How is perception different from apperception. Examples of apperception in psychology. How this concept is seen by different scientists

What is the environment? Why does it seem bright and clean to some, and evil and inhospitable to others? Indeed, the world is one for all. Why does each person have their own special attitude to what is happening? Apperception plays a major role in this matter. Along with it there is perception and the transcendental unity of apperception, examples of which will also be considered.

The world constantly remains the same, only the way a person sees it changes. Depending on how you personally look at the world, it acquires such colors. And the most amazing thing is that no matter how you look at it, you will see evidence for your opinion. Everything that a person sees is present in the world. Only some people focus only on good things, while others focus on bad things. That is why everyone looks at the world differently. It all depends on what things you pay attention to the most.

Your sense of self is determined only by your opinion about the circumstances, your attitude to everything that happens. What you think and how you feel about this or that event determines your feelings, emotions, forms a certain point of view, idea, etc.

Absolutely everything happens in the world that is only subject to the human mind. It is necessary to learn tolerance and not be surprised that in the world both the most beautiful things and the most terrible things are present at once. The manifestation of tolerance means to consciously treat the imperfection of the world and oneself, realizing that no one and nothing is immune from mistakes.

Imperfection lies only in the fact that the world, you or another person does not correspond to your own or other people's ideas. In other words, you want to see the world as one, but it is not. They want to see you as a blond, and you are a brunette. Tolerance is manifested in the understanding that you, other people and the world around you should not conform to someone else's expectations and ideas.

The world is what it is—real and permanent. Only the person himself is changing, and with him the worldview and idea of ​​what is happening in this world are changing.


Have you noticed at least once that people can talk about one event in which they took part, but everyone will tell their story, as if these are two different events? Apperception is a conditional perception of the surrounding world (objects, people, events, phenomena), depending on personal experience, knowledge, ideas about the world, etc. For example, a person who is engaged in design, once in an apartment, will first of all evaluate it in terms of decor, color combinations, arrangement of objects, etc. If a person who is fond of floristry enters the same room, he will first of all pay attention to the presence of flowers, their well-groomedness, etc.

The same room - different people with different backgrounds, professional skills and interests - a different perception of the room, which essentially remains the same for everyone who enters it.

Thoughtful and attentive perception of the surrounding world based on one's own experience, fantasies, knowledge and other views is called apperception, which is different for people.

Apperception is called "selective perception", because first of all a person pays attention to what corresponds to his motives, desires, goals. Based on his experience, he passionately begins to study the world around him. If a person is at the “I want” stage, then he begins to look for in the world around him what corresponds to his desires and will help in their realization. It is also influenced by attitudes and the mental state of a person.

This phenomenon has been considered by many psychologists and philosophers:

  • I. Kant combined human capabilities, highlighting empirical (knowledge of oneself) and transcendental (pure perception of the world) apperception.
  • I. Herbart perceived apperception as a process of cognition, where a person receives new knowledge and combines it with the existing ones.
  • W. Wundt characterized apperception as a mechanism for structuring personal experience in consciousness.
  • A. Adler is famous for his phrase: "A person sees what he wants to see." A person notices only what corresponds to his concept of the world, because of which a certain model of behavior is formed.
  • In medicine, this concept is characterized as a person's ability to interpret their own sensations.

Separately, social apperception is distinguished - a personal attitude or assessment of people around. For every person with whom you communicate, you experience one or another attitude (feelings). This is called social apperception. It also includes the influence of people on each other through ideas and opinions, the course of joint activities.

There are such types of apperception:

  1. Biological, cultural, historical.
  2. Congenital, acquired.

Apperception is essential in human life. The psychological help website distinguishes two functions:

  1. The ability of a person to change under the influence of new information, which he realizes and perceives, thereby supplementing his experience and knowledge. Knowledge changes, the person himself changes, since thoughts affect his behavior and character.
  2. The ability of a person to put forward hypotheses regarding people, objects, phenomena. Based on existing knowledge and receiving new material, he assumes, anticipates, puts forward hypotheses.

Perception and Apperception

Man perceives the world around him. How exactly does he do it? Here, not only apperception can be traced, but also perception. What is their difference?

  • With apperception, a person perceives the world consciously, clearly, depending on past experience, available knowledge, goals and direction of his activity. It is an active form of cognition of the surrounding world in order to supplement one's own knowledge and experience.
  • In perception, a person is "not included". It is also called "unconscious perception", when the world is perceived just like that, fuzzy, independently.

Perception may not carry any meaning and meaning. A person sees and feels the world around him, but the incoming information is so insignificant that a person does not pay attention to it, does not remember it.

With apperception, a person acts consciously, looking for something from the environment that will help him in solving some cognitive problem.

A simple example of perception and apperception is a sound that is heard close to a person:

  • If an individual pays attention to it, analyzes, realizes, remembers what happened, then one speaks of apperception.
  • If an individual heard, but did not pay attention, did not bother to realize what was happening, one speaks of perception.

Perception and apperception are interconnected. Often there are situations when a person at first does not pay attention to some phenomena or people, and then needs to reproduce them, when, in the process of apperception, he realizes the importance of remembering them. For example, a person knew about the presence of a series, but did not watch it. Having met an interesting interlocutor, the conversation starts about this series. A person is forced to remember the information that he previously did not pay attention to, now making it conscious, clear and necessary for himself.

Social perception is characterized by the perception of another person, correlation of the conclusions drawn with real factors, awareness, interpretation and prediction of possible actions. Here is the assessment of the object to which the attention of the subject was directed. Most importantly, this process is mutual. The object, for its part, becomes a subject that evaluates the personality of another person and draws a conclusion, makes an assessment, on the basis of which a certain attitude towards it and a behavioral model are formed.

