • bakery products from germinated grains;
  • walnuts and pumpkin seeds;
  • legumes: spotted and radiant beans, cowpeas;
  • spices: curry, turmeric, red algae;
  • juices from plums, cherries, black cherries;
  • seltzer;
  • herbal teas with the addition of rose hips, ginger, linden, dandelion, hops, mint.

It is these products that should be emphasized when following a diet for 1 blood group.

Neutral products do not bring any harm to the human body with the first blood group, but there is no benefit from them either. Therefore, their use should still be minimized as far as possible. Neutral products include:

  • meat: chicken, turkey;
  • seafood: mussels, shrimps, carp, flounder, tuna, carp, smelt, sea bass, eel, oysters, lobster;
  • vegetables: green olives, rutabaga, white peas, ginger, tomatoes, beets, pumpkin, celery, cucumbers, asparagus, bell peppers;
  • berries and fruits: bananas, watermelons, gooseberries, pears, kiwi, persimmons, pomegranates, raspberries, peaches, elderberries;
  • dairy products: soy milk, cheese, butter;
  • oils: sesame, rapeseed, cod liver oil;
  • cereals: barley, rice, buckwheat, amaranth;
  • bakery products made from wheat, rye, soy flour and brown rice;
  • almonds, pine nuts, sesame, hazelnuts;
  • legumes: green peas, green beans, white beans;
  • spices: rosemary, mustard, coriander, bay leaf, thyme, dill, allspice;
  • sauces: mayonnaise, mustard, apple paste, fruit jams;
  • drinks: white and red wine, apricot, grape and cranberry juices;
  • herbal teas with chamomile, thyme, raspberry leaf, sage.

These products are very poorly digested by the digestive system of people from the first blood group, while releasing a large amount of toxins. The following foods should be completely excluded from the diet:

  • meat: goose, pork;
  • seafood: smoked salmon, herring, octopus, caviar, striped catfish;
  • vegetables: eggplant, potatoes, avocados, cabbage;
  • fruits and berries: strawberries, blackberries, citrus fruits, melon, rhubarb, coconut;
  • dairy and sour-milk products: ice cream, kefir, yogurt, processed cheese, hard cheeses, whey;
  • oils: corn and cottonseed;
  • cereals and cereals: rye, corn, wheat, oats;
  • yeast-based bakery products with the addition of wheat bran;
  • nuts and seeds: pistachios, poppy, peanuts, cashews;
  • legumes: lentils, copper and dark beans;
  • spices: nutmeg, vinegar, cinnamon, vanilla, white and black ground pepper, capers;
  • sauces: ketchup, marinades, relish and pickles;
  • drinks: black tea, coffee, apple cider, juices from cabbage, apples and oranges;
  • herbal teas with the addition of St. John's wort, rhubarb, clover, burdock.

These products are not only poorly absorbed by the body of people with the first blood group, but also contribute to the deposition of fat cells, which leads to the formation of extra pounds. This is especially true of lentils, which slow down the metabolic process, and dark-colored beans, which slow down the process.

Adhering to, people with the first blood group will never have to think about getting rid of extra pounds, since they simply will not exist. But at the time of weight loss, it is still recommended not to forget about physical activity, which not only tightens the skin and strengthens muscles, but also speeds up metabolism, which contributes to weight loss. Hiking in the fresh air is especially useful, you need to walk for at least 30 minutes.

Such a diet for blood type 1 will allow you to normalize blood sugar levels, as well as normalize cholesterol levels. Be healthy and eat right!

To learn more about the blood type diet, you can learn from the following video:

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