The functions of social perception are:

  1. Knowing yourself.
  2. Knowledge of partners and their relationships.
  3. Establishing emotional contacts with those whom a person considers reliable and necessary.
  4. Readiness for a common activity, where everyone will achieve certain success.

What appears in your mind when you hear this or that word is how you react, see the world around you. The world itself is neither bad nor good. He is what you rate him.

Here you can hear: “But what about people who constantly interfere with life, offend, betray?”. Why not look at your offender with a smile as you calm down after a negative situation or parting? After all, there is something good in another person that you once liked, pleasant events happened in your life with him. As long as you look at your offenders with a smile, they cannot harm you and take away your happiness. Moreover, you can take from them those qualities that once attracted you and cultivate them in yourself. After all, while you are trying to avoid your offenders, trying to forget them, they hurt you at every memory or reminder of them. You are wasting energy on running away instead of just not reacting and evolving, getting better and stronger.

If you don't like something, just change your attitude. Stop being afraid, hide, run. Start not reacting to unpleasant things, but see them, and devote time only to what pleases you. After all, the world depends on your vision of it. He can be beautiful and happy if you focus on this. Or it can be gray and boring if you devote time to a depressive state. The world must be seen as it is.

Transcendental unity of apperception

Each person has the skill of transcendental unity of apperception, which is understood as the unification of new knowledge with existing life experience. In other words, it can be called learning, development, change. A person constantly receives new knowledge, information, develops skills. This combines with what has already been received earlier, creating a new idea of ​​​​oneself, about people, about the world as a whole.

The transcendental unity of apperception includes three factors:

  1. Deduction is the selection of a particular conclusion based on general information. Through perception, a person proceeds to apperception - the knowledge of the information that he needs.
  2. Contemplation is observation, which can then be given over to analysis and analysis.
  3. - presentation of information that is complementary.

A person is mistaken when he thinks that he sees the world around him as he really is. In reality, a person sees everything in a distorted spectrum due to the influence of certain factors on the worldview. These can be beliefs about what is good and what is bad, focus on some ideals and rejection of others, prejudices and complexes regarding some life phenomena. There are many factors that contribute to misperception. How does this manifest itself in the outside world?

Humans are notorious for often making decisions ahead of time and then creating conditions in which previously made conclusions are confirmed. A person consciously notices cases that confirm his suspicions and expectations. He notices only what he wants to see - examples that reinforce his prejudices. For example, a man who suspects his woman of infidelity will see evidence of infidelity in her every communication with other members of the opposite sex. Such a man will see not a simple business communication between his woman and another man, but clear signs of flirting, which will eventually lead to sex. He sees what he wants, not what really is.

Stereotypes play their part. This is very clearly manifested in the desire to win over a person. For example, a woman brings beer to a man because she believes that all men drink, given that her first marriage failed due to alcoholism. The question is: why continue the stereotype further if it has already destroyed previous relationships? Unfortunately, this is what many people do. In their normal state of mind, they can condemn or encourage some of the actions of a person, but when it comes to liking another, they forget that stereotypes can play a cruel joke if they are used. What do you think will destroy the marriage of a woman with this man to whom she brought beer? That's right, because, as in the first case.

A person, criticizing another person, does not speak about him, but about the fact that he saw himself in him. He criticizes those qualities that are inherent in himself. And he reacts negatively to them because he hates these qualities in himself. A person is always irritated in others by what is in himself. A large number of condemnations speaks of integrity. The more principled you are, the more you judge others. This game is an excellent defense mechanism of the human ego. Selfishness never allows its owner to notice his mistakes and shortcomings, as this kills him. Hiding behind the imperfection of the surrounding world and people, the ego protects a person from considering his shortcomings.

Another wonderful distortion of worldview is the so-called errors. It is more common for a person to say that something was done wrong than to look at the situation from the other side. In fact, there are no mistakes! They just don't exist! There are only situations that a person refers to as mistakes. But in and of themselves they are not wrong.

Apperception Examples

Every person has apperception, only he is not aware of it. Examples of apperception here can be numerous:

  • When communicating with people, the choreographer pays attention to how they move, how plastic their arms and legs are.
  • Watching a TV show is about remembering important information. For example, when a new episode of your favorite series will be released, although the TV show could talk about an actor who plays a major role in this genre.
  • A person who does not trust people will see deceit, lies, a desire to manipulate behind their every word.
  • A ski maker and a skier value skis differently. The master will look at the quality and methods of processing the material, and the skier will evaluate the elasticity, strength and other properties of the skis.
  • Wanting to answer his question, a person will highlight information that partially or completely provides the necessary knowledge. For example, a woman after the departure of her beloved man will look for any information that will answer her question: how to get him back?
  • When a person goes to work, he does not pay attention to anything, except for what is connected with the process of the trip. For example, he will not pay attention to people standing at the bus stop, but only note which numbers of minibuses are approaching.
  • Listening to a melody, a person will highlight only those sounds that are pleasing to his ear.
  • When choosing where to go to rest, a person will be guided by the experience of experiences that he went through, already resting in one place or another.

Concentration on specific sensations, beliefs, ideas and emotions forces a person to be limited in his decisions, conclusions and choices. The person will avoid what used to frighten or hurt him, while going or getting carried away only with that which gives positive experiences.


Through what prism do you look at the world? People look at the world through their own lens. At the word "apple" some imagine a green apple, while others - a red one. Looking through one window, someone sees the stars, and the other sees bars. Thus, beliefs, beliefs, principles of “what is good and what is bad” are the prism through which a person looks at the world, which characterizes the phenomenon of apperception. The result is some limited perception of the world, ignoring everything else.

This prism makes a person act in one way or another. Looking through it, a person performs certain actions. Accordingly, there are people who consider it normal to blow their nose in public places, and those who will endure until they get to the restroom to free their nose. There are people who consider themselves worthy of becoming rich, despite the fact that they now live in a train station in a cardboard box, and those who consider themselves unworthy of wealth, even if he graduated from higher education and has a roof over his head.

Depending on the set of beliefs, principles, rules, permissions and prohibitions through which a person looks at the world around him, he allows himself this or that way of life. It can be said that many people do not achieve their goals and desires just because they consider themselves unworthy to have them or unable to achieve them. Of course, if a person considers himself unworthy and incapable, then he will do nothing to achieve his goals. And here it doesn't matter who has what opportunities. There are people without arms and legs who earn more money than those who are physically completely healthy.

It all depends on what you believe in, what you are guided by and what you allow and forbid yourself. The prognosis of life with apperception can be both happy and unhappy. It all depends on the eyes of the person looking, who selects from all the information what he wants to know, see and hear.

But if a person changes his usual prism, then his actions, lifestyle, relationships and even social circle also change. If you want to change your life, change your beliefs, principles, “I allow” and “I don’t allow”. All this will inevitably lead to a change in your behavior and the commission of new actions, and they, in turn, will lead to new consequences. And depending on what and in what direction you will change, your life will change in one direction or another.

APPERCEPTION(from Latin ad - to and perceptio - perception) - a concept that expresses the awareness of perception, as well as the dependence of perception on past spiritual experience and the stock of accumulated knowledge and impressions. The term "apperception" was introduced G.W. Leibniz , denoting by it consciousness or reflective acts (“which give us the idea of ​​what is called “I”), in contrast to unconscious perceptions (perceptions). “Thus, a distinction must be made between perception-perception, which is the internal state of the monad, and apperception-consciousness, or reflective cognition of this internal state ...” ( Leibniz G.W. Op. in 4 volumes, vol. 1. M., 1982, p. 406). This distinction was made by him in a polemic with the Cartesians, who "considered as nothing" unconscious perceptions and, on the basis of this, even "strengthened ... in the opinion of the mortality of souls."

I.Kant used the concept of "apperception" to designate "self-consciousness, which produces the idea "I think", which should be able to accompany all other ideas and be identical in every consciousness" ( Kant I. Critique of Pure Reason. M., 1998, p. 149). Unlike empirical apperception, which is merely a “subjective unity of consciousness” that arises through the association of representations and is accidental, transcendental apperception is a priori, original, pure, and objective. It is thanks to the transcendental unity of apperception that it is possible to unite everything given in the visual representation of diversity into the concept of an object. Kant's main statement, which he himself called "the highest foundation in all human knowledge," is that the unity of sensory experience (visual representations) lies in the unity of self-consciousness, but not vice versa. It is to affirm the original unity of consciousness, which imposes its categories and laws on the world of phenomena, that Kant introduces the concept of transcendental apperception: “... The unity of consciousness is that indispensable condition that creates the relation of ideas to an object ... that is, their transformation into knowledge; on this condition, consequently, the possibility of the understanding itself is based” (ibid., pp. 137–138). In other words, in order for visual representations to become knowledge about the subject for the subject, he must certainly recognize them as his own, i.e. unite with your "I" through the expression "I think."

In the 19th and 20th centuries the concept of apperception was developed in psychology as an interpretation of new experience through the use of the old and as the center or basic principle of all mental activity. In line with the first understanding I.F. Herbart considered apperception as awareness of what is newly perceived under the influence of an already accumulated stock of ideas (“apperceptive mass”), while new ideas awaken old ones and mix with them, forming a kind of synthesis. Under the second interpretation W. Wundt He considered apperception to be a manifestation of the will and saw in it the only act, thanks to which a clear awareness of mental phenomena becomes possible. At the same time, apperception can be active in the case when we receive new knowledge due to the conscious and purposeful aspiration of our will to the object, and passive, when the same knowledge is perceived by us without any volitional efforts. As one of the founders of experimental psychology, Wundt even made an attempt to discover the physiological substrate of apperception by putting forward a hypothesis about “apperception centers” located in the brain. Emphasizing the volitional nature of apperception, Wundt argued with representatives of associative psychology, who argued that all manifestations of mental activity can be explained using the law of association. According to the latter, the appearance under certain conditions of one mental element is evoked in consciousness only due to the appearance of another associated with it by an associative connection (similar to what happens when the alphabet is sequentially reproduced).

In modern psychology, apperception is understood as the dependence of each new perception on the general content of a person's mental life. Apperception is interpreted as a meaningful perception, thanks to which, based on life experience, hypotheses are put forward about the features of the perceived object. Psychology proceeds from the fact that the mental reflection of an object is not a mirror reflection. As a result of mastering new knowledge, human perception is constantly changing, acquiring content, depth and meaningfulness.

Apperception can be stable and temporary. In the first case, the perception is influenced by the stable characteristics of the personality (worldview, education, habits, etc.), in the second, the mental state directly at the moment of perception (mood, fleeting feelings, hopes, etc.). The physiological basis of apperception is the very systemic nature of higher nervous activity, based on the closure and preservation of neural connections in the cerebral cortex. At the same time, the dominant has a great influence on apperception - the brain center of the greatest excitation, subordinating the work of other nerve centers.


1. Ivanovsky V.To the question of apperception. - "Issues of Philosophy and Psychology", 1897, book. 36(1);

2. Teplov B.M. Psychology. M., 1951.

Part three, final

B. M. Bim-Bad

Logical analysis of phenomena and interpretations of apperception

From a consideration of the history of the category of interest to us, it can be seen that as a term, apperception is ambiguous, it was filled with different content within the framework of individual areas, schools, currents of theoretical and experimental psychological and pedagogical science. And every interpretation of this category, every modification of its meaning is related to educational theory and practice.

Passing from historical to logical analysis, we emphasize that throughout the history of the scientific study of apperception, it was understood and is now understood as something complementary perception, which is mixed with perception and percept (the object and result of perception), and therefore has its own special properties in comparison with perception.

Apperception and perception. In their overwhelming majority, scientists tend to interpret apperception as a prerequisite and process of perception as such.

In modern psychology apperception denotes the dependence of perception on past experience, on the general content of a person’s mental activity and his personal and individual characteristics.In modern psychology, apperception is understood asprocess, during which the new content of consciousness, new knowledge, new experience are included in a transformed form into the system of the already existing "thesaurus" of the personality. Determining the influence of past experience on present perception, apperception thereby strongly influencesfuture.

Finally, it is important to emphasize that apperceptive masses are ambivalent. They only probabilistically determine perception and self-consciousness.

So, apperception is both a process, a product, and a quality of human cognition. It is apperception that explains what are the sources and reliability of human knowledge; how a person perceives external and internal information and how this perception affects his behavior; how a person studies the world, how adequately; whether there are innate ideas or whether all experience comes from contact with the external world mediated by the senses; what is the relationship between innate factors and learning outcomes in the processes of perception.

Applied value of knowledge about apperception for pedagogical practice

In a broad sense, the problem of apperception is the main problem of pedagogy, in a narrow sense it is a number of interrelated problems, the number of which tends to increase: apperception acts as one of the most important causes of individual differences. Among these problems are questions of accumulation of experience, learning, understanding, interpretation, content and nature of imagination and fantasies. Selectivity of attention and memory. The system of relations to people, institutions and society. Diagnostics of the norm and deviations from the norm in the areas of characterology, value orientations, etc.

Like all other cardinal concepts of upbringing, education and training, apperception is directly and indirectly involved in all their most important patterns, processes, phenomena and facts. And pedagogical research to a certain extent comes down to the study of apperception and apperceptive formations.

The significance of the law (axiom) of apperception for practical educational processes is also expanding: it requires not only the coordination of learning with the immediate environment, but also with the collective content.

Upbringing. The law of golden coincidence is consistent with the law of apperception and the nature of the unconscious influences of the environment, primarily learning.

The essence of the law of golden coincidence is this.

Education is an intervention in the flow of life of educators. Intervention in the form of organizing life and filling it with some content.

But the forced management of the development of a child without the inclusion in it of the self-management of the educated is either useless or harmful.

Therefore, there is a law of correspondence of educational intervention to the nature of the spontaneous process of becoming a developed personality. This is the law of the optimal ratio of educational intervention in the life of a growing person with the activity of the educated person.

A correctly developing person must understand and accept the requirements, recommendations, prohibitions of education.

Compliance with this law ensures the acceptance of education by educators. Without the student taking an active part in the educational process, it is impossible to teach him anything. The teacher-gog helps the pets to appropriate the culture, but he is not able to do this for them, instead of them. A growing person suffocates and dies when he is not given room for self-development, self-improvement.

The law of the apperceptive sequence of education says: all the best as soon as possible (but not all from the very beginning!), because what follows depends on the person who precedes in life.

"A new vessel smells for a long time of what it was filled with for the first time." (Horace).

As a person matures, it is important to provide samples of good taste as early as possible. And, in general, examples of all qualitative feelings, thoughts, deeds, words, deeds, image and lifestyle.

If at a particular age a person will definitely need one or another quality, then it is necessary to provide for the formation and strengthening of this quality with the help of education as early as possible in the course of human life.

For example, in old age a lot of courage is required from a person. But where to get it, if it was not laid in him by early education?

In the problem of choosing a culture for proper education, the most difficult thing is not even the definition of its specific content (it can be isolated at least from the biographies of remarkable people, representatives of deeds, thoughts, words), but the arrangement of its layers in the optimal sequence.

Such an arrangement that would give an individually selected and elective culture.

But the mind is not only a form and not only the content of abilities and knowledge, but a synthesis of both. The functioning of the mind is possible only as a continuous fusion of its formal components with the content of apperception.

The role of experience. The influence of individual experience on the formation and development of the mind is very great. Human experience is accumulated mainly through apperception. This law explains why the processes of accumulation and restructuring of the experience of solving problems, both everyday and cognitive, are so important.

For pedagogy, this means the need for special attention to the content of apperception in connection with changes in personal experience. The growth and changes in the content of apperception as an internalized thesaurus of personality depend on the specific conditions of the surrounding cultural environment.

Setting and orientation of the personality. One of the most important results of the system of apperceptions is the attitude. This is the readiness of a person to perform an action that can satisfy one or another of his needs.

And this is the orientation of the personality, which depends on the content and structure of all previous experience.

It would seem that the same conditions of life and life, or everything that happens in the classroom, are the same for all children, but they have a different effect on each. Different because the attitudes of children are different.

A paradoxical situation arises: it is possible to stimulate, to bring to life a new need, only relying on an already existing need. The existing needs depend on the general orientation of the personality. The general orientation of the personality can change only as new and new needs appear in it.

It would seem a vicious circle. But numerous experiments of psychologists, primarily the school of D.N. Uznadze (1886-1950) show that this circle can be broken.

The installation has the ability to create, organize, provide. This is the most important task of education. But this can be done only by taking into account the nature of all the previous experience of a given person. All the apperceptive mass of impressions accumulated and preserved by him.

It has long been known that the mind is not in harmony with the heart, that logical decisions sometimes contradict inclinations and desires. "The life of the heart" is apperceptively continued perceptions coming from childhood. These are fears, addictions, assessments, attitudes, values. When this "before-reason" is inconsistent with the gradually maturing mind, it turns out, like the hero of F.M. Dostoevsky: "What the mind considers a shame, the heart is entirely beauty."

The problem of the purpose of education is closely connected with the apperception of values. Gradually becoming in the human consciousness and in the subconscious, too, in the system of feelings, emotions, direct reactions and anticipations of life situations that develop in a person and change in very complex percentages as he acquires life experience. In fact, values ​​and values ​​govern human behavior to a great extent.

On the foundation of transcendental apperception is built personal(empirical, sensual, individual) apperception. But if she only stays personal, then a person is doomed to misunderstanding of others and others.

Apperception of an individual means his isolation from others, which can only be overcome by the mind, common to all and endowed with the ability to comprehend the common for all.

The need for dialogue in approaching the truth in general, and in education too, is a consequence of inevitable apperception. For the only way to seriously overcome subjectivity is through dialogue.

It is possible to stimulate, to bring to life a new need, only relying on an already existing need. The existing needs depend on the general orientation of the individual. The general orientation of the personality can change only as new and new needs appear in it. It would seem that there is a vicious circle. However, numerous experiments show that this circle can be broken, since the installation has the ability to create, organize, and provide. This is the task of education. But this can be done only by taking into account the nature of the previous experience of this person.

Diagnosis, prophylaxis, prognosis, therapy itself, for their correct alignment, need knowledge about the systems of apperceptions of a given individual.

That is why it is necessary to study pupils' apperceptions with the help of thematic and other apperceptive tests.

Education. The perception of educational material by students depends not only on the characteristics of its presentation by the teacher, but also on the specifics of the recipient, on the nature of his apperception at the moment. It is possible to start the introduction of new educational material only after first clarifying the existing ideas of the group members and carefully, if necessary, correcting them using a heuristic conversation.

Learning is based on the association of ideas and elements of experience. Thinking determines the distribution of ideas between apperception and the subconscious with the help of apperception. Apperceptive theory is experimentally substantiated by Jean Piaget. New ideas enter into an associative relationship with existing ideas, forming a conceptual matrix (apperceptive mass). The settled mass of apperceptions needs accommodation to new experience. This implies both the intellectual leadership of the teacher and the spontaneous creative activity of students.

Apperception of the student requires to start any learning with what is close, interesting and important to him. New material can contrast with the familiar, but in the very contrast it can start from the known. For example, to introduce the concept of a wigwam, it is necessary to associate it with the types of shelters known to children from bad weather, a house, a hut. Sometimes it is useful to confront a person with something exotic, unusual, completely alien, completely new. And this can cause strong motivation, teaching can generate interest. But a person will not even notice this new if there is nothing in his experience that would allow him to compare the new with the old.

The development of skills, training are useful when it comes to achieving mastery, moreover, the conscious and voluntary achievement of mastery. Of course, the Gestaltists are right when they advocate complex education at its early stages. This is due to the holistic nature of perception.

V. F. Odoevsky quite rightly noted that a child does not need a horse in parts, he needs a whole horse. But what is important and necessary is the complementary movement from the element to the whole. Yes, the horse is necessary as a whole as something existing, but at the same time, for the development of the mental powers of a growing person, it is also important to understand the historical origin of the horse, that is, its development from the embryo, its formation, the growth of its qualities and properties.

VV Davydov justifiably demanded that teaching begin with categories, with the apperception of categories: then empirical apperception becomes much easier.

The law of apperception obliges the educator to link the content of the assimilated culture to the pupils' knowledge of themselves and the world around them. It is harmful to force students to assimilate information, the meaning and personal meaning of which eludes their feelings and apperception.

It is absolutely useless for a person who does not know the basics of algebra to explain mathematical analysis. There is a need for a learning sequence that involves apperceptive accumulation of experience.

The law requires to begin any training with what is close, interesting and important to a person. New material can contrast with the familiar, but in the very contrast it can start from the known. For example, to introduce the concept of a wigwam, it is necessary to associate it with the types of shelters known to children from bad weather, a house, a hut. Sometimes it is useful to confront a person with something exotic, unusual, completely alien, completely new. And this can cause strong motivation, teaching can generate interest. But a person will not even notice this new if there is nothing in his experience that would allow him to compare the new with the old.

Everything that is in training should be based on previous experience. And it is best if in this experience there is something that is close, important and necessary for this person.

And the system of repetition of educational material needs to take into account the content of apperception, and not only the Hermann Ebbinghaus forgetting curve.

Apperception consists in combining and merging the past with the present, which means that, as a preliminary step, it requires the revival of the corresponding parts of the past. New material must be associated in the soul with the material that can be compared with it.

"Enveloping" new material with elements of the past fixes and emphasizes those milestones, steps along which one can go to the knowledge of the subject.

For example, listening to lectures, we, as they say, enter the world of ideas communicated to us for the first time by a professor; we listen without being at all familiar with the material offered to us, but we not only assimilate it, but sometimes we can even see the thread of thought ahead. Of course, we understand and assimilate this with the help of a teacher. This phenomenon is completely analogous to the inspiration of a child who is capable of doing in the presence of his mother what would be completely unthinkable for him without her. The presence of a senior teacher, a mother, insures against difficulties, gives strength, as if informs us of the apperceptive material that we lack.

In the presence of authority, we are able to get to where we would not have reached without it, of course: for this we would not have our own data. We take, as it were, not our forces for rent. It is not only about being with authority but using it. That is why it can be conditionally called "transfer" of apperception: we apperceive with what the teacher has. The presence of authority, which gives support and a sense of confidence to the student, affects fundamentally his whole attitude. It enriches the student with what he does not have. If the teacher is eliminated, then all inspiration will be lost. This phenomenon explains the creative significance of authority in the school, it raises children from their level to a higher one, it causes development, creates a creative leap forward. "(V. V. Zenkovsky).

The method applied by Comenius, which consists in studying the whole whole at once, with more and more deepening into this whole over the following years and the gradual assimilation of details in it, could be called the principle of concentric circles. At the same time, the lowest circle is distinguished by the smallest size, each subsequent one is larger than the previous one, and the entire series of these steps of an ideological nature is built according to the scheme represented by a top or, more precisely, a straight cone overturned to the top (in the mathematical sense).

For example, even small children can become intimately acquainted with the central person of Christ, and the Old Testament personalities deserve attention even at the highest level. Meanwhile, as a rule, students become acquainted with the person of Christ only in the second half of the school; about the Old Testament personalities, however, a childish idea is preserved, corresponding to how they were perceived. (Paul Barth).

Inevitability of divergence in reactions, differences in perception between adults and children. The teacher sometimes waits for the reaction of the children, similar to his own reaction. But the experience of adults and the experience of our pupils obviously differ. It differs in content, volume, quality, structure. It is he who determines the nature and degree of reaction and the very nature and degree of perception. Because a person is active in his perception and this activity itself depends on the content of his apperceptions.

© Boris Mikhailovich Bim-Bad, 2007.

Man lives in direct connection with the outside world. He learns it, draws some conclusions, argues. Why do some people perceive the world as bad and others as good? All this is explained by apperception and . All this is combined into a transcendental unity of apperception. A person cognizes the world not as it is, but through a prism.

The world is cruel? Is he unfair? Getting into a situation of pain and suffering, a person suddenly begins to think about what world he lives in. While everything in his life is going well and fine, he doesn’t really think about this topic. The world does not bother a person as long as everything goes “like clockwork”. But as soon as life turns in a direction unsuitable for a person, he suddenly begins to think about the meaning of his being, about people and about the world that surrounds him.

Is the world as bad as many people think it is? No. In fact, people do not live in the world in which they appeared. It all depends on how people look at what surrounds them. The world in the eyes of each person looks different. A botanist, a lumberjack, and an artist look at the trees differently when they enter the forest. Is the world bad, cruel and unfair? No. This is how those people who call him with similar words look at him.

If we return to the fact that a person usually begins to evaluate the world around him only when something in his life does not go as he would like, then it becomes not surprising why the world itself seems cruel and unfair to him. The world itself has always been the way you see it. And it doesn't matter if you look at the world in a good mood or in a bad one. The world does not change just because you are sad or happy right now. The world is always the same for everyone. It's just that people look at it differently. Depending on how you look at it, it becomes for you the way you see it.

Moreover, pay attention, the world agrees with any point of view, since it is so diverse that it can correspond to any idea about it. The world is neither bad nor good. It just has everything: both bad and good. That's only when you look at it, you see one thing, not noticing everything else. It turns out that the world is the same for all people, only people themselves see it differently depending on what they pay their personal attention to.

What is apperception?

The world in which one lives depends on apperception. What it is? This is an unambiguous perception of surrounding objects and phenomena, which is based on the views, experience, worldview and interests, desires of a person. Apperception is a thoughtful and conscious perception of the world that can be analyzed by a person.

The world is the same for all people, while everyone evaluates and perceives it differently. The reason for this is the different experiences, fantasies, views and assessments given by people looking at the same thing. This is called apperception.

In psychology, apperception is also understood as the dependence of the perception of the surrounding world on the past experience of a person and his goals, motives, desires. In other words, a person sees what he wants to see, hears what he wants to hear, understands current events in a way that suits him. There is no mention of a variety of options.

The perception of the world around is influenced by many factors:

  1. interests and desires.
  2. Urgent goals and motives.
  3. The activity that the person is engaged in.
  4. social status.
  5. Emotional condition.
  6. Even the state of health, etc.

Examples of apperception can be the following cases:

  • A person involved in apartment renovations will evaluate the new environment in terms of a quality repair, not noticing furniture, aesthetics and everything else.
  • A man who is looking for a beautiful woman will first of all evaluate the external attractiveness of strangers, which will influence whether to get to know them or not.
  • When shopping in a store, a person pays more attention to what he wants to buy, not noticing everything else.
  • The victim of violence will evaluate the world around him in terms of the presence of dangerous signals that may indicate that there is a risk of developing a violent situation.

Many psychologists have tried to explain apperception, which has given many concepts to this phenomenon:

  1. According to G. Leibniz, apperception is a sensation achieved by consciousness and memory through the sense organs, which a person has already comprehended and understood.
  2. I. Kant defined apperception as the desire for knowledge of a person who proceeds from his own ideas.
  3. I. Herbart considered apperception to be a transformation of existing experience based on new data received from the outside world.
  4. W. Wundt defined apperception by structuring existing experience.
  5. A. Adler defined apperception as a subjective idea of ​​the world, when a person sees what he wants to see.

Separately, social apperception is considered, where a person looks at the world around him under the influence of the opinion of the group in which he is located. An example is the idea of ​​female beauty, which today is reduced to the parameters of 90-60-90. A person gives in to the opinion of society, evaluating himself and the people around him in terms of this parameter of beauty.

Transcendental unity of apperception

Each person is prone to self-knowledge and knowledge of the world around him. So I. Kant combined this property of all people into a transcendental unity of apperception. Transcendental apperception is the combination of past experience with new received. This leads to the development of thinking, its change or consolidation.

If something in a person's thinking changes, then changes in his ideas are possible. Cognition occurs through sensory perception of phenomena and objects. This is called contemplation, which actively participates in transcendental apperception.

Language and imagination are connected to the perception of the surrounding world. Man interprets the world as he understands. If something is not clear to him, then the person begins to speculate, invent or build into a certain postulate that requires only faith.

The world is different for people. The term apperception is actively used in cognitive psychology, where the main role in the life and destiny of a person is assigned to his views and conclusions that he makes throughout his life. The basic principle says: a person lives the way he looks at the world and what he notices in it, what he focuses on. This is why some people do well and others do poorly.

Why is the world hostile to some and friendly to others? In fact, the world is the same, it all depends on how the person himself looks at it. When you are exposed to positive, the world seems welcoming and colorful to you. When you are upset or angry, then the world seems dangerous, aggressive, dull. Much depends on what kind of mood a person is in and what kind of look he looks at him.

In many circumstances, the person himself decides how to react to certain events. It all depends on what beliefs he is guided by. Negative and positive assessments are based on the rules that you use and which tell you how other people should be and how they should behave in certain circumstances.

Only you can make yourself angry. People around you can't make you angry if you don't want to. However, if you succumb to the manipulation of other people, then you will begin to feel what was expected of you.

Obviously, a person's life depends entirely on how he reacts, what he allows and what beliefs he is guided by. Of course, no one is immune from unexpected unpleasant events. However, even in such a situation, some people react differently. And depending on how exactly you react, there will be a further development of events. Only you decide your fate by your choice of what to feel, what to think and how to look at what is happening. You can start feeling sorry for yourself or blaming everyone around, and then you will follow the same path of your development. But you can understand that it is necessary to resolve issues, or simply not to repeat the mistakes, and go on a different path in your life.

Everything depends on you. You will not get rid of unpleasant and tragic events. However, it is in your power to respond to them differently so that you become only stronger and wiser, and not succumb to suffering.

Perception and Apperception

Each person is characterized by perception and apperception. Perception is defined as the unconscious act of perceiving the surrounding world. In other words, your eyes just see, your ears just hear, your skin feels, etc. Apperception is included in the process, when a person begins to comprehend the information that he perceives through the senses. This is a conscious, meaningful, experienced at the level of emotions and thoughts perception.


  • Perception is the perception of information through the senses without its comprehension.
  • Apperception is a reflection of a person who has already put his thoughts, feelings, desires, ideas, emotions, etc. into the perceived information.

Through apperception man can know himself. How does this happen? The perception of the world occurs through a certain prism of views, desires, interests and other mental components. All this characterizes a person. He evaluates the world and life through the lens of his past experiences, which may include:

  1. Fears and complexes.
  2. Traumatic situations that a person does not want to go through anymore.
  3. Failure.
  4. Feelings that arose in a given situation.
  5. Concepts of good and evil.

Perception does not include the inner world of a person. That is why the data cannot be analyzed for the purpose of knowing a person. The individual simply saw or felt, which is characteristic of all living beings who have encountered the same stimuli. The process of self-knowledge occurs through the information that has undergone apperception.

Perception and apperception are important components in human life. Perception simply gives an objective picture of what is happening. Apperception allows a person to react unambiguously, quickly draw conclusions, evaluate the situation in terms of whether it is pleasant to him or not. This is a property of the psyche, when a person is forced to somehow evaluate the world in order to automatically respond and understand what to do in various situations.

A simple example of two phenomena is a sound heard near a person:

  1. When perceiving, a person simply hears it. He may not even pay attention to it, but note its presence.
  2. With apperception, the sound can be analyzed. What is this sound? What does he look like? What could it be? And a person draws other conclusions if he paid attention to a resounding sound.

Perception and apperception are complementary and interchangeable phenomena. Thanks to these properties, a person develops a holistic picture. Everything is preserved in the memory: what was not paid attention to, and what was realized by the person. If necessary, a person can get this information from memory and analyze it, forming a new experience of what happened.


Apperception creates an experience that a person then uses in the future. Depending on the rating you gave to one event, you will have a specific opinion and idea about it. It will be different from the views of other people who gave the event a different assessment. The result is a world that is diverse for all living beings.

Social apperception is based on people's evaluation of each other. Depending on this assessment, a person chooses a specific individual as friends, favorite partners, or turns into an enemy. Public opinion also takes part here, which rarely lends itself to analysis and is perceived by a person as information that should be unconditionally accepted and followed.

apperception; Apperzeption) is a term that belongs equally to general psychology; denotes the dependence of perception on past experience, on the general content of a person’s mental activity and his personal and individual characteristics. Jung distinguishes between active and passive apperception:

"<...>the first is a process in which the subject on his own, on his own impulse, consciously, with attention, perceives the new content and assimilates it to another content that is ready; apperception of the second kind is a process in which new content is imposed on consciousness from outside (through the sense organs) or from within (from the unconscious), and to a certain extent forcibly captures attention and perception. In the first case, the emphasis lies on the activities of our ego, in the second - on the activities of a new self-sustaining content. Apperception can be directional or non-directional. In the first case, we are talking about "attention", in the second - about "fantasy" or "dream". Directed processes are rational, undirected processes are irrational" (CW 8, par. 294).


property of perception that exists at the level of consciousness and characterizes the personal level of perception. It reflects the dependence of perception on the past experience and attitudes of the individual, on the general content of the activity of the mental person and his individual characteristics. The term was proposed by the German philosopher G. Leibniz, who understood it as a distinct (conscious) perception by the soul of a certain content. He separated perception as a vague presentation of some content, and apperception as a clear and distinct, conscious vision of this content by the soul, as a state of special clarity of consciousness, its focus on something. In Gestalt psychology, apperception was treated as a structural integrity of perception. According to Bellak, apperception is understood as the process by which new experience is assimilated and transformed by the traces of past perceptions. Such an understanding takes into account the nature of stimulus effects and describes the actual cognitive processes. Apperception is interpreted as the result of an individual's life experience, which provides a meaningful perception of the perceived object and hypotheses about its features. Differ:

1) stable apperception - the dependence of perception on stable personality traits: worldview, beliefs, education, etc.;

2) temporary apperception - situationally arising mental states affect it: emotions, expectations, attitudes, etc.


lat. ad - to, before, at, perceptio - perception). A property of the human psyche that expresses the dependence of the perception of objects and phenomena on the previous experience of a given subject, on his individual personality characteristics. The perception of reality is not a passive process - the ability to A. allows a person to actively build a mental model of reality, determined by the personal characteristics that have developed and are inherent in this individual. The concept of A. is widely used in medical psychology, in particular in pathopsychology.


from lat. ad- to + perceptio - perception) is an old philosophical term, the content of which in the language of modern psychology can be interpreted as mental processes that ensure the dependence of the perception of objects and phenomena on the past experience of a given subject, on the content and direction (goals and motives) of his current activity, from personal characteristics (feelings, attitudes, etc.).

The term "A." introduced into science G. Leibniz. For the first time, he separated perception and A., understanding the first stage of a primitive, vague, unconscious presentation of c.-l. content ("many in one"), and under A. - the stage of clear and distinct, conscious (in modern terms, categorized, meaningful) perception. A., according to Leibniz, includes memory and attention and is a necessary condition for higher knowledge and self-consciousness. In the future, the concept of A. developed mainly in it. philosophy and psychology (I. Kant, I. Herbart, W. Wundt, and others), where, with all the differences in understanding, A. was considered as an immanently and spontaneously developing ability of the soul and a source of a single stream of consciousness. Kant, without limiting A., like Leibniz, to the highest level of cognition, believed that A. causes a combination of ideas, and distinguished between empirical and transcendental A. Herbart introduced the concept of A. into pedagogy, interpreting it as the awareness of new material perceived by subjects under the influence of a stock of ideas - previous knowledge and experience, which he called the apperceptive mass. Wundt, who turned A. into a universal explanatory principle, believed that A. is the beginning of the entire mental life of a person, "a special mental causality, an internal mental force" that determines the behavior of an individual.

Representatives of Gestalt psychology reduced A. to the structural integrity of perception, depending on the primary structures that arise and change according to their internal patterns.

Addendum: A. - the dependence of perception on the content of a person's mental life, on the characteristics of his personality, on the past experience of the subject. Perception is an active process in which received information is used to generate and test hypotheses. The nature of these hypotheses is determined by the content of past experience. At perception to. - l. of the subject, traces of past perceptions are also activated. Therefore, the same object can be perceived and reproduced differently by different people. The richer the experience of a person, the richer his perception, the more he sees in the subject. The content of perception is determined both by the task set before a person and by the motives of his activity. An essential factor influencing the content of perception is the attitude of the subject, which is formed under the influence of immediately preceding perceptions and represents a kind of readiness to perceive the newly presented object in a certain way. This phenomenon, studied by D. Uznadze and his collaborators, characterizes the dependence of perception on the state of the perceiving subject, which in turn is determined by previous influences on him. The influence of the setup is broad, extending to the operation of various analyzers. In the process of perception, emotions are also involved, which can change the content of perception; with an emotional attitude to an object, it easily becomes an object of perception. (T. P. Zinchenko.)


The mental process by which new content becomes so attached to existing content that it is designated as understood, comprehended or clear. /78-Bd.I. S.322 / Distinguish between active and passive apperception; the first is a process in which the subject on his own, on his own impulse, consciously, with attention perceives the new content and assimilates it with other contents at the ready; apperception of the second kind is a process in which new content is imposed on consciousness from outside (through the sense organs) or from within (from the unconscious) and to a certain extent forcibly captures attention and perception. In the first case, the emphasis lies on the activity of the ego (see), in the second - on the activity of a new self-imposing content.


Word formation. Comes from lat. ad - to + perceptio - I perceive.

Specificity. The influence of previous experience and attitudes of the individual on the perception of objects of the surrounding world. Leibniz separated the concepts of perception as a vague presentation of some content to the soul, and apperception as a clear, distinct and conscious vision of this content.

After Leibniz, the concept of apperception was used primarily in German philosophy (I. Kant, I. Herbart, W. Wundt, etc.), where it was considered a manifestation of the spontaneous activity of the soul and the source of a single stream of consciousness. Wundt turned this concept into a universal explanatory principle.

In Gestalt psychology, apperception was treated as a structural integrity of perception.


1. In the original sense, as used by Leibniz (1646-1716), denotes the final, "clear" phase of perception, when there comes recognition, identification or understanding of what has been perceived. Several other notable theorists in philosophy and psychology have used the term with slight variations in its basic meaning. 2. For I.Kh. Herbart (1776-1841), it characterized what he considered to be the basic process of acquiring knowledge, by which the perceived qualities of a new object, event, or idea are assimilated and associated with already existing knowledge. He used the term apperceptive mass to refer to pre-acquired knowledge. In one form or another, this basic notion that learning and understanding depend on recognizing the connections between new ideas and existing knowledge is axiomatic in almost all learning theories and practice. 3. W. Wundt (1832-1920) also used the term in a similar way to refer to the active mental process of choosing and structuring inner experience, the center of attention within the realm of consciousness. Now this term is rarely used in experimental psychology. However, the concepts behind it are important, and efforts to reintroduce it with a more modern, cognitive twist would be appreciated by many cognitive psychologists.

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